A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 632: The Skull of Gul'dan (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that Malfurion and Tyrande have completely different attitudes towards Illidan.

Among them, the latter regards him as an infatuated suitor, and even though he was imprisoned for ten thousand years, this strong feeling has not weakened.

Based on this alone, Tyrande would never have any feelings of disgust or hatred for Illidan.

After all, just as a man will never dislike having too many beauties pursuing him around him, a woman will never reject a spare tire who is both handsome, infatuated, and good enough.

So after she woke up her husband, she immediately thought of releasing Illidan and asking him to help her resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

In contrast, Malfurion's feelings for his biological brother were very complicated.

On the one hand, after seizing the supreme leadership of the night elves, he repeatedly used his identity and status to shield Illidan.

Not to mention anything else, just for secretly creating a second Well of Eternity, under the political environment at that time, anyone else would have definitely been executed.

But what about Illidan?

Just imprisoned.

You must know that the night elves are immortal, so time is completely meaningless to them.

As long as you are alive, the future has unlimited possibilities.

In addition, this guy's behavior of pretending to join the Burning Legion was not liquidated afterwards.

The fate of other highborne elves who cooperated with demons was simply different.

Therefore, the privileges of the ruling class can never disappear.

The idea that everyone is equal before the law is a complete joke.

There never was before, there isn't now, and there never will be.

What's more, the rather primitive parliamentary political system of the Night Elves cannot have strict laws and state machinery to enforce it.

On the other hand, Malfurion was also quite concerned about the fact that his younger brother had pursued Tyrande.

It can even be said to be the most irreconcilable conflict between the two brothers.

Compared with this, creating a second Well of Eternity without authorization and secretly learning forbidden arcane magic and fel magic are nothing worth mentioning.

This can be gleaned from the fact that Malfurion was furious when he learned of Tyrande's death, but immediately changed his face when he learned that Tyrande was still alive.

So whether he is imprisoned or exiled, his goal is always to keep Illidan as far away from his wife as possible.

Otherwise, God knows if she had been immersed in the Emerald Dream for a long time, Tyrande would have gradually come together with her because of loneliness or long-term love.

After all, the social atmosphere of night elves is quite open when it comes to gender.

As for Illidan's "rebellious" brother, Malfurion never thought of killing him. From the beginning to the end, he kept suppressing him so that he could not become the leader of the night elves.

In addition, Filda Staghelm and Maiev Shadowsong are also participants in high-level power games.

Among them, Maiev Shadowsong almost replaced Tyrande as the leader of the night elf women in the War of the Ancients, and Fylda Staghelm has been openly criticizing and opposing Tyrande's attempt to replace her.

Unlike the peaceful and peaceful race that many people have in mind, the night elves have never been a fuel-efficient race.

The internal power struggle never stopped.

It's just that one of the couple controls the most powerful group of spellcasters in the tribe, the druids, and the other controls the priests and sentry troops.

Outsiders are obviously powerless to challenge this near-invincible political pairing.

In addition, the invasion of the Burning Legion reminded all night elves of the terrible catastrophe ten thousand years ago. Naturally, it was inevitable to unite under the two leaders like never before to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle.

Anyone who dares to cause trouble at this time may be labeled as a devil or a spy immediately.

Therefore, Mount Hyjal seems to be a united scene at the moment, and no one dares to jump out and sing the opposite at this time.

As ancient trees that are thousands of years old are placed on the only way to Mount Hyjal, military fortresses and fortresses rise one after another.

Especially those giants whose whole bodies are made of hard stone. Each one is comparable to the powerful Doom Guard and is one of the most powerful and reliable allies of the night elves.

In addition, those Chimeras that can spit magic attacks and corrosive acid can also reduce the number of demons at critical moments.

Due to their experience in the War of the Ancients, Malfurion and Tyrande knew exactly how to deal with the Burning Legion's attack.

Therefore, under their arrangement, even if Archimonde personally leads the team, it will still take a lot of effort to reach the World Tree.

