A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 614 I am the true legal queen of this country (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Prosperity? Abundance?

You seem to have some misunderstanding about my father's rule.

If he was as good as you said, I wouldn't have been able to destroy a lifetime of hard work so easily in just a few days.

Looking at the current state of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, you should understand how fragile and ridiculous it is behind its false strength.

Just a little plague and undead caused this so-called most powerful kingdom in mankind to completely collapse and disintegrate.

Especially you, Uther, the Messenger of Light, are still so bright, majestic and righteous, and never want to let your reputation and glory be stained by even the slightest stain. "

Arthas used a mocking tone and voice to provoke his former mentor's most sensitive nerves.

There is no doubt that he has not forgotten what happened outside Stratholme City when this powerful paladin led the Knights of the Silver Hand and refused to carry out the order and left him.

Especially the despair of being betrayed by the person you trust the most, it is still like a scar that will never heal, and it will ache in your heart from time to time.

Although Arthas had stripped away the good part of his soul the moment he picked up Frostmourne and became a death knight, this once extremely strong emotion did not disappear, but instead turned into a kind of hatred and resentment.

He hated this powerful paladin who could unshakably stick to his moral bottom line no matter what he did, and even more disgusted with the way he looked down at him from above.

Uther undoubtedly noticed the prince's unusual reaction. He tightly grasped the war hammer emitting dazzling golden light in his hand, and asked in a deep voice: "So you are here today specifically to take revenge on me and the Knights of the Silver Hand? Do you think so? You want to wipe out this noble organization that can bring out your dirty evil soul, and then become a lackey of the undead natural disaster with good intentions?"

"Ha ha ha ha!

You think too highly of yourself and the Knights of the Silver Hand.

You idiots are worthless in my eyes.

I entered Andorhal for one thing only, and that was the urn you kept.

Leave it to me and I can consider letting you die a quick death. "

Alsace, who was riding a horse, raised Frostmourne and pointed at his former mentor not far away, a biting chill emanating from his body.

An icy aura quickly enveloped his body, forming a layer of elemental protection like a mage's frost armor.

Unlike the death knights of Faerûn, the death knights of Azeroth can also control shadow and frost energy in addition to simply using the power of death itself.

Especially after the body is completely dead, their actions no longer require muscles and blood to provide explosive power, so they can inject ice energy to freeze the water in the body, thereby forming extremely strong physical and magical defense capabilities.

This also means that even if someone is lucky enough to break the strong full-body plate armor made of Saronite, they will not be able to cut off Alsace's head or limbs as easily as he could kill an ordinary person.

What's more, the artifact in his hand, Frostmourne, is not just a sword. It can also bring coldness, curses, diseases, and the ability to directly damage the soul when attacking.

In addition, there are also a series of magic skills such as Death Coil, Howling Blast, Ice Storm, and a large range of surrounding corpses to be resurrected into puppets controlled by themselves, and then eaten and restored to their own vitality through death contracts.

Especially the first death knight appointed by the Lich King Ner'zhul, he did not fall behind even against the demon lords of the Burning Legion.

However, Uther was obviously completely irritated by Alsace's language about asking for an urn, and shouted sternly: "You bastard!

That jar contains the ashes of your father, King Terenas!

It was a total of three hundred brave and fearless Lordaeron royal guards who rushed into the throne room full of undead, risking their lives to snatch the bodies back with great difficulty.

For this they sacrificed their precious lives, and in the end only three people managed to escape alive.

Isn't it enough that you destroyed your father's kingdom, and finally want to desecrate his remains? "

These words instantly made the expression on Alsace's face become extremely cold, and he responded very simply: "I don't know and don't care what is inside. But that's what I want, so I just Gotta get it.”

"very good!

That's great!

What you did simply refreshed my understanding of shamelessness!

Now that you have fallen to this level, let me end you with my own hands.

Take your life! Alsace!

I will be here today to seek justice for your parents and the innocent people who died tragically at your hands! "

Following Uther's unbearable roar, dazzling golden holy light fell from the sky instantly, sweeping away all undead creatures within a few dozen meters.

