A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 630: A loving mother and a filial son (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by deafening loud noises and dense artillery roars,

As a super airship that can easily carry more than five thousand people and a large amount of supplies, the recently built Thunder implements the design idea of ​​"big is better, more is beautiful", and is far superior to two in terms of width, length and height. A 100,000-ton freighter.

Moreover, the inventor of the Gond Church who was responsible for building it was also a loyal believer in the "Multi-turret Cult".

With the powerful technology and magic of the West Coast Empire, he installed more than twenty double or even triple rotating turrets on the sides, and the total number of gun barrels exceeded 70.

You must know that this thing is not the original version of the original cannon loaded in the back hall, but is very close to the artillery of the Second World War, both in terms of loading and rate of fire have been greatly improved.

The smoky gunpowder formula provided by the god of craftsmen Gond also added magical elements, and its explosion power was more than ten times the original.

If only one side of the turret fires, the entire airship will continue to drift in the opposite direction driven by the huge recoil. The main purpose is to cover the fire.

As for accuracy...

Sorry, this thing was not considered at all.

As long as the firepower coverage is dense enough and directly covers the entire battlefield, accuracy is not important at all.

In fact, every member of the Inventors' Guild currently working for the West Coast Empire believes in firepower superiority, and all they can think about is how to install more forts with larger calibers on giant airships.

No thought was given to the range and precision guidance aspects.

After all, the only one with large-scale airships in Faerûn is the West Coast Empire, and the only one that uses thermal weapons in bulk is the Empire, and each gunship is equipped with a certain number of dragon knights to escort it.

Therefore, except for those magic ships that can travel in space and alien planes, they do not need to consider a decisive battle in the air under the same conditions. Naturally, they distort the technology tree and only emphasize the comprehensive suppression of air and ground.

The semicircular turrets extending from the outer shell of the airship pod can not only rotate 180 degrees left and right, but can also be adjusted up and down from 45 to 60 degrees.

This undoubtedly ensures that no matter which way the airship is facing, a part of the turret will always be able to shoot.

Of course, in addition to relatively expensive things like artillery shells, the Thunder also carries incendiary bombs, cluster bombs and heavy aerial bombs weighing hundreds of kilograms or even tons.

This thing is placed directly in the suspended magazine on the bottom of the airship.

As long as the commander gives an order to open the safety gate, it will immediately be dropped from a high altitude like raindrops, causing unimaginable huge damage to fixed targets on the ground.

So when the airship's artillery began to roar non-stop, and heavy bombs and incendiary bombs were thrown over the heads of the dark elves and monsters, the originally bad battle situation was suddenly contained.

Hundreds of enemies were caught in the flames and explosions before they even had time to scream. Either their entire bodies were torn apart or burned alive into charcoal.

In short, at first glance, it is a completely purgatory-like scene.

The dark elves who were accustomed to fighting with cold weapons and magic had never seen such a battle before, and they were immediately confused.

The performance of those monsters was even worse, and they suddenly fell into chaos.

The short distance of a few hundred meters from the rear to the city wall was strewn with mutilated corpses, as well as wounded people wailing in pain under the flames.

After the round of attacks stopped, the originally flat grass and woods were covered with large and small craters.

Many ancient trees dozens of meters high were directly blown up by artillery shells, while others were turned into sky-high torches by incendiary bombs, and collapsed amid a burst of crackling burning sounds.

"No matter who it is! Kill that flying ship for me! Immediately! Immediately!"

Seeing that his side suffered such heavy casualties and that his morale was likely to collapse at any time, the lame Jez immediately roared like crazy at the priests, mages around him, and the evil dragons flying in the sky.

Although he had overestimated this weapon to the greatest extent before launching the attack, which could make the red-robed mage of Ser give in.

But who would have thought that the destructive power of this thing in war would simply exceed their imagination.

But it’s no wonder.

After all, those old airships still used backward cannons, which was equivalent to moving wooden battleships from the sea to the air.

But what about the latest model of the Thunder?

After a period of explosive development of magic and technology, it jumped directly from the era of sailing and great voyages to the level of World War II.

