A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 615: The Arrogance of High Elves (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Calia, who had just become the Queen of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, suddenly appeared in Andorhal, and repelled her brother Arthas, who had committed heinous crimes, and successfully saved the Knights of the Silver Hand and a large number of refugees who were on the verge of collapse. Undoubtedly, it greatly encouraged the Alliance troops who were confronting the undead natural disasters on the front line.

In particular, the three airships floating in the sky can not only carry out ferocious bombardment from a high position, but can also drop various explosives to bombard the low-level undead that are densely packed like a tide, causing them to completely lose their numerical advantage.

After all, without the overwhelming and fierce charge, the offensive capabilities of the undead army can be said to have been greatly weakened.

The elite coalition composed of humans and dwarves can even form an array in the wild without relying on fortifications to defeat an army of ghouls, zombies and skeletons that are four or even six times their own number.

What's more, Calia severely wounded the Lich King's first death knight, Arthas, who was holding the artifact Frostmourne, causing the latter to lose one of his eyes.

Plus Uther the Lightbringer and the Knights of the Silver Hand who survived a narrow escape.

Not only did the Alliance not collapse like in the original timeline at the beginning of the Third War, but it instead took on a posture that was able to regain the lost land and restore Lordaeron just like it did during the First Orc War.

A large amount of holy water was continuously transported from the rear of Stranglethorn Valley to the front line, directly destroying the plague, one of the two magic weapons of the Lich King's rapid expansion.

The lack of plague transformation means that the Scourge can only effectively use those corpses to become part of its own power after completely defeating the enemy.

But if there is no way to win quickly or it becomes a tug-of-war, then all the destroyed undead will be burned and purified, and there will no longer be a way to pull them up as cannon fodder.

This is undoubtedly a blow to the bottom of the pot, and it is also the biggest weakness of the seemingly invincible Scourge Legion.

After all, if brainless ghouls and zombies want to kill an elite veteran, it will take at least three of them.

If human veterans gather into arrays or even complex and huge legions, then this number may double or triple.

Therefore, the Scourge Legion is actually not good at fighting protracted battles, but is better at launching unexpected sneak attacks and quick attacks.

Once they begin to shift into positional warfare and a war of attrition, not only will they not be able to take advantage at all, but they may become weaker and weaker through constant attrition.

After sensing the high morale of the coalition forces, Baron Rivendell and several lichs who commanded the natural disaster forces occupying the capital of Lordaeron decisively gave up their originally planned southward invasion plan and chose to retreat and defend. They did not dare to easily leave the solid city walls and fortresses. protection of.

Because they knew very well that Ner'zhul's current goal was to capture Quel'Thalas and resurrect Kel'Thuzad as a great lich in the Sunwell.

The real elite main force has been taken north by Arthas and the fear lord Tichondrius.

Especially those spider-like Crypt Demons brought back from Northrend in the far north. They are now the only units of the Scourge that can pose a threat to air units.

And they were all transferred to the north to prepare for the high elves' dragon eagle riders.

As for gargoyles, things created through a combination of necromantic magic and alchemy, they would not be invented until Kel'Thuzad became the Archlich and put on the battlefield on a large scale.

The Frost Dragon had to wait until the end of the Third War, when Alsace once again took a boat to the sea on the way to Icecrown Glacier, and used the power of Frostmourne to kill and resurrect the blue dragon Sapphiron.

Therefore, the current Scourge Legion can be said to be quite weak in terms of air power.

The only way to build an air defense system is through ziggurats and a large number of necromancers and shadow mages.

Although it is certainly enough to fight defensively, the offensive ability is obviously insufficient.

If you encounter flying units such as the Eagle's Nest Mountain dwarves' gryphon troops and the high elves' dragon eagle troops that require height, speed, and speed, they will definitely suffer.

Not to mention airships, air fortresses that can launch attacks from two to three thousand meters away.

But Calia knew very well that in addition to the intricate streets and buildings on the surface of Lordaeron's capital, there was also a large underground sewer that was equally easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The Undercity that Sylvanas later built was transformed and expanded on this basis. You can imagine how huge the space inside it is.

