A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 623 “Help” (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Just as Thrall, Cairn Bloodhoof and Jaina led a small number of elites into the complex terrain of Stonetalon Mountain to search for traces of Medivh, Grom Hellscream, full of anger, unwillingness and strong restlessness, led the Warsong clan northward to arrive. Endless dense jungle.

There is no doubt that this is Ashenvale, the heart of the entire continent of Kalimdor. It is also an extremely important transportation hub and the outermost edge of the night elves' core territory.

This is why in the original timeline, the Warsong clan orcs clearly committed an unforgivable crime by killing Cenarius, but Thrall still let them stay in Ashenvale to establish a semi-permanent base.

Once this place is lost, the Alliance's army may raid Orgrimmar at any time with the help of the night elves, directly destroying their home base.

Moreover, the wide variety of trees in Ashenvale are also important raw materials for building cities and camps, as well as weapons, shields, vehicles, airships and other things.

You must know that there is not much decent wood to cut down in the grasslands of the Barrens.

So Thrall clearly knew that his occupation of part of the land in Ashenvale was a provocation to the night elves, and could even be described as an insult.

It is absolutely normal for a war to break out between the two sides.

But he still had no intention of retreating at all, and even allowed the Warsong Clan and the Sentinels to engage in small-scale confrontations and secret battles in the Ashen Valley.

From here and further north is the sphere of influence of the night elves and their allies.

Whether it is the Dark Shore or Moonglade, or Mount Hyjal and the World Tree located between the two, there are without exception inhabited by an astonishing number of intelligent creatures, not just wild beasts and dense plants as outsiders imagine.

Especially those centuries-old, thousand-year-old, or even ten-thousand-year-old trees that have been awakened by natural magic and endowed with wisdom. They are spread across every corner of this land, monitoring all outsiders.

Once the night elf allies are in need, or hear the call from the demigod Cenarius, they will immediately rise up and transform into extremely terrifying warriors and druids.

When the War of the Ancients broke out, the tree army had inflicted unimaginable damage to the Burning Legion.

Countless demons were turned into pulp and meat paste under their trampling. Even the hellfire could not last long in front of so many tree people before it was torn apart alive and turned into a piece of flesh that fell to the ground and emitted astonishing heat. Stone.

After all, Azeroth is a planet with so much energy that it is about to overflow, so the trees here are extremely tall.

Ancient trees like Ash Valley, which have grown wildly for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, are often as high as three hundred meters. Even if a hole is cut in the trunk, it is more than enough to transform into a villa.

Similar to the sequoia, which can be ranked as the tallest in the world at 100 meters high, it can only be regarded as a younger brother in the endless forest of Ashen Valley.

However, this kind of forest, which is full of towering trees at a glance, undoubtedly poses a very big problem to the orcs who lack advanced tools.

After all, when they were in the Eastern Kingdom, they often only needed to use the battle ax as a weapon to cut down trees.

But now, use an ax to chop down these tree trunks that require several people to hold hands to close them?

Do not make jokes!

Even an orc with the strength and stamina of an animal cannot withstand such a torment.

What's more, logging is a very dangerous job.

Every time a tree falls, it may directly kill someone.

This is largely why lumberjacking is known as the most dangerous job on earth.

But Grom Hellscream, who was filled with anger, obviously didn't care about this.

To be exact, he didn't regard the hard workers in his tribe as human beings at all, but regarded them as slaves and livestock. He kept roaring and asking his soldiers to use whips and wooden sticks to beat those who looked like they were slacking off. .

Similarly, those Warsong clan warriors who were particularly irritable and irritable due to the remaining demon blood in their bodies also vented their irrepressible impulses on the peons.

Suddenly, screams could be heard around the logging camp.

In just a few days, countless orc laborers were covered with large and small whip marks and bruises from being beaten with sticks.

There is no doubt that this is the cruelest and most real aspect of the orc clan society.

After all, a large part of the source of hard labor is the captives plundered during the civil war between the orc clans. Strictly speaking, they are not members of the clan at all.

