A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 611 The Beginning of the Third War (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Listening to the bells ringing from outside the palace and the countless cheers from the people, a faint smile finally appeared on the tense face of the elderly King Terenas sitting on the throne.

Because he knew that his painstaking efforts to create an image of a triumphant hero for his son had finally worked.

Except for those citizens who survived the massacre and the refugees who left the East Weald region to settle in Stranglethorn Valley in the south, the entire Lordaeron has basically forgotten what Arthas did in Stratholme.

After all, Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest, the core and richest areas of the kingdom, are too far away from the Northern Territory.

In addition, King Terenas immediately implemented a news blockade after learning about the Stratholme tragedy, so most ordinary people have never even heard of it.

And those nobles who got the inside information also chose to keep their mouths shut and wait and see what happened because they did not dare to easily offend the current king and the future king.

In the end, a massacre and death involving tens of thousands of people was covered up.

This is another factor why King Terenas ignores and even encourages large-scale immigration to the south from the East Weald region.

He wants everyone who remembers this event to disappear from their country.

In this way, the crown prince can continue to gain people's support and love, and in the future he can ascend the throne in a heroic way to rule the most powerful human country.

It can be said that Terenas took great pains to clear Arthas' name.

He even told lies with his eyes open, ignoring the hundreds of thousands or millions of undead creatures hiding deep in the mountains and forests, as well as the large tracts of land that had withered, withered, and died under the influence of the plague.

He trumpeted that his son had defeated the leader of the Scourge in Northrend, the far north, and that the remaining enemies no longer posed any threat.

In addition, the old king also specially transferred the Lightbringer Uther and the Knights of the Silver Hand led by him from the royal capital and sent them to Andorhal to garrison.

Avoid these stubborn and single-minded paladins from suddenly jumping out and saying inappropriate words on such an important occasion.

In short, he gave all his love, care and expectations to his only son, without realizing that this specially prepared celebration would soon turn into a terrible massacre.

Soon, with the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from far away, the door to the throne room that was originally closed was pushed open with a bang.

Arthas, wearing a black velvet-like cloak, walked in from outside with two of his cronies.

When King Terenas saw this scene, he immediately stood up from his throne in excitement.

The prince, who had become a death knight, pulled out Frostmourne, which was exuding a biting chill. In front of the surrounding guards and envoys, he lowered his sword to the ground and knelt down on one knee to salute his father, the king.

Although the whole set of actions made people feel a little bit inconsistent because they were too fast, his etiquette and posture were impeccable.

"My son, I knew you would come back with victory and glory."

The old king opened his arms and said in a proud and proud tone to the prince who was kneeling a few steps in front.

After all, when Arthas left the capital of Lordaeron, he was still a fledgling young man without much experience.

But now, almost half a year has passed, and this child who didn't understand anything at the beginning has experienced more than one fierce battle with the undead natural disaster.

They even started a killing contest with the terrifying Dreadlord in Stratholme. In the end, with an army of less than 3,000 people, they made a cross-sea expedition to Northrend, an extremely harsh and cold environment, and killed the culprit who caused the undead disaster - Marr. Ganis.

Excluding the highly controversial Stratholme massacre, the Crown Prince's performance was perfect from every angle, and even far exceeded everyone's expectations.

In comparison, even Varian Wrynn, who led the people of the Kingdom of Stormwind to return to their homeland to build their homeland at a young age, seemed inferior.

After all, Varian Wrynn was still taking refuge in the Kingdom of Lordaeron at this age. He never faced off against the brutal orcs from beginning to end. He waited until the end of the Second Orc War before he truly assumed the responsibility of being the king.

But what about Alsace?

At such a young age, he has demonstrated unparalleled courage, responsibility and decisiveness.

Especially the rapid growth in personal strength allowed King Terenas to vaguely see the shadow of human heroes such as Anduin Lothar and Turalyon.

Even in the eyes of King Terenas, his son is destined to surpass these heroes and become the undisputed leader of the entire human race and even the Alliance, bringing the Kingdom of Lordaeron to an unprecedented height.