Even if the entire royal capital is razed to the ground with massive explosive barrels and incendiary bombs, there will still be nothing you can do against the undead who will inevitably hide in the sewers and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

If we insist on launching a ground attack, it will definitely cause huge casualties.

And if the coalition forces suffer too many casualties, they will not be able to withstand the huge number of undead scattered in Tirisfal Glades and the entire East Wilder region, as well as the growing main force elite led by Arthas.

Therefore, after discussion, the commanders from each kingdom agreed on the current strategy of focusing on defense and rescuing refugees as a supplement.

They do not seek to regain the territory of Lordaeron in a short time, they just want to save more surviving civilians.

In this way, on the only road from the royal capital of Lordaeron to Silverpine Forest, the coalition began to cut down wood and build increasingly stronger fortifications with the assistance of Dalaran mages.

At the same time, three giant airships also began patrolling the skies over Tirisfal Glades and the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, delivering urgently needed supplies to the towns that were still resisting, and picking up women, the elderly, and children and sending them to the safety of the rear.

During this period of time, Calia also accepted a paladin from the Twilight Forest of the Southern Stormwind Kingdom recommended by the Lightbringer Uther as her deputy and bodyguard.

His name is Morgan Lattimore...

However, just as the coalition forces were intensively gathering more troops and materials to prepare for war, Arthas had quietly passed through Stratholme with the help of the cover of the dense forest, successfully entered the land controlled by the high elves, and put all the information accumulated in his heart before All the anger is vented on these proud pointed ears.

As a result, one massacre after another was staged again.

The high elves, which had taken thousands of years to multiply and grow, suffered unprecedented heavy losses in their population base in just a few days.

The undead that were constantly being killed and resurrected even left a trace of death that was contaminated by the plague in a vibrant green forest during the march, running through the Land of Ghosts and the Eversong Forest.

Looking around at the plague victims brought from Firestone Farm, Dalson Orchard, Geron Farm and other towns in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, as well as the large number of zombies transformed from the massacre of elven villages, cut off with residual limbs The abomination with his arms sewn together, the shadows and ghosts twisted by corrupted souls, the death knight who had almost recovered from his injuries finally walked out of the shadow of his previous defeat and escape, staring with two eyes of different colors showing a look of satisfaction.

Obviously, his other eye with a lavender pupil did not belong to him.

Instead, one of the many victims is selected, dug out, stuffed into the eye socket, and then turned into a part of the body through evil necromantic magic.

Although the fit may not be as perfect as the original one, it is at least much better than a one-eye with a huge visual blind spot.

What's more, piecing together the limbs and organs of different people and resurrecting them into new undead creatures is originally the specialty of the Scourge.

Not to mention just one eye, it would be no problem to replace the entire head.

In addition to the cannon fodder made from corpses and skeletons, those crypt demons that look more ferocious and terrifying are truly elite troops.

Although there are not many of them, they have extremely high intelligence and the ability to spray sticky webs and death flying insects.

The former can wrap the target and immobilize it, while the latter can cause considerable damage to air units.

The most important thing is that these bugs are very good at digging holes. They can dig an underground tunnel directly within a few hours, jump over the solid wall, and launch a surprise attack from the inside towards the enemy's vulnerable rear.

With these powerful helpers, Arthas easily destroyed towns outside the magic barrier one after another.

Even the Amani trolls who saw him slaughtering the high elves and wanted to come over to form an alliance could not escape.

Basically, any creature that blocks the path of the undead army will be destroyed mercilessly without exception. In a true sense, everyone is equal before death, without any double standards.

Standing on a high cliff, the death knight looked down at the high elf civilians below who were screaming and wailing. Without looking back, he said to the ghost floating behind him: "Look, I told you, these self-esteem The very tall elves are nothing. They can't stop the siege of the undead army, let alone my steps to capture Quel'Thalas and occupy the Sunwell."

"Don't be careless.

