A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 617 Fun time (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Darkan Drasil turned around alertly, only to see a young human appearing less than three meters away from him at some point.

What's even more strange is that the undead ghouls, zombies and shadows seemed not to notice this living person at all, allowing him to pass by without any reaction as if he was in a deserted land.

You must know that even with Alsace's approval, he now dares not get too close to these undead armies full of instinctive hatred for life.

Otherwise, once any brainless low-level ghoul fails to control his instinct and pounces on him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Hello, dear Darkan Drasil.

I have to say that your recent methods of threatening and killing those congressmen within Silvermoon City, and your selfishness at the expense of the entire country and even the race for your own sake, are really eye-opening to me.

Although there are many people who are more evil and cold-blooded than you, it is really rare that you can betray everything without any psychological burden, even using your best friend.

I'm very curious about what kind of soul is hidden in your fragile mortal body.

And how long can your loyalty to Arthas and the Lich King last? "

Zuo Si looked up and down at this "unparalleled loyalty" high elf mage with slightly playful eyes.

Because according to his understanding, Darkan Drasil's status in Silvermoon City's power and political system is actually not low.

Since he was sent to assist Priest Liadrin, later the leader of the Blood Elf Paladins, in investigating the malfunctioning rune stones in his early years, he formed friendships with many descendants of nobles with status and status, including Lor'themar Theron.

In addition, his status as a magister is equivalent to a high-level mage in the human magic system of Dalaran, and his arcane magic power is only one step away from becoming an archmage.

This means that he does not belong to those at the bottom who cannot be promoted in the true sense, but rather belongs to the middle and upper class.

All betrayal behaviors and logic are completely out of exquisite egoism, just like many greedy people who have obviously received enough rewards, but never feel that it is enough.

The souls of such people are precisely regarded as the most valuable by Baator Hell.

The devils transformed by their souls often have unimaginable "motivation" and will climb up by any means necessary, and then do more things for their masters.

What's more, despite the fact that Darkan Drasil is now loyal to the Scourge, it is actually just to obtain the infinite magical power of the Sunwell.

After witnessing Kel'Thuzad being resurrected into a terrifying archlich with the infinite energy of the Sunwell, he would jump again and again in an attempt to betray Arthas, and was eventually executed and turned into a controlled servant.

As we all know, there are wrong names in the world but there are no wrong nicknames.

Therefore, this guy's "unparalleled loyalty" is absolutely worthy of the name. From beginning to end, he is only loyal to himself and the power and knowledge he pursues.

He never cared about his camp, race, or identity, and he didn't even care about life and death.

"Are you the chosen one and spokesperson of the so-called God of Contract?"

Darkan Drasil obviously had enough informants and helpers in Silvermoon City, so he immediately recognized Zuo Si's apparent identity.

After all, with the full outbreak of the undead natural disaster, some priests and civilian believers who believe in the God of Contract also appeared on the High Elves side.

Although the number is not large, it is enough to form a parallel with the Holy Light Church in terms of faith.

In addition, the sect itself does not have any objectionable religious fanaticism. Instead, it generally advocates order and rationality, so many people are willing to join it with the mentality of giving it a try or learning about it.

No matter what, at this time, no one would easily give up on a force that has the ability to create holy water to resist the magical plague.

However, what puzzles Darkan Drasil is that the other party's previous identity was clearly just the son of a farmer living in the East Wilder area. How could he possess such amazing magical power and power in such a short period of time? Knowledge.

Especially his demeanor and conversation during the banquet did not look like an illiterate farmer who lacked education and could not even read.

But Zuo Si's attention was obviously no longer on the traitor, but on Sylvanas Windrunner who had been transformed into a banshee, and the other party who was completely torn apart by some interesting force but not broken. soul.

To be precise, those who die from Frostmourne have the good parts of their souls stripped away, leaving only those parts with the strongest negative emotions.

For example, Alsace peeled off the kind part of himself in the form of an innocent child, leaving only the endless desire for eternal life.

