A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 616: The Joy of Fire (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The Key of March, a magic weapon cut into three pieces of moon crystal, is also the final key necessary for the Scourge to pass through the Elf Gate to Silvermoon City.

They are secretly stored in three treasure halls in Quel'Thalas, and each treasure hall is located at the intersection of the magic paths, and its appearance is very similar to the sunwell.

In other words, these halls are small sunwells, maintaining the "Bandinorel" magic barrier that has protected the high elves for thousands of years.

All the magical paths are like the arteries of the earth, but the flow is not blood, but pure magical energy originating from the core of the planet under your feet.

This is a secret that only a handful of high-level elven mages know, and not even the dwarves, humans, and gnomes who are allies.

But now, just because of Darkan Drasil's betrayal, the powerful magical barrier that even the Lich King and Arthas were helpless has been easily disintegrated.

Thanks to the help of the leading party, the natural disaster army does not even need to attack these temples with powerful magical guards. They only need to send a few death knights and necromancers to follow the opponent inside, and then launch a sudden attack to kill the guards, and then they can It's easy to get the crystal key you want.

Antras, Andalos, Anowein...

In less than four days, all three temples had fallen, and all the mages, guards, and arcane puppets stationed there were dead or injured, and there was no time for even early warning news to be spread.

Facts have proved that when a country is invaded by a foreign enemy, there is nothing more fatal than the appearance of traitors at the top levels of the country.

Although the ranger general Sylvanas bought some time for Silvermoon City by blowing up the bridge alone, the High Elf Council still did not pass the emergency recruitment bill to gather all the mages to form a legion to deal with the natural disasters that may come at any time. Army.

You must know that after the massacre in the Land of Ghosts and Eversong Forest, Arthas's army no longer only has ground units such as skeletons, ghouls, zombies, shadows, ghosts, stitched abominations, and crypt demons.

Through the slaughter of forest trolls, he also obtained more powerful units such as giant bear zombies, death dragon eagles and giant eagles transformed by the plague.

These were originally raptors and beasts domesticated by the Amani trolls, but now they were all forced to join the Scourge and became the elites who were about to invade Silvermoon City and start a massacre.

After thousands of years, the trolls finally wanted to take revenge on their old enemies in another way.

I just don't know if they will be happy about it.

Looking at the rushing river in front of him and the beautiful female elf standing on the other side of the river bank, as well as the perseverance revealed in her eyes, Arthas revealed a teasing smile.

He just raised Frostmourne in his hand and pointed it into the river, and thousands of zombies and ghouls around him jumped into the water one after another.

One of them grabbed the other's leg, and they actually sank underwater and hugged the stone to avoid being washed away by the current.

The undead behind stepped on the corpses of the same kind and continued to advance, and climbed to the other side through this relay method.

When a link made of corpses appeared, the rest of the undead creatures rushed into the river and used their bodies to build a bridge that was large enough for heavy siege equipment such as meat grinders, ballistas, and catapults to pass through. .


It should be said that it is a road!

Because even the rapid river water has been intercepted by countless undead armies.

The scalp-numbing sight made Sylvanas look in disbelief.

Most importantly, many corpses soaked in the water even polluted the river.

Countless plagues quickly infected and transformed fish, turtles, and crabs in the water, making them extremely dangerous and aggressive.

It is foreseeable that if the villages downstream accidentally drink the water from the river, the entire village will inevitably be infected, and eventually they will all be transformed into soldiers of the undead natural disaster.

Like a general who was about to win, Alsace rode his undead horse Invincible across this road built by countless undead to the other side of the river.

At this moment, his mind couldn't help but recall the tragic jump in one winter, when Wudi stepped on the frozen rocks and stumbled and fell, eventually breaking his leg and falling to the ground screaming in pain.

At that time, I was so desperate that I almost suffocated, and even had to cry and pierce the heart of my best friend and best companion with a sharp sword.

But everything is different now.

He is no longer the fragile mortal who was tortured by guilt and shame to the point of mental collapse, and he is no longer the ordinary animal that can be injured and die.

Both men and horses are much stronger than before.

The invincible that was once lost will live on in the world forever, serving its master as always, and will never feel hunger, thirst and pain, nor will it age or die.