If there is anyone in the world who has the highest expectations for Alsace, it must be the old man in front of him.

And the phrase "My son, when you were born, the entire forest of Lordaeron was whispering your name" expresses his strong emotions and expectations vividly.

Just when Terenas was staggering about to step down from the throne to help his beloved prince up and stage a scene of fatherly kindness and sonly filial piety, Arthas, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly heard a burst of sound coming from the Frostmourne in his hand. A deep voice.

“You don’t have to sacrifice anything for your people anymore.

There is no need to bear the weight of this crown.

Because I have arranged everything for you.

Go ahead and do what you have to do, do what you want to do. "

As these words blurted out, the corners of Alsace's mouth, which was still kneeling and bowing his head, suddenly turned up in a graceful arc. Then he suddenly stood up and took off his hood, revealing his skin as pale as the dead, and The long hair that had changed from golden to silvery white and gray, strode towards his father under the stunned gaze of all the surrounding people.


The boots made of Saronite iron made a low muffled sound when they stepped on the marble steps and the carpet covering them.

No one knew what exactly happened to the prince, let alone why he made such a rude move, and what he wanted to do next. Even the royal guards around him fell into a daze of confusion.

You must know that the royal family of Lordaeron has only one legal male heir, and that is the prince Arthas in front of him.

Therefore, before King Terenas gave the order, no matter how strange the Crown Prince's behavior was, they did not dare to easily step forward to stop him.

In the blink of an eye, Arthas arrived on the throne, grabbing his father with the strong arms of the death knight, and a frightening blue cold energy burst out from his eyes.

"What's going on? What are you doing? My son!"

King Terenas finally came to his senses, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face.

Until this moment, he had not realized that the cold-blooded Death Knight in front of him was no longer the Crown Prince he was familiar with.

It was the puppet of the first Lich King Ner'zhul, a walking corpse with suppressed self-awareness.

"Of course to inherit your throne and kingdom, my dear father..."

The moment the last word came out of his mouth, Arthas did not hesitate to pierce the old king's chest with the artifact Frostmourne.


The severe pain and rapid loss of life force caused King Terenas to lose the ability to speak. He could only stare dumbly at his son who was close at hand, and the expression on his face that showed no trace of apology, pain or self-blame. He struggled. He wanted to raise his arm to touch the prince at the last moment of his life, but in the end, before he could lift it up, he drooped his head and took his last breath.

The blood-stained crown rolled down the steps of the throne and fell to the ground, seeming to foreshadow the next fate of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The most filial son of Azeroth unceremoniously stepped on the shoulder of his father's corpse, pulled out the sword, and declared with a grin: "Now, I am the king of Lordaeron."


Everyone in the throne room was in an uproar.

Whether it was the representatives and envoys from other countries in the alliance, or the nobles and soldiers of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, they were all frightened by the prince's patricide in front of them, and they had no idea why he did it.

After all, Arthas was clearly the only legal male heir, and there was no threat to him from any brotherhood.

Moreover, King Terenas is also old. He may be old and die in a few years. At that time, he can successfully inherit the throne and become the king. Why should he be so anxious?

Lordaeron's nobles and royal guards went crazy and began to spurn and curse the prince's animalistic behavior, refused to recognize the legitimacy of his throne, and clamored to welcome Princess Calia back as queen.

Obviously, these people present have not yet realized the seriousness of the situation and still regard it as a coup to seize power initiated by the prince.

However, Arthas obviously had no intention of continuing to play with the other party. He immediately gave the order to the accompanying Marvin and Farric, and he also used the Death Grip to drag a noble who shouted the most fiercely down from the second floor. The sword pierces the heart.

At the same time, the royal guards were helpless in the face of two powerful death knights who had experienced hundreds of battles.

In particular, their weapons and equipment made of Saronite iron were so strong that ordinary swords could not even leave a white mark when struck with them. They were all counterattacked by rune swords attached with death magic and plague.

After a while, the entire throne room was littered with corpses.

Many corpses were quickly transformed into undead after being killed.

Before the people outside were aware of what was happening in the palace, Arthas immediately used the experience he learned in Stratholme on how to quickly massacre a city to the capital of Lordaeron.