Under the burning power of this force, hundreds of ghouls and zombies fell to the ground, emitting a pungent burnt smell.

You don't need to ask to know that the death energy in their bodies that supports the actions of undead creatures has been completely expelled by the Holy Light, which is what priests and paladins often refer to as "purification."

Obviously, this is also the secret why Andorhal can rely on its dilapidated city walls to repel the siege of the undead army time and time again.

Rather than saying that the Knights of the Silver Hand and those soldiers successfully held the line of defense, it is better to say that Uther, the Lightbringer, used his own powerful power to kill all the thousands of undead that came up.

After a strong burst of holy light, this possibly the most powerful first-generation paladin was like a ferocious lion, swinging an extremely heavy two-handed war hammer and smashing it directly into the head of his former apprentice.

Because today's Arthas is not the image of wearing the Crown of Dominance after becoming the Lich King. His entire head is completely exposed without any protection, and his long gray-white hair will even float in the breeze.

This also means that anyone with a little bit of combat knowledge will subconsciously avoid the indestructible full-body plate armor and attack the unprotected and fragile head.

Unfortunately, Arthas had already been prepared for the fight, and he blocked the handle of the heavy war hammer with a clang of Frostmourne.

Under the impact of the huge force, the undead war horse Wudi couldn't help but take two steps back before barely holding on without falling.

The pair of masters and apprentices, who were full of bad luck, were face to face, trying their best to exert more force while staring fiercely into each other's eyes.

The next second...

Almost at the same time, the two released a hand that was holding the weapon, aimed at each other and released magical energy.


Holy light and shadow collided in the air and caused violent impacts and explosions.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The strong air current separated them immediately.

Uther used his heavy war hammer to carve a ravine on the ground that was twenty to thirty centimeters deep.

Alsace fell from Invincible's back, rolled and hit the wall of a house, looking very embarrassed.

It is not difficult to see from this scene that the light and dark energy that created the universe where Azeroth is located are not at all as gentle as the positive and negative energy in the universe where Faerûn is located.

The latter is more of a silent neutralization when contact occurs, rather than triggering a violent rejection reaction and energy release.

But the Holy Light spell released by Uther and the death coil thrown by Arthas just caused a horrific explosion.

On the one hand, the relationship between the Holy Light and Shadow energies they possess is too powerful, and on the other hand, it is also a manifestation of the complete rejection of each other between these two energies.

And Uther clearly had the upper hand. Whether it was spell power or combat experience, he firmly dominated Alsace.

This is obviously unacceptable to the latter, who has been invincible since picking up Frostmourne.

After a brief pause, the stubborn and paranoid part of Alsace's character was instantly aroused, and he directly took the sword and launched an attack. His violent posture was not so much a cold death knight, but more like a bloodthirsty knight. status warrior.

In fact, this is how he usually fights with all his strength.

After all, before determined to become a paladin, the prince had always learned fighting and weapon usage skills from the dwarf hero Muradin Bronzebeard.

So don't confuse him with the traditional paladins of the Order of the Silver Hand.

This guy is essentially a violent warrior who can use the power of the Holy Light.

That kind of stubborn and impatient character is actually gradually developed when learning to control and release the power of anger.

In contrast, Uther converted from a priest to a paladin, so his fighting style is exactly the opposite.

The two people fighting fiercely at this moment seemed to be each other's reflections in the mirror.

Although Alsace's body was extremely cold, irrational rage and impulse bloomed deep in his soul;

Although Uther exudes the heat of life and the warmth of the holy light, his soul gives people a sense of rationality and calmness.

What's more important is that every collision, as long as the energy of shadow and holy light is involved, will inevitably lead to a violent explosion.

Many death knights and other undead creatures who came from all directions to help were torn to pieces by the aftermath before they could get close.

Even the surrounding buildings quickly turned into ruins.

The two men proved with practical actions that in this world, a strong man is worth far more than thousands of ordinary soldiers.

"do you know?

