A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 624 The Dilemma of the Orcs (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Just when Grom Hellscream killed the forest demigod Cenarius, and led the Warsong Clan and the demons of the Burning Legion to join forces in Ashenvale to kill and destroy without restraint, Thrall, who still knew nothing about it, and Cairn Bloodhoof has already used the hired goblin airship to pass through the barriers of the human camp and enter the intricate caves inside Stonetalon Mountain.

At this moment, this might be the most special chief in the history of the orc race, full of hope to find the prophet who gave him guidance in the dream, and use his wisdom to lead his people out of the dark history of the past and embrace the future.

As an orc who grew up in the human world and learned a lot of knowledge, the biggest difference between him and traditional orcs is that he can look at his compatriots from another perspective and understand their barbarism, bloodthirsty, violence and hatred of the weak. What is the origin of the merciless humiliation?

It was precisely because he saw through the social and cultural nature of the orc nomadic clans that Thrall proposed revitalizing shamanism to replace the missing spiritual beliefs.

He understands that with the long-standing traditions and nature of the orcs, it is unrealistic to want his fellow humans to have the same morality and compassion as humans.

After all, orcs have always admired the strong but despised the weak.

When Grom Hellscream was young, in order not to expose his weakness, he did not hesitate to refuse his seriously injured wife's request that he kill her to end the pain.

He also called his wife a "wolf without teeth" using insulting terms in public and left his wife there to die.

If you treat family members like this, you can naturally imagine how you will treat outsiders.

It is obviously unrealistic to reverse this deep-rooted way of thinking with the efforts of one person alone.

In desperation, Thrall could only retreat to the next best thing, linking combat, killing and glory, and then integrating it with the traditional shamanic teachings of the orcs.

He does not seek to change the thoughts and nature of his compatriots. He only hopes that they will no longer kill innocent people regardless of gender, age or child as before. He also preaches that killing enemies who are unable to resist is not only not an honor, but a kind of honor to oneself. and clan insults.

In this way, it can not only maintain the strong combat effectiveness of the orc race, but also ensure that the tribe's barbaric and backward image in the eyes of the outside world is slowly changed.

It has to be said that as a leader, Thrall is a "man from heaven" who has truly made great changes to the orc race.

Without his strong suppression and revival of shamanism, the orcs might have been able to get the Darkspear Trolls, who have a tradition of cannibalism, to join them, but they would never have been recognized by the tauren chief Cairn Bloodhoof, let alone the Battle of Mount Hyjal. After the end, he persuaded Jaina to side with him and kill his biological father Dailin.

But unfortunately this change is only temporary after all.

Thrall knew very well that it would take time to reshape the thoughts and concepts of an entire race, which could be years, decades, or even decades.

What he lacks most right now is time.

What's even worse is that humans, who regard the orcs as their mortal enemies, have also appeared in this ancient continent.

The only thing that made Thrall feel lucky was that he met the local indigenous tauren and finally learned some important information about the continent of Kalimdor.

For example, there are the aggressive centaurs everywhere, and the numerous quilboars in the Barrens.

Without the help and guidance of the tauren, he simply couldn't imagine how long the current number of warriors could last under the siege of the endless centaur army.

Oh, by the way, those harpies with the ability to fly and cast spells are also a big problem.

There is no doubt that the ancient continent of Kalimdor was by no means a deserted land.

Therefore, if the orcs, as outsiders, want to gain a foothold and obtain a piece of land of their own, they will inevitably break out a war with the local indigenous people.

And if this is not handled well, the tragedy of the previous two wars will inevitably re-enact both sides, and it will also easily arouse the cold, cruel, bloodthirsty and violent emotions in the nature of the orcs.

Especially the recent restless performance of the Warsong clan made the war chief feel particularly worried.

Not to mention that there are still a handful of warlocks among the orcs who still use shadow magic and secretly summon demonic creatures to fight and serve themselves.

Although these guys have now sworn allegiance to the new tribe, and usually operate as low-key and covert as possible, considering what Gul'dan and the Shadow Council have done, it is difficult not to make people feel vigilant and worried.

