A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 622 Hello, Tyrande Whisperwind (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Chapter 622 Hello, Tyrande Whisperwind (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Since both Jaina and Grom Hellscream discovered each other's existence, the two sides continued to chase, test, attack and defend for more than two weeks.

From the banks of the Raging Water River in the Barrens where they first met, to Ashenvale and Stonetalon Mountains, small-scale battles have continued.

Almost every day, dozens or even dozens of people are killed or injured.

On the human side, because some priests and alchemists of the Holy Light Church have prepared healing potions, most of the injured can receive timely treatment.

But the orc Warsong Clan basically can only rely on physical strength to resist.

The number of traditional shaman professions that had just been revived by Thrall was too small, and there was simply not enough ability to ensure that every wounded soldier could be treated.

But even so, Grom Hellscream still pursued him, releasing the mania, bloodlust and anger that had been suppressed for a long time in his body.

He longed to split the enemy's body with a blood roar, appreciate the cruel sight of blood splattering and internal organs flowing everywhere, and regarded the enemy's screams and wails as the most beautiful music in the world.

Every time he kills an enemy, the chief of the Warsong clan will feel the strong beating of his heart and feel that he is still alive.

If Thrall's strongest desire in his heart is to lead the orcs out of the control and influence of the Burning Legion and no longer be their slaves and tools, then Grom Hellscream's desire is endless fighting and killing.

It was obvious that he had no self-control at all in this regard, and was completely like a wild beast driven by primitive instincts.

Just when humans and orcs brought war and hatred from the eastern continent to Kalimdor, the two warring parties did not realize that there were two pairs of eyes observing them in the darkness for a long time.

The owners of the eyes are none other than the Dread Lord Tichondrius and the Abyss Lord Mannoroth.

Since receiving Archimonde's order, they came to Kalimdor in advance to prepare for the upcoming war.

Especially Mannoroth, who had given the orcs the blood of demons, very much wanted to bring these former slaves and servants back under his control and use their warlike and bloodthirsty nature to serve the legion.

In the eyes of the Abyss Lord, the combat power and destructive power of the Fel Orcs are much stronger than the Lich King and the useless undead under his command.

After all, when the Dark Portal first opened, thousands of Fel Orcs rushed into Azeroth and instantly destroyed the Kingdom of Stormwind with their strong individual strength.

You must know that the orcs at that time had just been forcibly kneaded together by Gul'dan's Shadow Council from a scattered nomadic state. When fighting, there was no such thing as tactics, coordination, formation, etc., and a "recklessness" was implemented from beginning to end. Character.

To put it simply, when you see an enemy, rush forward and chop them to death without hesitation.

He never considers any strategic intentions, nor does he care whether the other party has more people than himself.

The Alliance needs the sophisticated weapons forged by the dwarves, the engineering technology provided by the dwarves, the magical support from Dalaran and Quel'Thalas, the powerful fleet of Kul Tiras, and finally its own overwhelming numbers. Advantages, discipline, tactical coordination, etc., finally won the victory with 800 losses to ourselves and 1000 losses to the enemy.

This shows how terrifying the evil orcs will be as long as they can obtain a stable supply of demon blood.

The most important thing is that evil orcs generally lack the ability to think.

This means that apart from eating, sleeping and fighting, they don't have too many thoughts, and they won't easily betray their masters. They are simply perfect cannon fodder and thugs.

Looking at Grom Hellscream who rushed into the human outpost in the distance and killed him without restraint, Mannoroth grinned and said in a gratified tone: "I can't believe that after more than twenty years, these pets without collars are still like this. They are wild and violent. It is a pity that the demon blood remaining in their bodies is too thin, otherwise they would definitely be able to easily defeat those fragile humans."


Through two invasion wars, the orcs greatly weakened the resistance in the eastern continent of this world.

Otherwise, the Lich King and his Scourge wouldn't be able to succeed so easily.

And as far as I know, the legions left by Lord Archimonde on the eastern continent were not able to wipe out all resistance forces as quickly as expected.

Just the opposite.