When the news came that the king's capital had been acquired, I couldn't believe my ears.

When you were young and acted arbitrarily, I regarded that as childish;

I understand that you are eager to step out of the shadow of your fathers and make achievements while investigating the raging plague;

Even after the brutal massacre in Stratholme, I'm still praying that you realize your misjudgment.

Because deep down in my heart, I am never willing to be an enemy of my son who is loyal to the monarch. "

Uther's eyes flashed with tears after he defeated his apprentice again, and he said in an extremely hoarse voice.

"But you're already doing it now."

Arthas pursed his lips into a sarcastic smile.

Uther nodded slightly and sighed: "Yes, I did.

After all, this is my final promise to your father, King Terenas.

Even though his own son killed him when he was defenseless and defenseless.

But I have to at least let his remains be respected. "

"You will die for this promise."

Arthas raised the Frostmourne in his hand high and began to gather energy, completely covering the entire blade with a layer of ultra-low-temperature frost.

"Perhaps. I would rather die to keep my oath than live under your so-called mercy. I am so glad that the king is dead. I am glad that he does not have to see what you have become."

Uther had obviously given up on life and death for a long time. Even though he and a few frightened horses were left alone at the entrance of the entire military camp, he did not show the slightest trace of fear.

He has seen too much killing and death in his life, has personally participated in wars with brutal orcs, and has had extremely dangerous battles with ogres that are more than twice as tall as humans, so he has already seen everything. opened.

The only thing that made him find it difficult to accept was that the much-anticipated prince turned into a complete monster in just a few months.

But what's interesting is that Arthas was briefly stunned when he heard these words.

To be precise, it was the last remaining trace of conscience that caused indescribable heartache. Strong emotions intertwined and struggled in his mind, which made him feel at a loss as he had never experienced this feeling since he became undead.

The experienced Uther obviously seized this opportunity, and dazzling golden light burst out from all over his body and roared: "Holy Light! Please give me power!"


The heavy two-handed warhammer spun up and hit Alsace, who was just around the corner.

The weapon wrapped with huge energy fell from the sky, and you could even hear the whistling wind tearing through the air.

But fortunately, Arthas was experienced in many battles during his expedition to Northrend. He hurriedly turned sideways to barely avoid this fatal blow, avoiding being shot in the head on the spot.

Then he counterattacked with Frostmourne, trying to force this powerful mentor back.

But how could Uther, who was experienced in combat, give up this great opportunity so easily and immediately blocked the sword edge with his hammer.


There was another collision of weapons with sparks flying, and then the two entered into close combat for an unknown number of times.

There is no doubt that Arthas has never defeated his mentor even once in his life, so he obviously lacks confidence in this kind of protracted tug-of-war.

But the order of the Dread Lord and his strong desire to completely erase all the past made him unwilling to take a step back.

Otherwise, if he is defeated by Uther again, what will the huge sacrifices he made and the abandoned humanity be?

So Uther must die!

And he will die by his own sword!

Only in this way can we prove that those sweet and hopeful lives in the past are false!

Only then can you confirm the value and meaning of your existence now!

Just when Arthas was thinking uncontrollably, Uther's arms suddenly exerted force and knocked him back two steps.

"That's it! Boy!"

The Lightbringer burst into deafening shouts, shooting out frightening energy from his body, and even his eyes, nose, mouth and ears were overflowing with golden light.

It was as if he himself had become a spokesman for justice and light at this moment, and was about to launch an unprecedented trial.

In less than 0.01 seconds, the warhammer with thundering force crashed down and hit Alsace hard on the abdomen.


After a muffled sound, the death knight felt that the entire air in his abdominal cavity was squeezed out by the huge impact, and a deep pit instantly appeared in the protective gear made of Saronite.

Obviously, this set of magic armor tailor-made by the Lich King saved his life at a critical moment.

Otherwise, the upper and lower body should have been broken into two parts by now, and the intestines and other internal organs were mixed with plasma and minced meat and scattered everywhere.