After all, anyone who dares to gain knowledge and power from the demons of the Burning Legion is an ambitious and ruthless character.

No one knows how long they can persist in this game with the devil, or when they will rebel and cause trouble in the dark because they cannot bear the temptation.

Therefore, Thrall's job as a great chief is not easy at all, and he often even has nightmares when he sleeps at night due to excessive pressure.

He was not even sure whether this was some kind of omen, so he followed the prophet's footsteps and took huge risks to cross the endless sea.

But after arriving in Kalimdor, the prophet who had been guiding the way in dreams suddenly and inexplicably disappeared.

This unusual situation undoubtedly made Sal very nervous and anxious.

Any mistake in decision-making may lead to the complete destruction of the new tribe that has just been born.

For this reason, he often even feels that the heavy responsibility weighs him down.

You must know that the current real age of this so-called warchief is only about 24 or 25 years old. Even among the orcs whose average life span is not high, he is quite young. He is far less than the Forgotten people who later established Orgrimmar to join the tribe. Always so calm and wise.

He has not grown up to the point where he can remain rational and calm at all times.

"what are you worried about?"

Kane Bloodhoof was undoubtedly aware of the mental state of the orc shaman next to him, and asked proactively in a slightly deep voice.

Thrall replied with a wry smile: "Of course I am confused about the future of the orcs. You know, I haven't received guidance from the prophet in my dreams for a long time. Moreover, the appearance of humans and the restlessness of the Warsong clan also make me feel very nervous. "

"Relax, that little human girl is obviously just looking for something and has no intention of fighting. Maybe she, like us, was guided by the prophet to come to this place to find the answer."

As he spoke, Cairn Bloodhoof glanced at the human soldiers behind him who were captured for standing behind during the encounter.

Since the peace-loving tauren were present, the orcs and trolls did not kill the captives. Instead, they beat them, tied them up, and threw them at the end of the team.

Moreover, they all have very tough mouths and are unwilling to reveal even a word from the beginning to the end, even in the face of the threat of death.

This tough attitude and eyes full of hatred made the tauren finally realize how deep the grudges between humans and orcs really were.

I also learned indirectly how bloodthirsty, violent and cruel this group of green-skinned creatures who were once regarded as friends were more than ten years ago.

Especially after witnessing the Warsong Clan's merciless massacre of several human outposts, many people within the Tauren even began to feel that continuing to ally with the orcs might not be a good choice.

In short, like all intelligent races, the Tauren are also divided into different factions.

Some of them are radical, some are peaceful;

Some admire the wilderness and the power of nature, while others believe in the destructive power of the thick totem poles in their hands.

But one thing is certain, that is, the tauren's appreciation and gratitude for the orcs' senses from the very beginning have gradually developed in the direction of alienation.

The most important thing is that Cairn Bloodhoof has received hints from Medivh in his dream, and he also feels that the problems within the orcs are quite serious.

It was just that he was optimistic about Thrall, the great chief, and he didn't want to be known as ungrateful, so he brought the other party to the Stonetalon Mountains.

As for what the result will be, we can only know it after the mysterious prophet appears.

In this way, the leaders of the two races and the humans led by Jaina were fighting in this intricate underground cave while looking for the right path.

Unknowingly, we arrived at the deepest place where Medivh temporarily settled.

When the two sides met at the finish line, Jaina, who had been avoiding the fight, finally couldn't bear it anymore and directly summoned a large water element, saying in a tone full of disgust: "What on earth do you dirty green-skinned monsters want to follow me to?" When? Since you are so eager to seek death, then come on!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

She directly released the biting frost magic to freeze all these difficult enemies.

"Stalking? We are not following you, madam. On the contrary, you are the one who has stopped us from moving forward again and again."

Thrall summoned the ghost wolf without showing any signs of weakness, starting with a lightning chain filled with violent energy.

As we all know, pure water without any impurities is non-conductive, but it is almost impossible to have pure water in nature, so whether it is river water, lake water, or sea water, it is conductive.

The same is true for the water element summoned from the elemental world.