Coupled with the fact that the orcs themselves crazily worship the strong and despise and insult the weak, it would be a ghost if they had a good attitude towards these peons.

If they were not of the same race, this group of defeated people would probably be like the captured Draenei. All men, women, and children were slaughtered and their bodies were used to pave the so-called "Road of Glory."

So the slogan "Orcs will never be slaves" can be taken as a joke, but don't take it seriously.

Because it was never the Burning Legion that really enslaved the orcs, but themselves.

"What a wonderful sight. It looks like a good show is about to take place."

Zuo Si, who was watching the excitement and didn't mind the chaos, pursed his lips and revealed a playful smile.

At this moment, his arcane eyes planted deep in the forest had observed the abyss lord Mannoroth sprinkling his demonic blood full of filth in a spring.

With Grom Hellscream's lack of self-control and his thirst for power, battle, and blood, he would inevitably choose to drink it and fight to the death with the night elves and Cenarius.

In fact, at this moment, due to the destructive deforestation for several days in a row, the night elves' sentry troops had become intolerable and took action.

Just like shadows, they can always emerge from the woods quietly and shoot sharp arrows at various tricky angles, piercing the arms, thighs, shoulders and other non-fatal parts of the hard workers and warriors. parts.

However, since the night elves' goal was only to expel them, they did not kill them at the beginning.

Unfortunately, the orcs of the Warsong clan did not realize the forbearance and kindness shown by these "children of the stars".

Instead, like a pack of mad dogs, they chased and surrounded the lone sentinels, splitting them alive with axes in an extremely barbaric way, dragging their hair and raising their heads high to let out beast-like roars.

This move undoubtedly angered the Sentinel Captain.

In an instant, warnings and expulsions quickly escalated into war.

Both archers and huntresses rushed out of the shadows and launched raids on the orc camps from all directions.

Everything happened so suddenly that before Grom Hellscream could react, more than a third of his unsuspecting peons were killed or injured.

Many soldiers who lacked armor protection were shot by arrows in fatal parts such as eyes, mouths and throats and fell to the ground on the spot.

The pungent smell of blood also attracts many wild beasts in the jungle, such as leopards who are good at lurking and ferocious brown bears.

"Warriors! Kill them all! The Warsong clan is unmatched!"

The death of his men did not make Grom Hellscream flinch even a little bit. Instead, he rushed out with a sharp ax and smashed the moon blade from a sentry's hand with just one blow, followed by a backhand. The ax cut the opponent in half, and blood, internal organs and intestines were scattered everywhere.

The other orc warriors were immediately inspired, and they charged with arrows, finding the night elves hiding in the woods one by one, and killing them all.

In just about ten minutes, this small-scale conflict came to an end.

With their numerical superiority and fearless spirit, the Warsong clan killed more than forty night elf sentries. The rest found that something was wrong and immediately chose to retreat temporarily.

But before Grom Hellscream could celebrate this victory, screams and curses came from another lumberyard in the distance.

It turned out that another sentry unit attacked the unsuspecting logging camp next to it. More than 300 hard workers and 50 soldiers were named one by one by sharp arrows in less than a few minutes. When he arrived with his troops, he only Bodies were left everywhere.

You must know that night elves are not good-natured characters.

No matter who dares to provoke them, they will definitely pay the price in blood.

In the next few days, Grom Hellscream fully realized what guerrilla warfare was.

The sentry troops had no intention of confronting the orcs head-on. Instead, they dispersed into teams of dozens or even more than a dozen people, using their innate shadow evasion abilities to hide around multiple logging camps.

As long as there is a place where the defense is lax, they will immediately launch a surprise attack, kill the peons and orc warriors at lightning speed, and then set fire to the lumberyard and the stored wood.

This directly caused the Warsong clan's two weeks of labor to be wiped out.

It also completely ignited the anger in Grom Hellscream's heart.

Losing his mind, he gave up the logging mission and led everyone into the forest to find the Sentinel Force's stronghold here. He rushed in and killed all the living things in the camp.

They even followed the customs of the old tribes and made the enemy's corpses and heads into horrific decorations and hung them at the entrance of the camp. On the one hand, they showed off their power and brutality, and on the other hand, they also served as a warning to potential enemies.