Sylvanas retained her hatred, and spent her whole life pursuing Arthas at all costs, and committed countless unforgivable atrocities.

Including but not limited to condoning the Royal Apothecary Society's cruel human experiments to develop new plagues, not sparing even allies, preventing the Forsaken remnants of Lordaeron from meeting and reaching reconciliation with their former families, and treating Tiris Kill all the survivors in Falwood, Silverpine Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills and other places.

But what's interesting is that after doing so many crazy things, the Queen of Darkness actually committed suicide decisively after her revenge was taken, wanting to end this cursed life form.

Those Forgotten Ones who shouted long live the Queen and Long Live Sylvanas probably didn't know that in this man's mind, they were just tools and consumables for revenge.

After her great revenge was avenged, Sylvanas didn't care what happened to the living dead who were loyal to her, she just wanted to be free and rest in peace.

According to the original timeline, her lost kind soul would be swallowed up by Frostmourne and sent to the master of the Shadow Realm who controls the Maw.

But now, that half of the soul is completely preserved in the amulet around his neck, exuding a silvery light that symbolizes the power of the soul.

After more than ten seconds, Zuo Si's eyes moved away from the amulet, and he ignored the wary Darkan and asked directly: "How do you feel now?"


Ever since I was killed and resurrected by that evil rune sword, I can no longer feel all the beautiful things in this time, only the eternal anger and hatred in my heart.

I hate Arthas and the Lich King, I hate the traitor Dar'Kan, and I even hate myself for looking like this.

I wanted to kill everything, destroy everything, but in the end I could do nothing.

You're right, I made a mistake, a very, very fatal mistake, in thinking that death would be the end of it all.

But he never imagined that it was just the beginning of pain and suffering.

If it's convenient, could you please kill me? "

Sylvanas raised her head with a pleading expression.

Although she didn't know what the young human before her, who claimed to be the chosen one of the gods, was really capable of, but to be able to make Prince Kael'thas call him "my dear friend", he must have had equivalent magical power.

Otherwise, with the arrogance of the elf prince, he would never condescend to make friends with a human who was less than a fraction of his age.

Let's see who can win Kael'thas's favor.

In addition to the highly respected archmages in Dalaran, there are only two young people in Dalaran, Arthas and Jaina.

"You want to die?"

Zuo Si stared at the other person's shining red eyes and asked.

Although there were no sparks in the body of this consciousness container, he could still clearly sense the abundant death and shadow energy in the banshee's body, as well as the powerful mental control extended based on this.

As expected, the Shadow Realm behind the Lich King and Frostmourne does not represent death so much as it represents the power of the soul and heart.

It is completely different from what ordinary people think. It can create terrible undead and represents evil.

Quite the opposite.

This power has no distinction between good and evil at all. It is simply generated by the projection of life cognition and consciousness in the physical world, that is, the power of the soul and heart.

This is exactly the same as the universe where Toril lives, where the thoughts and consciousness of mortals will form projections on the outer plane.

Therefore, the ability of the Lich King, the Helm of Domination, and Sylvanas to invade and control the target's mind essentially acts directly on the soul.

This is not the same thing as the mind flayer mastermind and many charm spells. It is more like the way gods, demons and devils control the soul.

Sylvanas raised her arm and looked at her pale and bloodless palms, and responded in a sad tone: "I can feel that my humanity is passing away every day, and it will definitely become A monster like Alsace.

Moreover, the voice of the Lich King echoes in my mind all the time, leaving me with no hope of regaining my freedom.

Rather than become a miserable executioner and slave, perhaps complete death is a good option.

After all, after becoming a banshee, I had killed countless former compatriots in just two or three days, and my hands were stained with the blood of innocents.

But what's incredible is that I can't see any guilt or pain, just hatred and anger that are constantly accumulating.

By the way, because I am under the control of the Lich King, it is impossible for me to stand here without any resistance and let others kill me at will.

I will fight back and fight with all my might. "

After saying that, Sylvanas suddenly turned into an incorporeal state and avoided the sneak attack of a high elf assassin.

