A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 633 The price that must be paid to protect the world (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscrib

"Now, let us talk, dear Gul'dan."

Zuo Si ignored the shouts and explosions outside the camp all day long, and connected his consciousness with the ugly orc skull in his hand.


He heard a voice full of pain and despair from inside.

"Who are you? Why did you get the skull that was left behind after my death?"

Gul'dan's torn and mutilated soul was the first to break the silence.

Because ever since he was caught up by the numerous demons inside while exploring the Tomb of Sargeras and torn into pieces alive, the fragment of his soul remaining in this skull has been suffering.

The powerful evil energy that he had paid countless costs to obtain from the Burning Legion was now like a blazing flame that was constantly burning his soul.

The indescribable pain is enough to drive a sane person crazy in a matter of minutes.

But the problem is that due to long-term use of evil energy and the power of shadow, Gul'dan's soul has already developed resistance and adaptability to it. Therefore, no matter how painful it is, it will not collapse. On the contrary, the more painful it is, the more awake and clear it becomes. Be aware of your current situation.

Especially after falling into the hands of the demons of the Burning Legion, in order to punish him as a traitor, he cast a variety of vicious spells.

The fear lord Tichondrius is an expert in this area, and he enjoys the negative mental power that overflows during torture.

Coupled with the fact that he has been sealed inside his skull for a long time and has no idea what is happening outside, just being alone and lonely for a long time is a great devastation to his will.

Therefore, Gul'dan was very eager to have a master who was not too vicious to communicate with him, even if it was just to talk about what was happening outside.

For this, he is willing to pay any price, even if it means revealing the knowledge of shadow and fel that he has spent decades mastering, or the huge energy stored inside his skull that even a demon lord would be envious of.

"You can call me Soth, a stranger."

Zuo Si, who is very good at observing and analyzing other people's psychological states, directly stated his name.

He apparently noticed Gul'dan's strong desire to communicate with others.

This is certainly a huge weakness that can be exploited.

Because for a big devil of his level, from the moment the other party shows this tendency, it means that a subordinate relationship between the two parties has been established.

"Thos? Foreigner? Do you know where we are now?"

Tichondrius obviously did not tell Gul'dan much information, so that even the current location of the skull is not clear.

After all, the Burning Legion has occupied too many planets in the physical universe, and he is not sure whether he is on Argus or was taken somewhere else.

Zuo Si replied calmly: "We are in the eastern continent of Azeroth, which is where you led the orcs through the Dark Portal. You know, I paid a huge price to get your skull. What’s the price?”

"So...you killed Tichondrius and snatched the skull from the Dreadlord?"

Gul'dan realized something instantly, and his tone suddenly became excited.

Because ever since he fell into the hands of the Burning Legion, he had always longed to escape from the other party's control, especially the endless torture.

Zuo Si chuckled and denied: "No, I didn't kill Tichondrius, but another person did it.

All I did was make a deal with this guy.

So you'd better try to be useful and make me think it's worth the money.

Otherwise, it is difficult for me to guarantee whether I will do anything to vent my inner dissatisfaction and disappointment. "

There is no doubt that it is a naked and undisguised threat.

Zuo Si has studied Gul'dan's life, especially the days when he was bullied and insulted by others all day long before he gained power, which created a huge shadow and darkness in his heart.

This means that for Gul'dan, family, friendship, tribe, loyalty, and glory are all illusory. Only power and strength are the foundation of everything.

He will surrender to those beings with powerful power and serve them in exchange for knowledge and power that will make him stronger and stronger.

For this reason, even if the entire orc race is sacrificed, the hometown of Draenor will be turned into a broken time and space on the verge of destruction.

When facing such people, we must make them understand their situation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he will try every possible means, even trying to seize a new body to resurrect.

Maybe this is why Illidan always liked to mutter to himself like a psycho towards the Skull of Gul'dan after getting it.

That is actually communicating with the soul sealed inside.

To some extent, their life experiences do have some similarities.

It's just that Illidan has a beloved Tyrande, and an older brother who, although he always criticizes and accuses, actually cares about him very much, so he is not as full of hatred and anger as Gul'dan. and an insatiable desire for great power.

After all, anyone who has studied psychology understands how terrifying a distorted compensatory psychology can be.