But what the two of them didn't know was that while they were intensively setting up their defenses, Illidan had already found the source of pollution - the Skull of Gul'dan deep in Felwood.

This is a very ugly and ghastly looking orc skull, with green evil light constantly emitting from the eye sockets.

A group of satyrs who defected to the Burning Legion were guarding the skulls placed on the altar.

Illidan, who was always a man of few ruthless words, didn't even say a word of nonsense. He rushed forward and swung his war blade to tear apart the bodies of these fragile demonic creatures and burned them to death with fel flames.

For the most powerful demon hunters, numbers no longer mean anything.

Once he begins to sacrifice his mana, the terrifying high-temperature flames will wrap around his body, and even if he gets even slightly closer, he will feel the pain of his soul being burned.

So Illidan effortlessly killed all the guards around the altar, even the two powerful Doom Guards.

But just when he was about to reach out and touch the skull that exuded amazing power, he suddenly felt a powerful energy appearing out of thin air.

When he turned around, he saw that it was a human who looked very similar to Alsace.

Only this time it's not a dead person but a living person.

"Who are you?"

The demon hunter stopped his night elf warriors from attacking rashly. I

Because under his special vision, he can clearly see the shadow and death power contained in the opponent's body, as well as some kind of twisted life force that he has never seen before, as well as the opposite of arcane magic, holy light, evil energy, etc. Energy properties.

This is obviously unusual.

If an average person stored so much conflicting energy in their body, it would most likely explode from within.

But the sudden guy in front of him not only did not explode, but instead caused the energy of different attributes to form a perfect cycle in the body, constantly transforming and circulating to the adjacent attributes.

"Hello, Illidan Stormrage. Although it is our first time to meet you, I have already heard about you."

Zuo Si said hello with a smile.

Although according to the original plan, he did not plan to show up at this time.

But he suddenly changed his mind after observing the Skull of Gul'dan.

Because after reading the Book of Medivh, Zuo Si realized that the Skull of Gul'dan was not just a part of the power, knowledge and memory left by a powerful warlock, but also his own soul, at least a very important part of his soul. part.

In conjunction with the spells recorded in the Book of Medivh, this skull can even tear a crack in the face of the Titan's indestructible magical protection.

The opening and closing of the Dark Door again is the best proof.

And Ner'zhul also took advantage of this feature when he used it to find a new world suitable for habitation for the orcs who stayed in the world of Draenor at the end of World War II.

This also means that the Skull of Gul'dan may be very useful to Zuo Si.

"you know me?"

The demon hunter was obviously surprised.

Because the last time he appeared in the public eye was just after the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago.

Later, during his imprisonment, even the internal records of the night elves downplayed it, so that many new generations have never heard of the name Illidan Stormrage, let alone Malfurion having a younger brother.

Normally, it is absolutely impossible for a new short-lived race like humans, which can only live for a hundred years, to know their own names.

Zuo Si undoubtedly noticed the other party's doubts, but he had no intention of explaining. Instead, he looked directly at the Skull of Gul'dan, feeling the energy emanating from it, and in an instant he confirmed that this thing must be related to the skull of Gul'dan. The Dark Portal is closely connected to the Burning Legion's cross-universe portal.

In other words, the evil magic obtained by Gul'dan may be the most comprehensive and complex among all warlocks, and it most likely comes directly from Kil'jaeden and Sargeras himself.

After all, the Legion was counting on him to break the Titan's protection and open the portal connecting Draenor and Azeroth.

This also explains why Gul'dan knew about the Tomb of Sargeras and wanted to seize the remains of the Dark Titan inside so that he could get rid of his mortal identity and become as powerful as the other party.

From the beginning, this orc, who was tricked by fate, never really intended to be loyal to the Burning Legion.

He simply wanted to gain strength and get rid of the past days of being humiliated, bullied and mistreated by other orcs all day long.

Whether it is Archimonde or Kil'jaeden, in Gul'dan's eyes they are objects that can be surpassed.