Even the pod and airbag themselves are equipped with protective armor and adopt an integrated design. Even if they are bitten or spit by the dragon, they can resist for a while.

Of course, those old models of airships have also undergone new modifications.

Currently, the entire empire maintains a total of seven aerial gunship formations, each of which are deployed in key strategic locations to deter surrounding countries and forces.

But so far, no blind guy has dared to jump out and try the power of these new weapons.

"Oh my god! Is this the famous aerial gunship of the West Coast Empire? It is simply a war fortress!"

Severil, the commander of the elven army, pulled the sword out of the eye of the hill giant he had just killed, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face.

Although Eternal Meeting Island has a space fleet composed of star-winged magic warships, its powerful magic power is enough to wipe a city off the map in an instant, but that is the result of the joint efforts of dozens of high-level elven mages.

But what about this gunboat now?

Except for the fact that there are several mages in the central control room who are responsible for maintaining magical protection during the battle, there is no need for any manpower to control it at all.

All cannonballs and bombs are manufactured in advance at the rear and can be transported into the cabin for storage.

And under Shuoyou's transformation, both the turret and ammunition supply are fully automatic.

Only the commander and the dragon knight were living people on the entire ship, and the rest were all simple constructs and undead creatures.

This also means that as long as the West Coast Empire's finances allow, it is possible to mass-produce dozens or even dozens of ships, directly across the sea and mountains, launch surprise bombings on targets thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers away, and destroy enemy cities and Villages were razed to the ground.

"Look! Those evil dragons are flying over to attack our allies!"

A ranger shouted pointing at the red dragon, green dragon and black dragon that were seizing the high ground in space and then diving from different directions.

"Don't worry, our allies are capable of protecting themselves. Instead of worrying about them, be careful about how these vicious cousins ​​will react next."

As he spoke, Severil took the lead and rushed to the area where the enemy was the densest, waving the moon blade with silver light in his hand to kill them.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen elite dark elf warriors covered their necks, eyes and other vital parts and fell into a pool of blood with unwilling expressions on their faces.

Because shelling and bombs blocked the enemy's coalition forces, this part of the city wall had become a lone army and was being besieged by elven soldiers several times its own number.

Without backup, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

As for the summoned demons and Yugolos demons, seeing that the situation was not good, they had already cast teleportation spells and retreated to the rear.

This is why the lame Jazz is so nervous and anxious.

His original plan was to use a surprise attack to directly fight with the elves on the wall, forcing the other party not to easily use those large-scale destructive spells and bombardments.

But now there is a huge flaw in this plan, that is, although the airship does not dare to bomb the fighting area near the wall between the two sides, it can intercept the people who come up later.

Therefore, the Drow coalition must shoot down or even drive away the gunboat at all costs.

The worst thing is to prevent it from being so condescending and unscrupulous bombardment.

After the lame Jazz's order was given, the first person to rush towards the airship was an old male red dragon with a grumpy personality.

It is over twenty-five meters long and is obviously larger and more ferocious than other evil dragons.

He was stunned to hold on to the defensive lightning shot from the airship, and rushed directly to the flight deck, wanting to open his mouth and spit out the deadly flame breath.

But unfortunately, at this critical moment, two dragon knights and their dragon companions suddenly jumped out of the side cabin and rushed over from the left and right directions.

One of them sprayed out biting frost, and the other sprayed out a highly corrosive acidic liquid.

If it were an ordinary spell, with the resistance brought by the old red dragon's physique and scales, there would be no need to worry about it at all.

But the problem was that he didn't dare to underestimate the breath coming from the same kind. He immediately made a sharp turn and flew higher at an angle of almost 90 degrees.

Just as the original propeller fighter fights loved to seize the high ground, the same goes for battles between dragons.

Whoever seizes the high point will have a wider field of vision, and it will also be easier to dive and attack the enemy.

On the other side, several other dragons were also entangled by the dragon knight, and an extremely rare air battle began around the huge airship.