Because he was born with a deformity, Gul'dan was bullied, humiliated, beaten and scolded by other members of his clan from a very young age, and his status may have been as low as that of an animal.

At least livestock will not be humiliated dozens or even hundreds of times every day, let alone be rounded up and beaten every now and then.

The orcs' predatory society without any sympathy was the most perfect embodiment in him.

Except for Ner'zhul, no other orc showed mercy to him.

So after gaining the power to become the original warlock, the first thing Gul'dan did was to completely destroy his clan, driving everyone out and killing everyone.

It is estimated that in his eyes, these bastards who only bully him every day are not compatriots at all, but are all classified as enemies.

What's even more frightening is that this hostility and hatred continues to spread, until the entire orc race is regarded as a tool that can be discarded after use, or a pile of cheap and pathetic consumables.

There is no doubt that Gul'dan's series of actions are all to obtain compensation. To be precise, he believes that all orcs owe him, and they should die for him to compensate for the pain and torture he suffered back then.

"So you are my master now?"

After Gul'dan was silent for a long time, he finally responded with a slightly unwilling tone.

He originally expected an ignorant and cowardly guy to see his skull, and then use deception and lies to erode the other person's spirit bit by bit, and finally realize the plan of occupying the body and resurrecting it.

But unfortunately, this wishful thinking obviously failed.

To be able to make a deal with a fear lord like Tichondrius, it doesn't take much to think about his personal strength, which is definitely not that weak.

"That's right. From now on, I am the master you need to serve. If you behave well during this period, I will consider finding you a companion in the near future."

After saying that, Zuo Si pursed his lips and revealed a playful smile.

You don't need to ask to know that he is obviously planning to fuse the Skull of Gul'dan and the Skull of Manshon into a special planeswalker card.

He found it very interesting when he thought about what would happen if the souls of two extremely evil and selfish guys were forcibly locked in a confined space.

"So great master, what do you want me to do?"

Gul'dan is undoubtedly a realist and utilitarian through and through, and he righted his position without hesitation.

But if you think that his low posture means surrender, you are totally wrong.

You must know that in order to gain power, he was also loyal to Kil'jaeden and Sargeras, and directly packaged and sold the entire orc race.

But what's the final result?

After learning the location of the Tomb of Sargeras, this guy immediately rushed over with his men without hesitation.

And his sudden departure caused a fatal flaw in Orgrimmar Doomhammer's wonderful tactical layout. In the end, he failed to push the battle line into the hinterland of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and destroy the most powerful human being with the greatest war potential. nation.

The defeat of the orcs also completely ruined the Burning Legion's plan to conquer Azeroth.

Kil'jaeden was so angry that he wished he could pull out his soul and torture him repeatedly like he did to Ner'zhul, making him taste life worse than death.

If there was one thing that stayed with Gul'dan throughout his life, it was betrayal.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this.

As the Lord of Hell, there are countless high-level devils under him who are ambitious and want to rise to power through intrigues and tricks, but now they are not all trying their best to improve their performance under the strict assessment of the KPI system.

So it doesn't really matter whether you are loyal or not.

The important thing is that your subordinates must be capable, and you must have more than one set of constraints.

In this way, no matter what thoughts these guys have in their hearts, they have to use their talents and talents honestly at their posts.

As the saying goes, governing and managing is an art.

It involves a series of complex subjects including psychology, sociology, interpersonal relations, establishment and improvement of systems, etc.

There are very few people who can really play it.

But Zuo Si obviously never intended to play politics and power games with these big devils within the rules, but directly used Shuoyou to solve the problem from the root.

If any guy gets so big that he starts to form a clique for selfish purposes and wants to challenge the authority of the Prince of Hell, then what awaits him will be to be thrown directly into the pool of sparkling oil.

What's more, Gul'dan's current state is just an insignificant remnant of his soul.

"I want to know all the information about the Dark Portal, the Scepter of Sargeras and the Tomb of Sargeras. The more detailed the better."

Zuo Si made the request straightforwardly.

"As you wish, Master."

Gul'dan quickly began to talk about his understanding of these three things.

Under his description, Zuo Si quickly obtained the information he wanted.

The Dark Portal is essentially an upgraded and strengthened version of the Legion Portal. By killing the Draenei and absorbing life energy, plus evil energy, it can break through the defenses set up by the Titans on the planet of Azeroth. strength.