Have you forgotten the trouble those elite scouts caused when we first entered the forest?

The magical power of the high elves is extraordinary, not even the magical kingdom of Dalaran can match it.

Especially the rune stones and magic wards surrounding Quel'Thalas will block all approaching enemies.

The Amani trolls spent thousands of years unable to decipher the secrets of the magical wards.

What's more, Anasterian Sunstrider is a very powerful opponent, and Flame Strike is also an artifact comparable to Frostmourne. "

The spirit of Kel'Thuzad warned solemnly.

After all, he was once a mage in Dalaran, and he knew very well the high elves who imparted magical knowledge to humans, and he understood how powerful this seemingly unexpanded magical kingdom actually was.

Especially after being nourished by the infinite energy of the Sunwell, the number of high elves' mages is simply staggering.

The number of people who are qualified to be called archmages alone exceeds fifty, which is more than seven times the number of human archmages.

Of course, this is also relatively short-lived compared to humans, while elves can easily live to be hundreds or even thousands of years old.

When the human archmage dies due to aging, the elf archmage at the same time can live for hundreds of years, and even fall in love with the former's granddaughter or even great-granddaughter.

If the high elves gathered these powerful spellcasters together, then the Scourge would most likely be destroyed by blizzards, meteorites, and magical fires falling from the sky just like the trolls thousands of years ago.

You must know that with the infinite energy source of the Sunwell as the backing, the elf mage never needs to worry about the problem of insufficient magic power, and can directly defeat the millions of natural disasters with large-scale destructive spells.

The numerical advantage is nothing in front of the terrifying magical power.

But Arthas disagreed with this and retorted with a slightly contemptuous tone: "The premise you assume is that these elves are united, Anasterian Sunstrider loves and protects all people, and the people also worship and loyal to him.

You have also seen the collapse and destruction of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

My father, King Terenas, can be considered diligent and caring for his people, right?

But what's the result?

There will still be many people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, or who choose to betray for the sake of greater power and interests.

This time the high elves are no exception.

If there is one thing that I feel most profoundly after becoming a death knight, it is undoubtedly that mortals can be influenced, corrupted, and bribed.

They have too many fears in their hearts, and there are also countless desires that cannot be satisfied.

In this regard, my legions and soldiers are much better.

After all, low-level undead don't need to think.

You don't need to know anything but obey them, let alone worry about loyalty.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder, if I could kill all the living creatures in this world, would it be possible to establish an eternal kingdom of death?

At that time, I can be crowned as the king and become the eternal ruler of the entire world and the King of Kings. "

While saying this, Arthas pursed his lips and revealed a creepy smile.

There is no doubt that the massacre at Stratholme still affects him deeply.

It can even be said that it was a watershed in his life and the cause of a 180-degree turn in his thinking and cognition.

In this incident, the prince, whose mind has not yet fully matured, saw for the first time how fragile life is, and also understood how ridiculous the kingdom ruled by his father was in the face of more powerful forces.

So whether it was for revenge or to gain more powerful power to control his destiny, he resolutely picked up Frostmourne.

As everyone knows, this is precisely the beginning of his being manipulated and toyed by fate.

As for the idea in Arthas's mind of establishing a kingdom of eternal death, it was nothing more than an illusory dream.

Just when Kel'Thuzad wanted to give some more advice to the Lich King's warrior, a high elf dressed as a mage suddenly came over escorted by several ghouls and a necromancer.

"What's going on? I don't remember giving an order to keep prisoners." Alsace asked with a cold face.

"Wait! Don't kill me! I can tell you how to break through the barrier and find the Elf Gate, and how to enter Silvermoon City."

The elf mage hurriedly shouted to the supreme commander of the Scourge Legion.

After all, he risked his life not to risk his life, but to gain more knowledge and power, and to take revenge on the Silvermoon City Council who refused to acknowledge his talents and contributions.

The Lich King behind Arthas keenly captured the darkness and distortion emanating from the heart of the elf mage in front of him, and immediately whispered to his warrior through Frostmourne.