They were caught in a tug of war with the Alliance, unable to even break through the defenses built by the other side. "

There was naked and undisguised schadenfreude in Tichondrius's tone.

"Oh? Didn't Lord Archimonde say anything about this? As far as I know, his temper is not very good, at least not like Lord Kil'jaeden who would give his subordinates a second chance."

An expression of surprise appeared on Mannoroth's hideous and ugly face.

In fact, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are two completely opposite supreme commanders of the Legion.

The latter prefers to hide behind the scenes to achieve his goals by seducing and planning a series of conspiracies, completely disintegrating the enemy from the inside. As long as there is still value to the legion, he will not kill him easily, but will make meritorious service to the other party. Opportunity.

But the former prefers to charge into battle, leading the legion to win victory after victory on the battlefield, and often severely punishes those who lose.

Mannoroth could hardly imagine the terrifying fury Archimonde would display when the Legion was thwarted against a group of weak mortals.

The Dread Lord obviously knew what the Lord of the Abyss wanted to express, and immediately smiled meaningfully: "Hehehehe, Lord Archimonde has led the army towards Mount Hyjal.

He can't wait to destroy the World Tree and draw the power of the Well of Eternity.

Where do you have the time and energy to pay attention to such trivial things?

Perhaps in his opinion, once he has gained enough power to directly summon the entire legion to this planet, any resistance will be meaningless.

In comparison, the war on Kalimdor is more important.

As for the eastern continent, we just need to hold the Alliance back so that they cannot support our old enemy, the night elves. "

"So that's it! That's why Lord Archimonde asked us to re-collar these orc pets that have escaped the control of the Legion, and then use them to show our old friend Cenarius a little color."

Mannoroth moved his huge and fat body, a bloodthirsty and cruel smile on his face.

"That's right!

Once those orcs enter Ashenvale, according to their habits, they will definitely cut down a large amount of forest to build an advance base.

This will surely anger the night elf sentinels stationed in this land, as well as their traditional ally, the demigod Cenarius.

Therefore, the orcs of the Warsong clan will become a sharp blade in our hands.

Of course, the premise is that you need to provide enough blood for them to drink again and become the violent army that was enough to destroy everything twenty years ago. "

After saying that, Tichondrius turned his attention to the endless Ashenvale forest behind him.

You must know that the current Ashenvale is not what it looked like after the three wars, but includes a large area of ​​land in the north that was later called "Felwood".

And there are not only night elves living in this land, but also allies such as dryads, tree men, furbolgs, chimeras, elven dragons, giants, etc.

This is why they are the real main force against the Burning Legion.

After ten thousand years of cultivation and reproduction, the night elves have long since regained their strength.

After all, they have the World Tree, the Well of Eternity and the blessings from the Guardian Dragon, so they don't have to worry about birth, old age, sickness and death at all.

As long as there is no large-scale war, the population can grow steadily.

Even if one child is born every hundred years, the population will expand fifty to one hundred times in ten thousand years.

So the night elves are definitely not as weak as they appear in the game.

Especially since the stalls have not yet suffered large-scale invasion and killing by the Burning Legion, their own strength alone can be worth the sum of the entire Eastern Continent Alliance combined.

Coupled with jungle demigods like Cenarius, even the vanguard of the Burning Legion would have to break a few big teeth if they wanted to chew through this place.

As spies sent by the Shadow Realm, the Dread Lords will not put themselves in danger easily.

Tichondrius never had any intention of going out in person to confront Cenarius.

He deliberately brought Mannoroth here in order to use the opponent's demon blood to reactivate the rage and bloodlust of the Warsong clan orcs, and use these cannon fodder to achieve his goals.

In addition, as long as the Warsong clan becomes fel orcs again and fights with the night elves and forges a bloody feud, they will lose the possibility of reconciliation with the native creatures.

If you don't want to die, the only thing you can do is to rejoin the Legion and become a slave, just like the night elves who became satyrs.

Thinking of this, a trace of pride that was hard to detect flashed across the eyes of the Dread Lord.