The Scepter of Sargeras was a super artifact that Sargeras personally ordered after the Burning Legion's defeat in the War of the Ancients to tear apart space and allow a powerful Titan like himself to enter it.

It is said that just to build this weapon, the Legion gathered a large number of warlocks to perform magic rituals, and at the same time continuously sacrificed the lives of demons.

When the ceremony was completed, Sargeras personally set a gem containing huge energy on the top.

As a weapon specially crafted for Titans, this artifact is far more powerful than any mortal could imagine.

It was with the combined power of the Scepter and the Dark Portal that the orcs were able to break the powerful defense system the Titans had built around Azeroth.

Gul'dan, on the other hand, has a very close connection with the two because he personally presided over the construction of the Dark Portal and had contact with the Scepter of Sargeras.

The only regret is that Ner'zhul was captured by the Burning Legion when he obtained the Scepter of Sargeras and wanted to lead the orcs to escape Draenor, and the Scepter naturally fell into Kil'jaeden's hands.

Otherwise, if there was this artifact, Zuo Si wouldn't even need to wait for Archimonde to attack Mount Hyjal, it would be enough to detonate the Sunwell first.

In addition, he also gained a lot of knowledge about demons and warlock magic from Gul'dan, and could even summon and force various demons to sign contracts with him at any time.

It's just that most demons have poor combat effectiveness, and it's easy for the Burning Legion to learn some of their secrets.

In fact, it is a very, very dangerous behavior for warlocks to summon and enslave demons.

Because the reason why they responded to the call was because they were interested in the soul of the warlock.

Theoretically, every demon summoned by a warlock is thinking about how to get the master to die quickly so that he can harvest his soul as a reward.

Therefore, the dangers of the warlock profession in the real world are extremely high.

In the warlock institutions hiding in the dark corners of major major cities, more than half of the apprentices will not survive to graduate.

Basically, he was either counterattacked by the power of evil energy and shadow, or he was killed by the demon he summoned.

What's even more frightening is that every move of the warlock will actually be observed and monitored by the demons he summons and enslaves.

They will be recorded on the Burning Legion's list, and then use knowledge and power as bait to corrupt them bit by bit and turn them into pawns controlled by the Legion.

This is why regardless of race, warlocks are vigorously suppressed as a group, and they are not even allowed to operate openly like warriors and mages.

Even the social status of thieves is much higher than that of warlocks.

It is estimated that in the eyes of the ruling classes of all parties, all warlocks can basically be classified as potential enemies.

No one wants to believe that these guys who control dark magic can resist the temptation of powerful power.

Especially playing with the soul definitely violates the bottom line of morality and law, and it is impossible to be accepted by mainstream society.

"Okay, now I know why warlocks of whatever race basically either hide in dark cellars or build a tavern or hotel as a cover. If they are allowed to run wild without restrictions, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous."

Zuo Si touched his chin and gave his evaluation and summary of the Warlock profession.

Because the moment every warlock gains power, it means establishing a stable connection with the Burning Legion.

Demons can continuously obtain information through them, formulate various plans and strategies, and ultimately achieve the goal of capturing the entire Azeroth.

Just when Zuo Si was about to find a place to test the strength of these warlocks' magic, a rush of footsteps suddenly came closer from far away.

In the blink of an eye, Calia, the successor as Queen of Lordaeron, walked in from outside.

This princess, who was originally kind and weak, was now completely dressed in a military uniform. The armor showed uneven marks in many places, as well as a large number of black dried bloodstains. It was obvious that she had experienced more than one fierce battle.

Even his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, giving people a sense of oppression that is both heroic and powerful.

"How is the situation on the front line?"

Zuo Si put away the Skull of Gul'dan and asked casually.

Jialiya replied without hesitation: "Those demons and undead cannot pose a substantial threat to our solid defense line at all.

No matter how many times they launch attacks, all they get are corpses that have been blown beyond recognition.

Once their forces are depleted to a certain extent, the alliance should be able to switch from defense to offense to regain the lost territory. "

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Well done. I think after winning this war, you should be able to replace your father, King Terenas, as the actual leader of the alliance."

"Maybe. Compared to this, I am more looking forward to a one-on-one battle with Alsace, and completely trampling on everything he is proud of."