After just a few seconds, Arthas changed his previous attitude and asked with great interest: "Do you want to betray your country and race and serve for the Scourge?"


I hate those condescending, useless council members, and Silvermoon City's ridiculous and decadent censorship system.

As long as you are willing to accept me and grant me the forbidden dark knowledge and power, then I am willing to help the Scourge break the magical barrier that has protected Silvermoon City for thousands of years and successfully blocked the invasion of trolls - Bandi Norel.

I will call you my master, serve you, and dismantle the magical defenses of Quel'Thalas from within. "

The high elf mage expressed his dissatisfaction with the existing governance system of Silvermoon City with resentment.

He felt that his talents and efforts were ignored by those in high positions, and that his contributions were not properly rewarded.

After all, on earth, if a ruling system can maintain the state machine for two hundred years without major problems, it is considered to be quite outstanding, and can even be described as excellent.

Not to mention that thousands of years have passed since the elves established Quel'Thalas.

Coupled with their astonishing longevity, the situation where the upper ruling class has a monopoly on power, wealth, and magical resources has become serious.

Elf mages like this one who harbor strong dissatisfaction and resentment are not an exception, but there are quite a few.

It's just that at this stage, the hatred of most people has not accumulated enough to cause fierce social conflicts, or even form a torrent that will destroy them even if they surrender to the enemy.

"This guy should be very useful."

The ghost of Kel'Thuzad whispers in the death knight's ears.

Arthas made a slight nod that was not easily noticed, and then showed a playful smile: "Tell me your name, elf. I think you should be able to become a good servant."

"Darkhan Drathil, that is my name, great master."

The elven mage didn't even hesitate for a second before bending down and bowing deeply.

He could feel the terrifying energy contained in the body of this Prince of Lordaeron, as well as the two-handed sword that exuded a biting coldness and was comparable to the artifact held by the Sunstrider family of the high elf royal family - the Flame Strike.

At the same time, far away in Silvermoon City, the capital of Quel'Thalas.

Zuo Sizheng, who came from afar, accompanied by his "old friend" Prince Kael'thas, visited this beautiful and miraculous city built with countless efforts and magical power.

If Dalaran, the human magical kingdom, is described as a post-modern top-notch craft built with various gorgeous magic technologies, then Silvermoon City is a magnificent work of art that has been deposited by time and history.

Whether it is the perfection and harmony presented by the interweaving of various magical plants and arcane guards, or the various buildings, lamps, magical machinery, and ubiquitous portals built on the infinite energy supply of the sun well, it is all fascinating. It's like being in a dream.

It is obvious that the high elves have completely integrated magic into their daily life. More than half of the residents can even cast some simple spells, even those warriors in exquisite armor, spell breakers, housewives and people running around in the streets. Children are no exception.

No wonder Quel'Thalas has always had a very strong isolationist tendency despite having concluded an alliance with humans long ago.

Perhaps in their view, the other intelligent races on this planet, except for their cousins ​​the night elves in Kalimdor, are all a group of low-level, savage and ignorant guys.

Even the public transportation, medical security and other functional social welfare systems established when the earth entered modern society seemed like a joke in front of Silvermoon City.

Because this capital of high elves has achieved truly universal medical care, providing all kinds of food for free, and most importantly, free energy.

Many tools that operate on magical energy can obtain unlimited energy from the Sunwell for maintenance.

Even if citizens do not study or work for the rest of their lives, they can still obtain the most basic guarantee of survival. They do not need to worry about starving to death, dying of disease, or being attacked by wild beasts like humans do.

To be precise, all dangerous beasts that may pose a threat to the high elves are excluded from the magical barrier like trolls.

This place is like a paradise or an ideal land, where people can pursue their dreams without any burden.

Only in such a place can we cultivate a large number of highly creative mages, craftsmen with superb craftsmanship, and great artists that are beyond the reach of mankind.

In particular, the store is filled with a dazzling array of jewelry with magical power, which vividly demonstrates the high elves' pursuit of "beauty".