But even so, Alsace didn't feel any better. He first jumped into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground on his back.

Even the artifact Frostmourne was released and flew several meters away.

He wanted to struggle to get up and continue fighting, but he saw that the holy light he had abandoned was pouring into Uther's body, as if he was going to give himself the most severe punishment through this mentor.

Especially when Uther came closer, the power that once made people feel warm and reassuring severely burned the death knight's pale, bloodless skin, causing the expression on the latter's face to be extremely painful and distorted.

There is no doubt that Uther, the teacher, won the duel between master and apprentice.

According to Alsace's current state, he was unable to resist at all and could only wait for the other party to end his life.

Just when his mind went blank, he suddenly found that he was holding Frostmourne in his hand again.

But Uther hesitated for some reason, and did not lower the raised war hammer for a long time.

"Any light is accompanied by a shadow, every day is accompanied by a dark night, the brightest candle can be extinguished, and the same is true for the brightest life..."

Arthas couldn't remember how many times he heard whispers from the Lich King, but he saw that the holy light surrounding Uther began to gradually dim as it reached its peak.

He seized this fleeting opportunity and immediately turned over to avoid the hammer coming down from above his head.

boom! ! ! !

The huge impact immediately shattered the stone slabs on the ground, and the soil and gravel flew up under the kinetic energy impact.

Alsace, on the other hand, used the splash of mud and gravel to block his sight and climbed up from the ground, and felt that his strength had returned, even stronger than before.

In particular, the reaction speed brought about by the increase in agility can actually keep up with Uther in a head-on confrontation.

This was a feeling he had never experienced before. There was no confusion in his heart, only the excitement for the fierce battle remained.

The most important thing is that although Frostmourne is an equally heavy two-handed sword, in the hands of the death knight, it is as light and flexible as a one-handed sword. It surprisingly succeeded in suppressing the mentor who had never defeated it during the attack.

On the contrary, Uther didn't know whether it was because he used too much force just now, or because he consumed too much magic power, or because he was suppressed by the death energy contained in Frostmourne. The rich holy light energy on his body began to become darker and darker. subside.

Finally, Arthas seized an opening, instantly passed through the war hammer's block, and slashed directly into the armor gap between the gorget and the shoulder.


Dazzling blood suddenly spurted out, instantly staining the armor and the ground red.

Almost at the same time, the artifact Frostmourne made a hungry sound.

It craves more!

Desire to tear apart the soul of this powerful paladin!

Naturally, Arthas would not refuse the request for the artifact. He immediately roared like a beast, and suddenly increased the strength of his hands, trying to cut off the entire arm of his former mentor.

The severe pain and weakness in his arm caused by muscle tear made it impossible for Uther to hold the warhammer tightly.

He let go of his hand as if he had accepted his fate, and while coughing blood, he raised his head and said to the prince: "I sincerely hope that there will be a special place in hell for you, Arthas."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I plan to live forever."

Arthas responded in a cold and very calm tone.

Just when he raised the rune-handed sword in his hand and planned to penetrate the powerful paladin, a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart.

Out of a subconscious first reaction, he immediately turned around and released a ball of biting cold air, creating an ice wall half a meter thick out of thin air at lightning speed.

Just half a second later, a big hole was smashed out of the solid ice wall.

I saw a heavy iron ball using its astonishing speed and kinetic energy to cut through the ice and hit my chest.

The death knight didn't have time to think too much and quickly turned Frostmourne sideways to block.

Then the whole person flew out under the huge impact force, smashed through four or five walls in a row, and passed through several buildings.

When I finally stopped, I realized that there were several huge objects approaching from far away in the sky.

And that iron ball cannonball was fired from the pod turret under the giant airship.

The most important thing is that the airship actually hangs a flag representing the royal family of Lordaeron.

Uther, who was originally kneeling down and waiting for death, also opened his eyes in surprise, trying to use his vision that had begun to blur due to excessive blood loss to distinguish which reinforcements these giant airships came from.

But soon, frequent and intensive shelling began to cover the undead on the ground.