Although the number of undead in the city is really not worth mentioning compared to the defenders defending the royal capital, even if the plague is spread now, it will take some time to complete the transformation.

But the problem is that the artifact Frostmourne perfectly helped him solve the problem of insufficient troops.

Every life killed by this terrifying rune sword will have its soul devoured or torn apart in an instant, and its body will instantly become an undead creature under the erosion of death energy.

In just about half an hour, Arthas used Frostmourne to transform thousands of civilians who were killed.

Some of these people turned into the lowest level of zombies, but more often turned into agile and extremely deadly ghouls.

There are also some paladins and high-level warriors who have become death knights like Maven and Farric.

These death knights can also transform the undead by killing living creatures with the knowledge and power gained from the Lich King.

As a result, the Scourge quickly grew like a snowball in the densely populated Royal City of Lordaeron.

By the time the defenders reacted and rushed into the streets to save the citizens and resist the massacre by the undead army, the latter had already formed a scale advantage and even defeated the elite defenders.

As a former Paladin, Arthas obviously knows what forces pose the greatest threat to him.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to personally lead a raid on the Holy Light Cathedral and all the priests and paladins inside who had the power to restrain the undead, and then pulled them up to become death knights and necromancers.

Suddenly, the capital of the most powerful human kingdom in the eastern continent, the tragedy of Stratholme was repeated almost overnight.

The only good thing is that since the attack was launched from within, the gate leading to the outside is still under the control of the defenders.

Many citizens living on the outskirts of the city who have not yet been surrounded by the undead army can at least escape with a small amount of property, supplies and relatives.

In just ten hours, tens of thousands of people gathered in Briar, the town closest to the royal city.

Because this was the place where Kel'Thuzad studied natural disasters and plagues, and it was also the first town to be attacked by plagues and undead, it is currently in a semi-abandoned state.

The densely packed tombstones on the wasteland outside the city clearly illustrate where the disappeared residents have gone.

If possible, no sane person would want to stay in such a spooky and extremely unlucky place for a long time.

But the problem is that these refugees obviously don't have good choices.

After all, they were running in such a hurry that they only carried a small amount of valuable jewelry and gold and silver coins, and they had no means of transportation such as carriages.

In addition, there are a large number of women, the elderly, and children with their families. These vulnerable groups simply do not have enough physical strength to travel long distances and must stop and rest every time they walk.

Therefore Briar became the only place that provided a house and a bed to rest and sleep on.

However, considering that a plague had broken out here, people did not dare to eat the food in the barn, let alone drink the water in the well. Even the clothes and bedding in the house were thrown outside and burned.

The so-called rest and sleep are just lying on a hard wooden bed. Some may not even have a bed. They just lie on the floor or table and take a nap, and then continue to move along the road to the south of the Silver Pine Forest, which is relatively safe for the time being.

Once they hear a commotion, the refugees will immediately get up in panic and lie down by the window to look out, fearing that Arthas is coming with an army of undead.

Others got into the smelly sewers and escaped through the sewage pipes behind the royal capital through Lake Lordamre.

But their worries are obviously unnecessary.

Although the prince possesses artifacts like Frostmourne and a growing legion, it is obviously not something that can be accomplished in a day or two if he wants to completely capture a large fortress city like the Royal Capital of Lordaeron.

In particular, many veterans and officers who had participated in the two orc wars soon began to rely on the complex streets and scattered buildings in the city to engage in fierce street battles with the undead.

With their clever minds and effective tactics, they turned the entire city into a huge battlefield, and relied on the favorable terrain to build elastic defenses to resist tenaciously.

It is obviously unrealistic for brainless low-level cannon fodder like zombies and ghouls to defeat fully armed elite human soldiers until they form an overwhelming number.

What's more, the priests originally sent by the Church of the God of Contract to preach in the Kingdom of Lordaeron did not hesitate to join the army and provide soldiers and officers with holy water that could protect them from the plague.

Some of the guys who were warriors or paladins directly put on strong armor, carrying a warhammer in one hand and a shield in the other, and began to physically purify these undead.