But unfortunately, he acted too eagerly, so that Sargeras, who occupied Medivh's body, played with him, and even his skull and soul after death became a prop.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si reached out and gently picked up the slightly hot skull, pursed his lips and said meaningfully: "I think the reason why you are looking for this orc skull is because you want to obtain the power, knowledge and memory inside. ,right?"

"That's right! I can feel that the power contained in this skull can greatly strengthen the demonic power in my body. If you don't want to be my enemy, then give it to me now."

Illidan made no secret of his desire for the Skull of Gul'dan.

"Haha, I'm sorry. The Skull of Gul'dan is also very important to me, so I can't give it to you for the time being. But I can exchange it with you for some other things. What do you think?"

Zuo Si suddenly cast a magical spell on the ugly orc skull in his hand that could harm the soul.


A piercing scream was released from the skull.

In an instant, a dozen of the closest night elf female warriors fell to the ground in pain, with dark red blood dripping from their mouths, noses and eyes.

If their immortal bodies had not protected their souls, they would all be dead by now.

Obviously, before all the energy was sucked away by Illidan, this thing was definitely qualified to be called an artifact.

Anyone holding it can cast all warlock spells at will, easily enslave powerful Burning Legion demons like the Doom Guard, and even release evil energy to directly pollute a large virgin forest.

As for the Skull of Gul'dan that players get in the game, it should have been drained of energy, leaving only a negligible residual power.

The gap between the two is simply huge.

The most important thing is that through the Skull of Gul'dan, Zuo Si can vaguely feel the thousands of portals built by the Burning Legion in the huge physical universe, and can also utilize the energy of these portals to a certain extent.

The reason why Ner'zhul tore Draenor apart into today's Outland was to take advantage of the close connection between Gul'dan and the Burning Legion's portal.

Immediately afterwards, Illidan also took advantage of this when he blew up the Dread Demon's home planet Nathresa.

In fact, this is not the power of the above two spellcasters themselves, but the energy injected by the Burning Legion to maintain the huge portal system.

Under the influence of this amazing energy, tearing apart a planet is simply a piece of cake.

The principle is probably similar to detonating the huge arcane energy in the Well of Eternity twice.

In the face of this kind of power, the Blue Dragon King's artifact, the Focusing Iris, is nothing more than a younger brother.

"Exchange? What can you offer me?"

Illidan asked bluntly, staring at the Skull of Gul'dan.

He has never been picky about things like strength.

After all, this was a man who could jump from druid to mage, then from mage to demon hunter, and finally gained the power of a warlock with the help of the Skull of Gul'dan.

And when he became a mage, he didn't neglect to practice his melee combat abilities.

As a mage, Illidan was even able to defeat powerful demons one after another in hand-to-hand combat during the War of the Ancients.

Even many elite warriors couldn't last more than a few rounds in front of him.

"What do you think of this?"

While speaking, Zuo Si directly cast a Dalaran summoning magic.


A huge corpse of the Abyss Lord appeared out of thin air in front of the altar. It was Mannoroth who had been sucked alive by Grom Hellscream not long ago.

Just when this guy's soul wanted to escape back to the Twisting Nether to wait for rebirth, it was directly grabbed by Zuo Si who was hiding in the dark, and the source of his evil energy was sealed in his withered body.

So purely in terms of power and value, it is obviously much higher than the Head of Gul'dan.

If Illidan can absorb and seal Mannoroth's power, then he will definitely be more powerful than himself in the original timeline, and he will also be able to obtain a lot of information about the Burning Legion.

"This is... Mannoroth? You actually killed him!"

As a veteran of the War of the Ancients, Illidan recognized this terrifying pit lord at a glance.

"No, I didn't kill it, but a group of orcs killed him. All I did was prevent his soul from escaping back to the Twisting Nether. What about, you should be able to accept it in exchange for the Skull of Gul'dan, right? "

Zuo Si's tone was full of sincerity.

After all, the demon hunter in front of him was one of the few people in the world that he truly admired.

Whether it is self-sacrifice and evil and dark means to fight against the enemy and save one's hometown, or the kind of determination to follow one's own path, regardless of the evaluation of the outside world, it is admirable from the heart.