Although the dragons of the Dragon Knight are all created by Zuo Si through the fusion of multiple dragon species through genetic and magical transformation technology, their actual ages are often very young.

But their size is already approaching that of young and even adult dragons in this world.

The damage that dragon's breath can cause is also almost the same.

It is estimated that the only thing lacking is rich combat experience and spell-like abilities.

However, with the help of specially trained knights and the fact that he was able to defeat more and defeat less, he didn't suffer much.

But after the evil dragon had such a peaceful sleep, it was obvious that the airship could not fire as unscrupulously as before, but had to pay attention to avoid accidentally injuring its own people.

The decrease in firepower intensity immediately allowed the drow coalition forces on the ground to regain their morale and rush towards the wall again.

One of the female drow even released an unknown spell at an extremely fast speed after approaching the city gate.

The next second...


The originally solid door instantly shattered into countless tiny fragments like glass.

These fragments were extremely sharp and immediately caused serious damage to the elf soldiers who were waiting behind the door. The nearest one's face was covered in blood and flesh, and his two eyes turned into horrifying blood holes.

Although the enchanted armor on their bodies blocked most of them, some of their exposed skin was still stabbed and scratched by these sharp fragments, and they fell to the ground screaming.

"Now! Rush in and kill these damn surface goblins! The great God Queen will bless us!"

Another high-level priestess wearing a holy symbol raised a mace and charged with a group of giant spiders and spider-morphed drow that suddenly jumped out of the ground.

Especially the latter, not only can it crawl on ninety-degree walls or even ceilings like a spider, but it also has powerful jumping ability like a grasshopper, and can easily jump to the height of two floors or more than ten meters away. distance.

Once these guys jump into the crowd, they will immediately destroy the formation that was finally organized, causing the surrounding elven soldiers to be in chaos.

Almost at the same time, the giant earth monster enslaved by the spell also emerged from the ground. With its extremely hard carapace, it ran rampant through the crowd like a heavy tank.

As cannon fodder, the goblins can finally take advantage of their numbers. With their short height, they can get between the opponent's legs and use the short swords and daggers in their hands to attack the vital points or thighs.

Some elf warriors often felt a sharp pain coming from below while being beaten. When they lowered their heads, they saw that they had been stabbed severely by goblins.

There is no doubt that the dark elf coalition forces have taught these self-esteemed "young master soldiers" from Everjum Island a lesson with their fearless attacks.

If it weren't for the elves themselves who didn't have much fear of death, it would have been a complete collapse for humans.

At present, more than 600 of the 5,000 soldiers have died, and almost 1,400 to 5,000 more have been injured to varying degrees.

But Silinxi remained unmoved and still had no intention of initiating the magic ritual. Instead, she watched these elf warriors, priests and low-level mages fight bloody battles.

Because she knew that the queen asked herself to bring this team out just to let them experience the ups and downs and re-recognize the cruelty of the world, and eventually grow into a mainstay with a firm will.

As for those who died in the battle, they can all be resurrected by high-level priests after the battle is over.

Yes, you read that right, collective resurrection.

For forces such as Evermeet Island and the drow cities in the Underdark that are overrun with magical arts, large-scale resurrection has never been difficult.

In Menzoberranzan, the hometown of Drizzt, in almost every war between families, the bodies of the deceased would be taken away by the victorious side and then resurrected to become their own fighting force.

The Do'Urden family has grown from a little-known family to a wealthy family with hundreds of elite warriors through war after war.

So casualties were not much of an issue from the start.

What Silinxi has to do is to put as much pressure on these elves as possible so that they can be tempered in adversity, and then give up those unrealistic fantasies and grow into excellent officers and experienced warriors.

This is also the most important reason why the senior officials of Yongju Island strongly support the recovery of the Kingdom of Comanthor.

On the other side, the cripple Jazz also led an elite commando team to enter the interior of the airship using teleportation magic, hoping to seize and occupy this powerful aerial fortress.

But when these dozens of people appeared inside the cabin, everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

Because they did not find any operators on the fort, only fully enclosed forts and automated ammunition supply systems.