Unfortunately, instead of having a deterrent effect, this actually awakened the sleeping forest demigod Cenarius.

When the latter saw a large area of ​​forest that had been cut down to bare forest and the night elf sentries that were brutally killed, they immediately became angry and directly led the remaining night elves to launch a full-scale attack.

This time it was no longer just the night elves who joined the battle, but also hundreds of treants.

"Damn it! What the hell is this? The tree is actually alive!"

An orc was obviously frightened and was speechless, retreating uncontrollably.

After all, no matter how stupid and brainless he is, he still knows that the iron battle ax in his hand cannot kill a hard and huge tree.

No matter how hard he tried, he would only leave a mark on the tree trunk.

"Don't retreat! Don't retreat! Hold on!"

Grom Hellscream waved Gorehowl wildly while rushing towards the location of demigod Cenarius.

He could feel that this strange creature with the upper body of a human male and the lower body of a stag had turned the surrounding trees into tree men.

As long as it can be killed, the current crisis will naturally be resolved.

"Filthy monsters with demon blood flowing through them! Look what you have done to this forest!"

Cenarius obviously also noticed this bloodthirsty and violent green-skinned orc, and a look of extreme disgust suddenly appeared on his face.

He had participated in the War of the Ancients and had seen night elves who had defected to the Burning Legion and then gradually hatched and degenerated into satyrs. Therefore, he had no favorable impression of this group of orcs who had also taken refuge in the demons.

"go to hell!"

Grom Hellscream charged directly, raised his hands high, and wanted to chop the head of the jungle demigod in front of him in half with a powerful blow.

He is obviously better at using the weapons in his hands to talk than using words.

If they were all mortals, perhaps this blow would make most warriors hate themselves on the spot.

But unfortunately Cenarius was not a mortal.

He didn't give the orc warrior a chance to get close to him. He raised his hand and released rich natural energy.

The next second...

A group of vines covered with spikes emerged from the ground in an instant and wrapped directly around Grom Hellscream's legs, locking him in place. The spikes on them also tore large pieces of skin and muscle.

Not only that!

Some unknown natural energy also began to bless all allies, including the Treants and Night Elf Sentinels.

As long as the orc warrior's weapon touches the opponent, he will immediately feel a heart-piercing sting, as if he has touched a sharp thorn.

The Warsong clan, which Grom Hellscream was proud of, only lasted less than ten minutes when faced with the attack of the demigod Cenarius before being completely defeated.

What made him even more unbelievable was that the old deer released an extremely powerful magic when the battle was coming to an end. Manna full of natural energy fell from the sky, causing the trees that had been cut down with only their roots to emit light again. Green shoots, growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the bare lumberyard was once again covered with towering trees.

Although Grom Hellscream has seen powerful spellcasters like Gul'dan and Ner'zhul, he has never seen the latter two's spell abilities reach such an exaggerated level.

And he, the great chief of the Warsong Clan, who had made great achievements in the second war and became a tribal hero, could do nothing but stand here, being tightly entangled by vines and unable to move.




Desire to make the blood in the body burn again!

If possible, Grom Hellscream hoped that whoever it was would come and chop off his head, so that he would no longer have to endure the scorn from his enemies.

But unfortunately, the biggest difference between night elves and orcs is that they are rational and civilized enough, and have never been in the habit of killing captives.

In this way, Cenarius quickly turned around and left after driving out the orcs and restoring the forest that had been cut down by the Warsong clan.

Seeing the enemy disappear into the depths of the dense forest once again, Grom Hellscream, who felt that he had suffered a great humiliation, gritted his teeth and growled: "I swear! You will pay the price for your contempt for me and the Warsong clan!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

A figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed steadily on the forest clearing less than ten meters away from him.

There are curved horns on its forehead, huge wings behind its back, solid scales all over its body, and its hands and feet also look like sharp claws.

Especially the two flashing red eyes are enough to make anyone who feels it feel the blood boiling all over their body, as if they have been summoned by some kind.

A demon? !