The most important thing is that during the period of falling into darkness, Illidan never truly forgot his original intention until he achieved his goal and imprisoned the Dark Titan Sargeras.

Illidan touched his chin and thought for a moment, then nodded happily and agreed: "Okay, I accept the deal you proposed.

But I'm a little curious, why are you so interested in the Skull of Gul'dan?

If purely from the perspective of energy and strength, Mannoroth's value is obviously higher.

What's more, as Archimonde's top general, he must know many secrets about the Legion. "

“The specific reasons are very complicated and I am not comfortable explaining them.

Just know that I bear no ill will towards you or the night elves.

Quite the opposite.

I am an enemy of the Burning Legion and will lead my army to join forces with you to resist Archimonde's attack.

Well, now that the deal has been reached, I won't disturb you in absorbing the power of the Abyss Lord.

You must know that Tyrande and Malfurion may come to visit you at any time.

I'm not sure how they'll react to seeing you drawing on Mannoroth's power. "

After that, Zuo Si left a meaningful smile and quickly left with the Skull of Gul'dan.

Hearing the name of his brother and the one he loved deeply, Illidan's heart obviously felt a little shaken, and his expression was full of hesitation and struggle.

To become one of the most powerful mages in the world, he cannot be an idiot. Of course, he knows the hostility, even hatred, of the current night elf society towards the Burning Legion and demons.

Once he absorbs the power of Mannoroth, his body will inevitably have demonic features, such as horns, wings, claws and hooves, just like those fallen satyrs.

When the time comes, Malfurion will definitely accuse him immediately, and even imprison him again.

Tyrande would never fall in love with a demonic monster.

But similarly, Illidan knew better than any night elf how powerful the Dark Titan Sargeras and his Burning Legion were.

With the current strength of the native residents of Azeroth, it is simply a fantasy to defeat the opponent.

You must know that even in the ancient war with the largest invasion, the other party only sent a negligible army, which may not be one ten thousandth, one hundred thousandth, or one millionth of the total number of the Burning Legion.

Therefore, he has always believed that if he wants to defeat the Burning Legion, he must first join them, understand them, and then find their most fatal weakness.

After a brief ideological struggle, Illidan was no longer confused. He directly handed over Tyrande to his night elf troops and sent him away. He began to absorb the power of the Abyss Lord alone and took the soul of Mannoroth. Extract it and seal it in your body.

This process lasted several hours.

After the magic ritual was completed, he had transformed from a tall and muscular night elf male into a burning demon over five meters tall with a pair of huge bat wings behind him.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Illidan has finally transformed into a complete demon hunter.

Especially the huge amount of knowledge and information obtained from the other party's soul allowed the Avenger who was determined to destroy the Burning Legion to get the information he wanted, and at the same time, he also formulated the next plan in his mind.

But before that, he still had one most important thing to do, and that was to get rid of the source of corruption in Felwood - Tichondrius.

With the help of the huge wings behind him, Illidan soared directly into the air and hovered over the severely corrupted Felwood.

Once traces of demons are found, they will immediately lower their altitude and start hunting unscrupulously.

Although there was only one person, the demon he killed felt frightened.

For demon hunters, every hunt is equivalent to gaining valuable power from demons.

As long as they kill enough, any demon hunter can gain strength, physical fitness, and magical talents that are comparable to their opponent's.

It didn't take long to clear away all the demons in Felwood, and finally went straight to the largest portal in the area.

Tichondrius is being ordered to assemble troops here, intending to cooperate with Archimonde to advance towards Mount Hyjal from two directions.

But he never expected that before he could finish corrupting Felwood so that the night elves could no longer recruit allies, a god of death suddenly descended from the sky and summoned the elite Doom Guards by waving his sword and dividing it by two. The team killed everyone.

Even the Dreadlord himself may not be able to defeat these behemoths that are more than eight meters tall and hold huge swords burning with evil fire.

But Illidan not only killed them all, but he also continued to release spells to kill or banish the demons that were constantly coming from a distance. The whole set of actions was smooth and smooth, without giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

"Stop him! Stop him quickly!"