This is the most perfect state in the world - eternity.

And Arthas, who was once a prince, will be able to do whatever he wants without worrying about his father's silent opposition, hearing Uther's pedantic reproaches, and not even Jaina's questioning gaze...

He enjoys this kind of freedom and unrestraint, enjoys the satisfaction brought by breaking all rules and secular ethics, and is eager to go against the grain and do all the things he did not dare to do before, whether it is massacre or destroying everything that others value most.

The only price that needs to be paid is to be loyal to the Lich King and serve his plan.

"go ahead!"

After successfully crossing the river, the Death Knight immediately gave orders to the growing legion.

With the collapse of the Elf Gate and the Magic Barrier, there was now only Silvermoon City standing between him and the Sunwell.

What he had to do was to completely raze this elven city, which had gone through countless wars and had never been truly captured, to the ground to prove the unrivaled power of the Lich King and the Scourge.

Nothing can defeat death!

The hope, light, and justice that those creatures are proud of are nothing more than insignificant dust in the face of cold and ruthless death.

With this thought, Arthas glanced at the ranger general who had begun to retreat with a look full of contempt.

Although this elf who was good at archery caused him a lot of trouble, it only delayed the march of the army.

The other side didn't even dare to fight head-on.

The only thing they can do is to continue sneak attacks, harassment, and find ways to burn down the siege equipment that can pose a huge threat to Silver Moon City.

"Damn it! It seems that the plan that was originally expected to be delayed for a day or two has failed. If this continues, they will all be able to complete the crossing in a few hours at most. No, I have to notify others immediately."

Seeing that the undead army had begun to cross the river, Sylvanas did not dare to stop for even a second, and immediately turned around and headed to a nearby village to organize the evacuation of civilians.

Since she had witnessed with her own eyes the tragic conditions in places that had been raided by the Scourge, she knew very well that Zuo Si was right.

The safest method at this stage is to first transfer a large number of civilians who have no fighting capacity.

No matter whether Silvermoon City can be defended or not, it can at least ensure that Quel'Thalas will not be wiped out in one battle if the worst happens, and there will still be a chance for a comeback.

Similarly, moving living civilians away can also prevent them from being killed and indirectly increasing the number and strength of the undead army.

With this idea in mind, General Ranger and her men ignored the poor state of physical and mental exhaustion from fighting guerrilla warfare in Alsace for several days, and quickly dispersed one by one to notify the civilians in the surrounding villages and towns, immediately throwing away unnecessary belongings and starting Migrate to the largest port in Yonge Forest.

Because there is really not much time left for them.

Although the terrifying number of undead legions is far from fast, the most terrifying thing about these guys is that they don't need to rest or eat, and they won't be exhausted from traveling long distances.

It makes no difference to a group of undead whether it's day or night, windy or rainy, whether the road becomes muddy.

Likewise, Sylvanas realized that she had to do something to buy the refugees time to escape.

Otherwise, once thousands of civilians without combat effectiveness are overtaken or intercepted during the transfer process, the consequences will be catastrophic.

It's time to make the necessary sacrifices to protect Quel'Thalas like my eldest sister Alleria...

Sylvanas quickly made a decision in her heart.

As a member of the Windrunner family, she understands that this is the responsibility she must bear and the fate she cannot escape.

There is no doubt that the shattering of the Elven Gate, the collapse of the magic barrier, and the rapidly approaching Scourge Legion have made Silvermoon City, which was peaceful and peaceful before, suddenly become nervous.

Even Prince Kael'thas, who had always had no independent opinions and always felt indecisive, had to hold an emergency meeting to discuss building a defense system, and at the same time urgently sent people to the Sunwell to invite his father back.

Although he is several human lifetimes old, he is still a "youngster" with no experience in the eyes of veterans who are often two or three thousand years old. He is not qualified to handle such an important matter in place of Anasteria Sunstrider. matter.

After all, the latter led the high elves to decide to form an alliance with humans to turn the tide and win the war with the trolls. Otherwise, Quel'Thalas would have been completely destroyed thousands of years ago, and there would be no glory today.