Grom Hellscream had a look of astonishment on his face, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Ah! My dear friend, I think you need help, don't you?"

The devil took the initiative to say hello with a friendly smile on his face.

"Who are you? How did you find us?" Grom Hellscream asked sharply.

Although he was still tightly entangled by vines full of life energy, he was still struggling to raise the ax in an offensive or defensive posture.

The devil smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I can provide you with some help. I believe you have also seen that the demigod Cenarius is so powerful. In your current state, you want to win or even win." Killing him is absolutely impossible."

"So you can offer a way to defeat him?"

Grom Hellscream was instantly moved.

Traditional orcs like him value the so-called "glory" most. Once they are humiliated by the enemy, they will fight until they kill the opponent to wash away the shame.

He is willing to pay any price for this.

This is also a manifestation of the abnormal culture and values ​​of orc society.

Life has never been an important thing in their eyes, whether it is their own or other people's.

"No, no, no, what I want to provide you is a way to make you stronger.

Deep in the forest, there is a spring containing powerful magic.

As long as you lead your men to find it and drink it, you will gain the power to defeat Cenarius.

How about that, doesn’t it sound tempting? "

As he said that, the demon blinked his eyes playfully, and then pointed in a certain direction deep in the forest.

Then he raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers, and the vine that imprisoned Grom Hellscream withered and died in an instant.

The latter, who had regained his freedom, ignored the scars scratched by the thorns on his body and hurriedly wanted to ask something, but found that the other party's figure had disappeared.

There is no doubt that the chief of the Warsong Clan is full of vigilance and hostility in his heart towards the demons of the Burning Legion.

After all, he learned from Ner'zhul that the reason why the orcs ended up in this situation was largely due to the conspiracy of the Burning Legion.

But the problem is that Grom Hellscream has no choice now.

If Cenarius cannot be defeated or even killed, then he will not be able to complete the logging task assigned by Thrall.

What's even worse is that the opponent's attack directly dispersed the entire Warsong clan, and it took a lot of effort just to gather them together.

If Cenarius and the Treants and Sentinels were to attack again during this process, the entire Warsong Clan might be at risk of being expelled.

Therefore, whether in public or private life, Grom Hellscream must overcome the difficulties at all costs.

After a moment of hesitation and struggle, he quickly gathered his troops and gathered an elite force of more than a thousand people. After handing over the task of gathering the tribesmen to his subordinates, he headed deep into the forest.

Within two days, the army discovered a spring emitting green light near a valley.

A group of satyrs were obviously attracted by the power of evil, and obviously wanted to take it as their own to strengthen their own power.

Grom Hellscream didn't even say a word of nonsense, he just rushed over with Gorehowl in hand.

After an effortless battle, all the satyrs were driven out and killed.

He himself was led by a troll witch doctor to the spring. Feeling the familiar power flowing inside, pain and struggle once again appeared on his already ugly face.

As an orc who once drank the blood of demons, Grom will never forget the feeling and the temptation of corruption, let alone the astonishing enhancement brought about by the evil energy filling the body.

You must know that at the end of the Second War, the power of the evil energy has not yet begun to fade. He only led a few orc remnants to hold back the alliance's attack, even against two or more top human warriors at the same time.

So Grom missed that feeling, especially after being spared by Cenarius in an insulting gesture, all he could think about was how to kill the opponent.

After several minutes, his instinct and nature finally defeated his reason, and he was the first to take the lead in drinking the green-lit Legion's only designated drink.


One second the orc warrior was green-skinned, but the next second the blood all over his body began to boil and burn, and both his eyes and skin quickly turned red.


A tremendous strength!

Grom Hellscream's face was full of excitement and ecstasy, and his savage, violent, and bloodthirsty impulses directly broke through the restrictions and dominated this strong body.

The only thing that puzzled him was why his bloodthirsty impulse this time was not just about killing. It seemed that he really wanted to suck the blood of his enemies, and there was also a hunger emerging from the bottom of his heart.

With the chief taking the lead, the rest of the Warsong clan would naturally not be left behind. They all lay down on the spring and drank the green liquid, making themselves powerful and violent again.