I saw a dazzling electric light flash in the air, and several water elements were instantly evaporated and electrolyzed by the high temperature generated when struck by lightning.

The ghost wolf jumped directly and opened its fangs made of soul energy to tear apart one water element after another.

Perhaps judging from the scene, Thrall had an overwhelming advantage in this confrontation, clearing away all the water elements in just a few seconds.

But unfortunately, Jaina summoned these water elements just to buy herself time to release powerful spells.

After the last water element turned into a puddle on the ground, she finally completed her magic.

The young girl with long blond hair suddenly raised her right hand and released a bit of cold wind from her palm like a cold wind coming from the Icecap Glacier in the Far North.

In the blink of an eye, the wolf in soul form was frozen in place.

Frozen together with the ghost wolf were several orc warriors who were rushing to the front.

What's even more terrible is that this coldness is still spreading back along the cave at an unimaginable speed.

Even the tauren covered with thick hair began to feel that their body temperature was rapidly disappearing.

"Damn it!"

Thrall realized almost instantly that this narrow cave would greatly increase the power of the opponent's frost spells, and immediately wanted to summon the power of the fire element to fight against it.

Just as his hands began to glow with red fire, a voice suddenly echoed in the dark cave.

"That's enough! Where do you think this is? I will never allow anyone to use violence here!"

As these words blurted out, both the frost magic Jaina was releasing and the power of the fire element summoned by Thrall quickly faded away.

It was as if a more powerful force suppressed the two powerful spellcasters in front of him at the same time.

Jaina was stunned.

Because since she succeeded in her studies, even the Archmage Antony Das could not destroy the spells she had constructed.

Thrall also stood there stunned.

As a shaman, his most powerful power is to communicate with spirits and elements, and then gain the power of each other.

But now, someone can forcibly cut off the connection between him and the elements.

But soon, Thrall was the first to recognize Medivh's voice. He suddenly came back to his senses and shouted with surprise: "It's you! You are the prophet who always appears in my dreams! It's you who guides me." I crossed the Great Sea to Kalimdor."

In contrast, Jaina, who knew more about the inside story, looked up and down before trying in an uncertain tone: "So you are the last guardian of the Parliament of Tirisfal, the one who is said to have opened the Dark Portal. Lord Medivh who let the orcs enter Azeroth and was eventually killed by his friends?"


Sal obviously understood human language. He immediately realized who the mysterious human standing in front of him was, and his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Because in his perception, the last guardian of Tirisfal Glades is no different from Ner'zhul and Gul'dan. They are both the culprits who caused the war, and they are also extremely dangerous enemies.

Seeing that his identity was exposed, Medivh simply stopped disguising himself, took off his hood to reveal his iconic face, and admitted directly: "Yes. I am Medivh, Tirisfal." The last guardian of the Council is also the sinner who opened the Dark Portal and brought the orcs to Azeroth.

I was once dominated by a powerful dark force and teamed up with Gul'dan to open the Dark Portal. Later, I was killed by my best friend and wandered in another world as a soul.

It wasn't until not long ago that I finally resurrected and sensed the invasion of the Burning Legion.

In order to save the innocent people of the Eastern Kingdom, I sent a warning to the leaders of all countries.

It's a pity that apart from you, there is no other person willing to lead the people away from their homeland and come to Kalimdor.

Neither King Terenas nor Prince Arthas, nor your proud and arrogant teacher Antony Dath, heeded my advice.

Fortunately, there is another force involved in this war.

Hopefully his strength can help the world get through this once again.

In fact, just when you left the eastern continent, most of the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron had already fallen.

The Scourge has opened a portal to help Archimonde and the vanguard of the Burning Legion enter this world.

The alliance gathered all its forces to fight against it, and finally managed to hold the line of defense, creating a back-and-forth situation. "

In order to let Jaina and Cairn Bloodhoof understand the seriousness of the situation, Medivh told the current tragic war situation in the East without any concealment.

Except for the Kingdom of Storm, which was infiltrated and controlled by the black dragon princess Onyxia and did not receive the news at the first time, the other countries in the alliance basically chose to leave in full force.