It is precisely because of the brilliant achievements of Anasteria that the people and parliamentarians are unwilling to believe anyone except him at the current critical moment.

Unless the old king truly dies, Kael'thas will always be just a prince with no chance of ever touching power.

This is also the biggest difference between him and Alsace.

Although they are both crown princes, the latter is the elder son of King Terenas.

According to the average human lifespan, Arthas does not need to wait until the age of thirty to 100% inherit the throne and become the supreme ruler of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

But Kael'thas could only wait patiently, and even left his country to find another job in Dalaran because he had nothing to do.

Because in the king and parliament system of the high elves, he, the prince, could not find a position that even belonged to him. He was more like a spare tire just in case.

So Kael'thas didn't like staying in Silvermoon City, and even rarely came back after settling in Dalaran.

Because he can't find his own value here and is full of confusion about the future of his long life.

But in Dalaran, he was not only a member of the Kirin Tor Council, but also the respected mentor of countless human mages and apprentices. He could always feel his importance from the eyes and tone of the people around him.

But now, the exhausted elf prince who had just finished the emergency meeting appeared in front of Zuo Si and was pouring out his bitterness.

“My dear friend, you have no idea how difficult and difficult the questions raised by those congressmen are.

I don’t know how my father has endured it all these years.

To be honest, I'm really glad that I don't have to bear such heavy responsibilities and obligations and can do whatever I want every day.

But the problem is that Arthas and the Scourge Legion under his command have broken through all the magic barriers and the defenses of the Elven Gate, and will reach Silvermoon City in a few days.

Apart from concentrating on fighting, I had no other option. "

"Immediately recall the high-level elven mages in Dalaran, and then gather them all to build a defensive circle composed of ice, fire, arcane energy, and thunder and lightning.

With the infinite supply of mana from the Sunwell, no matter how many undead there are, it is impossible for them to rush in.

This is your only chance to hold on or even win.

If you miss it, then the fall of Silvermoon City will only be a matter of time.

I believe you should have learned from Sylvanas's report that a traitor has appeared within the high elves.

Otherwise, it would have been absolutely impossible for Arthas to break through the magical barrier that had protected Quel'Thalas for thousands of years in such a short period of time, accurately find the three temples where the keys were kept, and snatch them away at lightning speed. Got it. "

Zuo Si tried for the last time to persuade the equally tragic prince in front of him, as well as the High Elf Council who still didn't shed tears after seeing the coffin.

Through the eyes of church pastors and believers, he had learned that refugees began to appear one after another in Yangfan Port.

Although the number was not large, less than two thousand, it was enough to show that the ranger troops sent out were about to be unable to hold on.

Kael'thas smiled bitterly, shook his head and explained, "Sorry, this goes against our laws and traditions that protect the interests of all mages.

What's more, it's too late to even think about it now.

Just half an hour ago, the Parliament had passed a resolution to seal off the entire Silver Moon City and activate the magic defense system.

Therefore, all teleportation magic is prohibited.

This is to prevent the enemy from using the traitor's knowledge of the city to teleport in and launch a surprise attack.

Therefore, the high elf mages of Dalaran have no way to rush back through the portal, and the same is true for those mages living in other magic spires in Eversong Forest.

I suggest you leave as soon as possible before the troops reach the city. "

When saying these words, the elf prince's tone was full of bitterness and helplessness.

After all, there is nothing more painful than clearly seeing the problem but not being able to solve it.

As a genius mage, Kael'thas naturally cannot be a fool. He has long known that in addition to the traitor Darkan Drasil, there must be people in the council who secretly defect to the enemy.

But the question is what can be done now?

A thorough investigation with great fanfare?

Not only will it be impossible to find the betrayer in a short period of time, but it may also cause internal chaos, which will eventually lead to panic and even organizational defense problems.

What's more, the ruling method of the high elves is not the feudal system that emphasizes the authority of the monarch like the Kingdom of Lordaeron, but a parliamentary politics similar to a constitutional monarchy.

Among them, the legislative and executive powers are in the hands of the Parliament. Even the king must obtain the authorization of the Parliament to issue decrees, assemble the army, and launch wars.

This means that once a problem arises in the parliament, it is absolutely impossible to solve it quickly.