"Well, my dear friend, Silvermoon City did not disappoint you, did it?"

Kael'thas's tone was full of pride and pride.

Although His Royal Highness the Prince often inadvertently reveals a kind of condescension unique to high elves, it does not make people feel particularly annoying.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "It's indeed pretty good, at least much better than Dalaran.

But I feel like now is not the time to visit Silvermoon City.

After all, the undead army led by Alsace has begun to approach here.

Your top priority is to organize forces for defense. It is best to gather all the mages and form a magic army that can continuously cast a wide range of offensive spells. "

But Kael'thas didn't take it seriously and said with a relaxed look: "Thank you for taking the trouble to inform us of this important news.

To be honest, although Arthas and I had some minor unpleasantness when we were pursuing Jaina.

However, they never expected that he would be so crazy that he actually killed his parents with his own hands, and also massacred the civilians of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Such a horrific crime is beyond belief.

But regarding this matter, my father, the Council, and the Ranger Generals of the Windrunner family will find ways to solve it.

Don't worry too much, Quel'Thalas is not a fragile human kingdom.

We have powerful magic barriers and barrier protections. No matter how large the undead army led by Arthas is, they will only be blocked out like the forest trolls.

Compared to this, let’s talk about the dinner party.

You must know that there are currently several female magisters in Silver Moon City who are very interested in you, the God of Contract behind you, and those magical abilities called divine arts.

One of them asked me to arrange a more private and in-depth communication opportunity during the dinner.

If you don't mind, could you please pick one or a few that you like?

This way I don't have to worry about it. "

It was not difficult to tell from the joking and playful tone of the Elf Prince that he did not take the Scourge who had arrived outside Quel'Thalas and launched an attack at all.

Not only him, but the entire upper-level rulers of Silver Moon City basically have this attitude, without any sense of crisis.

The reason is also very simple.

The high elves are too confident in the magical barriers they have built and protected for thousands of years.

He was so confident that he never felt that Arthas had the ability to break through the several elven gates protecting Silvermoon City.

This is also the reason why Zuo Si appears here.

He conveyed the message to these elven allies through magic, but the other party didn't take it seriously at all, and basically just kept playing and dancing.

What's even more terrible is that although he came in person and received a warm reception from the elven leaders, the other party still did not think that Arthas and the Scourge were an imminent and huge threat.

At this moment, Zuo Sicai finally understood why in the third war, the high elves were the country with the heaviest losses in the alliance besides the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and were even almost wiped out.

Excluding all external factors, their extreme arrogance and obsessive self-confidence are the culprits that lead to all these serious consequences.

You must know that in the original timeline, Prince Kael'thas, the only legitimate heir to Quel'Thalas, even hurriedly returned to his country after his father's death and the fall of the Sunwell to organize survivors to clean up the ruins and rebuild their homes. , which shows that they did not take the undead natural disasters seriously from the beginning.

By the time they reacted, Silvermoon City had already been captured by the roaring Scourge. Even the final retreat to Quel'Danas Island could not last long. The defeat was faster than Lordaeron's collapse overnight. The kingdom does not give in too much.


Maybe not as good as the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

At least the latter never gave up resistance, even in the years after the end of the Third War, they still fought desperately, whether they joined the fanatical Scarlet Crusade or the more rational Silver Dawn.

Finally, he set foot on the frozen soil of Northrend to launch a Jedi counterattack, successfully completing his revenge on the second-generation Lich King Arthas.

To a certain extent, the elves of Azeroth and the elves of Faerûn have the same purpose in terms of making a silent death.

Whether it was the High Elves who actively invited the Burning Legion and the Dark Titan Sargeras into the world ten thousand years ago, or the High Elves who were pushed to the doorstep and were still as steady as an old dog and not nervous at all, they all played themselves to death. The typical example is no better than the Faerun elves who fought several Crown Wars, leading to great divisions within the race and a sharp decline in population.

Although Zuo Si's original intention was to transfer some high elf civilians away in advance, trying to preserve a little vitality for this excellent magical race.