Mannoroth obviously did not know the dark thoughts of his colleague beside him, and continued to ask while stroking his fat chin: "About the God of Contract who successfully harmed Lord Archimonde, and his chosen people, you know How many?"

"The God of Contract?

All I know is that the other person claims to be a god from another universe.

And there once was a miracle in Hearthglen, which instantly purified all the undead army that was besieging Prince Arthas.

Until now, that land and the surrounding forest in a large area were filled with a powerful sacred energy.

But it's not the Holy Light, but another force that tends to light and order.

Regardless of whether it is an undead or a demon, as long as you get close, you will immediately feel intense fear that cannot be described in words, and your body will be continuously burned.

What is certain is that the other party obviously possesses very powerful power. "

When he mentioned Zuo Si, Tichondrius's expression suddenly became serious.

He could clearly feel that behind this power, he always seemed to be able to predict some things in advance and then take targeted precautions.

This is the case for relocating a large number of civilians in the East Wilder area, and the same is true for helping the high elves escape Silvermoon City.

"So you think this is a long-term threat? Like the Legion of Light?"

Mannoroth showed an interested expression.

Tichondrius nodded slightly: "Yes.

Before we figure out what this God of Contract is and find his location, the best response is to be vigilant.

I think Lord Archimonde handled it very well. Instead of staying in the eastern continent to contend with the opponent, he first aimed at the World Tree in Mount Hyjal.

Once we take away the power of the Well of Eternity, we can transform Azeroth into a second Argus.

In this way, no matter who this God of Contract is and what power he possesses, he cannot compete with us for the ownership and dominance of this planet. "

"Hahahaha! You are really as cunning as before, Tichondrius. But I like it! Since the Warsong clan is so hungry, let me find an appropriate time to give them the power of demon blood again."

With unbridled laughter, Mannoroth turned around, twisted his plump butt and tail, and slowly disappeared into the depths of the dense jungle.

Wherever he walked, he would leave a trail of flames burning with green evil energy.

As for Tichondrius, he quickly used teleportation magic and disappeared.

He needed to meet with the other Dreadlords and discuss the next plan.

Of course, this plan refers to the orders issued by the real master behind them, not for the Burning Legion or the Scourge.

On the other side, a small battle broke out between Jaina and Grom Hellscream, which had attracted the attention of the Night Elf Sentinels.

After receiving the report, Tyrande had been observing these two races in the dark for several days.

Especially the orcs with demon blood remaining in their bodies.

Having personally participated in the War of the Ancients, she is quite familiar with the demons of the Burning Legion and their minions.

Even a demon race that has never been seen before or a creature corrupted by evil energy can be easily identified.

However, because he learned from the druids that terrible natural disasters, plagues and undead were raging in the far eastern continent, Tyrande temporarily regarded them as escaped refugees and did not immediately order his men to launch an attack to expel them.

Quite the opposite.

She gave the order to the sentry troops not to get involved in the war and hatred between the two races, but only to carefully follow and observe from the side.

Relying on their innate ability to evade shadow, the elite night elf sentries led the way, and with the help of the cover of the forest that blocked the sky and the sun, they were never noticed by the orcs or humans.

And they will also tame some birds and animals to help them monitor all these uninvited guests from all angles.

"What a group of savage and bloodthirsty green-skinned monsters! The demon blood remaining in their bodies makes me feel sick!" A sentry captain complained softly in Darnassus.

"I know you hate them, just as you hate those compatriots who have fallen into satyrs. But until these outsiders show enough hostility and aggression, there is no need for us to regard them as enemies."

Tyrande smiled and comforted the assistant who had been with him for thousands of years.

"Understood, I will ask my sisters to be patient and try not to pay attention to the bloodthirsty and cruel behavior of these green-skinned monsters."

The sentry captain nodded solemnly and kissed the amulet carved in the shape of the Moon Girl hanging around his neck affectionately.

You don't need to ask to know that she is not only a Sentinel Captain, but also a high-ranking member of the Sisters of Elune, and she is more than happy to obey the orders of the High Priestess.

You must know that since the end of the War of the Ancients, the upper elves headed by Queen Azshara have been completely overthrown, and the other elves who use arcane magic have also left one after another. There are only two political groups left in the entire night elves group.