Some machines made through the principles of levers and torque also threw a large number of lit explosive barrels towards the undead army on the ground like a goddess scattering flowers.

Suddenly, the roar of artillery and intensive explosions and burnings completely swept through the entire Andorhal.

Thousands of ghouls and undead were either torn apart by solid iron ball projectiles, or were flattened to the ground by explosive barrels falling from the sky and everything within a radius of tens of meters.

The terrifying firepower simply overturned Uther's understanding of long-range weapons.

He swore that even the bombardment by the Kul Tiran fleet led by Dai Lin would never be able to have such a shocking effect.

Not long after, the undead who had already rushed into the city and started massacring the refugees suffered heavy casualties.

The soldiers and the surviving members of the Knights of the Silver Hand took the opportunity to organize a counterattack, and were stunned to push back enemies several times their size.

Where did these airships come from?

Why have I never heard that the Kingdom of Lordaeron has such war weapons?

Alsace quickly got up from the ground, with a puzzled look on his face.

After all, as the crown prince, Terenas would never go behind his back no matter what he did.

It is precisely because of this that he has a better understanding of the country's information such as food reserves, troop deployments, and the weapons and equipment of each legion. In the end, he easily destroyed the entire country through the strategy of killing his father, killing his mother, and raiding the royal capital.

What's more, there are only four people qualified to fly the royal banner of Menethil.

Among them, his father and mother have been killed, and he himself obeyed the Lich King's orders. The only one who is qualified is his sister whom he has not seen for a long time.

But Calia has never had any training related to combat, war and command since she was a child.

How could he possibly lead an army all the way from Stranglethorn Valley in the south to reach this dangerous land that had been destroyed by the Scourge?

Just when Arthas was confused, three huge airships had arrived in the sky above Andorhal.

Through the super far vision brought by the undead body, he finally saw a man wearing golden armor, two daggers hanging from his waist, and long golden hair standing on the deck of one of the ships. female.

Not only the death knight saw it, but Uther and the subjects of Lordaeron also saw it.

After a brief silence, everyone burst into deafening cheers.

Because they have recognized that this slightly strange-looking young woman is none other than Princess Calia, the last legitimate bloodline of the Menethil family and the eldest daughter of the old king.


It’s time to call her Queen!

Because the countries in the alliance have recognized her power and legitimacy.


Calia, who was standing on the deck of the airship, had obviously locked onto her sinful brother. She suddenly spread a pair of wings made of blood and energy behind her and jumped down from an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

The moment she landed firmly on the ground, the last few paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand immediately rushed forward desperately trying to protect the monarch they were loyal to with their bodies.

Even the seriously injured Uther quickly released Holy Light magic to heal his wounds, dragged his tired body quickly to the front, then knelt down on one knee and said with tears in his eyes: "You are Lordaeron's last hope. You shouldn’t come to such a dangerous place.”

"No, Uther, I have to come. Because I want to see with my own eyes what my brother has become. And I am completely different from before."

After saying that, Calia pulled the heavily armored paladin up from the ground with a gentle tug.

The astonishing strength she displayed inadvertently made the latter's eyes widen in surprise, and he kept looking up and down at the princess's figure, which showed no sign of strength or developed muscles.

However, Caliya didn't explain too much. She just pushed away the other paladins who were blocking her progress and walked straight towards her brother who was standing not far away.

When the siblings were close enough, she showed a scary expression and asked: "Why?

Why are you doing this?

Father has obviously given you all his love and what he thinks is the best!

You have been favored by thousands of people since you were a child. You can do almost anything you want, and you will definitely get whatever you want!

But in the end, he just wants to destroy everything that others hold dear!

Especially my mother, she was so kind, tolerant and kind, but you killed her cruelly and without mercy. "

"Are you jealous of me? Dear sister."

Alsace's originally cold eyes seemed to melt a little, and his voice suddenly became a little gentler.

Caliya replied without thinking: “Of course I’m jealous of you.

Because just because you are a man, you easily get what I desperately want but never get.

