A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 631 Illidan Stormrage (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Chapter 631 Illidan Stormrage (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

With the reactivation of the Mystery Lock of Meth Drannor, the entire ruins of the city and the entire surrounding area were once again shrouded in magic protection.

Since this place is originally a powerful magic network node, it is essentially the same as the mad mage Halaster Blackrobe's Leyline Maze. It can continuously extract energy from the magic network to achieve 24-hour uninterrupted spells. Effect.

One of the most famous and well-known puzzle effects is the city skyline that emits a wonderful arcane light no matter day or night, and the "Seyul Glass" on the windows that can be touched by touching it. Magical creations appear or disappear out of thin air.

This is a transparent material that is as strong as steel and can even be made into weapons, armor, and shields.

But the premise is that it can only be used within the range covered by the magic mystery lock.

Once it leaves, it will instantly turn into air and disappear.

In addition, the Magic Mystery Lock also weakens the dimensional barriers in this area, allowing spellcasters and even ordinary people to easily achieve long-distance teleportation and inter-dimensional teleportation.

During the most prosperous period of the Kingdom of Cormanthor a long time ago, a permanent portal was even established leading to the world of Krynn where the Feywild, the Demiplane of Fear, and the story of Dragonlance took place.

Among them, the "Abarat Folly" portal is connected to a tower on the edge of the Moon Sea, the "Warrior" portal is connected to the Delimbian Kingdom, the "Hall Node" portal is connected to other elven kingdoms, and the "Silver" portal can Directly reaching the Kingdom of Erlan, the "Glory" portal leads to the Mir Forest on the border between Tethyr and Kalingshan.

Before the fall of Mith Drannor, a large number of elves lived in this place, and even established countries of various sizes.

To a certain extent, the Kingdom of Cormanthor has been the leader of the entire elven race in Faerûn except Evermeet for a long time.

Moreover, the area covered by Mystic Lock will always maintain a livable temperature, environment and climate, and will never suffer extreme weather such as severe cold, scorching heat, drought, heavy rain, etc. Even storms and fires will be blocked out.

Normally, creatures that are considered threats, such as dark elves, orcs, dragons, gnolls, and goblins, will instantly trigger the defense mechanism and be forcibly expelled even if they approach.

In addition, people living in the city can also use a password to gain the ability to fly, completely prohibit the magic of a certain school from taking effect, or automatically add various protective magics to designated targets, and directly teleport a person to a designated location. place……

In short, as probably the largest and most famous magic lock in the Faerûn continent, there is no doubt that the Myth of Drannor is powerful.

Even some gods coveted it and sent incarnations several times to seize control of it.

But now, this mythical lock, which is in a period of decline, has finally returned to the hands of its creator, Silinxi.

Just a moment!

The most powerful mortal mage expelled the fleeing monsters and drow from the area of ​​influence of Mith Drannor's magical mystique.

And use the power of the Mystery Lock to directly repair the damaged and abandoned buildings in the city, clearing away a large number of weeds, trees and vines, revealing their original majestic appearance.

Especially the mage tower that once belonged to Silinxi himself is still exactly the same as when he left it. Even the small magical creatures such as the elves, dragons, and pixies living in it are still alive and well.

Obviously, the dark army that destroyed everything back then failed to break into this mage tower.

And inside the city, these elves from Evermeet Island also discovered hundreds of scattered remnants of the Kingdom of Cormanthor.

Among them are elves and half-elves, as well as a dwarf clan of more than a hundred people.

In short, after completely defeating the evil enemy entrenched in this dense forest, the next step for Silinxi is to gather the population, and then recruit some people from Yongju Island to settle down and set up a framework of rule in place. .

Then wait for the cleanup and reconstruction work to be completed, and then find ways to restore the former prosperity and strength of the Kingdom of Cormanthor through trade.

But before that, Silinxi still needs to resurrect those dead warriors.

After all, elves are no better than humans. As long as there are enough women of childbearing age and some men, they can re-raise a large number of young and middle-aged labor force in at most 20 to 30 years.