The turret will automatically rotate to lock on to the ground target, and then fire without hesitation to shoot out artillery shells or incendiary bombs that can produce violent explosions.

You don't need to ask to know that this airship is essentially a New Phyrexia-style shiny oil creation, with an independent consciousness responsible for controlling it.

To it, these turrets are like human fingers and toes.

"Damn it! This thing is a magical creation!"

A leader of the Ozkwen clan showed an expression of great astonishment.

In his opinion, any thing that can move on its own must have something to do with magic.

"We have to find the control room!"

Lame Jazz immediately woke up and looked towards the stairs leading to the upper floor.

Just as he was limping towards the stairs, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from above his head.

Before anyone could react, two golems made entirely of steel appeared out of thin air and blocked the only intersection.

At the same time, a large number of modified undead creatures appeared out of thin air behind them, forming a double team.

Since the entire airship is a whole, it naturally knows that there is an intruder in its body, and directly sounds the alarm to summon all the golems and undead creatures stationed nearby.

Among them are extremely difficult undead creatures like the Dead Eye Tyrant.

"Damn! This is really troublesome! How did they find us coming in? There's obviously nothing here..."

The cripple Jez couldn't help but cursed, and his expression turned extremely ugly.

"Idiot! Look at those turrets that automatically rotate and fire. This ship must be full of invisible surveillance magic. You will be killed now!"

Another drow warrior quickly drew out the two-handed giant sword behind his back and got ready to fight.

He knew very well that against golems and undead creatures, his innate talent spells had no effect at all, and he could only rely on hard power to fight out and find the so-called "control room" in his imagination.

Fortunately, there were not many mages and priests in the team, so the commando didn't panic too much.

One of the mages took advantage of the narrow space in the corridor of the airship cabin to directly seal one side of the golem with a wall of force technique, intending to deal with the undead that were easier to deal with first.

But just a second later, he realized that he had made a mistake, a huge mistake.

I saw that the walls and ground of the originally sealed corridor suddenly began to sink, and then more demons descended directly from the upper floor.

What's even more incredible is that many commandos were separated into different levels because of their scattered positions.

A drow mage wanted to transform into a spirit body and pass through the ceiling to join his teammates. However, he was instantly blown away by a strong airflow and was thrown outside the airship.

Before he could react to what was happening, a dragon and knight swooped down and spewed deadly flames.

In the end, the poor mage was killed directly in his spirit state, and then his charred body fell directly from a high altitude to the ground and shattered into pieces.

At this moment, the commander in the control room, a dark guard who believed in Bane, suddenly grinned with a cruel and bloodthirsty smile, and without looking back, he ordered his subordinates: "Activate all defense mechanisms immediately.

I want to see how long these desperate guys can last in the endless traps and sneak attacks.

I hope they can put on a wonderful show with their lives.

Otherwise, if you let me down, the consequences will be very serious. "

"As you wish."

The mage leader who was assigned to the airship shivered involuntarily, and his eyes revealed his inner fear of the Dark Guard.

The reason is also very simple. He knows that this guy is an out-and-out pervert and sadistic murderer.

Any enemy who falls into the hands of the Dark Guard is unlikely to die happily unless they are tired of playing, tortured to the point of madness, or have a complete breakdown of their spirit and will.

What's more, this airship is alive!

It can secrete terrifying oil and turn people into monsters!

Anyone who saw that scene with their own eyes would feel their scalp tingling.

Therefore, the mage leader understood that these dark elves, who had no idea about the airship situation, had no chance of escaping by chance.

Because right at the beginning of the first battle, each of them was inadvertently infected with the black grease.

What awaits them is that they will become slaves on this airship and will never be able to turn around, just like those weird undead creatures.

While the two warring parties were fighting selflessly for control of this land, in an open space far outside the battlefield, Zuo Si was confronting a male dark elf with a mask on his face and a cloak like the stars in the night sky. .

To be exact, the two of them have been standing here since the beginning of the war, but neither of them spoke, let alone made any movement, they just stared at each other.

Among them, Zuo Si's expression was obviously very relaxed, as if he was taking a walk after dinner.