Some orcs even have demon-like black bone spurs growing out of their bodies.

You don't need to ask to know that since drinking these liquids containing evil energy, they have all turned into evil orcs.

After the completely berserk orc army returned to the Ashen Valley and once again attacked the Ashen Valley, the demon that just gave Grom Hellscream a hint slowly walked out of the darkness in an instant, and moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Transformed into the appearance of a human youth.

Obviously, the person who pushed the Zhange clan into the abyss was none other than Zuo Si who came from afar.

And he also added some ingredients to the spring water, which is the blood that has transformed the body now.

That's why the orcs who drink the spring water will feel hungry and thirsty while turning into evil orcs, eager to tear out the throat of a certain creature and drink the blood.

"Tsk tsk, the orcs are indeed a bunch of idiots with simple minds and well-developed limbs. They were fooled so easily. It gives me no sense of accomplishment at all. It seems that smart guys like Thrall, Gul'dan and Ner'zhul are just... Very few."

Zuo Si touched his chin and revealed a wicked smile.

Just when he was about to destroy the spring, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air, and Mal'Ganis, who had disappeared for a while, appeared directly. The wound on his chest caused by Frostmourne also completely disappeared. .

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The Dread Lord was the first to say hello.

"Is your injury healed?"

Zuo Si looked at the other party up and down with interest.

Malganis subconsciously touched his chest and sighed with lingering fear: "Yes, this sword almost killed me. By the way, what's going on with this spring? I seem to feel the blood of the Abyss Lord. The evil energy it contains."


It's just that your brother Tichondrius took Mannoroth and sprinkled the blood in it, hoping to lure the orcs of the Warsong clan to drink it and then turn them into slaves of the legion again.

I felt that the blood of the abyss lord alone was a bit boring, so I deliberately added some spices to it.

When Mannoroth steps forward to recruit these evil orcs, he will definitely feel an unprecedented surprise. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's lips slightly raised, revealing a chilling smile.

As one of the few people who had personally experienced the methods of the God of Contract before him, Mal'Ganis instantly realized that this was the other party's plot against Cenarius and Mannoroth at the same time, and quickly asked: "What did you add to the spring water? "

"You'll know if you go and see it?"

Zuo Si made a gesture of invitation, signaling the Dread Lord to check himself.

Mal'Ganis was obviously very interested in this. He walked straight to the spring and took a cup of water with his palm, feeling the power hidden under the evil energy.

After just a few seconds, he suddenly turned his head and asked in an incredible tone: "You actually perfectly fused the blood of the Dread Lord with the blood of another powerful creature?"

"Yeah, great work, isn't it?

Now the one who truly controls the will of these evil orcs is neither Mannoroth nor the Burning Legion, but me as the ancestor.

I'm looking forward to seeing the spectacular scene of these Warsong clan orcs swarming up and sucking the blood out of the abyss lord alive.

Of course, there is also the obstructive forest demigod Cenarius. "

Zuo Si did not hide his evil intentions at all, but fully displayed them in front of the Dread Lord.

Because the other party had seen his dragon form in a dream, there was no need to disguise himself.

"So... Mannoroth is using these orcs, and you are playing with him? I don't understand, since you want to prevent the Legion from invading this world, why do you let the orcs kill Cenarius?" Mal'Ganis asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Because I want to be the patron saint of Azeroth, so it is enough for the gods of this world to have me.

Regardless of whether they are demigods, titans, or eternal beings, they must either get out of here or be eliminated by me.

Cenarius is just the beginning!

Next, I will start cleaning up the traces left by the Titans in this world, including the High Guardians, the Forge, the World Creation Engine, and the Emerald Dream. "

Zuo Si clearly expressed his intentions and goals for the first time.

Mal'Ganis was obviously shocked by this almost arrogant idea, and he kept looking at the other person with gleaming eyes, trying to confirm whether he was a madman or someone who had someone to rely on.

After about ten seconds, he cautiously asked: "What about the Burning Legion? Are you sure you can deal with the Dark Titan Sargeras and his endless army?"