It often takes decades or even hundreds of years for many of them to give birth to a child, so the value of a qualified warrior is much higher than the cost of using resurrection magic.

According to the conclusion drawn by Zuo Si's research, male elves are actually no different from humans. They can get pregnant with the opposite sex through mating anytime and anywhere.

However, the menstrual cycle of elf women is extremely long. It only comes once every one to two to three years, and the duration is also very short, so it is very easy to miss the best opportunity.

This also results in their extremely low fertility rate.

On the contrary, there are quite a lot of half-elves born from the union of male elves and human women.

At present, there are at least hundreds of thousands in the West Coast Empire alone.

Although not all of them are first-generation half-elves, most of them still have quite obvious elven characteristics.

Zuo Si has always felt that Corellon can select one of these half-elves who believe in him and train him to become a half-elf god.

In this way, the influence of the elves in Faerûn will at least rise to a higher level.

It's a pity that this Elf Lord is a child who only recognizes the Elf as himself.

Although there is no discrimination against half-elves, and they are even allowed to visit their parents and brothers on Evermeet Island, they have never wanted to include half-elves in their own pantheon for so many years.

In other words, the focus of the entire elf country Avandor has never been on Toril.

After all, not only is there a god, Io, who is in charge here, but there is also a powerful deity like the Goddess of Magic who is obviously superior to other gods.

So Corellon just sent an avatar to stay in the crystal wall system for a long time to handle various daily affairs, answer the prayers of priests and believers, and cause some trouble for the orc gods.

Although the elves caused many earth-shattering events after coming to Faerûn, the elves and gods kept a low profile most of the time.

Only during the Crown War, there was a split and then there was no more movement.

Just when Zuo Si was thinking about the purpose of this powerful god's overture to him, Eilistraee suddenly broke the silence and asked with curious eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders with a relaxed expression and replied: "It's nothing, I just think Weilun's character shouldn't give up so easily.

If nothing else, he should also instruct the escaped believers to gather together and continue to unite with the forces of Zhentil Castle or Ghost City to try to compete with the elves for control of Cormanthor.

The next multi-party game is the most critical.

In addition, your mother is not a fuel-efficient person. She may make some big noise at some point.

So regardless of the outcome of this war, Everjum Island won, but restoring the Kingdom of Cormanthor to its former glory still needs the baptism and test of time. "

Eilistraee nodded with deep understanding: "You are right.

Compared to his cunning but cowardly brother, his mother is the most terrifying enemy.

I don't know why, but I always feel very nervous and uneasy lately.

Maybe my mother is planning some terrible plan.

Please be sure to let me know if you notice anything.

In return, I will satisfy your thirst for artifacts, knowledge, and magic as much as possible. "

"No problem. If the Spider Queen makes any big moves, I will send the news to you as soon as possible."

Zuo Si agreed without hesitation.

Although this pair of gods, mother and daughter, are both from the chaotic camp, judging from their current experience with each other, Eilistraee, who has a quieter and kinder personality, is obviously more suitable as an ally.

On the one hand, she has a close relationship with the goddess of magic and the elves, and her background is incredibly hard.

To be honest, Zuo Si never quite understood why he didn't seek help from the powerful allies behind him during the Battle of the Spider Queen, but took huge risks to play the conspiracy he was least good at with the powerful Rose.

On the other hand, Rose's extremely chaotic, manic, paranoid, and twisted behavior had violated his bottom line more than once.

This resentful woman's resentment and anger towards the elven gods have already reached the sky. She is basically either looking for trouble with Corellon or on her way to causing trouble with Corellon.

And it never stops, never tires, never forgives, and has absolutely no sense at all.

So Zuo Si has always been very sure that even if the Spider Goddess is not the kind of enemy that will never stop fighting, she will at least be someone to be wary of like the Night Goddess Shar.

This means that in order to prevent this guy from doing things behind her back, a buffer zone must be built around her.

Eilistraee is the best candidate for this buffer zone.

If necessary, Zuo Si wouldn't even mind including Velen, who had already offended him, as a partner.

Anyway, as long as it can cause trouble and trouble for Rose, someone on his left will secretly help.