But the dark elf wearing the mask was very nervous, and his eyes revealed naked anger and hatred.

You don't need to ask to know that this guy is Velen, the god of conspiracy believed by dark elf men.

He originally came to the incarnation to attack Silinxi, seriously injuring or even killing the strongest mortal mage, so as to ensure that his followers could win and continue to occupy the land of Cormanthor and thrive.

It would be best to crack the mystery of the Mystery Lock, and then turn the entire forest into a place of eternal night that is more suitable for the life of dark elves.

But unfortunately, the moment he arrived, Zuo Si also appeared and blocked the way.

So the two began to confront each other here.

For Zuo Si, as long as Velen is blocked here and can't do anything, it's not worth the benefits Corellon gives.

In addition, with Silinxi in charge, it is simply a daydream to win this war with just a bunch of ragtag people.

So he was not in a hurry at all.

In contrast, Viren is undoubtedly the one who is anxious.

After all, he had secretly developed the Ozkwen clan and the Jelle family for many years, and finally formed a large-scale force in the surface world.

I am planning to make persistent efforts to build a country and belief foundation of my own.

How could they sit back and watch them being severely damaged or even annihilated by the surface elves?

But the problem is that facing the prosperous planeswalker and big devil in front of him, Velen is really not confident.

Whether he united with the gods to bring down Cyric, the Prince of Lies who was in the ascendant, or he personally killed Baal, the recently resurrected God of Murder not long ago, it was proven that Zuo Si was undoubtedly a guy with the ability to kill gods.

In addition, Viren is also very afraid of the luxurious lineup of allies behind Zuo Si. He can press one or two of them to the ground and rub him repeatedly.

In addition, he had been living under the shadow of his mother Rose and was used to being forbearing. If he was not confident enough, he would not dare to take action easily.

Zuo Si clearly noticed the thoughts of the Dark Elf God of Conspiracy, and took the lead to break the silence and asked with a smile: "Are you sure you really want to have a stalemate with me here without taking action?

You must know that those believers cannot last long.

Once Silinxi and the elf mage jointly release the magic ritual, or directly seize the magic secret lock of Mis Drannor, they will be completely finished.

Maybe not all of them will die, but once they are forced to return to the Underdark, they will definitely be hunted down by your cruel and vicious mother.

If you lose so many believers at once, you might fall directly from a weak divine power to a demigod with weak divine power.

I don't know if Lolth will kill you by then, but Eilistraee will definitely be more than happy to destroy this evil brother of yours. "

"What exactly do you want?"

Viren suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice.

“Don’t worry, I won’t take it personally.

The reason why I am here is just because I made a deal with your father.

As long as you stay here honestly, I will naturally be happy and free.

But if you want to get started, I don't mind stretching my muscles a little.

After all, I have recently acquired some very interesting powers and magic and want to try them out in actual combat. "

Having said that, Zuo Si instantly activated the magic engraved in his soul and enveloped the other party in it on the spot.

"Mystery lock?!"

Viren was suddenly shocked and angry.

As a member of the Elf God System, he was naturally familiar with the Mystery Lock, and he suddenly felt that the invisible rules were suppressing his power.

As a weak divine power, his incarnation was not very strong to begin with, and it undoubtedly became weaker this time.

"That's right! It's a mythical lock, and it's an advanced version that I've carefully improved. It's still effective even against gods and divine powers. How about it? It's pretty good, isn't it?"

Zuo Si kept activating one rule after another.

With each one activated, Viren would feel his body becoming heavier, and even the hand holding the accelerating sword was trembling slightly.

Incidentally, the weapons used by this god are transparent and invisible in the dark.

The only thing that can be seen is the jet black hilt.

It is precisely with such an invisible weapon that his sneak attack success rate is surprisingly high. Only Musk, the god of thieves, can rival him in this field.

"So this is the deal you made with my father? He gave you access to elven magic in exchange for preventing me from interfering with Cormanthor's restoration?"