Since they had more or less had relatives and friends die at the hands of plague and undead creatures before, and some were even survivors of the Stratholme massacre, they were all filled with anger at Alsace's act of killing his father and surrendering to the enemy. Roaring rage.

At this moment, a priest who could cast three-ring magic was in a narrow alley, leading twelve elite infantry to block the path of forty or fifty ghouls.

I saw that he first released several group-effect enhanced magic spells very skillfully, then took the lead in opening a bottle of holy water and took a sip, and then poured the rest on weapons, shields and armors.

The other soldiers followed suit.

Drinking it is to prevent long-term fighting with undead creatures from accidentally contracting the plague. Applying it to the weapon can add sacred energy when attacking, causing greater damage to the enemy. The holy water on the armor can weaken possible diseases and diseases. Curse and other evil magic effects.

In previous battles, they had already experienced the benefits brought by holy water, so they regarded these good things provided by the Church of the God of Contract as treasures.

When necessary, it can also be used as an investment weapon to hit the enemy, instantly burning a large area of ​​undead creatures and making them temporarily incapacitated.

"Be prepared! We cannot retreat even one step until all civilians on this street have been evacuated."

The priest shouted loudly to encourage everyone in the team, and then used magic to bless himself with three one-ring magic spells: [Demonized Weapon], [Protection from Evil] and [Piety Shield].

Since he was a Paladin before his conversion, he also summoned the power of the Holy Light to infuse the warhammer, causing it to emit a dazzling golden light.

In the blink of an eye, the roaring ghouls swarmed into the narrow alley.

Without saying a word, the soldiers who were waiting immediately threw forward several ignited oil cans found in nearby abandoned houses.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

With the sound of the clay pot shattering as it hit the wall, the ignited grease quickly spread out in the air and fell on the ghoul, causing a violent burning.

Various pieces of wood and cloth piled up as obstacles in the alley also burned immediately, forming an isolation zone of high-temperature flames in less than ten seconds.

And as the fire spread, surrounding houses began to be set ablaze.

Similar thick smoke and fire can be seen almost everywhere in the King's City of Lordaeron, and they are basically all set by the humans themselves.

In order to stop the undead army from advancing and massacring, the army and soldiers had already gone all out. They didn't care that this prosperous capital city would be destroyed in the fire. They just wanted to ensure that as many living people as possible could escape through the city gates. go out.

Such a hellish scene, even the savage and bloodthirsty orcs can't help but stop or retreat when they see it.

After all, the pain of being burned alive by flames is not something that ordinary people can bear.

But the problem is that the undead are obviously not living beings, but a group of monsters who don't know what fear and fatigue are.

These low-level ghouls cannot even understand what death is. They only know that they rush forward under the command of the death knight, either killing all living people or being killed by the enemy.

As a result, they rushed through the isolation zone in the blazing flames, with dazzling red fire all over their bodies, and rushed straight towards the priest standing at the forefront.

The latter, with the blessing of [Bull Power] and [Blessing of Strength], waved his war hammer and faced him without saying a word.


Following the violent impact, the snarling ghoul was instantly blown away by a terrifying force that was far beyond its ability to understand. Its entire head was smashed directly by the hammer, and its brains and broken bones flew out in all directions. Ten meters away, he bumped into four ghouls behind him before barely stopping.

"Oh my God! Are you sure you're really a priest?"

The veteran next to him was so shocked by the violent and bloody scene that he couldn't help but murmur.

Because in his impression, the pastors of the Holy Light Church usually wear robes and have gentle and kind faces, and their main responsibilities are limited to preaching, preaching and providing medical services to the people.

As for those who appeared on the battlefield, they were basically paladins who combined the advantages of priests and warriors later.

"Why, don't you like pastors like us?"

While he was talking, the priest once swung his war hammer and hit the head of the charging ghoul. Then he turned around and revealed his fully enclosed helmet covered in blood and brains. It looked as scary as possible.

But instead of being frightened, the veteran grinned with a bloodthirsty smile and responded: "No! Your Excellency! I fucking love you to death! If possible, I hope all priests are like you Make a party!”