Especially when the Spider Queen's war is about to break out, there is absolutely no reason to stay out of it.

You must know that Faerun is one of Zuo Si's most important fundamentals.

He would never allow the power he had finally built to be severely damaged or even completely destroyed because of the actions of some lunatics.

As a person who likes to take the initiative, he will not wait for the other party to get to his head before counterattacking belatedly.

Instead, they will confirm who the potential enemies are in advance as much as possible, and then make a series of corresponding arrangements.

"Thank you. Working with you is probably the best decision I've ever made."

After getting the answer she wanted, Eilistraee immediately raised the corners of her mouth and revealed a faint smile.

In terms of unscrupulousness and viciousness, she could never be a match for her mother and brother, so she had always been at a disadvantage in the ten thousand-year confrontation.

Often they can't even protect their own believers and temples.

But since joining forces, not only have they gained a stable belief base, but they have almost never been plotted against by the two.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si's evil tendencies are different from the cold, cruel, and bloodthirsty in the traditional sense, and will not touch the bottom line of most gods of the good camp.

On the contrary, his rational and calm calculation and utilitarian way of thinking can perfectly make up for the shortcomings of the good camp that generally tend to be idealistic.

The judicial system of the West Coast Empire built together with the Church of the Three Holy Alliance is the best example in this regard.

In this way, after the brief exchange ended, Eilistraee quickly left and returned to her own country.

And Zuo Si himself teleported back to Askatra quietly, without even saying hello to the elves who had just won the victory and regained the city.

To be precise, no one except this family of three knew that behind the war was actually a game between gods.

In particular, Rose ordered the believers to counterattack, which directly severely damaged or even destroyed Velen's hundreds of years of hard work.

His largest group of believers on the continent of Faerûn suffered more than 70% casualties almost overnight, and the rest also disintegrated and fled.

After hearing the news, Shadow City and Zhentil Castle immediately stepped up their vigilance against the elves from Evermeet Island.

They don't think that these arrogant pointed ears will become their allies.

However, the humans and half-elves settled in the valleys close to Cormanthor were very happy to learn that Myth Drannor was back in the hands of the elves. They immediately sent envoys hoping to establish a good friendship with them, and by the way, they conducted a series of trade transactions.

After all, compared to the evil and cruel dark elves and countless monsters, elves who generally tend to be kind are undoubtedly very good neighbors.

As long as you don't deforest too much, they are generally very friendly and helpful.

Some villages that lack defense capabilities are even protected by elven patrols.

It is precisely because of this relatively friendly imagination that intelligent races such as humans, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings do not mind living under the rule of elves.

The Kingdom of Cormanzo relied on this method to unite various settlements bit by bit to form a country.

While the elves are the dominant ones, other races also have their voices heard, ultimately in the form of a council to deal with day-to-day matters and disagreements.

Especially in the valley, many of them had fled from Cormanthor back then, and they had an inexplicable attachment and identification with Myth Drannor.

So it's not surprising that they would take the initiative to show their kindness to the elves on Evermeet Island.

Also happy about Cormanthor's recovery was the Kingdom of Cormyr.

Since this thousand-year-old feudal country was originally established with the support of the elves, both the royal family and the nobles maintained the minimum respect for the elves.

What's more, the restart of Myth Drannor's Mystery Chain can greatly help the Kingdom of Cormyr share the threats from Shade City and Zhentil Keep.

Both sides are natural allies in terms of stakes.

As a result, a strange tripartite situation formed around the Eno Oak Desert, the Moon Sea and the Dragon Lake area.

They may continue to test each other and fight secretly, but they will never break the balance easily, otherwise they are very likely to be jointly attacked by the other two parties.

In this situation, even if Shadow City, which has many legendary spellcasters, wants to take action, it must seriously consider the consequences.

After all, even the floating city, a powerful creation from the Netherese era, couldn't take much advantage when facing the magical mystique of the elves.

After stabilizing the situation in Faerun, Zuo Si once again set his sights on Azeroth.