In the blink of an eye, she successfully distanced herself with a backward jump, and while leaping backward, she drew the bow string and shot an arrow containing a curse.


The high elf assassin's heart was penetrated, and dazzling blood spurted out along his chest.

What was even more terrifying was that just a second or two later, her body suddenly exploded, with blood, flesh and internal organs flying everywhere.

Then a skeleton stood up from the bloody corpse, exuding the aura of darkness and death.

Obviously, this is the new ability Sylvanas gained after being killed by Frostmourne.

Not only can she control the will of other creatures through the power of magic, she can also infinitely resurrect the lives she shot with her own hands into skeletal servants. She can even transform into a disembodied banshee form to avoid physical attacks.

The high-level elf assassin who died just now was definitely the top assassin in Silvermoon City.

Unfortunately, she knew too little about the former Ranger General's current power, so a sneak attack that was obviously a sure shot turned into a terrible disaster.

Zuo Si, who witnessed a wonderful counterattack with his own eyes, did not react at all, nor did he stop the opponent from killing his former compatriots. He just said meaningfully: "There is no need to be so desperate.

How do you know your future is destined to be tragic?

Maybe your destiny has just begun now.

When you regain your free will, that's when you really need to make a choice. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si's eyes stayed for a moment on the amulet that preserved the other half of the soul.

Sylvanas obviously noticed this, and subconsciously reached out and touched the pendant around her neck, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Of course she knew that the other side of her soul was hidden in the amulet, but she just didn't know how to use it yet.

In contrast, Darkan Drasil saw an opportunity and launched a sudden sneak attack.

As a powerful mage, his hands bloomed with dazzling arcane light almost instantly.

The next second...

A dazzling arcane impact went straight to Zuo Si's back.

Unfortunately, the latter has already been studying in Dalaran and communicating with many archmages, and has a good understanding of Azeroth's current arcane magic system.

Coupled with the physical strengthening brought by the blood of the Blood God Hakkar and the Dread Demon King, if you want to pose a threat to him, you must at least reach the level of the Archmage.

What's more, the biggest difference between Zuo Si and the mages in this world is that he developed the habit of blessing himself with a lot of protective spells anytime and anywhere in Faerun to save his life.

Therefore, before the arcane impact could get close, it was blocked by an invisible layer of protection and formed ripples in the air like water ripples.

This scene undoubtedly made Darkan Drasil look shocked and disbelieving. He subconsciously wanted to command the ghouls and other undead creatures to rush forward, and even gave Sylvanas an attack order.

But before the sound came out of my throat, I immediately felt blurry in front of my eyes, and then my neck was strangled tightly by a hand. Let alone making a sound, I couldn't even cough violently, and my whole face was suddenly suffocated. It will turn red and turn purple or black.

"You are really more courageous than I expected."

Zuo Si used the back of his hand to pull the elf mage's feet off the ground with a slight force, and a blood-red light flashed in his eyes.

Darkan Drasil felt that the blood all over his body immediately began to churn uncontrollably. A large amount of blood oozed from his nose, mouth, ears and eyes, and his heart was beating violently as if it might explode at any time. .

Are you going to die now?

Fear suddenly dominated his brain, causing him to struggle to turn around and seek help from his master, Alsace.

After all, he abandoned his compatriots, abandoned his country, betrayed and used his friends, and finally got the Lich King's promise with great difficulty. How could he die at the last moment of reaching victory?

Alsace, who was fighting Anasteria, seemed to sense something and immediately released a powerful howling wind blast.

Perhaps due to his advanced age, the King of Anasteria was unable to release the flames of Flamestrike this time to evaporate it all. Instead, a broken ice edge pierced the gap in the shoulder armor.

Although the wound was not too big, it caused a significant decrease in the strength and reaction speed of one of the arms, and he could only retreat while sweating profusely.

The death knight who poured out his hand quickly turned his horse's head, locked the familiar figure not far away, and asked in great surprise: "Why did you appear in Silver Moon City? Is this also the so-called god behind you who is guiding you?"