What's more, there are already many factions in the parliament, and fights and noises are unavoidable even on ordinary days. Fighting and attacking each other are commonplace, and it is completely impossible to tell who is the traitor who has been bribed.

Therefore, the only option is to simply pretend that they don't know what to do, continue to maintain the superficial unity, and first find a way to defend Silver Moon City.

Unlike Arthas, who always had the right to choose his destiny, Kael'thas, the elf prince, never had much choice.

He is more like a poor man who is constantly being driven and can only choose one of the two paths: the worst and the not-so-worse.

The former means quick death, while the latter means death after suffering enough pain and suffering.

Through these few days of observation, Zuo Si has obviously learned about the political system within Silver Moon City that has experienced thousands of years of class solidification and the monopoly of all rights and resources by powerful families.

Unless a war breaks out and the entire ruling class dies, there is no internal force that can reverse the current situation.

In fact, the reason why Kael'thas was able to quickly take power and become the leader of the blood elves after Quel'Thalas suffered its annihilation was thanks to the massacre Arthas caused in Silvermoon City.

It was the latter who unintentionally helped the former clear all obstacles to power.

Many times the cruel reality is so ironic and full of black humor.

Things that may be perceived as bad by most people may actually have a positive effect;

And those things that people think are good may actually have extremely bad effects.

However, Zuo Si did not follow Kael'thas's advice and leave Silvermoon City, which was destined to fall, but chose to stay.

Because he wanted to see what Arthas had become today, and how Ner'zhul, the first Lich King, had different mind control abilities over undead creatures than the mind flayer mastermind.

In addition, the tens of thousands of high elves gathered in Silvermoon City also need a way to retreat at critical moments.

After all, the other party had helped the human refugees in Lordaeron open a new home in Stranglethorn Vale.

In return, Zuo Si naturally had to ensure the survival of a part of the elven population.

The most important thing is that he does not want to see this race with unparalleled magical talent being forced to join the tribe as it was in the original timeline.

You must know that both orcs and trolls were once the mortal enemies of the elves, and they were the objects of their extreme hatred and contempt.

Therefore, the blood elves' decision to join the tribe is essentially equivalent to having to humiliatingly put aside their grudges and fight side by side with their former mortal enemies for the survival and continuation of the entire race.

Just thinking about that kind of entanglement makes people feel full of pain and struggle.

In particular, the high elves have a long lifespan, and many of them have relatives or friends who died during the orc invasion.

But after joining the tribe, they had to force themselves to smile at the ugly green-skinned faces, resisting nausea and the urge to spit, shaking hands and hugging each other to express the mutual respect between allies. trust.

This is why Zuo Si has always firmly believed that Garithos, a mentally retarded person, has done a heinous crime and pushed a good traditional ally into the enemy camp.

It would be nice if the Kingdom of Lordaeron could be successfully recovered in the end, after all, the winner would not be blamed.

But the question is how could he be the opponent of Sylvanas after the blackening in terms of playing tricks. Not only was he directly counter-killed and lost the alliance's valuable troops, but it also led to the complete fall of Tirisfal Glades and the northern part of Silverpine Forest.

But now that there is Calia, the new Queen of Lordaeron, Garithos has no chance to obtain the highest command of the coalition forces. He is just the temporary commander of an army. He cannot even leave the military camp without receiving orders. Naturally, There is no chance of becoming an oversized shit-stirring stick.

With the idea of ​​turning the entire high elf race into his followers, Zuo Si quickly got in touch with the high elf female mages who had reached an agreement, and built a direct link to the contract city of Stranglethorn Vale in two of the mage towers. Portal.

Of course, currently, the defense system of Silvermoon City is activated, so these portals are temporarily unable to function.

But as long as the city gate is breached, the two portals can become a fast passage for citizens to evacuate.

Less than four hours after the two portals were built, the Dragon Eagle Knight, who was responsible for detecting the enemy's situation, sent back bad news.

Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner was killed by the death knight Arthas while blocking the Scourge to buy time for civilians to escape.

The ranger force she led was completely wiped out, and not even a single person escaped alive.

This big news undoubtedly shocked all high elves.