"Haha, regarding this, I will prove myself in the upcoming Battle of Mount Hyjal. Finally, say hello to your master for me and tell him that I am actually very interested in starting some cooperation with him."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si released magical energy with his backhand to directly wipe the spring water behind him from its source, and triggered a violent energy explosion.

The unprepared Mal'Ganis was almost caught in the explosion and was seriously injured again, and could only run away in embarrassment.

But what frightened him more than the explosion was the other party's confident self-confidence.

After thinking about it, the fear devil did not dare to delay at all, and wrote a report as quickly as possible to pass it to the powerful master behind him.

Compared to the cautious mutual testing between Zuo Si and Mal'Ganis, Grom Hellscream, who drank the blood of demons, was much simpler and rougher.

More than a thousand evil orcs from the Warsong clan rushed into the forest in an almost crazy state to kill.

Whether they are ferocious beasts or night elf sentries, these guys basically adhere to the principle of not growing any grass wherever they go, killing and burning all the way, directly igniting the entire forest in Ashenvale, forming an extremely spectacular flame.

Even though it was already late at night, the surrounding environment and the sky were still illuminated red.

Screams, wails, the cries of animals that are frightened or burned...

Any language that describes the scene before me is pale.

After drinking the blood of demons, the evil orcs completely abandoned the last bit of humanity and turned into horrific beasts that only knew destruction and killing.

Many night elf sentries had no time to put on armor or pick up weapons before they were knocked to the ground by the orcs who rushed in from the outside. Then they opened their big mouths and inserted two fangs into the aorta near their necks to drink blood.

Every time they drink the blood of a female night elf warrior, their strength will be significantly improved, and they can even learn night elf martial arts and tactical coordination through blood-sucking.

When hundreds of night elves were killed in several consecutive outposts, Cenarius finally appeared again and came to help these mortal allies.

After he saw with his own eyes what the orcs were now like, he immediately roared angrily: "Asshole!

I knew it was a huge mistake to let you go before!

Since you don’t want to leave, just stay here and use them as fertilizer for the plants!


Tree people!

Crush all enemies! "

"Ha ha ha ha!

You finally showed up!

Come on, let's continue the unfinished battle!

This time only one of you and I can leave alive!

Lok'tar ogar!"

Grom Hellscream, whose mind had been affected by the blood of demons for a long time, laughed loudly, raised the blood roar and rushed towards Cenarius.

The latter immediately released the entanglement technique without saying a word, hoping to recreate the classic and hold this brutal and violent orc warrior in place and rub it repeatedly.

Unfortunately, Grom has completely fallen into madness at this moment, possessing unimaginable terrifying power.

I saw a large green evil flame suddenly released from his body, directly burning the vines growing out of the ground.

Before Cenarius could react, a red figure rushed forward in an instant, holding up a blood-stained ax and slashing it down.



The sharp ax blade, powered by huge power, directly tore the bark technique used by the demigod to protect himself, and then split open the abdominal cavity to let out a large amount of internal organs and intestines.

If it were an ordinary person, an injury like this would definitely be hopeless, and he would completely die from excessive blood loss and organ failure in a few minutes at most.

But Cenarius, who is proficient in natural magic, can obviously recover himself through treatment. At least saving his life first is definitely not a problem.

But the moment the natural healing spell was released, Grom Hellscream rushed forward, opened his mouth and bit the forest demigod on the shoulder.

Since orcs generally have very large and sharp canine teeth, his teeth can easily pierce the protection of skin and muscles, sucking crazily the blood spurting out of the opponent's body.

With every puff, this guy can feel himself becoming stronger than before, whether it's strength, reaction speed, ability to resist blows, and body recovery speed.

"Get away! You filthy Legion lackey!"

Cenarius swung his sharp claws that were comparable to those of a giant eagle, intending to disembowel the opponent directly.

The moment his claws pierced the opponent's abdomen, a shocking scene occurred.

Although this blow directly took out a large amount of intestines, Grom Hellscream remained unmoved and continued to diligently suck the blood of the demigod full of life force.

The injuries he suffered were quickly restored to their original state under the nourishment of blood.