"Long time no see, Your Highness."

Zuo Si stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly like he did when they got along before.

"You have changed a lot since we parted ways with Stratholme.

I really want to know what interesting things will happen if you meet the Crown Prince of Lordaeron in the past who was willing to sacrifice himself for the people.

do you know?

In fact, I never thought that the decision you made in Stratholme was wrong.

Perhaps it was indeed very controversial on a moral level, but in terms of results, it delayed or even prevented the spread of the plague in the East Weald region and saved more civilians.

Even if it's just temporary.

And you should be prepared for criticism when you do this.

But why did he become like this so soon after arriving in Northrend to hunt down Mal'Ganis?

Is it because of the whispers from the Lich King behind Frostmourne?

Or do you have inner doubts about the choice you think is right?

Or is your will overcome by some of your deepest subconscious fears? "

These words seemed to bring back Alsace's dusty memory. He lowered his head and fell into a brief silence. Then he gently brushed the blade of the rune sword with his fingers and responded in a tone without any emotion: "First of all, I thank you. Your support and recognition of the Stratholme incident.

At least of all the people I know so far, you are the only one who holds this view.

But you didn't follow me to Northrend, so you didn't see the terrifying scenes on that frozen land, and you didn't know the sacrifices I had to make for revenge.

I have also hesitated and been confused, wandering alone in the wind and snow, looking for the so-called meaning of life.

Finally I realized it!

The reason why there is so much pain and sadness in this world is because mortal life is too fragile.

But if I could turn them all into undead, wouldn't it mean that I could stay away from birth, aging, sickness and death and achieve eternal life?

So I decided to kill the entire world with my own hands and establish an eternal kingdom.

Will you come and help me? "

At the end of the words, the death knight extended an invitation to this "friend" who supported him during the Stratholme massacre.

As a very "nostalgic" person, he obviously had the strong idea of ​​killing Zuo Siye and turning him into an undead.

In this way, the other person can always be by his side like Farric and Maven.

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness.

I'm not interested in an eternal kingdom of only the dead.

Compared with that cold and lifeless atmosphere, a living world is more fascinating.

Don't you think it's boring when everyone around you just obeys?

Just like this high elf mage who betrayed his race and country.

His despicability, selfishness and desire for arcane magical power are the most interesting parts of building the real world. "

With that said, Zuo Si let go of his hand and let Darkan Drasil, who was about to suffocate due to lack of oxygen, fall to the ground.

The latter coughed and vomited violently while breathing in fresh air.

After he recovered a little, he didn't dare to stay for even a second, and immediately rolled and crawled back to his master, with a look of lingering fear on his face.

This guy was obviously frightened by the powerful magical protection surrounding Zuo Si's body. He couldn't believe that someone could maintain so many different types of protective spells at the same time.

Arthas ignored Darkan Drasil, a servant who had outlived his usefulness, and sighed involuntarily: "Oh - that's such a pity.

You know that I have always valued you.

I even hoped that you could take up the position of chancellor after I became king and turn the Kingdom of Lordaeron into a true heaven on earth.

But it doesn't matter. As long as this sword pierces your chest, the result will be the same. "

As he spoke, Alsace, who was riding on the skeletal horse, began to lean forward slightly, obviously getting ready to charge.

Upon seeing this, the injured King of Anasteria immediately threw the Flame Strike in his hand and shouted: "Catch it, young man. Be careful with this guy, there is something wrong with his rune sword."

"Please don't worry, no one in this world knows Frostmourne and the secrets hidden behind it better than me. As for you and the other high elf soldiers on the city wall, please retreat quickly. I am enough here."

Zuo Si caught the "Delight of Fire" and felt the magic power attached to the inside of the sword. Then with his strong control of energy and arcane magic skills that had never appeared in this world, he instantly used this artifact The power is brought into full play.

Before anyone else could react to what was happening, a dazzling fire storm fell from the sky and hit the heads of the thousands of undead army with a bang.

The soldiers at the forefront could even feel the heat wave coming towards their faces, and thought they would die under the influence of this powerful magic.