When she said these words, Caliya's tone was obviously full of hatred, and one of her hands was placed on the hilt of the sword.

"Don't worry, you will have this opportunity. But before that, we have to defeat the vanguard of the Burning Legion. Have you completed all the preparations I asked you to make a few days ago?" Zuo Si asked, looking into the other person's eyes.

"Of course! I have deployed 20,000 people, more than 80 heavy tanks, 130 aircraft and a full 700 cannons from the defense line, plus an aerial gunship. They have been recharging their strength for a long time and can attack at any time. Be able to go into battle at your best.”

Jialiya quickly responded in the affirmative.

You must know that at this moment, at the junction of Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal Woodland, the Alliance has accumulated more than 150,000 troops.

The deployment of 20,000 people and some weapons and equipment will not cause any serious consequences. Instead, it can become a mobile force to reinforce any line of defense at any time, or launch a counterattack in local areas.

"Awesome! With this army, I believe the night elves will look at the Alliance with admiration."

Zuo Si pursed his lips with a look of satisfaction.

"Night Elf?"

It was obviously the first time for Jialia to hear about this race, and her eyes showed strong curiosity.

Zuo Si explained patiently: "You know high elves, right?

They were a branch that split from the night elves.

These guys had established cities and civilizations on the ancient continent of Kalimdor tens of thousands of years ago, and are second only to the trolls in terms of racial history.

It was the night elves and their wild demigod allies who fought and defeated the first invasion of the Burning Legion ten thousand years ago.

It was also during that terrible war that the ancient continent of Kalimdor was blown apart and turned into three continents in the east, west and north, as well as a large whirlpool in the middle of the endless sea. "

"So you want to ally with them?"

Jia Liya seemed to understand something and subconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked her sexy red lips in a very seductive movement.

With the acquisition of the bloodline of the fusion of the Dread Lord and the Blood God Haka, the character of this originally virtuous and dignified princess has obviously begun to be affected, and she exudes a unique charm that cannot be described in words.

Especially when she starts to feel hungry, her body will exude a strong alluring aura, which will deeply attract and fascinate men and women.

However, Zuo Si was obviously completely immune to this, and explained in a very casual tone: "It's not me, but you who represent the alliance and form an alliance with the leader of the night elves. In fact, Jaina should have arrived at Mount Hyjal by now and is in Tire. The coalition was formed with the help of Medivh, the last guardian of the Sfa Council."

"Jaina went to Kalimdor across the sea? When did it happen!"

Caliya's eyes widened in surprise.

She originally thought that the reason why her best friend did not appear in the coalition forces was that she was separated like many mages after Dalaran was destroyed, or she returned to Kul Tiras, which was safer.

After all, Archmage Antony Das did not make any big announcement when he made this decision, and even few members of the Kirin Tor Council knew about it.


In order to transport enough people at once, Jaina took away half of Kul Tiras' fleet without the consent of her father, Marshal Daelin.

To a certain extent, her boldness and paranoia are really similar to Alsace's.

No wonder they fell in love at first sight and became a couple. "

Zuo Si expressed his evaluation of Jaina in a half-joking tone.

"No, Jaina is different from Arthas. She will not commit such a crazy act as killing her father, killing her mother, or destroying the country and people she loves so much with her own hands." Caliya categorically defended her good sister.

Zuo Si couldn't help laughing when he heard these words, and while laughing, he joked: "My dear descendant, please don't say it so absolutely.

Because you don't know Jaina Proudmoore at all.

Although she is not like Alsace, who has been loved and expected by millions since she was a child, she is still a very proud and conceited idealist.

Do you know what the biggest flaw of an idealist is? "

"What is it?"

Caliya blinked her eyes in confusion.

“The answer is that they always believe in what they think is right and refuse to accept the complexity and darkness of the real world.

Jaina herself may not commit all kinds of horrific atrocities like Arthas, but that doesn't mean she won't make some terrible choices when her ideals conflict with reality.

For example, sacrificing Marshal Dai Lin in exchange for peace with the orcs.

So I think you can keep an eye on her to prevent her from doing anything irrational during this cooperation.

Here, this is a teleportation rune I made that can help you teleport between Kalimdor and the eastern continent.

Take it with you and go immediately to join this meeting that will determine the future direction of the world.