One of them is a group of druids who sleep and practice in the Emerald Dream all day long, headed by Malfurion Stormrage.

Despite their large numbers and powerful wild shapeshifting and natural magic, coupled with the support of the demigod Cenarion, they are in principle the highest leadership body of the entire night elf race.

But the problem is that due to being offline for a long time, it is impossible to focus on maintaining rule. Therefore, administrative, taxation, military and other rights basically fall on another political group, the Sisters of Elune.

To put it simply, religious institutions are in power.

Therefore, in the original timeline, the night elves were the race with the most religious atmosphere, and were more pious than the trolls who believed in Loa.

Almost all night elves can't help but say "Bless the Moon" or "Bless Elune" when they encounter something.

This is why after the War of the Ancients ended, Malfurion and Tyrande would conduct a thorough liquidation of the upper elves who used magic.

Apart from the fact that they overused the power of the Well of Eternity to attract the Burning Legion, there is another important reason that has not been pointed out, that is, the War of the Ancients actually has a very special attribute, that is, a coup was launched at the bottom to overthrow the original of rulers.

As we all know, the upper elves headed by Queen Azshara were originally the legal regime and the highest ruling class of the entire race, and they used arcane magic.

Druids who learned and used natural magic were regarded as lowly lower-class people at the time and were out-and-out weaklings.

After all, the night elves themselves have been affected by the powerful arcane energy of the Well of Eternity for a long time, and gradually evolved from trolls.

Therefore, their talents in arcane magic are much stronger than natural magic.

Coupled with the blessing of the Well of Eternity, night elves who learn arcane magic have a greater advantage in growth rate and development potential than their compatriots who learn natural magic.

Over time, the entire upper class of society was basically occupied by mages who used arcane magic.

Without the invasion of the Burning Legion, night elves like Malfurion Stormrage who followed Cenarius and learned the ways of the druid would never have had a chance to succeed.

Tyrande's group of priestesses is also unlikely to shake the dominance of arcane magic over the entire race.

In the end, the ancient war triggered by the invasion of the Burning Legion gave the two a chance to change their destiny.

Queen Azshara and the group of mages who followed her all sank to the bottom of the sea during the explosion of the Well of Eternity, and eventually made a contract with the Ancient Gods to transform into Nagas that could survive in the deep sea.

As for the remaining upper elves who were lucky enough not to sink to the bottom of the sea, they were suppressed mercilessly, and were even banned from studying and using any arcane magic.

Since the original ruling class was overthrown and came to power through a coup, it was natural to slap various labels on political opponents, then knock them to the ground and stamp on them with ten thousand feet so that they would never be able to stand up again.

Through this reckoning, for the next 10,000 years, the night elves established a spiritual belief system dominated by druids who followed the laws of nature, and the Sisters of Elune were the main tone, re-establishing social consensus and unity. Thoughts and consciousness always maintain an extremely stable state internally.

Just imagine, if no liquidation was launched and the remaining upper elves were allowed to continue to research and develop arcane magic power, what would the future of the night race be like?

Apart from anything else, it is almost certain that the two factions will quarrel with each other every day, accuse each other, and hold back each other.

The argument that two or more political groups and parties can check and balance each other to avoid corruption to the greatest extent can be dismissed as a joke.

In fact, the more a country implements a multi-party system and takes turns in power, the higher the degree of corruption, and the more chaotic the internal administration and management system. In the end, it will inevitably evolve into a terrible situation where opposition leads to opposition, and the interests of political parties are greater than the interests of the country.

Therefore, whether from an objective point of view or from the standpoint of Malfurion and Tyrande, it is a correct political method for them to cleanse the remnants of the high elves internally.

This is why Tyrande did not show anger or hatred when he saw Jaina and other Dalaran mages using arcane magic, but was very calm.

Because her hostility has never been to arcane magic itself, but to Queen Azshara and the corrupted high elves who were too arrogant and led the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

In addition, ten thousand years have passed, and the priestess's original anger has long been completely subsided, and she can calmly observe and analyze the behavior of these outsiders as a bystander, and what they want to do on the continent of Kalimdor. Something.