Whether it's the love of father and mother, or the freedom to do whatever you want.

When I was little, I often wondered if I would be treated the same as you if I were a boy.

Can you also freely pursue your dreams, ride a horse across the endless fields, and feel the excitement and joy brought by the wind blowing on your cheeks?

Unfortunately, this is just a childhood fantasy.

I am the only princess of the royal family of Lordaeron, so I must show dignity and elegance on any occasion, and I must also ensure that my speech and actions must be appropriate.

Not to mention doing things like riding a horse and running wildly, even the thought of such a thing will be reprimanded.

But what about you?

When you are ten years old, you can leave the palace and wander around, accompanied by attendants.

You can even ignore the gossip around you and enjoy the sweetness of love with Gianna.

But I can only wait for my father to appoint a prince and nobleman whom I have never met as my husband.

Do you think this is fair? "

Obviously, Caliya vented all the jealousy and resentment she had accumulated in her heart today.

Because her brother's depravity and murder of her parents really stimulated her so much that even her personality changed to a certain extent.

If she hadn't seen her daughter safe and sound while passing through Nanhai Town, the princess would be even more excited now.

As a prince who has been favored by thousands of people since he was a child, and a winner in life who will get whatever he wants immediately, Arthas has obviously never paid attention to whether his sister, who is only two years older than him, is happy.

So after hearing these words, his originally cold heart was shaken for once, and he even felt a little guilty.

But just a second later, the power from Frostmourne made it become cold again, and asked expressionlessly: "What does that have to do with me?

There is never anything fair in this world.

If you were not a princess, you would already be like those peasant women, doing heavy physical work in the fields day after day.

The skin will also become dark and rough due to long-term exposure to wind and sun. It is impossible to have the beautiful appearance and fair and delicate skin now.

And do you think you can become a qualified warrior by wearing armor and holding weapons?

What gave you the courage to stand in front of me? "

As the last word blurted out, the coldness in Alsace's body suddenly surged. He raised his hand and pulled his sister over with a death grip.


Upon seeing this, Uther immediately rushed forward like crazy to protect the last bloodline of the Lordaeron royal family.

But before he could throw out the Blessing of Protection, he saw Calia pull out two daggers at lightning speed, and use a beautiful and elegant step like a dance to easily avoid Frostmourne's thorn. hit.

One of the daggers successfully blocked the sweep that followed, and at the same time, he used the other dagger to go around and stab Alsace's left eye.


With just one blow, the future second-generation Lich King changed from having both eyes intact to a one-eyed dragon.

Although the blood in the body had already been frozen by the cold, and it could not be successfully inserted into the skull cavity along the eye socket, the eye still rolled out when the dagger was pulled out.

Obviously, this unique sword skill is the Elf Sword Dance taught to Zuo Si by the dark girl Eilistraee.

The latter was passed on to the princess of Lordaeron through First Embrace, allowing her to gain considerable melee combat abilities in a short period of time.

But this is not the end!

Caliya, who had already accumulated a lot of anger, took advantage of her brother's loss of one eye and the blind spot to quickly complete the six-ring magic [Return to Death without Death].

Under Zuo Si's training, she was not as merciful as Uther, but ruthlessly poured this sacred energy into the death knight's body.


Arthas felt as if his entire body was exploding from the inside. A large number of cracks appeared in his muscles and skin, and death, shadow, and frost energy spewed out from these cracks crazily.

The immense pain he had never experienced before directly acted on his soul, and he could no longer hold back his heart-rending wails.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!"

"Do you think I'm still that cowardly princess who only obeys my father's arrangements?

Do you think you are the only one who has gained more power?

Today I will make you pay for what you have done!

I want you to understand that the Kingdom of Lordaeron has not yet been destroyed!

And I am the true and legitimate queen of this country! "

With the last word blurted out, Caliya blessed the dagger with the five-ring magic [Weapon of Destruction], and at the same time crazily eroded the spiritual energy generated from her brother's pain, making it clear that she wanted to take advantage of the opponent's carelessness. Kill them in one go.