But after seeing the reaction of the High Elf King and the Council, he completely gave up his previous idea and began to prepare for the second backup plan.

Because when facing this group of guys who won't shed tears until they see the coffin, any verbal warning is in vain.

Unless they really come to the city, they will never wake up from the dream that "my high elf magic barrier is invincible".

As a result, Zuo Si did not continue to persuade the other party to relocate the civilians, but enjoyed the various entertainments Prince Kael'thas enthusiastically provided with peace of mind.

Occasionally, I would also find time to meet with some believers and pastors who had converted to the Church of God of Contract, affirm their contribution in expanding believers and spreading doctrines, and give a series of instructions.

However, this decadent and degenerate life did not last long. After just two or three days, it was broken by a ranger general wearing exquisite magic armor and holding a compound bow who looked extremely tired.

She is none other than Sylvanas who was sent to investigate and stop the undead army not long ago.

After meeting, the second sister of the Windrunner family said straight to the point: "I need information! All the information about Arthas and the undead disaster behind him, the more the better, the more accurate the better."

"Have you ever fought against Alsace?"

Zuo Si looked at the blood stains and not very obvious scratches on the opponent's armor and asked.

"Yes, I have met him.

The former prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron has now turned into a terrifying monster.

He can even use the sword in his hand to split the magic arrows I shot, and his undead army obeys every order perfectly like a swarm of insects, even if they know it is death, they will not flinch.

The most chilling thing is that I witnessed him resurrecting the corpses of dead soldiers one by one on the battlefield, and then turned them into his own men.

And that guy didn't know where he got the secret about the magic barrier, and he is constantly destroying the forest to find the Key of March.

Once he collects three crystal rune stones, he can open the second elven gate and approach Silvermoon City. "

When saying these words, this ranger general who always gave people a strong and calm expression rarely showed a lingering fear.

Obviously, she already knows that she is no match for the Death Knight, and she does not even have the courage to fight him head-on. Since the first encounter, she has been slowing down the advance of the natural disaster army through guerrilla warfare and harassment.

But even this has little effect.

After several rounds of fighting, Sylvanas' army suffered heavy losses, and many corpses were even pulled up and turned into members of the undead army.

The overwhelming and terrifying sight was something she had never encountered before when fighting trolls and orcs.

"What is the reaction of the King of Anastria and the Parliament now?" Zuo Si asked calmly.

"There's a lot of bickering in Parliament.

Some council members thought that there might be a traitor among us, so important secrets were leaked to the enemy, and demanded an immediate investigation of all mages in Silvermoon City;

Others believe that as long as the magic barrier is not destroyed for a day and the second gate is not breached, Quel'Thalas will still be safe and there is no need to be overly nervous;

His Majesty the King just went to the Sunwell on Quel'Danas Island not long ago to deal with some magical matters and has not returned yet.

As for Prince Kael'thas, he is so noisy by the councilors that he doesn't know who to listen to. "

Sylvanas sighed helplessly.

The reason why she returned to Silvermoon City was, on the one hand, to report the serious situation so that these "gentlemen" could be alert, and on the other hand, to transport the wounded back to replenish the troops.

If possible, it would be best to send a sufficient number of mages to assist the Ranger Legion in supporting the overwhelming undead army in order to reduce the number of these living dead.

But what Sylvanas never expected was that the news she brought back directly caused the High Elf Council to fall into division and quarrel.

"Have you fallen into civil strife despite the threat of powerful foreign enemies? The situation in Silvermoon City is really extremely bad."

Zuo Si touched his chin and made a meaningful comment.

Although he was not sure whether any of these councilors were tempted by the Lich King's promise and had secretly joined the Scourge to cause trouble.

But what is certain is that the high elves with such powerful magical power would be pushed aside by the undead army led by Alsace, and there must be traitors among them.

Otherwise, just the huge number of mages and the unlimited energy supply from the Sunwell would not be enough to stand still and wait for help.