Tichondrius was obviously extremely nervous. While calling for help to his men, he summoned two hellfires to hit Illidan's position.

Since the latter now looked like a demon, he did not recognize the demon hunter who had made a name for himself ten thousand years ago. Instead, he felt that it was an enemy in the legion who wanted his life.

You must know that although the Burning Legion has a strict command system and superior-subordinate system, it is still prone to chaos in nature. It is advocating that whoever has a bigger fist is qualified to climb to a higher position.

This is why Illidan went to Draenor to overthrow the rule of Magtheridon and claim to be the King of Outland. However, instead of killing him, Kil'jaeden acknowledged this established fact and promised to destroy the Lich as long as he could. The mission of the king and the Scourge wiped out the previous betrayal.

"Dread Lord! Today is the day you die! No one can save you!"

Illidan grinned ferociously.

"Who sent you here? Isn't he afraid of offending Lord Archimonde?"

Tichondrius asked sternly, trying to scare the assassin in front of him with the name of Defiler.

But how could Illidan, who was already murderous, be afraid of Archimonde.

After all, he was someone who dared to deceive even the Dark Titan Sargeras, so without even a word of nonsense, he picked up two war blades and launched a violent attack.

As for Tichondrius, apart from barely parrying, he had no ability to fight back at all, and could only retreat steadily.

In the blink of an eye, the huge wings were torn apart.

In fact, the Dreadlord race has never been good at frontal combat.

Usually when performing tasks, they prefer to use means such as infiltration, seduction, and corruption to achieve their goals.

Seeing that his injuries were getting more and more serious, his opponent was still able to do it with ease. He could even cast his hands and cast various spells to destroy the demons and undead creatures that came over to help. Tichondrius finally realized Today, I can no longer escape the disaster, and I immediately became ruthless and wanted to die together.

Unfortunately, Illidan noticed this and quickly used mana burning to quickly drain the magic power from the Dread Lord's body, making him unable to even release spells.

Then he chopped off the latter's hands and feet with a fierce attack, and finally chopped off his head with one fatal blow.

When the energy of shadow and death suddenly burst out from Tichondrius's body, it formed a terrifying explosion.

boom! ! ! ! !

What a coincidence, the place where he died happened to be close to the portal.

As a result, the energy explosion triggered a chain reaction of the portal, eventually swallowing up everything within a radius of more than a kilometer.

Fel energy pouring from the portal tore the earth apart, and green flames spewed out of the cracks like a tsunami.

Also appearing together with them were fire elemental creatures that took advantage of the extreme instability of space and ran out from the elemental plane.

But in just a few seconds, they turned green under the influence of evil energy.

There is no doubt that just as the Ancient God can corrupt elemental creatures and become his minions, the evil energy of the Burning Legion can also turn elemental creatures into cannon fodder under his control.

And in just a few minutes when the portal was torn apart, hundreds of hellfires poured out from the other side, completely turning the surrounding area into a black scorched earth.

There is no doubt that their appearance means that the entire Felwood is doomed.

Even Illidan himself couldn't intercept so many rampaging hellfires at the same time.

Not to mention that there are also a large number of satyrs transformed from other types of summoned demons and night elves.

Just when he wanted to use his demonic power to slightly alleviate the evil energy that was eroding the land, Malfurion and Tyrande finally pursued them with their armies.

When they saw Illidan's current ferocious and terrifying appearance, the couple were stunned for a moment, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Malfurion shouted bluntly: "Dirty devil! What did you do to my brother?"

"It's me, brother. This is what I have transformed into. It's not a demon."

Illidan expressed his identity in a slightly heavy tone.

Because he had noticed that Tyrande's face next to him had become very shocked and ugly.

"No! Illidan! How could you..."

Before the chief priestess could finish her words, Illidan quickly replied: "I have killed the source of pollution in this land.

Forests will slowly recover over time, much like the ravaged landscape did 10,000 years ago.

I fulfilled my promise and helped our species eradicate a dangerous enemy.