The nearest Kingdoms of Gilneas and Stromgard even mobilized their entire nation, recruiting all young adults who had received militia training.

Either they are engaged in the production of weapons, especially gunpowder and shells, in the rear, or they are responsible for transporting supplies to the front line, and by the way, "lucky ones" are randomly selected to fill the defense lines where there are casualties every day.

Ironforge's lava forge is working hard to smelt metal day and night, and under the command of dwarf engineers, it has built a production line for tanks, artillery and aircraft.

Stranglethorn Vale also quickly transitioned into wartime, working overtime to produce aerial gunships to ensure that the Alliance always had air supremacy and overwhelming firepower advantage.

The remaining mages of Dalaran and the high elves of Silvermoon City finally put aside their prejudices and joined forces to form the Alliance's first true legion of spellcasters.

Even the goblin consortium in Stranglethorn Vale was dragged into the water and became a force temporarily hired by the alliance.

It can be said that excluding several orc clans scattered in the Eastern Kingdom, as well as the black dragon prince Nefarian of Blackstone Mountain and the huge underground city of the Blackstone dwarves, the entire Eastern Continent has been united as never before.

This is also one of the main reasons why Medivh agrees with Zuo Si.

"What? An all-out war has begun on the Eastern Continent!"

As a human, Jaina suddenly became nervous.

Medivh nodded solemnly: "Yes, the Alliance has now contained a considerable number of forces from the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge.

Therefore, there are no signs of large-scale invasion on Kalimdor continent yet.

But I can assure you that Archimonde must have set up a portal somewhere now and is constantly calling his troops over.

So you must lead the army to move towards the direction of Mount Hyjal immediately. "

"Then what's going on with these orcs? Are they also the reinforcements you found? You don't want me to ally with them, do you?"

Jaina looked at Thrall warily.

Influenced by her father Dai Lin, she obviously doesn't have the slightest fondness for these intruders now.

In fact, in the original timeline, the daughter of the sea was strongly opposed to forming an alliance with the orcs, and in the end it was Medivh who forcibly brought the two parties together.

"That was indeed my original plan. After all, no matter how bloodthirsty and cruel the orcs are, they are still much stronger than demons and undead. Unfortunately, they let me down."

As Medivh blurted out these words, Thrall's nerves all over his body tightened and he quickly asked: 'Disappointed? what do you mean? "

"What do you mean? Look what your orcs have done!"

After that, Medivh used magic without hesitation to reveal what happened in Ashenvale to everyone.

I saw that the Warsong clan, which had been completely controlled by Mannoroth, was slaughtering everything alive in the Ashenvale forest without restraint, igniting large areas of virgin forest with flames, allowing the sky-high fire and thick smoke to continue to spread outward.

Once a night elf sentry appears, they will immediately rush forward and break the opponent's hands and feet, then open a big mouth full of fangs and drink blood from the female night elf's neck until the opponent's blood is drained. Then he threw away the body and looked for the next prey.

Not to mention Jaina, who had a grudge against the orcs, she couldn't bear to watch such a tragic scene. Even Kane Bloodhoof, who was supposed to be an ally at the side, couldn't help but curse: "They are simply indistinguishable from demons! Thrall, tell me, are these your so-called brave and glorious compatriots? What they are doing is simply defiling Mother Earth!"

Obviously, the tauren originally respected nature, protected nature, and were willing to live in harmony with nature. They belonged to the race that should be born as druids.

This means that their attitude towards forests and grasslands is similar to that of night elves.

After seeing the devastating destruction of the Ashenvale Forest by the Warsong Clan, they will naturally feel angry.

"Evil...evil orcs! Oh my God! Grom, what on earth have you done?"

Thrall couldn't care less about defending his compatriots at this moment, but his whole body turned pale with shock, and his green face actually showed a kind of fear that had lost all color.

He had heard more than once about the terrifying state of orcs losing their minds after drinking demon blood, so he always emphasized the use of shamanism to fill the extreme inner and spiritual emptiness of orcs.

But now, in just a few days, Grom Hellscream had personally destroyed everything he had spent years building.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little heavy, another voice suddenly came from the darkness behind him.