Sylvanas, who was personally fighting Arthas on the front line, clearly knew that there must be traitors among her compatriots, so she subconsciously clenched the magic compound bow in her hand and tried in an uncertain tone: "Don't you know something?" What, that’s why you teleported here from Stranglethorn Valley to warn us?”

Zuo Si sneered and asked: "Otherwise? Am I here to enjoy life?

Or is it to have some in-depth exchanges with those passionate female magisters?

It's a pity that no one took my warning seriously.

You and your people have enjoyed peace for so long that you have forgotten how dangerous the world is and how cruel war is.

If you are willing to believe me, it is best to move as many people as possible to places outside Silvermoon City from now on, such as Sunsail Port.

I will notify Admiral Dai Lin's fleet to go to the rescue. "

"You mean...the Elven Gate will be breached sooner or later? Silvermoon City will inevitably fall?"

Sylvanas suddenly stood up from her chair, with an expression of shock and disbelief on her face.

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?

Arthas starting to collect keys is a very obvious sign that there are traitors among the elves who have secretly joined the Scourge.

And most likely there is more than one.

But the problem is that in the current form there is simply not enough time to investigate.

The only thing you can do is, like the Kingdom of Lordaeron, first ensure that civilians can escape from the coming massacre, leaving enough seeds for future reconstruction and revival.

After all, population is the most important cornerstone of a race and civilization.

As long as there are enough people, even if their homes are destroyed, they can be rebuilt again and again.

But if the civilian population is wiped out by a large-scale massacre by the enemy, does it make sense to win the final victory of the war?

The next step is not to face the same fate of decline.

That's why I came to Silvermoon City at this time and suggest that you move the civilians away first.

Unfortunately, this proposal was not taken seriously by anyone.

But now, I think you can understand what I'm thinking, right? "

As he spoke, Zuo Si looked directly at the general of the Quel'Thalas Ranger Force in front of him, waiting for him to make a fateful choice.

Sylvanas seemed to be hesitating and struggling. After a long silence, she steeled herself and asked, "What do you want me to do? You must know that my duty is to obey the orders of the parliament. It is impossible to make any decision that goes against the parliament." thing."

"Don't worry, I won't let you openly oppose the council.

Just the opposite.

You only need to guide the refugees fleeing from Yongge Forest to Yangfan Port, and the church waiting there will naturally take care of them until they are sent to a safe place through various methods.

Do you think that I have been attending various banquets frequently these days and wasting a lot of time on those female mages? Is it true that I am fascinated by the beauty and enthusiasm of elves as rumored?


I reached an agreement with them. When necessary, I can open a magic portal to quickly transfer a large number of refugees to prevent them from being massacred by the Scourge.

So you can trust me on that.

After all, the Church has proven on more than one occasion our determination to protect believers and lives.

What's more, I can personally give you a small gift. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si took out an amulet that exuded a deep blue light from his pocket.

"This is……"

As a high elf, although Sylvanas is a ranger, she can feel the powerful magical power attached to it.

"Like I said, it's just a gift to protect your soul in a critical moment."

Zuo Si didn't give much explanation on the function of the amulet, he just smiled pretending to be mysterious.

After meeting Chromie, he understood that he no longer had to worry about interference from the Bronze Dragon Legion. He could change anyone's destiny and do whatever he wanted.

Because if the Bronze Dragon had the ability to correct the skew in the timeline, it would have already done so.

Since they didn't do it, it means that this timeline has completely fallen into their hands.

"Thanks, that's just what I needed."

Sylvanas did not refuse, directly accepted the amulet and wore it around her neck.

Having fought against Alsace, she knew that she might fall at any time in this defeat with no hope of victory.

If she could, she definitely didn't want to be like the other sacrificed compatriots who were pulled up by the evil rune sword after death and turned into a walking corpse without thought and will.

In the following time, Zuo Si shared information about the Scourge Legion without any concealment.

By the time Sylvanas left, she had fully understood all the abilities of Arthas and Frostmourne, as well as the reason why the undead army suddenly went north to attack the Elf Kingdom.

Unfortunately, it's too late...

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