"Ha ha ha ha!

very good!

Then hold the weapons in your hands and come with me to purify these damn undead.

The great God of Contract, Soth, is watching all believers!

He will give us the strength and courage to stand up to our enemies!

For the Kingdom of Lordaeron!

For the innocent people!

Maybe everyone will die here today, but our death will give more people a chance to live. "

After an impassioned speech, the priest took the lead and collided with the ghoul who rushed through the flame isolation zone.

The soldiers in the team seemed to be infected, and they roared and started fighting with the undead that were several times their number.

Because behind them were hundreds of panicked civilians fleeing towards the city gate.

As the most powerful country in mankind, and also the greatest contributor to leading the Alliance to victory in the two Orc Wars, the subjects of the Kingdom of Lordaeron have never lacked the consciousness to die generously in desperate situations.

Especially the two legions that defended the royal capital with a strong sense of honor. From the highest-ranking marshal to the lowest-ranking soldier, there was not even a single person who was afraid of escaping from the beginning to the end. Instead, they took the initiative to stop the natural disaster legions and defend the surviving citizens in the city. Escape to buy time.

They knew very well that facing the Scourge Legion that had already formed a large scale and was constantly releasing plagues, the only result waiting for them was death, and even after death, they would be pulled up to become part of the undead army.

But even so, no one took a step back when they saw their comrades falling down one after another.

Just when Arthas personally killed his father and plunged the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron into chaos, Baron Rivendell of Stratholme in the East Weald region immediately led an army of natural disasters to come out and began to attack Caolin's Crossing and Tyr's Land. They launched a fierce attack on densely populated areas such as Hand, Haven County, and Darrow County.

An army of millions of skeletons hidden in the mountains and forests swept in like a tide under the command of the Lich and the Necromancer of the Curse Sect.

Although King Terenas had strengthened the defenses of these places in advance under Zuo Si's reminder, all resistance was in vain in the face of the overwhelming numbers.

As the most important transportation hub, the Kaolin intersection failed to hold on for three days before falling.

Tens of thousands of civilians in the surrounding areas were brutally slaughtered, and were basically either transformed into ghouls, or the corpses were torn into pieces and sewn together into stitched abominations that were fleshier and more difficult to destroy.

Although the Hand of Tyr barely managed to withstand the first wave with its easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack terrain and stone walls more than ten meters high, it also suffered heavy losses, and it was not known whether it would be able to withstand the second round.

In less than a week, Baron Rivendell crossed the Sodoril River and swept through the Western Plaguelands with a devastating force.

Large tracts of farmland were destroyed under the attack of the undead army, and only the heavily guarded Hearthglen and Andorhal were still resisting.

Especially the latter, because of the Lightbringer Uther and the Knights of the Silver Hand led by him, it is difficult for the undead army to take advantage of their numerical advantage.

Originally, Baron Rivendell wanted to take the remaining death knights and lichs to charge in person, but he was almost not purified directly by Uther's terrifying holy light energy.

From then on, he never dared to attack Andorhal easily, or even besiege it.

As perhaps the most powerful user of the Holy Light among humans, even Arthas, who was holding the artifact Frostmourne, was no match for Uther, who was going all out, let alone a mere Baron of Rivendell.

But giving up Andorhal doesn't mean the undead army has stopped.

On the contrary, they quickly passed through the Western Plaguelands and entered Tirisfal Glades, the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and began to massacre millions of people here.

Although the news that the prince had killed his father and surrendered to the enemy spread quickly as the refugees fled.

But because the location of the royal capital happened to be stuck on the only way south to the Silver Pine Forest, people did not dare to go south easily even if they started to panic.

Because they didn't know if they would be blocked by the Scourge Legion that came out of the royal capital if they fled south now.

In this way, due to Arthas' betrayal, Lordaeron, the most powerful kingdom of mankind, came to destruction in a very short period of time.

The civilians who were killed and the corpses dug out from the graves became the most important supplementary troops for the undead natural disaster to spread.