"Are you sure you really want to know what the Warsong clan has done?"


Everyone present quickly turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

In just two or three seconds, Zuo Si's figure left the shadow and appeared in the place illuminated by the dim torch.

"You finally came."

There was a hint of bitterness and helplessness in Medivh's tone.

He didn't expect that just as the opponent had warned the Burning Legion that the Orcs would use the orcs to attack Cenarius, the demigod who had made great achievements in the War of the Ancients would die on the spot.

"Yeah, I wonder why I would be absent from such an important occasion."

While speaking, Zuo Si blinked at the confused Jaina.

Thrall was obviously still a little confused about the situation, or he was too concerned about the situation of Grom and the Warsong clan, so he desperately asked: "What did Grom do? Did he drink the blood of the devil again?" "

"No, he didn't just drink the demon's blood. After drinking the demon's blood, he killed Cenarius, the guardian demigod of Ashenvale Forest, and at the same time completely went to war with the night elves' sentinels.

Both of them were responsible for resisting the Burning Legion's invasion of the world 10,000 years ago.

In other words, you orcs are now making the same mistake on the continent of Kalimdor that you made when you passed through the Dark Portal and descended on the eastern continent, and you have once again become the public enemy of all races.

I guess in the eyes of the night elves and their allies, you should be equated with the servants and minions of the Burning Legion.

So I'm sorry, the orcs will be kicked out of this alliance of all races in Azeroth from now on.

Because whether you are in the Eastern Continent or the Kalimdor Continent, you will always be unforgivable invaders, a group of inhumane and brutal destroyers. "

Zuo Si's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Sal's chest so hard that he almost couldn't help but spurt out blood.

You must know that when he was fighting guerrillas in the southern region of Lordaeron and liberating the orcs imprisoned in the shelter, this warchief with a vision beyond the times was suppressing the warlike sentiments among the orcs, ordering the clans not to go unless they had to. Take the initiative to provoke humans, let alone massacre villages and towns.

The purpose is to change the bad image of orcs as brutal invaders.

Later, when he arrived in Kalimdor, he even thought that he could lead the orcs to start over in this place where no one knew him.

But they never expected that at the critical moment, Grom and the Warsong clan would deliver another fatal backstab.

Although we still don’t know how powerful the night elves are as a race.

But Thrall knew very well that a race that could resist the demonic invasion of the Burning Legion 10,000 years ago could never be a weakling.

Maybe they are the most powerful country in the world.

At the same time, being enemies with the most powerful alliance in the eastern continent and the most powerful night elves in Kalimdor is a feeling that is despairing just to imagine.

If the two team up to strangle the orcs, Thrall can't think of a way to ensure the survival of the orcs except to join the Burning Legion again and become a servant of the devil.

After being silent for several minutes, he suddenly raised his head and argued with two blood-filled eyes: "Grom and his Warsong clan do not represent all orcs! I can lead the Frostwolves to prove myself to other clans. Not the devil’s minions!”

"Sorry, we don't need you to prove anything, nor do we need the pitiful strength of the orcs.

Because you can't guarantee that there won't be a second Grom Hellscream and Warsong Clan among your men.

There is no guarantee that after seeing the blood of demons, the beasts in this group full of savagery, bloodthirsty and violent tendencies will be able to hold back and not rush forward to drink.

Now you can take your people and turn around and leave. "

With a smile on his face, Zuo Si used an extremely cruel tone to completely crush the last glimmer of hope in the other party's heart.

There is no doubt that this is the price to pay for carrying original sin.

"You think all orcs are beasts?"

As a shaman, Thrall undoubtedly felt the naked and undisguised contempt and malice.

"Isn't it?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile. "Look at what your compatriots are doing, and then think about what your race has done in the years since the Dark Portal was opened. Looking through the history of Azeroth, there are those who are more destructive than you. There are only the demons of the Burning Legion, the undead of the Scourge, and the armies of the Old Gods. Even the trolls, who are considered barbaric, are more civilized than the orcs. At least they will not kill the envoys sent to negotiate."

"You're forcing us!"

Sal clenched his fists subconsciously.