Viren's face suddenly turned livid, and his tone was full of resentment.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, of course not. Because I want to stop not only you, but also your mother, the ruler of the entire dark elf group, the great spider goddess Rose. In fact, she has already coming."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si immediately turned his attention to the cave not far away.

After a while, a slim and extremely beautiful female dark elf slowly walked out from the depths of the cave. It was Rose herself.

You must know that this person is one of the gods who likes to cause trouble the most. His ability to cause death is second only to Shar, the goddess of night, Cyric, the prince of lies, and the three gods of death.

However, her attempts to seek death were all aimed at the elven pantheon headed by Corellon, so she was often not well known to the surface world.

How could he not come out and intervene in something like this that involved both surface elves and his unfilial son?

The spider-kissers and underground raiders joined the alliance at Rose's behest.

"Long time no see, dear Soth, you seem to have become a lot stronger again."

The goddess took the lead in saying hello with a smile, while looking at her son with contempt and disdain.

Under the threatening eyes of his old mother, Viren was trembling with fear and wanted to retreat and wait for an opportunity to escape.

Because he simply did not have the courage to confront his mother.

Unfortunately, before he could get out of a safe distance, Viren immediately felt a chill on his neck.

Turning his head slightly, he saw that a moon blade glowing with silvery white light had been placed on his neck at some point.

The person holding the sword was a naked drow girl.

"Brother, isn't it too rude to want to leave in a hurry without even saying hello to my mother?"

In a quiet voice, Eilistraee spoke words that made Velen feel terrified.

The latter never dreamed that he would encounter two mortal enemies at the same time here, and his mind couldn't help but wonder whether this was a conspiracy against him.

Seeing her daughter holding a sword on her son's neck, Rose immediately showed a playful smile and teased: "Eilistraee, use your sword a little harder. Don't worry, Velen's neck is very hard, it won't be that easy. dead."

It has to be said that she is probably the only mother who incites her children to kill each other.

But unfortunately, although Eilistraee had a bad relationship with her brother, she was also very hostile to her mother, and she put away her weapons just by forcing Velen back.

Looking at this family of three who were scheming and having a complicated relationship with each other, Zuo Si suggested with great interest: "Since you don't have any intention of taking action here, why not just return to your own country, and let them solve the mortal affairs on their own?" ”

"Let them solve it on their own? You are putting it lightly. With Silinxi here, how can my followers defeat the elves of Evermeet Island? This is not fair at all." Velen gritted his teeth and protested.

By now, he had realized that it was absolutely impossible for him to keep this group of believers who had finally grown up.

So I want to settle for the next best thing and try to evacuate more of them to seek development elsewhere.

Velen is quite realistic in terms of being able to stretch and bend.

Otherwise, he would have been beaten to death by Rose long ago.

"Fair? This sentence coming out of your mouth is really full of irony. I don't remember your followers talking about fairness when they enslaved humans and surface elves. What's more, this war is about your followers first I picked it up." Zuo Si mocked mercilessly.

"No! It's not my believers! It's the elves from Yongju Island! They have obviously left for hundreds of years, and now this land has long been ownerless."

Velen pretended to be indignant, as if he was the aboriginal people who had been invaded, and the surface elves were the evil invaders.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si didn't accept this at all and responded bluntly: "I don't care who is the legal owner of this land, let alone whether the people living on it are surface elves or dark elves. The only thing I know is I have reached an agreement with the elves and gods. Whoever wants to interfere in this war will automatically become my enemy. I believe you don’t want to be my enemy, right?”

Pah pah pah pah——

Accompanied by clear applause, Rose praised in a gloating tone: "He is indeed a person valued by Asmodeus, a model for all devils.

Your compliance with contracts is a perfect reflection of your lawful tendencies.

But I have a little question.

If Corellon didn't do you any good, would you still be here to protect those surface elves? "

"Of course not. I'm not a fool, how could I do something like this to help a group of people who have nothing to do with me for no reason."

Zuo Si gave a very straightforward negative answer.

Generally speaking, when he does something, he does it either out of profit trends or out of personal interest.

In short, they will never selflessly help each other for a just and kind goal like those paladins and paladins, or even sacrifice their precious lives.