You shouldn't treat me like this. What I did was not wrong. "

"What's the price?

your soul?


This is not the result I want!

You are not my brother!

I order you to leave this place and never set foot on our territory again. "

Malfurion's tone was angry and sad.

As a druid, the guardian of nature, he was completely unable to accept the fact that his brother had essentially turned into a demon.

You must know that although Illidan was also using the power of demons in the past, he still looked like a night elf.

But now?

The soul is completely bound to the Twisting Nether just like the demon.

This also means that after death, Illidan will return to the Twisting Nether and resurrect, instead of going where he should go like other normal people.

Perhaps for decades or centuries, he can still stick to his heart and continue to be the enemy of the Burning Legion.

But what if it takes thousands or tens of thousands of years?

Will he become no different from those demons?

You have to know that even the once noble Sargeras fell in front of that terrible dark power. How long can Illidan hold on?

At least in Malfurion's eyes, his brother's complete depravity was a certainty.

Illidan had obviously anticipated his brother's violent reaction, and said in a very calm tone: "Then so be it, my brother."

With the last word blurted out, he walked towards the depths of the burning forest without looking back.

You don't need to ask to know that the conversation between the two just now completely broke the demon hunter's heart.

In this way, with the anguish of not being understood, Illidan finally left the night elves and embarked on his own legendary journey.

When he walked a certain distance and thought about how to implement the next plan, a group of red figures suddenly came out from all directions and surrounded him.

The leader is none other than Grom Hellscream, who has been waiting here for a long time.

I saw him walking forward alone, carrying his beloved battle ax - Gorehowl and asked in a slightly excited and expectant tone: "Do you mind having a one-on-one competition with me? If you win, I and my The Warsong clan will follow you to the ends of the earth."

"I'm extremely happy! I just need a group of subordinates."

Illidan agreed without even thinking about it.

After the crushing battle with Tichondrius, he clearly noticed that his strength had greatly improved, and he was confident that he could defeat the orc warriors in front of him and turn them into men who obeyed his orders.

"Hahahaha! I like directness and straightforwardness! Come on, let's do it now."

With a bellicose and bloodthirsty laugh, Grom rushed forward and launched a fierce offensive with his blood roar.

On the other side, after successfully killing Tichondrius with the help of the enemy, Arthas and Kel'Thuzad met in private.

"The leader of the Dread Lord has disappeared. When will we start dealing with the rest?"

Arthas was obviously impatient, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he revealed his intention to kill all the Dread Lords.

Kel'Thuzad hurriedly tried to dissuade him: "Calm down, don't be impatient, young death knight.

The current legion has not yet failed. With the power of us and the Lich King, we simply cannot compete with Archimonde head-on.

Therefore, we must obey the orders conscientiously and lead the natural disaster army to launch fierce attacks on Mount Hyjal one after another. We must not be caught with anything.

Only by waiting patiently can we usher in the dawn of victory.

Look, those night elves are not that easy to deal with.

After all, they were the ones who defeated the invasion of the Burning Legion for the first time ten thousand years ago. "

"Wait? You mean these distant relatives of the high elves can defeat or even kill Archimonde?"

Arthas raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You must know that he witnessed with his own eyes how the Defiler destroyed Dalaran, which he had spent a long time to get into, through a magic that was almost childish.

That kind of terrifying magical power is simply not something that mortals can possess.

"That's right!

The Lich King had predicted the Legion's defeat.

So we no longer need to do anything extra, just wait for the results quietly.

And without Tichondrius, the remaining Dreadlords will be plotting against each other for leadership for a while.

As long as the news of the Burning Legion's defeat spreads back, they will immediately change from overseers to prisoners. "

Kel'Thuzad gave a straightforward and affirmative answer.

Arthas was obviously very satisfied with this answer and continued to ask: "What about the war situation in the eastern continent? Have those idiots not made any progress?"


Kel'Thuzad shook his head helplessly and explained: "With the alliance's emergency mobilization and the deployment of a large number of more advanced guns and artillery, any attack has become pale and feeble.