With millions of natural disaster armies ready to attack, the Third War has finally officially begun.

While the human refugees in the north were frantically fleeing to the south, they also brought this shocking news to other Alliance member states, including Dalaran.

Through urgent magical transmissions, Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Stromgard, Ironforge, Quel'Thalas and other countries immediately learned of this incredible piece of information.

They didn't even bother to confirm whether the news was true or false, and immediately began to gather troops to block the only way for the undead natural disaster to go south.

The closest ones, Dalaran and Gilneas, even took less than two days to form a coalition army. Together with the troops stationed in the area by the Kingdom of Lordaeron, they marched toward the north along the road.

The commander of the Kul Tiras naval fleet, Dai Lin, shouldered the responsibility of transporting refugees, sending these people of Lordaeron to the relatively safe Stranglethorn Valley in the south. He also sent a fleet north to investigate the situation in Tirisfal Glades. See if we can rescue more refugees.

Only at this moment did he truly realize what the terrible disaster Zuo Si mentioned repeatedly was referring to.

On the other side, far away is the Contract City at the southernmost tip of the Eastern Continent.

Princess Calia, who had just learned the explosive news that her brother had killed her father and was destroying the Kingdom of Lordaeron with her own hands, was completely stunned. She sat motionless for a long time without regaining consciousness.

When her brain that had stopped thinking started to spin again, the first thing she did was to stand up suddenly and shout: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could Alsace kill his father! His father loves him so much He gave me all the best."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Princess, I know it's hard for you to accept, but this is a fact that has been repeatedly confirmed by Dalaran.

The current capital city of Lordaeron has been reduced to ruins, with raging undead creatures everywhere.

The two legions stationed nearby also suffered over 70% casualties, with less than 30% surviving after covering the retreat of civilians.

At present, they have retreated to Silverpine Forest to join the coalition forces of Dalaran and Gilneas.

As for the East Wilder region and Tirisfal Glades, although there are still some towns and fortresses trying their best to resist, it is only a matter of time before they fall if reinforcements are not received.

Most importantly, Alsace's actions have completely deprived him of his legal inheritance rights.

You are now the last survivor and legal heir of House Menethil.

So I think you should immediately declare your succession as queen and set up a flag to let everyone know that the Kingdom of Lordaeron is not dead yet.

At the same time, it gives hope to those towns that are still resisting. "

A senior church official stood up and advised carefully.

"To...become a queen? At this time?"

Caliya's mind was obviously very confused at the moment, her heart was beating wildly, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down for some reason.

Maybe she doesn't have much affection for her strict father.

But for her mother who always cares about and understands her, she can be said to be full of gratitude, respect and love.

Because if her mother hadn't come forward to persuade her father, Caliya's husband and his family might have been brutally executed long ago.

The church's top brass nodded affirmatively: "Yes, that's right now.

The more desperate this moment is, the more the Kingdom of Lordaeron needs a legitimate leader who can unite them.

With this relationship, we can start to consider whether to bring all the refugees to Stranglethorn Valley, or form an army to go north to retake their homeland.

What's more, only by becoming a queen can you make Uther and the Knights of the Silver Hand he leads obey orders and cooperate with a series of military operations we may conduct. "

I have to say that this person's proposal is indeed quite insightful.

After all, in politics, whoever gets the claim first will firmly hold the initiative.

Although the Menethil family of the royal family of Lordaeron now only has Calia as a single member...

Oh no, she also has a daughter who has not been publicly acknowledged.

But declaring her accession to the throne as queen now has completely different political meanings than becoming queen after forming warlord factions in the battle against the Scourge.

The former can quickly condense into a political symbol, deeply imprinted in the hearts of the people of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, giving them a clear object of allegiance.

Even if a warlord separatist force is formed later, the other party will not dare to think of replacing it because the soldiers and ordinary people in the ruling area are loyal to the royal family. No matter how big their ambitions are, they can only hide them.

However, due to the long-term battle with the undead, the latter gradually gathered people's hearts and formed a de facto separatist regime. Both civilians and soldiers would gradually feel alienated due to the absence of the royal family, and even transferred their hatred of Alsace to the good. On Leah.