I don't feel comfortable letting Jaina represent humanity or even the entire Alliance. "

After that, Zuo Si handed the teleportation rune stone prepared in advance to the Queen of Lordaeron.

Feeling the arcane energy emanating from the runes, Caliya suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "What method do you plan to use to transport such a huge army to the other side of the sea? As far as I know Even Dalaran can't teleport that many troops across the continent at once."

“You don’t have to worry about that.

Because there is a World Tree on Mount Hyjal where the night elves live, and hidden under the World Tree is the Well of Eternity with unlimited arcane energy.

Although their leader hates arcane magic with a passion.

But at this time, I believe you won't mind us borrowing some arcane magic energy to teleport the army. "

Zuo Si gave the solution in a very relaxed tone.

In fact, the night elves completely banned the study and research of arcane magic after the War of the Ancients. On the one hand, the druids of the natural faction and the priestesses of Elune, the moon god, liquidated the upper elves for using arcane power.

On the other hand, this war was so brutal that ordinary night elves associated arcane magic with the demons of the Burning Legion, leading to fear, disgust, and rejection of arcane magic.

In the end, Malfurion and Tyrande issued the ban out of political considerations and to appease people's emotions. They did not really have any prejudice against arcane magic.

After all, Tyrande's most famous ultimate move, Starfall, is typical arcane energy damage, not any natural or other attributes.

The night elves as a race were gradually transformed from trolls under the influence of the huge arcane energy of the Well of Eternity.

This also means that they are born with arcane magic talents that other races cannot imagine.

Guys like Malfurion who went to learn the druidic ways from Cenarius and later led the entire race astray were simply a huge waste of their own race's talent.

Later, after experiencing a series of disasters, the Night Elves, whose strength was not as strong as before, still accepted some of the exiled Highborne Elves and allowed arcane magic to spread among the ethnic group again.

Therefore, Malfurion and Tyrande are very pragmatic in their attitude towards arcane magic.

Especially since Archimonde is about to launch a general attack on Mount Hyjal, they will certainly not mind their allies using the power of the Well of Eternity.

Just like that, Caliya directly activated the rune stone to teleport from the eastern continent to Mount Hyjal on the continent of Kalimdor.

At this moment, Medivh, Tyrande, Malfurion, Cairne Bloodhoof and Jaina have gathered together to discuss how to deal with the upcoming decisive battle.

"Everyone, I believe you have seen that our enemies have gathered heavy troops under the mountain and may launch a violent attack at any time. Now we must unite to expel these damn demons from our world."

Medivh, who had just finished explaining the Burning Legion's plan to use the orcs to invade the world, expressed his truest thoughts.

For him, this series of actions after his resurrection were actually all about atonement for letting the orcs out.

As long as the invasion of the Burning Legion is resisted, the last guardian can relieve himself of his burden and find a place to live in seclusion and no longer care about the world.

"But how do we stop Archimonde and a group of powerful demon lords?

You must know that the other party's power is too powerful.

I once took a look at it from a distance, but was almost so shocked by the huge energy in the other person's body that I thought I was hallucinating.

An enemy of that level is simply not something we can deal with with our current strength. "

Jaina expressed her worries in a very nervous tone.

As a mage, she is very aware of the terrifying gap caused by energy levels.

A powerful spellcaster like Archimonde, even if he releases a small arcane missile, can create a coverage and visual effect like a meteor shower.

"Don't worry, little girl, we don't plan to confront Archimonde head-on. All you have to do is delay time so that I can set a trap for him to jump in."

Malfurion looked at Nordrassil, the world tree in the distance, with a hint of determination in his eyes.


Jaina also looked at the behemoth that stood on the ground.

To her, this was obviously much more than a tree, more like some kind of miracle.

Malfurion nodded slightly: "Yes.

Ten thousand years ago, we night elves defeated the Burning Legion.

Although the entire world is shattered, all creatures living on this planet have been liberated.

In the years of peace, we rely on the power of the World Tree to obtain eternal and immortal life, and we will never worry about aging and death.

But now, it's time to give that power back. "

Tyrande immediately showed a surprised expression when he heard this speech and asked: "You know that the consequence of this is that we will start to age like other mortals, and the power flowing in our bodies will also weaken over time, right? "

"Of course, dear. But this is the price you have to pay to protect the world. We have all lived too long and have never been afraid of death, so there is nothing to worry about."