But in the blink of an eye, they discovered that all the flames would shrink rapidly when approaching the elves, as if they encountered an invisible wall.

Such precise control is absolutely impossible for even Anasteria, the strongest elf mage, to achieve.

To be precise, the old king looked as horrified as the others at this moment.

Especially the way he looked at Zuo Si, it was like looking at a monster that couldn't be described by common sense.

After all, whether it is Dalaran or Silvermoon City, the first lesson of all magic textbooks will clearly state that the more large-scale destructive magic is, the harder it is to control, so accidentally injuring friendly forces is not a big deal.

The soldiers also expressed their understanding of this and never bothered the mages because of the casualties caused by their own large-scale destructive spells.

They understand that the enemy is the main target of harm.

Only with the support of these powerful magics can the casualties on our side be minimized.

But now, there is a human who looks like he has not yet fully grown up. He is actually able to perfectly control this artifact after getting the Flame Strike for the first time, and he uses it more than the King of Anasteria from the Sunstrider family. Well, it is really unacceptable to the high elves who look down on other races.

Just one blow!

All the undead army that climbed up the city wall were burned to death, and even the area tens of meters below the city wall was cleared.

Such a powerful magical power has obviously already surpassed the Grand Mage who represents the highest achievement of magic in Silver Moon City.

But soon, the King of Anastria realized that this was an excellent opportunity to retreat, and hurriedly issued a retreat order to the guarding troops loudly. He continued to shout from a distance: "Young man, I will leave this place to you." is you.

We high elves will never forget this kindness today.

Don't push yourself too hard, just hold on for as long as you can.

If it really doesn't work, retreat to the port and I will order someone to leave a boat for you. "

"Please don't be polite, I am just fulfilling my obligations as an ally and protecting the devout believers of the church in the city.

I believe that through the battle just now, you should have realized that the Sunwell cannot be defended.

Therefore, I suggest that you lead the people to take refuge at sea for a while, or directly go to Stranglethorn Valley for refuge through the portal.

Only in this way can more people survive. "

Zuo Si obviously saw that the king was still planning to retreat to the Sunwell to fight against the natural disaster, so he couldn't help but give another reminder.

"I will think about it……"

The King of Anastria nodded very perfunctorily.

From the look in his eyes that refused to admit defeat, it was easy to tell that he had no intention of listening to the advice and planned to lead a group of people back to the Sunwell to build a final defense.

After all, things like "the death of the king" is a very common thing in Azeroth, and it is also where the noble spirit lies.

Whether it was Llane Wrynn, the king of the Kingdom of Stormwind, who refused to retreat, was assassinated by Garona during the fight against the orc invasion, or his son Varian personally cut off the heir until he died heroically, this is the spirit of nobility. manifestation.

A king who abandons his country and people and runs away is no different from a coward or a coward in the eyes of people in this world.

Therefore, any king with a little self-respect will eventually choose to end his life through a tragic battle instead of running away when the country is destroyed.

But fortunately, the King of Anasteria only took away some of the soldiers, mages and priests who were willing to continue fighting until death, and did not coerce the civilians to be buried with him.

He even deliberately gave his son an order to protect the people, prohibiting Kael'thas from following the troops to the Sunwell for the final struggle.

There is no doubt that with the full retreat of the high elves, Silvermoon City has actually fallen.

Although Zuo Si blocked the natural disaster army that launched a force attack from the front, he could not reach the small group of undead troops that entered the city through the tunnel and ran around.

The only good thing is that the population loss was not as heavy as in the original timeline. It was almost on the verge of annihilation. Many civilians successfully escaped with the help of ships and portals.

Looking at the large white sails raised in the harbor in the distance, Arthas, who had been silent for a long time, finally asked again: "Do you want to imitate Sylvanas and sacrifice yourself to save more lives?"

"Sacrifice yourself?

No, no, no, you seem to have misunderstood something.

I am not standing here to sacrifice myself, but to have enough confidence in my strength.