If they just want to escape and obtain a piece of land for survival and reproduction, the night elves don't mind sharing the vast forests and grasslands with each other.

Even providing some necessary food and other help, just like they can live in peace with furbolgs, quilboars, tauren and other races.

But if the opponent is a servant of the Burning Legion, then they will taste how sharp the night elves' arrows are.

The vast forests of Ashenvale and its guardian demigod Cenarion will make all intruders pay.

The price is blood and death.

With this thought in mind, Tyrande quickly handed over the task of monitoring the orcs to the Sentinel Captain, and planned to turn around and leave to continue preparing for the war and prepare for the arrival of the Burning Legion.

But just a second later, she felt a strong wave of arcane magic.

The next second...

A portal opened out of thin air, followed by the figure of a young human male who appeared out of thin air. It was Zuo Si who had just met Medivh not long ago.

He put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully to this "grandma" who had lived for more than ten thousand years. He greeted with a smile: "Hello, Tyrande Whisperwind."

"Who are you?"

The high-ranking priestess quickly subconsciously grasped the moon blade hanging on her waist.

Although she mainly uses the arrows carried on her back as a weapon most of the time, few people know that hand-to-hand combat is actually what this high priestess is best at.

Especially after borrowing power from the Moon Goddess Elune through prayer, even Illidan could not guarantee that he could defeat his beloved "sister-in-law" in hand-to-hand combat.

Although Illidan is not technically a warrior, but a mage and demon hunter.

In Azeroth, whether you are a mage or a priest, your final form is to be able to push warriors to the ground and explode with hammers in close combat.

"Relax, I am not an enemy, but I am here to remind you to be careful of those bloodthirsty and violent green-skinned orcs.

You must know that they drank the blood of the abyss lord Mannoroth before and launched a full-scale invasion of the entire eastern continent, killing all life they encountered regardless of gender.

In essence, there is no difference from the night elves who degenerated into satyrs.

And I also know that Archimonde and his Burning Legion expedition have arrived in this world.

They used the Book of Medivh to open a portal to Azeroth.

They are currently heading towards Mount Hyjal, and may launch a full-scale invasion at any time to seize the World Tree and the Well of Eternity.

If nothing else goes wrong, Mannoroth will release his own blood again to lure the orcs to drink it and become his slaves.

I sincerely suggest that you attack them now and join forces with the Human Alliance to drive out Grom Hellscream and the entire Warsong clan.

Otherwise you will regret it soon. "

Zuo Si issued a warning seriously.

Obviously, he was using psychological suggestion to give Tyrande some preconceived notions.

In this way, regardless of whether the other party agrees to join forces to eliminate the Warsong clan, it will leave an impression in the heart that the orcs are not good people.

And this bad first impression will quickly turn into irrepressible anger after Cenarius is killed, and then treat the entire orc tribe as minions of the Burning Legion.

By then, even if Thrall, the great chief, jumped into the Raging River or even the maelstrom of the Endless Sea, he would never be able to wash away the mark of the Burning Legion on his race.

"How do I know you are not deliberately smearing the orcs so that we can help humans eliminate threats?" Tyrande narrowed his eyes and asked.

It may be that as her husband, Malfurion has been sleeping for many years and his consciousness wanders in the Emerald Dream. Therefore, she has already developed a strong heart after holding power for a long time, and she will not be swayed by just a few words.

“You don’t have to believe me, just believe your own eyes.

Just wait and see, Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan will soon do something that will shock and outrage you.

They are born executioners and destroyers and will never know how to live peacefully with other races.

Given the opportunity, they will eagerly destroy any obstacle that stands in their way, no matter how restrained and friendly you may be.

Oh, by the way, before I leave, I need to remind you to wake up your husband Malfurion Stormrage quickly.

Otherwise, he would most likely be killed in his dream. "

After saying these words, Zuo Si saluted again and then activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

Several night elf sentries rushed out from the shadows and tried to capture him, but unfortunately, they all hit the invisible force field wall, and fell to the ground in pieces and rolled into a ball.