At this moment, in Felwood on the continent of Kalimdor, the fear lord Tichondrius is using the Skull of Gul'dan to release evil energy and completely corrupt the forest.

In just a few days, the originally clear river water turned a creepy green color. The hellfire falling from the sky also smashed the lush forest into craters. Many thousand-year-old trees were turned into trees under the burning of evil energy. Black coke, the earth showed a dark brown color that was more serious than the corrosion caused by the plague.

As for other animals and plants, they were sick and dead in droves. The sky was shrouded in a gray, light green fog, and occasionally dazzling lightning and thunder fell from the sky.

It's a completely apocalyptic scene.

A large number of tree men contaminated by evil let out twisted and painful screams, and violently attacked all creatures they encountered.

Countless demons and undead have established a forward base here, preparing for the final battle to attack Mount Hyjal.

You don't need to ask to know that the most important and exciting decisive battle of the Third War is about to come.

At present, Illidan, who had just been released by Tyrande, had just arrived here with an army, intending to prevent the enemy from further corroding the forest to prove that he had only captured the power of the demon, rather than being controlled by the other party's will.

Of course, the main reason why he did this was his deep love for the former.

Perhaps as the saying goes, what you can't get is always the best.

What's more, Tyrande now has the attribute of "unobtainable" as well as the attribute of "sister-in-law", which really makes the tauren ecstatic.

It's a pity that Tyrande's force value is a little high, and if he wants to force the Overlord to use the bow, he is simply impatient.

So the only thing Illidan can do is to rely on his own performance to please the other party.

In his eyes, saving the world from the invasion of the Burning Legion was not as important as getting Tyrande to change his mind.

Therefore, even after being imprisoned in a dungeon by Maiev Shadowsong for ten thousand years, the love saint still had no regrets and took on the most difficult tasks as soon as he came out.

Looking up at the sky and breathing in the slightly smoky air, Illidan couldn't help but sigh slightly: "After ten thousand years, I am finally free. However, my brother still thinks that I am a curse! I will pass this time The mission was to show him my power, and in doing so I was controlling the demon instead of being controlled by it.”

After saying that, the demon hunter subconsciously raised his hand and touched his black eyepatch.

Although he dug out his eyes with his own hands, he was not blind as many people thought. Instead, he replaced optical vision with magical perception.

In those two holes filled with evil energy, Illidan could clearly feel the ever-changing rotation of energy. The bright and dazzling colors almost made him lose his mind the first time.

After getting used to it later, these colors will form a variety of concrete images, which are far more sharp and subtle than the optical vision that was very easy to be deceived before.

There is no doubt that this is a gift given to him by the Dark Titan Sargeras.

It is with this demonic vision that Illidan can easily see through the disguises of demons such as Dreadlords and Succubi, as well as whether a person's body is corroded by shadow or evil energy, and will never be deceived by illusions, let alone obstacles. physical barriers.

Just when he was about to instruct his night elf troops to set up camp and establish an advance base, he suddenly felt a gray-white figure flash across the woods.

The next second...

Arthas, who was carrying Frostmourne, walked out slowly on his skeleton warhorse Invincible, and asked in a slightly playful tone: "Are you sure? Illidan Stormrage? Can you guarantee that your will is 100% your own?"

"A dead man? Are you also an accomplice of the devil?"

Illidan raised his chin proudly and pulled out the war blade behind his back.

As a powerful mage and demon hunter, he had hunted countless Burning Legion demons in the War of the Ancients, so he did not take the Death Knight in front of him seriously.

To be precise, few of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde's men could defeat this son of the stars who was in darkness but had a bright heart in a one-on-one battle.

So he has enough confidence.

"Accomplice? Maybe. But we have our own plan." Arthas responded meaningfully.

He had obviously obtained quite a bit of information from Kel'Thuzad, and understood who this man who had obviously gained some demonic powers was.

"Hmph! I don't care about your plans and will make you regret showing up in front of me."

With the last word blurted out, the Demon Hunter suddenly took the lead in attacking.

He cast an unknown spell and instantly appeared directly behind the death knight across a distance of dozens of meters, wielding his double blades and intending to tear this ignorant guy into pieces.