In addition, as a thank you for not taking advantage of this time to launch an attack, I decided to tell you a secret, a secret about the origin of the Lich King.

I wonder if you are interested in listening? "

Zuo Si pursed his lips, showing undisguised malice.

As the elves in Silvermoon City have basically evacuated, he has finally achieved most of his biggest goal on this trip, and the rest is just time to have fun.

"Do you know the origin of the Lich King?"

Alsace's pale face showed an expression of extreme surprise.

Because so far, he himself doesn't know what the Lich King is, and even many of the other party's plans and ideas are transmitted through Kel'Thuzad's ghost.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "That's right.

Not only do I know his origins, but also the fact that he is working for the Burning Legion to invade this world.

I can also tell you that the so-called Lich King was originally transformed from the soul of an old, cowardly orc shaman who had failed all his life.

His name is Ner'zhul, the sinner who personally pushed his people into the arms of the Burning Legion. "

As these words blurted out, Frostmourne suddenly erupted into large swaths of frost and biting chill.

A powerful force surged directly towards Zuo Si, trying to pull the soul of this bold madman who had revealed the Lich King's biggest secret out of his body.

But unfortunately, no matter how strong this power was, it could not drag out anything related to the soul from the body in the end.

To be precise, there is no soul in this container at all.

The soul of the original owner of the body has been stuffed into the new body created by the cloning technique, and has started a new life in Stranglethorn Valley.

Zuo Si, on the other hand, only relied on a ray of consciousness to control his body. There was no soul anywhere.

Therefore, the Lich King and even the Shadow Realm behind him have nothing to do with him.

Just like people who have nothing are the most terrifying unstable factors in society, people without souls can also walk sideways in Azeroth.

After a brief confrontation, Ner'zhul, who was far away on the Frozen Throne, quickly gathered his strength and began to use Frostmourne to urge Arthas to launch an attack quickly and kill this enemy who knew too many secrets.

But Arthas was obviously different from the other servants of the Lich King. He was the first death knight with the strongest sense of independence besides Sylvanas, so he didn't take action immediately, but frowned and continued. Follow-up question: "You said that the Lich King is the orc shaman Ner'zhul. Is there any evidence?"

"I think Frostmourne's reaction just now is a good proof.

After all, most of the time it’s not the lies that hurt the most, but the truth.

How about it, do you feel strange now?

After all, the Lich King, who is so powerful and omnipotent, is essentially just a despicable and cowardly clown, not even as good as the traitor Darkan Drasil.

At least the latter dare to do anything when fighting for their own interests.

The most important thing is that no matter how much he brags about himself, he is just a pawn of the Burning Legion, and his every move is monitored by the Dread Lords.

The seemingly powerful and invincible Scourge Legion is like a bug in front of its real master, and will be crushed to death easily. "

With a wicked smile on his face, Zuo Si began to expose the Lich King in front of Sylvanas and Arthas.

How did Ner'zhul go from an old orc shaman that everyone hated to a Lich King who was regarded as a god by countless people?

The answer is to create a sense of mystery.

Since his soul and the Crown of Dominance are imprisoned in the ice of Northrend, he has no entity at all and communicates with the outside world entirely through powerful spiritual power.

This also means that Ner'zhul can use this hand to whisper in other people's ears like an ancient god, deliberately imparting some forbidden knowledge and psychic magic that have been instilled in his mind through spiritual power.

In this way, he can establish the image of an omnipotent god in the target's mind.

Even someone as smart as Kel'Thuzad was fooled in the end, not to mention the rest of the people.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people in the Curse Sect, the Lich King is a god, a god in charge of forbidden magic and death.

So what can be done to destroy the worship and obedience of fanatical believers to God?

Of course, he had to dig out all the dark history of his past and show the despicable, cowardly, timid, and indecisive old orc in front of everyone.

When all the self-aware high-level undead in the Scourge begin to despise and resist Ner'zhul's control, it will be fun to watch.

After all, no matter how powerful the amplification power of the Helm of Dominance is, it cannot suppress the resistance of thousands of free wills at the same time.