The Scourge has lost millions of skeletons, zombies, and ghouls to the continual wars.

I think it is basically impossible to break through those lines of defense. The only thing that can be done is to take a detour.

Either freeze the lake directly, or cross the Alterac Mountains. "

"Since you can think of it, there is no reason why Archimonde and other demons can't think of it. But the question is why don't they take action?" Arthas asked with a frown.

“Because I don’t dare.

The Alliance's large airship floats in the sky twenty-four hours a day, monitoring every move within a radius of several kilometers.

Once they find that the enemy is trying to walk across the lake or cross the mountains with complex terrain, they will inevitably launch a fierce bombardment.

Don't say it's a detour by then, we'll be lucky if we don't get wiped out. "

When he said these words, Kel'Thuzad thought of Naxxramas, a large fortress floating in mid-air in the Northrend Icecrown Glacier in the far north.

Maybe once this thing is built, we won't have to worry about the alliance's air supremacy threat.

"Hmph! Those arrogant demons don't understand the advantages of the undead at all, and they don't know how to maximize the use of the resources at hand to create results. When I go back later, I will definitely let them see what a real undead natural disaster looks like."

It was not difficult to tell from Alsace's tone that he looked down upon the ability of several Dread Lords to lead troops in war.

After a brief conversation and acceptance, the two quickly led the undead army to Mount Hyjal to join Archimonde and launch the final attack.

At the same time, on the main battlefield in the north of the eastern continent, the roar of artillery and the crisp sound of fried beans when firearms and bullets were fired continued continuously.

A large number of low-level undead creatures used as cannon fodder could not even get close to the fence of the forward position, and were torn to pieces by the dense firepower net.

After a period of war, the originally immature recruits have transformed into experienced veterans.

They can even judge the trajectory and impact point of artillery shells just by visual inspection, ensuring that the most threatening Seam Abominations are killed at the first opportunity and preventing them from approaching the defenses and killing vulnerable infantry.

The gargoyles in the sky were also hit by anti-aircraft machine guns, and they often fell and shattered before they could turn into hard stone statues.

Yes, you read that right, Azeroth not only has tanks, cannons and planes, but also big killers like machine guns.

Not to mention machine guns, there are even lasers and high-energy particle weapons that have not been used in actual combat on the earth.

It's just that it cannot be popularized due to its high cost.

However, there are still quite a lot of mass-produced products like machine guns that can be manufactured only by passing the mechanical structure and materials.

Almost every small position will have at least four to six units arranged to suppress the tide of low-level undead attacks.

It has to be said that humans are really adaptable creatures.

Although not long ago, many soldiers would be too frightened by the horrific scene to move, but now they are telling dirty jokes and betting on who can kill the most enemies this time.

As for emotions such as nervousness, fear, and panic, it cannot be said that they are completely absent, but they are definitely very few.

The only problem is that thermal weapons warfare is very logistically and financially demanding.

Fortunately, the Dreadlords who commanded the undead army did not know the alliance's ammunition reserves at all, so they were frightened away by the fierce firepower every time and did not dare to make a one-time stud.

Otherwise, the situation of insufficient ammunition supply will occur in minutes.

Of course, it is possible that the Dread Lords feel that they do not need to fight so hard. When Archimonde takes control of the Well of Eternity, a steady stream of demon legions will naturally come to the world to destroy all forces that dare to resist.

But these have nothing to do with Zuo Si.

Although he was currently standing in a wooden house in the camp, playing with the Skull of Gul'dan with great interest, comparing it with the descriptions in the Book of Medivh from time to time.

Obviously, with this thing, there is no need to wait for the Well of Eternity to explode to lock the spatial coordinates of Azeroth.

Instead, the moment the World Tree is ignited and the energy leaks out, the power of the spark is instantly released and descends on the world, directly absorbing all the runaway energy to ensure that the Well of Eternity will not be too damaged.

As for the high elves' sunwell, Zuo Si planned to have all the lichs in Faerun come over to take a bath and upgrade.

Through that powerful energy, these guys can be transformed into unique great lichs.

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