Because except for Vereesa, who left Quel'Thalas to marry the human mage Ronin, the Windrunner family with its high reputation and status can be said to have been almost wiped out.

But before the high elves had time to feel sad, Arthas and the undead army he led appeared within the sight of the Silvermoon City guard tower.

Looking at the endless densely packed living dead, the putrid smell rushing towards them, and the black traces of death extending from the turquoise forest, everyone felt unprecedented tension, fear and despair.

As heavy siege weapons such as meat grinders, ballistas, and catapults began to creak and build positions, a war with a long-determined outcome finally began.

There were no savage roars like the orcs and trolls charging, only the loud noises and explosions of slings and explosive barrels hitting the city walls and magic protective barriers.

As for the undead that came like a tide, whether they were killed by arrows and spells or successfully climbed onto the city wall to mingle with soldiers and arcane puppets, they remained eerie silent without saying a word.

No matter how many were killed or injured, or whether the corpses were piled up into hills, they showed no fear at all. Under the cover of the barrels of plague explosives, waves came one after another, and the ones in front were killed and the ones behind them were on top.

At the beginning, Silver Moon City could barely resist with its strong protective power and large number of mages.

It didn't take long for the elven soldiers to become physically exhausted during the high-intensity battle.

When Kael'thas wanted to arrange for some people to rest in rotation and ordered the indestructible arcane puppet to hold on for a while, a huge explosive barrel suddenly passed through the obstacles under the influence of some unknown magic and landed accurately. Among mages who channel arcane energy to unleash rains of fire and blizzards.

The next second...

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

The green liquid carrying the terrifying plague suddenly splashed in all directions.

The mages who didn't expect that they would be attacked had no time to dodge, and more than half of them were drenched in green slime on the spot.

The harsh hissing sound and the large expanse of ulcerated skin immediately caused the injured to scream in agony.

Before the priest could react and treat them, more than a dozen mages died completely due to the erosion of the plague, and then resurrected in another terrifying undead form.

Under the control of the Lich King, they did not hesitate to attack their compatriots around them.

For a moment, arcane magic mixed with shadow and death magic splashed on the city wall.

Huge holes suddenly appeared in the originally solid defense line.

In particular, the injuries and deaths of a large number of mages left a gap in the continued use of large-scale destructive magic.

Arthas seized this fleeting opportunity and directly sent out an elite army of hatred.

These fat men with high defense and thick blood used their huge bodies to block all the long-range weapons flying towards them, and fell one after another on the path of charge.

But their death opened up a safe passage for the fanatical ghouls following behind.

In an instant, these twisted humanoid creatures with amazing climbing and jumping abilities swarmed up and occupied part of the city wall.

At the same time, the giant ram also successfully arrived in front of the city gate and began to slam into the closed Silver Moon City gate.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The kinetic energy generated by the huge inertia can make the seemingly solid city gate slightly loosen with every blow.

What's even more terrible is that at this moment, a piercing scream suddenly came from the city.

Before Anasteria, who was directing the battle on the city wall, could figure out what was going on, he saw countless giant spider-like creatures rushing out from the ground of the square, and together with countless ghouls, they began to move around. Unarmed civilians were massacred without restraint in the city.

It turns out that the Crypt Demon had already secretly dug a tunnel underground under Arthas' orders to lead to the interior of Silvermoon City.

Maybe it's because this city hasn't experienced a war for so long, and many of the soldiers who were temporarily summoned didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of them, with enemies in front and behind.

Especially the screams and large-scale chaos caused by the massacre of civilians made many people unwilling to fight and eager to turn around and save their families and friends.

Coupled with the collapse of morale as more and more undead armies swarmed up the city walls, small-scale rout and escape scenes occurred in many places.

no way.

The high elves were outnumbered and outnumbered by the Scourge.

The traitor and pathfinder party led by Dar'Khan Drasil is undoubtedly well aware of Silvermoon's weaknesses.

The plague explosive barrel that escaped the layers of links and exploded in the middle of the mage army was their masterpiece.

"Father! We can't hold on any longer! What should we do now?"

Kael'thas asked, sweating profusely.

Although he has been extracting the energy of the Sunwell, releasing flame storms over and over again, and even summoning his own phoenix to continuously burn and destroy the undead that surged up the city wall, all these efforts are in vain.