Because from Zuo Si's eyes, he felt that when he was still a slave gladiator, the human nobles looked at him and his compatriots like animals.

It was this kind of gaze that deeply hurt his self-esteem, and at the same time made him understand that no matter how hard he tried, he could never truly integrate into human society.

To be precise, in the eyes of humans, no matter how civilized and outstanding an orc is, in the end he is just a smart "pet".

The owner may reward the pet for good behavior, but he will never allow the pet to have the same status and identity as the owner.

"Haha, I'm just forcing you. It was you who committed the unforgivable crime first. If you want revenge, you can follow Grom's lead and lead all the orcs to join the Burning Legion. I want the Abyss Lord Mano Ross should be very happy to accept his little pet back."

Zuo Si obviously knew Sal's thoughts and bottom line hidden in his heart, and he unceremoniously stimulated the other party's most sensitive nerve.

Thrall's breathing suddenly became rapid, and one of his hands was tightly holding the Doomhammer passed to him by the orc hero Orgrim, as if it would burst out and smash the opponent's head in the next second.

Like Arthas, who was more of a berserker than a paladin, Thrall was trained as a warrior when he was young.

Therefore, his fighting style is completely different from that of traditional shamans. He can also wear solid plate armor and hold a war hammer to rush into the most densely populated areas of enemies to kill.

This is also the reason why he has never been challenged as the chief.

There are simply few warriors in the entire orc group who can guarantee that they can defeat Thrall in a one-on-one fight.



A strong desire to turn emotions into violence and vent them out!

Although Thrall had experienced many things that drove him crazy, such as the extremely painful night when he was buried in Durnholde Castle, he had never wanted to kill someone so much as he did now.

Because this person's goal is to push the entire orc race into the abyss of eternal destruction.

He even doubted whether the Warsong clan's drinking of demon blood was directed and planned by the other party.

The purpose is to kick the orcs out of the coalition forces and forever mark this race as invaders and demon minions.

As a result, Thrall's hard-working plan to transform the orcs into a normal race will completely go bankrupt.

They will never be able to gain the right to settle and reproduce. They will always be regarded as invaders by all local residents of Azeroth, and are naturally morally inferior to others.

Such a harsh living environment will also stimulate the bloodthirsty and cruel side of the orcs' hearts, and they will become more and more keen on using war and killing to solve problems.

But in the end, the young chief controlled his urge to go berserk, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, then turned around and said to the hand-picked guards: "Since we are not welcome here, Then let’s go!”

The orc warrior who received the order said nothing and immediately turned around to return along the original path.

But before they could take a few steps, they suddenly discovered that Cairn Bloodhoof and the tauren warriors under his command had not moved.

This move immediately made all the orcs and trolls, including Thrall, show expressions of astonishment.

Sal's heart suddenly became cold. He stopped and asked, "Old friend, aren't you going to come with us?"

"Excuse me, my young friend. This time, the tauren must fulfill their responsibilities. In this war against the Burning Legion, we must contribute our share."

After saying that, Kane Bloodhoof lowered his head apologetically, put one hand on his chest and bowed to the orc shaman who had helped his tribe.

You don't need to ask to know that this undoubtedly represents a split among the allies.

Rather than following the bloodthirsty and brutal orcs, the tauren ultimately chose to believe in the native races of Azeroth.

At least humans behave in battles with hatred, but they are obviously much more rational and civilized.

You can even get along well with the quilboar from the first encounter.

Upon hearing these words, Sal's eyes dimmed instantly, and he disappeared into the depths of the cave with the few remaining people without saying a word.

With the departure of the tauren, the orcs on the continent of Kalimdor were suddenly reduced to the point where they didn't even know what to do next.

After Thrall was completely gone, Zuo Si smiled and said to the tall tauren chief: "Welcome to join you, Chief Kane.

You made the right choice, which was to cut off contact with the orcs in time.

Believe me, allying with them is definitely not a good thing for the entire tauren race.

Because Thrall is an absolute alien among the orcs.

He can't be the chief forever, and sooner or later he will hand over power.