"What are you still hesitating about? Kill him quickly!"

Frostmourne's roar like the cold wind kept ringing in his ears, urging Arthas to take action.

From that urgent tone, the death knight felt the wrath of the Lich King for the first time.

Similarly, he also realized that all the information just now was true.

It turns out that the master he has been serving turns out to be a despicable and ridiculous clown.

Even the ghost of Kel'Thuzad didn't come forward to give a word of advice at this time.

The corners of Sylvanas' mouth raised crazily, with a mocking and sarcastic smile on her face.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si's words started to have an effect.

It is important to know that authority is very difficult to establish but very easy to collapse.

The most important thing is that the local residents of Azeroth are born with a condescending contempt, disgust and hatred for the invading orcs, viewing them as savage and uncivilized beasts.

This is why Dai Lin showed no mercy at all when attacking the orc settlements.

Because when the orcs invaded the world, they were a group of beasts that couldn't communicate, didn't follow any rules, and took no prisoners.

Wherever it passes, no matter whether they are humans, poultry, or livestock, they will all die.

Even the envoys sent will be sacrificed to the demons of the Burning Legion.

In addition, Kel'Thuzad, Arthas, Sylvanas and other high-level undead were all elites of their respective countries and races when they were alive.

They may be able to accept the control of a mysterious and omnipotent god, but they absolutely cannot accept the command of a despicable orc shaman.

Although these few people are not enough to form a resistance force at the moment, as long as the seeds of betrayal and suspicion are planted, it will not take long before it grows into a towering tree.

Finally, under Ner'zhul's repeated urging, Arthas finally wielded Frostmourne and charged, kicking off the battle.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

When the two elemental energies of ice and fire collided, the entire magically reinforced city wall of Silver Moon City was torn apart instantly.

The closed door collapsed, and the shock wave destroyed all buildings within a hundred meters radius.

If you look down from a high place, you will find that with the place where the two people are standing as the dividing line, the semicircular area on Zuo Si's side is completely ignited by flames, even the stone and steel have turned into a hot liquid, while the death knight's side It is completely covered by crystal clear ice.

In the next few minutes, Arthas launched attacks again and again in accordance with the Lich King's orders, but the results were easily resolved without exception.

After a few rounds, Alsace finally noticed something, and his expression suddenly changed and he asked, "Did you teach Caliya the swordsmanship?"

"Haha, have you finally discovered it? Yes, I taught her the sword dance. How about it? It doesn't feel good to be scolded by your own sister and have one of your eyes gouged out, right?"

At the moment, Zuo Si has obviously completely transformed into a happy person, specializing in pouring salt on other people's wounds.

"So you knew everything from the beginning, the consequences of me leaving Stratholme for Northrend?"

Although Alsace is called the "Second Idiot", he has been trained as a crown prince for so many years, so he is not really stupid. He just likes to dig into the corners of problems that cannot be solved.

If he still couldn't see the foresight displayed by Zuo Si's operations at this time, he could just die.

“Isn’t this obvious?

Remember what I told you?

You will become the King of Lordaeron.

From the moment you kill King Terenas to the time Calia declares herself as queen, aren't you the undisputed king of Lordaeron?

Just not in the way you imagined at the time.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to inform you.

In fact, your sister Jialiya got married secretly long ago and gave birth to a lovely and beautiful daughter.

In other words, the throne of Lordaeron already has a new heir. "

During the ten seconds that Zuo Si spoke, Alsace's face became extremely ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although because he was already dead, his face didn't look very good to begin with.

"Banshee! Your master needs help!"

The death knight was obviously irritated and chose to shake people without saying anything.

Although Sylvanas was very reluctant, she drew her bow and shot a black arrow containing a curse.

Zuo Si waved the Joy of Fire to easily block it, and then accepted the unfair one-on-one with a provocative smile.

With his current strength that is comparable to that of the Wild Demigod, and the constant supply of magic from the Sunwell behind him, it is not difficult to deal with two enemies who are not good at magic.

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