"Can this human's words be trusted?"

The sentry captain couldn't help but ask with a solemn expression.

As a participant in the War of the Ancients, it was certainly impossible for her not to know the names of Mannoroth and Archimonde.

Tyrande shook his head slightly: "I don't know.

But it is better to believe that something like this exists than to believe that it does not exist.

Recruit all Sentinel troops immediately and gather together, we must begin to prepare for the full-scale invasion of the Legion.

You must know that Archimonde is not a small character.

Ten thousand years ago, he personally strangled Cenarius's father, Malorne, the most powerful demigod of the wilderness. "

"What about these orcs?"

The sentry glanced at the Warsong clan, which had completely destroyed the temporary camp set up by humans and was slaughtering all the captives mercilessly.

"Don't worry. Ahead is Ashenvale, and Cenarius and our forest allies will monitor their every move."

After saying that, Tyrande mounted his mount and quickly disappeared into the depths of the forest that blocked the sky.

At this moment, the strong uneasiness in her heart made her realize that Zuo Si's warning might be right.

The Burning Legion, driven out of Azeroth 10,000 years ago, has returned, with new minions.

Watching the figure of the high-ranking priestess gradually fade away, a raven slowly descended from the sky and transformed into Medivh. He asked in a slightly less curious tone: "What did you say to Tyrande?"

Zuo Si replied with a half-smile: "Nothing, I just reminded him to be careful about the orcs of the Warsong clan and the news that Archimonde has arrived. How are you preparing for the new meeting?"

“I have given Tauren Chief Cairn Bloodhoof a hint in my dream, and I believe that with his wisdom he should be able to understand what it means.

But I'm not sure whether he would be willing to abandon Thrall and the orcs to meet alone.

After all, under the leadership of Thrall, many orc warriors are still primitive, brutal and advocating force, but they have a rough and bold spirit.

This is in line with the tradition admired by the tauren.

What's more, the orcs also gave the tauren great help during their migration. "

When saying this, Medivh sighed helplessly.

He now began to regret leading the orcs across the Endless Sea to Kalimdor.

The latter was mixed with the simple and kind-hearted tauren, which really made him feel quite embarrassed.

Medivh finally realized how unreliable his previous behavior was, and also realized that he, the last guardian, had not fulfilled his obligations at all.

Especially for the destruction of Lordaeron, he must bear at least half of the responsibility.

In addition to being influenced by Sargeras to open the Dark Portal and let the orcs in, it was a disaster.

However, Zuo Si did not take it seriously and comforted: "It doesn't matter. If Sal wants to come, just let him come.

Anyway, it won't be long before Grom Hellscream personally ruins all the efforts of the warchief and pushes the orcs into the abyss of eternal destruction again.

When the time comes, let the tauren see with their own eyes what the orcs have done, and know the casualties and destruction caused by the two wars in the eastern continent, as well as the brutal massacres regardless of gender, age or child.

I trust Cairne Bloodhoof to make a wise choice. "

"Well, I hope your judgment is right. After a while, I will arrange this meeting in the cave of Stonetalon Mountain, and then everything will be left to you."

With that said, Medivh once again transformed into a raven and took off into the sky.

After the last guardian turned into an almost invisible black dot, Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Now that the stage is set up and the actors are in their places, it's time to perform. This is the beginning of the complete destruction of the orcs.

Dear Warchief Thrall, please don’t blame me.

After all, I am not targeting you, but the entire orc race.

If you want to blame, blame Grom Hellscream and his own failure to restrain the bloodthirsty and war-song Warsong clan. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si's figure instantly became transparent until it completely integrated with the surrounding environment and completely disappeared visually.

At the same time, Thrall, who was belatedly arriving, finally discovered the Warsong clan that was pursuing the human army.

Although he himself did not want to continue this war, nor did he want to deepen the hatred between the two races, he warned Grom Hellscream more than once not to take the initiative to attack human territory, let alone start a war at will.

But in this situation of already engaging in war, he obviously could no longer stop the war, so he could only join in and destroy another human camp, and watched helplessly as the Warsong clan slaughtered all living humans.