At that time, any non-orc race will be suppressed and even become cannon fodder in the war.

As tauren who love peace and live uncontested, that is definitely not the outcome and future you want. "

"Who are you……"

Cairn Bloodhoof first looked Zuo Si up and down, and then turned his attention to Medivh.

The latter had obviously communicated with the old cow many times in the dream, and immediately explained: "The person standing in front of you is the God of Contract from another universe. In the future, he will become Azeroth The patron saint, ensuring that our world remains safe from all external threats, including the Burning Legion."


Cairn Bloodhoof showed an expression of extreme shock and disbelief.

Not only him, but also the tauren warriors behind him were stunned.

Fortunately, the tauren chief was also someone who had seen big scenes. He quickly came to his senses and carefully probed: "Why do you want to protect our world? Or what is the price we need to pay?"

"I have already talked to Medivh about this, you can ask him.

In addition, I suggest that you quickly bring all the tauren warriors over to join Jaina.

Next, you have to race against time to march towards Mount Hyjal, to find the night elves to form an alliance and prepare to attack.

I can feel that Archimonde is about to lose his patience and prepare to launch a full-scale attack. "

Zuo Si obviously didn't have time to explain too much to Kane Bloodhoof. After saying this, he instantly activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

At the same time, Thrall on the other side, after exiting the intricate cave, immediately boarded the airship and crossed the canyon to join the army under his control.

When he told the other clan chiefs about Grom Hellscream and the Warsong clan drinking demon blood, the entire army was in an uproar.

Some of them were loudly cursing these idiots, who had finally regained their freedom and were so stupid that they became slaves to the devil.

Others believe that Grom's choice is right. Orc warriors who drink the blood of demons will be blessed with powerful power.

With this power, they can sweep across the continent of Kalimdor and turn it into the orcs' homeland.

Finally, there is the warlock who secretly uses shadow and fel magic, hoping to find this spring and use it as the source of his power.

In short, since Thrall has not yet gained the high prestige to become the savior of the entire race, the chiefs of each clan below have their own little ideas.

The only one who is still loyal may be the Frostwolf clan.

"What should we do now?"

Thrall consulted his advisor Eitrigg for advice.

After the latter pondered for a moment, he replied in an extremely heavy tone: "We must draw a clear line between Grom and the Warsong clan. It is best to kill him with our own hands and prove to the world that not all orcs are monsters. .”

"Kill Grom Hellscream?

Are you joking?

He was originally recognized as the strongest warrior, and he also drank the blood of demons and killed the demigod Cenarius.

Now the entire Warsong clan has turned into evil orcs, and their power is several times that of our warriors.

Attacking them at this time will cause heavy losses to our few remaining troops.

Most importantly, even if we did, the man would not give us the chance to join the coalition to atone for our sins.

He made it clear that he wanted to push the orcs into the abyss of eternal destruction, and they would never be able to legitimately survive and reproduce in this world. "

Sal knocked on the table hard and retorted loudly with excitement.

"That's why we have to do this. Otherwise, once Grom and the Warsong clan are left alone, every destruction and killing they do will become an indelible stain for the orcs. Warchief, it's time to take a gamble."

Eitrigg spoke out his thoughts at once.

He once had a cross-race friendship with Tirion Fordring, and he once observed human behavior while living in seclusion, and understood that this was a group with completely different values ​​from the orcs.

The most typical difference is the attitude towards the weak.

Humans will sympathize with and take care of the weak, instead of despising and insulting them like orcs.

This also means that the other party has a high moral standard, which is especially obvious in Tirion Fordring.

So Eitrigg wanted to put humanity's conscience on the line.

As long as the orcs performed heroically in this civil war and eliminated the Warsong clan who joined the Burning Legion, they could gain some degree of forgiveness.

In this way, even if you fail to join the coalition, you may not be liquidated after the war.

But if the Warsong clan is left alone, liquidation is almost certain.

Therefore, the orcs have no second choice at the moment. The only thing they can do is to gamble everything.

What's more, getting rid of the Warsong clan can set a negative example for other orc clans, warning them of the new tribe's zero-tolerance attitude towards demons...

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