Especially the evil fire attached to the blade can definitely melt and tear apart equipment made of Saronite.

But Arthas was not a vegetarian. He used Frostmourne to parry the opponent's attack with his backhand, and then suddenly released the biting frost, which stunned the evil flame of the war blade.

After all this was done, he responded with a sneer: "Regret? I don't think you have the ability to do this. After all, we should be evenly matched in terms of strength."

"You think you can be evenly matched with me? Naive! You can't even imagine the battles I have experienced!"

The corners of Illidan's mouth raised with a sarcastic smile, and he suddenly released more powerful evil flames from his body, directly evaporating the chill emitted by Frostmourne.

A fierce battle ensued between the Demon Hunter and the Death Knight.

Among them, the former's style is purely agile, and the speed is often so fast that people can't even see the afterimage clearly.

And the power of the devil gives it great strength, agility and endurance, like a tireless killing machine.

The latter is not a vegetarian with the blessing of the artifact. Every time he swings the sword, he will release a biting chill to try to freeze the opponent.

If you were an ordinary person, there probably wouldn't be a good way to deal with the ultra-low temperature released by Frostmourne.

After all, even Tirion Fordring, who was holding the Ashbringer, had been frozen, not to mention others.

But Illidan is obviously an exception.

The evil flames that can easily reach tens of thousands of degrees Celsius are enough to instantly evaporate the coldness released by the artifact.

So the battle turned out to be a pure show of martial arts.

What's even more outrageous is that Arthas, who is only in his early twenties, can actually fight with Illidan Stormrage who has lived for more than 10,000 years. This shows how talented he is in this area.

If he had not chosen to take the path of the Paladin, but continued on the path of the warrior, I am afraid that no one in the entire eastern continent would be the opponent of the Prince of Lordaeron.

The two fought from sunrise to sunset, and finally found that neither could do anything to the other.

Illidan was obviously very surprised that a dead man could possess such powerful power. He stopped first and said, "As long as we want, we can keep fighting like this until one of the parties makes a mistake. But I think there is no need to waste time like this anymore! Tell me you What exactly do you want to do?”

“I’m just here to tell you some necessary information.

The dreadlord who commands this army of undead and demons is called Tichondrius.

In his hand is a powerful artifact - the Skull of Gul'dan.

It was what Gul'dan, the most powerful warlock in history, left behind before his death, full of forbidden knowledge and evil energy.

The forest is currently being corroded due to the power of this thing. "

Alsace told all the information straightforwardly.

Although he was still obeying the orders of Tichondrius and the Burning Legion in name, he had actually begun to make small moves in private, waiting for Archimonde to suffer an unprecedented defeat in this world.

That way, the Lich King Ner'zhul could take the opportunity to break free from the Legion's control.

"You want me to get the Skull of Gul'dan? Why? Aren't you working for the Legion?"

Illidan was obviously a very suspicious person and did not fully believe what the other party said.

"The reason is simple.

My master and I can benefit from the defeat of the Burning Legion.

So although we are still enemies on the surface, we can become allies in private.

The most important thing is that the master predicts everything and knows that you have been pursuing great power throughout your life.

And the power of the Skull of Gul'dan can help you reach the next level.

Once you get it, you'll gain the power to defeat Tichondrius with ease.

In short, that’s all.

It's up to you whether you want to listen or not. "

After saying this, Alsace immediately turned the horse's head and galloped quickly, disappearing without a trace in about ten seconds.

"Skull of Gul'dan..."

Illidan silently recited the name of this artifact, and two green lights flashed on his eyepatch.

At the same time, Grom Hellscream and the Warsong clan led by him also entered Felwood.

Since he had already witnessed the shattering scene in the world of Draenor, especially the torn apart land of Shadowmoon Valley, he did not show any overly nervous and excited emotions. Instead, he was satisfied by hunting demons in this land. The entire clan has a strong bloodlust.

Not only that!

This group of blood orcs also seized a fortress built by a satyr as a temporary base.

Although he was confused by his master's order to come to this place to join a night elf named Illidan Stormrage, Grom still chose to obey.