"That is to say, if I have enough remuneration, I can also ask you to help with some things?" Rose pursed her lips and asked with a half-smile.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Theoretically, this is true. But I highly doubt whether you have enough bargaining chips to reach a contract with me. After all, cooperating with you means being an enemy of the entire Elf God System. This is not Just a little favor will satisfy my appetite."

"Haha, of course I know that."

Rose smiled meaningfully, and then issued an order to everyone through the faith connection with the priestesses on the battlefield.

In a blink of an eye!

Hundreds of commandos and spider-kissers belonging to the Dark Territory directly staged a wonderful drama of defecting before the battle.

They left the surface elves alone, turned around and charged at the formation of Velen believers, killing two to three hundred people in just a few minutes.

Especially the powerful high-level magic can often paralyze or even kill large targets in one go.

This sudden backstab not only plunged the Dark Elf coalition into unprecedented chaos, but also left the surface elves stunned.

Although they had heard much on Evermeet about how evil and capricious these dark-skinned expressions were.

Even allies in the language of the dark elves originally meant cannon fodder that could be betrayed at any time.

But the sudden act of swinging the sword at his companions was so explosive that many elf warriors were stunned on the spot and didn't know how to react.

"NO!!!!!! What are you doing?"

Viren was obviously angered by his mother's method of killing everyone.

You must know that the death of a mere two thousand believers may be nothing to Rose, but the ten thousand dark elves are his lifeblood.

"What are you doing? Of course what I want to see is to weaken your strength, dear silly son. Otherwise, do you really think that I let them join the coalition just for fun?"

Rose suddenly showed an extremely cruel and vicious expression.

Attacking the faith of her son and daughter, and trying to keep the faith of the entire dark elves firmly in her hands as much as possible, this has been the strategy she has adopted for tens of thousands of years.

However, Eilistraee recently moved her followers to build a heavily fortified city beneath Dragonspear Castle, and is still under the protection of Zuo Si, so the spider goddess has no good solution for the time being.

But Willen was more unlucky.

By chance, they met the Eternal Meeting Island elves who returned to the mainland and Silinxi who wanted to rebuild Cormanthor. They could just take this opportunity to wipe out all its main believers.

This is why after so many years of development, except for Rose, who has medium divine power, the other dark elf gods basically have either weak or weak divine power.

Seeing his followers being massacred and souls entering the realms of the outer plane one after another, Velen's plan that he had been plotting for many years finally collapsed.

As Silinxi finally restarted the core of the Mystery Lock and teamed up with other elf mages to perform an amazingly powerful magic ritual, more than two-thirds of the tens of thousands of dark elf warriors were killed or injured on the spot.

Their bodies expanded and deformed one after another, and finally exploded on the spot with a loud bang, causing splash damage to the surroundings.

The scene was bloody and cruel, completely unlike the behavior of ordinary elves.

After a while, the other people who were frightened and went insane quickly turned into birds and beasts.

Obviously, this was Silinxi's deliberate way of announcing her return and her supreme control over the magical mythical locks of Mis Drannor.

As for the few evil dragons who were bribed to join the battle by the promised treasure, they were already dead and injured under the siege of the dragon knights. Even if they survived, the only fate waiting for them was enslavement.

What's even worse is that it may be directly turned into experimental materials and spell-casting materials.

After this war, it is estimated that for a long time no one will dare to easily provoke the Kingdom of Cormanso where Silinci is located.

Looking at the battlefield littered with corpses, Velen's eyes had turned blood red due to anger, and his hands were clenched into fists, as if he might rush forward to fight his mother at any time.

But in the end he endured it and quickly withdrew his incarnation and disappeared.

Having achieved her goal, Rose smiled indifferently and disappeared deep into the entrance to the Dark Territory.

After the two gods left completely, Eilistraee let out a long breath.

You don't need to ask to know that this short family gathering has caused her to feel tremendous pressure.

Especially the threat from her mother Rose, this kind goddess always has an inexplicable anxiety, as if she senses that the other party is planning some terrible plan.

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