No matter how many are killed, more will charge along the Death Scar.

Anasteria's face was livid as she looked at Silvermoon City, which was already burning and falling into chaos. She suppressed her sadness and anger and replied: "Immediately take as many people as possible to the port to board the ship and retreat to the Sunwell. I am leading the army here to try to buy a little more time."

Having said that, the already aging king drew out his Flame Strike and waved lightly at the undead army in front.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A huge wave composed entirely of magical flames crashed down on his face, instantly clearing a section of the city wall that had just been lost.

All the ghouls and zombies were turned into black carbonized matter under the burning flames.

The scorching high temperature and surging heat fully proved that this was a powerful artifact that could keep pace with Frostmourne.

"Is this the famous Joy of Fire? It is indeed worth collecting..."

Zuo Si, who was guiding civilians to evacuate to two magic portals on the city streets, obviously noticed this scene and immediately showed an interested look.

Although this strange-looking sword is far less famous than Frostmourne, it can create flame effects by absorbing energy. The more flames it absorbs, the more powerful it will be in terms of coverage and power.

Theoretically, it is far more effective in war than Frostmourne, and has no known side effects.

If most normal people were asked to make a choice between Flamestrike and Frostmourne, I believe anyone who still has sense would choose the former over the latter without hesitation.

After all, it’s not pleasant to have one’s soul torn apart, and it’s also downright sad to have one’s self-will affected and controlled.

Anastria personally participated in the battle with the Joy of Fire, which inevitably aroused Alsace's interest.

After confirming the identity of his opponent, the death knight immediately rode the skeleton horse under his crotch and charged towards the city gate like lightning.

Just when everyone was confused about what he was going to do, the rune sword was suddenly raised high and released a biting chill.

The next second...

This evil weapon turned directly into the biting cold from Northrend, creating a frost staircase from the city to the city wall out of thin air.

Now, the Scourge Legion no longer needs to work hard to hit the city gate, let alone jump and climb. They only need to rush up directly along the ice stairs.

Relying on his horse's superb sprinting speed, Arthas reached the city wall effortlessly. Using Frostmourne, he easily took away dozens of elven warriors who resisted tenaciously, and did so in front of the King of Anasteria. Transform corpses into your own soldiers.

Not only that!

He also very thoughtfully brought Sylvanas, who was killed and transformed into a banshee just two days ago.

Seeing Silvermoon City's once-mighty ranger general become like this, the old king suddenly showed an extremely angry expression and asked sternly: "Damn devil! What did you do to her?"

"Hahahaha! Isn't this obvious enough?"

Arthas laughed wildly and lifted Sylvanas' delicate chin with the tip of his sword, as if to show off his pet and trophy.

Although due to unknown reasons, he failed to use Frostmourne to tear apart the opponent's soul, he still used the powerful power of death to transform him into his slave.

The only problem is that this slave is not completely obedient to him like other low-level undead, and occasionally has fierce resistance.

But it doesn’t matter!

In fact, Arthas enjoyed this little game between the master and the servant. He felt that Sylvanas clearly hated her to death in her heart, but she had to act according to her orders. It felt great.

"Asshole! I swear to make you pay for your crimes!"

Anasteria was completely enraged and rushed forward brandishing the Flame Strike.

Although he is almost as old as Quel'Thalas was founded, he still has a hot temper.

You must know that after the War of the Ancients, the Druid sect headed by Malfurion and the Sisters of Elune, the Moon Goddess led by Tyrande, completely replaced the upper elves as the leaders of the entire group, and began to control all people who used The elves of arcane magic were liquidated and they were prohibited from studying and using this power in the future, otherwise they would face extremely severe punishment.

This one-size-fits-all and excessive policy undoubtedly led to strong dissatisfaction among many mages, and in the subsequent series of events, they were eager to prove their worth in various ways.

But the two people's prejudice against arcane magic is too deep, and politics is inherently dark and ruthless, so it is naturally impossible for their political opponents who have been knocked to the ground to revive.

Finally, the Sunstrider family rose up to resist and crossed the endless sea to establish Quel'Thalas in the eastern continent at the huge risk of being massacred.