Because he has no choice or bargaining room at all.

"Chief, our scouts have discovered a night elf force."

A Wolf Cavalry captain walked straight in from the outside and loudly reported the situation.

"Oh? How many are there?"

Grom raised his head with a terrifying light in his eyes.

The cavalry captain replied without thinking: "At least eight thousand people. It seems that they are here to solve the problem of pollution in Felwood. I think Illidan Stormrage must be among them."

"Very good! Keep an eye on them. Don't let Illidan Stormrage escape no matter what. In addition, I also want to see what this guy who is valued by the master is really capable of."

When he said these words, Grom's tone revealed a strong sense of provocation, and he obviously planned to try the Demon Hunter's skills himself.

After all, even with Zuo Si's order, he would not surrender to a weak person easily.

"Understood. But what about Tichondrius? This nasty Dreadlord is constantly eroding the earth with the help of the Skull of Gul'dan. It won't be long before the entire forest will wither and die."

The cavalry captain's face was obviously worried.

After all, they do not have a stable source of food. If all the living life in this land dies, they will easily fall into madness because they cannot drink enough blood.

"The master said that we don't need to worry about this matter. We can just wait and watch the show."

Grom impatiently waved his hand to signal the cavalry captain to retreat.

After the latter had completely gone away, he stood up and bowed respectfully to a mirror he carried with him.

Through the dim light in the fortress, one could vaguely see Zuo Si himself on the other side of the mirror.

At this moment, he has apparently returned to the Eastern Kingdoms and is helping the Alliance crush the dual invasions of the Burning Legion and the Scourge.

"Master, we seem to have found Illidan Stormrage. What should we do next?"

Grom Hellscream asked respectfully.

"Oh? Illidan was released so soon?"

Zuo Si touched his chin with a thoughtful expression, and then quickly ordered: "You continue to stay there, wait until he is exiled by Malfurion and Tyrande, and then take the initiative to show up and show his kindness, and then take the initiative to join Be the first to follow. Remember, neither too early nor too late, I don’t want to see you clashing with the night elves again.”

"As you wish.

But Master, there is one question that always bothers me.

Why didn't I just take the mandatory steps and turn the entire tribe into blood orcs or blood trolls?

That way, you now have an invincible army.

In addition, what is so special about this Illidan that you should value it so much. "

Grom asked cautiously, and his humble and cautious attitude was enough to shock and disbelief everyone who had seen his usual bloodthirsty and violent appearance.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Just play your role well. Remember, the day when Archimonde will launch a general attack on Mount Hyjal is coming soon. Don't make mistakes at this time."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si took the initiative to cut off contact with the Warsong clan and continued to observe the tribes settled in Azshara through the crystal ball, especially the changes in Thrall in recent times.

With the changes in physiological structure and strong bloodthirsty impulse, this "World Shaman" seems to have lost its original strong elemental affinity, and various natural magic abilities are becoming weaker and weaker.

But in their place are powerful psychic spells and blood magic.

Obviously, he is gradually developing in the direction that he hates and despises the most, just like the Shadow Council Warlocks who used to rule the old tribe.

And just as Zuo Si expected, Thrall couldn't help but transform all his cronies into blood orcs like himself, and used this as a basis to control the army and build new institutions and systems.

It is precisely because of these powerful blood orcs that they did not suffer too much loss in the battle with Naga.

But the problem is that the reason why Thrall became the warchief lies in his unique identity as a spiritual leader as a shaman.

When the power of the elements gradually disappeared and could no longer bless the weapons of the warriors and treat the wounded, Thrall could not imagine that he could still win the support of the clan chiefs.

What's even worse is that even the power of the Doomhammer has begun to plummet, even repelling this deviant user.

There are increasing signs that losing the identity of a shaman will cause more trouble than one can imagine.

"Etrigg, according to the spies' reports, those demons are heading in the direction of Mount Hyjal, as are the human and tauren coalition forces. Which side do you think we should join this time? Or should we continue to remain neutral and wait for the best time? ?”

Sal held his forehead and seemed a little exhausted.