The pungent smell of blood, the corpses and blood everywhere, and the orc warriors who became extremely excited due to violent killings all made Thrall feel strongly uneasy.

The eyes of some warriors suddenly began to flash with a strange red light, as if the devil's blood was once again awakened in their bodies.

"Damn it!


How many times have I told you not to provoke those humans?

We have enough troubles now, don't you want to drag everyone into hell?

Or are you saying that you have completely lost your mind, there is something wrong with your brain, and you cannot understand the orders I gave you?

Unable to bear it, Thrall roared with rage at the chief of the Warsong clan.

You must know that this great chief always presents a calm, rational and wise image to others, and rarely gets angry in front of his subordinates.

Normally when he gets angry, the chiefs of the other clans will immediately shut up and show obedience no matter how dissatisfied they are.

Unfortunately, Grom Hellscream, who was affected by the demon's blood, could not bear the restlessness in his heart. He took a step forward and looked directly into the latter's eyes and replied unceremoniously: "Don't do this to me." Preach, boy! These cowardly human bastards deserve to die! What's more, don't you feel it? This uncontrollable impulse is just like before... as if the devil is beside us!"


Hearing this word, the anger on Sal's face quickly turned into solemnity. He even ignored the other party's rudeness and immediately brought his head closer and lowered his voice and asked: "Tell me, what exactly do you feel? Is it the residue left in your body?" Is the demon’s blood starting to affect our warriors again?”

"You guessed it right. Look at those soldiers, look at me, even the peons have become more impulsive and manic than before. Only fighting and killing can keep all of us from going crazy."

Grom Hellscream summed up the current status of the entire Warsong clan.

As a shaman who can communicate with elements and souls, Thrall clearly felt strong restlessness and uneasiness. After a long silence, he gritted his teeth and issued the order.

"You and your Warsong clan will go to Ashenvale immediately to cut down trees and build a base. I think these heavy physical tasks should allow you to vent your excess energy."


Are you crazy?

Let the strongest warriors do manual labor?

You are an insult to the Warsong clan!

And take a good look at the camps built by humans in front of you. Without my help, there is no way you can enter Stonetalon Mountain. "

Grom Hellscream shouted at the top of his lungs to express his dissatisfaction and protest.

"No! I don't need your help.

Because the goblins and I hired two airships that could fly directly over the human camp.

So you and your Warsong clan just go ahead and cut down trees to build a camp.

Remember, if I don't see a large and complete camp when I come back, you'll be punished.

Don't forget, I am the chief.

And all you need to do is obey the orders! "

Thrall said this resolutely, leaving no room for negotiation.

Although he was a bit too young for an orc's age, his condescending aura suppressed the battle-hardened Grom Hellscream.

In the end, the latter stopped arguing and angrily led the Warsong clan towards the direction of Ashen Valley.

Since the Barrens is a dry grassland, there aren't many trees to cut down.

Only by heading north along the Wrath River to the Ashen Valley can you see the endless dense forest.

In this way, Thrall thought he had solved the troublesome Grom Hellscream, and boarded the airship with Cairn Bloodhoof and headed towards the complex and steep Stonetalon Mountains.

Although they were "warmly welcomed" by ballistas, cannons, muskets and gryphon cavalry when passing over the human camp, they still managed to fly over without any danger by relying on the goblins' superb control skills.

Perhaps due to his high mental stress, Thrall did not notice the complicated look in the eyes of the tauren chief who was always following him.

You don't need to ask to know that this must be the influence caused by Medivh entering the latter's dream through spells recently.

As perhaps the least warlike and peaceful race among the natives of Azeroth, the tauren are undoubtedly disgusted and repelled by the Warsong clan's brutal killings.

And they noticed very keenly that although Thrall expressed strong anger towards Grom Hellscream, the other orcs around him did not find this kind of killing to be a big problem.

After all, since entering Azeroth through the Dark Portal, they have always maintained the three-light policy of not growing any grass wherever they go during the war.

Unknowingly, a rift appeared between the two originally close allies...

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