You must know that whether it is [Return to Death without Death] or [Weapon of Destruction], they are essentially powerful magical arts developed for the characteristics of the undead.

The restraint against undead creatures is many times stronger than that of Holy Light.

Especially [Weapon of Destruction], once added, it becomes a temporary trial version of Ashbringer.

Whether it's a ghoul or a Stitched Abomination, it's almost impossible to escape death as long as you're hit.

Only top-notch undead creatures with strong magic resistance, such as lich and demilich, could escape through saving throws.

And even if they pass immunity, they will still get hit hard.

The Lich King, who was far away on the Frozen Throne in Northrend, obviously sensed that the warriors he had chosen were in great danger, and immediately released the astonishingly powerful death magic through Frostmourne.

The next second...

The ear-piercing soul scream swept through all the surrounding creatures within a range of hundreds of meters!

Even a powerful paladin like Uther knelt on the ground in pain, and others lost consciousness in large areas.

Some ordinary people with relatively weak physiques died on the spot, as if they had been hit by the nine-ring magic Banshee's Wail.

Although Calia had strong resistance to shadow and death magic, she was still forced back by the power of the Lich King and the artifact.

Alsace took the opportunity to turn over and mount Invincible, turned around and ran out of the city, completely ignoring the undead legions scattered around.

Not to mention these cannon fodder, he didn't even have time to pick up the eye that fell to the ground.

Just as Jalia was about to give chase, she suddenly heard Zuo Si's voice in her head.

"Stop chasing.

Arthas was not alone. He was accompanied by the leader of the Dread Lords, Tichondrius.

What's more, you were able to defeat Arthas entirely because of his own carelessness.

If you fight head-on, your probability of winning will not exceed 40%.

Now it's better to pick up the eye on the ground, then integrate the survivors of Andorhal and retreat south.

If you can successfully save Uther this time, it will be considered a profit. "

"As you wish."

Caliya quickly calmed down her agitated mood, slowly retracted the pair of bright red wings behind her, and put the two daggers back into their sheaths.

There is no doubt that the battle between the siblings and the severe damage to Alsace gave her great confidence, making her realize for the first time how powerful the power God had given her was.

If that sword hadn't suddenly appeared and caused trouble, Alsace would probably not even have a body left.

As for Uther and the members of the Knights of the Silver Hand who were watching the battle, their jaws were completely shocked by the fighting power displayed by Her Highness the Queen. After the battle, they all came together to ask what happened to Calia and why she will gain such powerful power.

After learning that this power came from the God of Contract, some paladins who hated the Scourge of the Undead and Arthas immediately expressed their intention to join the church in order to obtain more powerful power and avenge those innocent victims. .

Not only them, but also devout die-hard Holy Light believers like Uther were involuntarily shaken.

After all, the Church of the God of Contract does not prohibit anyone from continuing to believe in the Holy Light.

Many original paladins and priests can still use holy light magic after converting.

Since everyone's attention was focused on Calia and the super giant airships in the sky, they didn't realize that the urn containing the ashes of King Terenas had been quietly stolen by the Dread Lord.

It can be seen from this that Tichondrius has never trusted Arthas and the Lich King behind him.

Especially after seeing the giant airship appearing in the sky from a distance, the Dread Lord immediately decided to take some measures alone to avoid possible mission failure.

Facts have proved that it is much less laborious to be an old yin waiting for an opportunity than to rush forward and confront someone.

When Arthas escaped back to the base and found that Kel'Thuzad's remains had been put into an urn, his face looked as ugly as possible.

Because at the moment, his original cold appearance has been transformed by magic like a "special version of Minecraft". From a distance, he looks like a bunch of abstract works made up of mosaic squares.

Large swaths of skin and muscle were torn apart, showing cracks, which were all forcibly held together by the power of the Lich King.

Until the energy of [Immortal Return] is completely consumed, the body cannot fully return to its original state.

And you must hold Frostmourne twenty-four hours a day and never let go, otherwise the body may suddenly burst from the inside...

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