He has obviously been under too much pressure lately, so much so that he has trouble sleeping almost every night.

But what Thrall didn't know was that the compatriot who had sucked all the blood out of his body and died when he had just completed his transformation had now been fully resurrected as an undead and was still under Zuo Si's control.

Once this matter is exposed, the angry orcs will attack in groups.

At that time, he will change from a hero to a street rat in a matter of minutes.

Eitrigg smiled bitterly and replied: "I can't give any good advice now.

After all, Grom and his Warsong clan are still alive.

Fierce conflicts or even wars could break out with the night elves at any time.

With them around, it is really difficult to change the world's stereotyped impression of us.

But my personal preference is to join the coalition.

The Burning Legion is so powerful that they don't care about our life or death.

If you take refuge with them, you will most likely be consumed as cannon fodder.

In contrast, although we have had wars with humans, they did not drive us out after winning the victory. Instead, they built shelters to feed us.

This alone is enough to prove that they are much stronger than the demons.

So if you want to join the exhibition, the coalition is the only option. "

"But what if the man who is hostile to the orcs doesn't allow us to join?"

Sal asked the most crucial question.

Eitrigg explained patiently: "Whether he allows it or not, we must reach reconciliation with as many races as possible through practical actions. Whether it is an apology or compensation, we must clearly express our attitude and position. Only by reducing the hostility of the other side can we get a chance to breathe after the war."

"You mean...bypass him and directly contact the night elves and explain the situation?"

Thrall's eyes shone slightly, obviously realizing the brilliance of this strategy.

"That's right. Obtaining the night elves' forgiveness is the only living step we have at the moment. I can go as a messenger to contact them and see how they will react."

Eitrigg volunteered to take on this dangerous task.

After all, the Grom Territory Roar and Warsong clan had just recently killed Cenarius, their most important ally and mentor, and also burned down the forest and killed a large number of wild animals. The blood feud was inseparable.

However, if you go as an envoy at this time, there is a high probability that you will be caught and have your head chopped off to pay homage to the deceased or to vent your anger.

"Okay! Then I'll leave this matter entirely to you. Be careful, I don't want to hear about you being killed as an enemy."

After saying that, Sal opened his arms and gave the other party a bear hug, and slapped the experienced consultant on the back hard.

They all knew that there was a high probability that this would be the last time they would meet in this life.

Eitrigg put on a free and easy look and mocked himself: "I have lived alone in the wilderness and the human world for several years, and I know how to protect myself. What's more, if I die at this age, I will die. There is nothing worthwhile. It’s so sad. On the contrary, you must pay attention to the time and don’t miss this war that is related to the fate of the entire world.”

"Don't worry, I will never let you down."

Sal solemnly made his promise.

At this point, the only thing he could do, as he didn't have many chips on hand, was to take a gamble.

While the orcs are doing their best to get out of the current embarrassing situation, Malfurion and Tyrande have begun to build an all-round three-dimensional defense system around the World Tree and the Well of Eternity to delay the other side. The speed of advancement buys enough time for the traps to be laid out and put into effect.

I have to say that this couple who have never seen each other a few times in ten thousand years is really weird.

Especially when there is a younger brother who also likes Tyrande in the middle, Malfurion, who has been away from home all year round, always feels a little green on his head.

But fortunately, although the two physically collided relatively rarely, they could often meet each other in the Emerald Dream when sleeping at night, so they did not feel strange to each other.

"My dear, are you still worried about Illidan?"

Tyrande took the initiative to break the silence and asked her husband, who was worried.

Malfurion sighed helplessly: "Oh - how could I not be worried? Don't forget, during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, Illidan had already betrayed us once, and even obtained The power of evil. This is something we absolutely cannot tolerate."

"You are too nervous. It is true that Illidan longs for powerful power, but he is also our family and friend. Without his help, we would not have been able to drive away the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. go out."

It's rare for Tyrande to defend his "dog licking".

But Malfurion retorted: "No, my dear, Illidan is not as simple as you think. Look, if you continue to indulge him, he will cause big trouble sooner or later..."

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