Infinite regeneration?

Cenarius's pupils dilated, contracted, and dilated again in an instant, and then like a madman, he used all means to get rid of the orc lying on his body sucking blood.

But the result was just the opposite.

Not only did he fail to get rid of Grom, but more and more Warsong clan warriors turned around and pounced on them to suck blood together after solving the enemy.

Although Cenarius was half man and half deer, he was extremely large, but he couldn't withstand the sucking of a group of evil orcs.

After a while, he fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss.

A large number of treants rushed to rescue the demigod who inspired and granted him wisdom, but they were all forced back by the fire ignited by the Warsong orcs.

In the end, Cenarius finally failed to escape this disaster, and died of blood draining from his body.

Grom Hellscream stood next to the corpse of the demigod, holding up the blood-stained ax and shouting: "Win! We won! From today on, this land belongs to us! Let Thrall do that Go and eat your shit, you cowardly boy! From now on, we are the only orthodoxy among the orcs!"

"Long live the Warsong clan! Long live the great Hellscream!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill everything alive!"

"Blood! I want more blood!"

There is no doubt that the bloodthirsty Fel Orcs are the most aggressive and aggressive creatures in the world.

Because they have no fear and cannot feel pain, there is only one thought in their minds, which is to kill and destroy, to destroy everything that can be destroyed.

With this thought in mind, Grom Hellscream directly started the sweeping mode in the following days.

Several furbolg tribes living nearby didn't even have a chance to issue a warning. The orcs rushed into the village and killed all the men, women, and children.

Forest fires spread everywhere, and thousands of animals were burned and smoked to death.

The achievement of killing the demigod Cenarius with such a small number of troops undoubtedly made the abyss lord Mannoroth, who was observing behind the scenes, very proud.

In his eyes, the orcs who drank the blood of demons were his pets.

The better the pet behaves, the greater the owner's credit.

It's just that Mannoroth doesn't quite understand why the bloodthirsty tendencies of these evil orcs are so strange, and they actually want to drink the blood of their enemies.

However, for the sake of killing Cenarius, Mannoroth did not intend to go into details.

After all, the entire Warsong clan has now completely turned into a mad dog, and is wreaking havoc and killing the night elves and their allies in the Ashenvale area.

If nothing else, they became a target, firmly attracting the attention of the main force of night elves from Mount Hyjal.

In order to prevent Grom Hellscream from being overwhelmed by too few troops, Mannoroth also built a small portal to allow the Legion to continuously transport demons to help the orcs.

At the same time, on the other side of Stonetalon Mountain, Jaina had already met Thrall and Cairn Bloodhoof, and not surprisingly, a small-scale encounter broke out.

But because neither side wanted to fight, the casualties were not serious.

But they all felt strange, why the opponent who should be in the eastern continent appeared in Kalimdor, and it was also the place guided by the prophet.

With countless doubts and puzzles, the two sides began to play a racing match, both trying to find the prophet before the other.

But Jaina and Thrall didn't know that the prophet Medivh they called was currently looking at the image transmitted back from the crystal ball with an angry face.

It was a scene of Grom Hellscream and the entire Warsong clan burning, killing and looting in Ashenvale, even colluding with the demons of the Burning Legion.

Especially the corpse of demigod Cenarius lying on the ground made the last guardian subconsciously clenched his fists.

You must know that Cenarius is the leader of the Wilderness Demigods in the Ancient War, and the real main force and hero in the fight against the Burning Legion.

But before the Legion fully invaded the continent of Kalimdor, this veteran of the last war fell at the feet of the orcs.

What Medivh couldn't accept even more was that these orcs still accepted his guidance to cross the endless sea.

This means that he must bear part of the responsibility for Cenarius's death.

Such bad news made Medivh, who was already very guilty and considered himself a sinner, feel extremely painful and difficult to accept.

Similarly, his sense of orcs has gradually changed from "useful" to "a scourge" now.

The orcs must not be allowed to take root in Azeroth and survive and multiply!

The eyes of the last guardian burst out with a biting coldness, and he made a decision in his heart.

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