Maybe the Kingdom of Lordaeron will split into several forces around whether to recognize the princess's legal inheritance, and then start a civil war or simply turn into independent territories.

Especially Garithos, a fool who does things without considering the consequences. It is hard to imagine what outrageous behavior he would do driven by ambition.

So in this case, the sooner Calia claims to inherit the throne of Lordaeron, the better.

And now becoming a queen can also be recognized by the leaders of the alliance.

Unfortunately, Caliya was too sad and worried about the safety of her husband and daughter, so she did not give a positive answer. Instead, she sent everyone away on the grounds that she could not think, and walked through the secret passage alone. Go directly to Zuo Si's room.

As soon as she walked out of the secret passage, she saw that the god she believed in was naked from the waist up, injecting a tube of boiling blood exuding mysterious energy into her body.

The next second...

The skin that looked pale and bloodless turned red and purple almost instantly, and all the blood vessels suddenly swelled, like earthworms twisting under the skin.

Not only that!

Zuo Si's eyes also showed a creepy dark red light, and extremely powerful power began to surge throughout his body along with the beating of his heart.

Finally, a pair of bright red wings made entirely of energy suddenly opened from behind, looking like the wings of a wind snake.

With the slight flapping of her wings, Jalia felt that the blood flow rate in her body began to accelerate uncontrollably, and then something suddenly flowed out of the nasal mucosa, and the strong smell of blood filled her nasal cavity and mouth.


Her eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the dark red blood droplets float towards Zuo Si not far away, drawing a blood line in the air that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Fortunately, this strange situation did not last long.

It stopped abruptly in about a second or two.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you coming, so I couldn't control the power I just gained. Here, wipe the blood on your nose."

With that said, Zuo Si quickly put away the huge pair of energy wings on his back, picked up a handkerchief and handed it over.

Jialiya subconsciously took it and wiped her eyes that were swollen from crying, then blocked her nose that was still bleeding, and asked cautiously: "What was that power just now? Why did I suddenly feel like the blood in my body was out of control?" Same?"

"Nothing. I happened to obtain a portion of demigod's blood from an ancient temple, and then purified it and used it to strengthen this mortal body. The power he possesses should be to control blood and absorb life force."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything and gave the answer straightforwardly.

And this demigod knew without asking that he was the blood god Hakkar who was once worshiped by the Gurubashi trolls.

Although this bloodthirsty and cruel demigod has been expelled from Azeroth for a long time, his descendants and submerged temples are still there.

Zuo Si easily got what he wanted from the other party with just a little use.

Coupled with the blood of the Dread Lord that he had taken before, this container can be regarded as a veritable enhanced version of the ancestor of vampires, and it is also the kind that can absorb life and spiritual power at the same time.

If he wanted, he could start mass-producing descendants with powerful powers through First Embrace at any time.

It is even possible to obtain the bloodline, abilities, knowledge and memory of the target creature through this predatory feeding.

Now even facing the demon army of the Burning Legion, Zuo Si, who is temporarily unable to descend on his body, clones and projections, can ensure that he has the power to fight.

"Strengthen this mortal body?"

Calia blinked her eyes in confusion.

Zuo Si explained patiently: "Because my body is too far away from Azeroth, I can't really come down for the time being, and even the power transmitted will be greatly limited.

Therefore, in order to cope with the coming disaster and protect all believers, we must find ways to strengthen ourselves a little.

By the way, why are your eyes swollen from crying?

Could it be that some great changes have occurred in the northern Kingdom of Lordaeron? "

"I...I just got the news that Alsace rebelled and surrendered to the enemy. He also personally killed his father and massacred the entire royal capital during the triumphal ceremony.

Others in the church were advising me to declare my succession as Queen immediately.

But now I'm so confused that I can't calm down and think.

So I hope you can give me a little guidance. "

After that, Jalia threw away the handkerchief that had been stained red by the nosebleed, bent down and kissed the magic ring on Zuo Si's finger. Her pitiful eyes were like a little animal longing for the care and protection of its owner.

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