In this process, whether facing trolls or orcs, Anasteria will always be the leader who charges forward.

So even when facing the Lich King's first death knight, the king showed no fear at all, even though his body had aged and was no longer as strong and powerful as when he was young.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When Frostmourne and Flamestrike collided, the two energies of ice and fire instantly caused violent explosions and shock waves.

Although Anastria is technically a mage, and a very powerful one, he is not weak in melee combat.

In other words, members of the Sun Chaser family have already found the skills to combine magic and swordsmanship in their long lives.

His son, Prince Kael'thas, was also a master of swordsmanship. What was wrapped under the wide magic robe was not the frail and thin body that Jaina imagined, but streamlined and well-proportioned muscles.

Coupled with the unlimited energy supply of the sunglasses, the father and son have already used magic to temper their bodies as powerful as the top warriors.

"You are such a good opponent!"

Alsace commented meaningfully.

"I will chop off your head! Just like the heads of those trolls and orcs! Intruder!"

Anastria attacks with Fire Strike.

Every time he attacks, he will mobilize as much energy as possible to release fire blast to burn the opponent, and occasionally release instant spells to coordinate.

An ordinary warrior would have been defeated long ago under such an attack.

It's a pity that in the face of Frostmourne's power, no matter how hot the flames are, they will completely turn into beautiful ice flowers when they get close to the death knight.

"If you can do it, just do it. Anyway, you self-proclaimed elves like to talk big." Arthas forced them back with a sword and sneered.

Perhaps because he heard his father, King Terenas, complain about the elven king's arrogance and conceit when he was young, his impression of the elves has never been very good.

Now that he has turned into an undead, it has become even worse, filled with an inexplicable hatred.

This can be glimpsed from the more painful death methods of those elves.

Since Anasteria acted with hatred, the battle between the two became intense from the beginning.

The various gorgeous swordsmanship and attack methods, as well as the diametrically opposite magic forms of hot and cold, all shocked those who saw this scene.

The elves naturally hope that their king can win, so that they have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

As for the natural disasters, they continued to launch fierce attacks from other places without mercy, constantly compressing the opponent's activity space, and then achieving the goal of encirclement, cutting, and total annihilation.

Sylvanas stood aside and silently watched the battle. She watched the undead army slaughter the compatriots she loved so much and dye the beautiful Silvermoon City red with blood. Her heart was already riddled with pain. Kong, and subconsciously held the amulet hanging around his neck to preserve the other half of his soul.

Now she is extremely eager for someone to stand up and end her ugly and dirty form.

But unfortunately, even death and sleep have become a luxury now.

Just as Sylvanas was staring at the battle between Anasteria and Arthas, she suddenly felt a hand running through her hair from behind and resting on her shoulder.

"Dear Ranger General, can you tell me how you feel now?"

Darkan Drasil grinned with a cruel smile, leaned against the banshee and whispered like a devil.

From the vicious look in his eyes, it was easy to see that he really enjoyed the feeling of trampling on the high-ranking dignitaries of Silver Moon City under his feet.

After all, apart from forbidden knowledge and power, what this guy wants to do most is to take revenge on those big people who despise him and fail to give him due rewards.

"I want to slit your throat and watch the blood spurt from the wound."

Sylvanas' tone was cold and bloodthirsty.

Anyone who is stared at by her red eyes will feel creepy involuntarily.

But Darkan Drasil, who had surrendered to Alsace, was not afraid. Instead, he grabbed a strand of the opponent's hair, put it in front of his nose, sniffed it, and said meaningfully: "I think you should know that this is impossible. of.

Because under the gaze of the Lich King, no matter how much hate and anger you have, it will be meaningless.

By the way, your hair smells very good, just like when you were alive and not tainted with the stench of other undead.

Keep it up.

Maybe one day I will apply to the master and transfer you to my command to perform tasks. "

After saying that, Darkan Drasil stretched out his hand to touch Sylvanas' pale and bloodless face.

Because he knew that the former proud General Windrunner could not refuse him at all now.

Just when his fingers were about to touch his cheek, a strange voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Please, can you please stop doing such obscene and disgusting actions..."

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