Malfurion's tone was very calm, and he did not feel at all nervous, anxious or afraid about losing the eternal life given by the World Tree.

"So... you plan to destroy the World Tree to release its power to kill Archimonde?!"

Jaina is indeed the most outstanding mage in the new generation of Dalaran, and she immediately realized what the other party wanted to do.

After all, she was so sensitive to arcane energy, how could she not sense the terrifying energy gathered inside the giant tree.

If this thing was made into a bomb, Archimonde would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"That's right, little girl. This is the only way to defeat Archimonde. How about it, do you want to join?" Malfurion asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Jaina replied in the affirmative without hesitation. "I will build the first line of defense near the bottom of the mountain to buy you time."

"Courage is commendable. You must know that few people have the same courage as you when facing an enemy like Archimonde."

Tyrande's serious face showed a hint of approval.

Cairn Bloodhoof, who was standing nearby, added: "I will assist Jaina in stabilizing the first line of defense to ensure that the demons will not easily break through."

"Be careful, Tauren. The Burning Legion is not the centaurs you have dealt with before. The enemy's ferocity and viciousness are far beyond the limits of your imagination."

Malfurion gave a kind reminder when he was about to turn around and leave.

Since both night elves and oxen people live on the continent of Kalimdor, they have been in contact with each other for a long time and occasionally see each other in the wild.

Most of the time such contact ends with a polite greeting and retreat, and rarely does a fight or violent confrontation occur.

Therefore, the night elves believe that the tauren are also a race that is inclined to nature and the way of druids, and think that they are very good potential allies.

"I understand. But to protect our world, the tauren are willing to shed the last drop of their blood."

Cairn Bloodhoof expressed his determination loudly.

Since parting ways with the orcs, he has been observing Jaina and the human race behind her.

It turns out that humans are much better than orcs in many places.

For example, they also have strong compassion and will do their best to help those who are injured and disabled.

In contrast, Orcs tend to be somewhat careless when dealing with the wounded.

In particular, disabled soldiers not only did not receive preferential treatment, but were often teased and insulted.

"May Elune shine upon you."

Tyrande, in her capacity as Chief Priestess, paid her sincerest respect to her two allies.

Cairn Bloodhoof also returned the greeting: "May Mother Earth bless you too."

At this moment, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly aroused the thoughts of everyone present.

The next second...

Jialia, holding the teleportation rune, finally appeared out of thin air in the open space not far away.

Gianna instantly recognized her friend and asked with shock on her face: "Jalia, why are you here?"

"Long time no see, Jaina. You are really much more mature than the last time we met."

The Queen of Lordaeron smiled and walked up to hug him tightly.

Since both of them had long golden hair, they looked like biological sisters. It took a while before they separated.

"Since Arthas caused the appalling tragedy in Lordaeron, I imagine your life must have been very difficult and painful, right?"

Both Jaina's eyes and tone were full of sympathy and pity.

After all, whoever has this kind of thing on his head is like the sky falling and the earth falling.

She clearly remembered how sad she felt when her brother Derek Proudmoore died.

It was at that time that his father Dailin developed an unparalleled hatred for the entire race of orcs, vowing to kill the last green-skinned orc and make these damn invaders and monsters disappear from Azeroth forever.

Being killed by the enemy is not a big deal, let alone killing each other by blood relatives.

So Jaina thought she could understand Caliya's current despair, and wanted to comfort her in this way.

Unfortunately, Jialia shook her head with a serious expression: "No, I don't feel sad, but full of anger and hatred.

Alas must pay for what he has done!

I am the one who will end his life with my own hands.

In addition, I am here to represent the entire Eastern Continent alliance this time.

We have prepared a well-trained elite force that can be sent over at any time to help you defend against the Burning Legion's attack.

But the premise is that the arcane energy of the Well of Eternity must be borrowed to build an ultra-long-distance stable portal. "

"How many troops can you provide?"

Tyrande asked quickly.

She undoubtedly knew that the more troops on hand at this time, the more it would delay Archimonde's attack and buy time for Malfurion to set up traps.

"Twenty thousand elites, equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment."

Jialiya gave the exact number straight away.

Tyrande's eyes suddenly shone, and he nodded in agreement without thinking: "Yes, you can use the arcane energy emitted by the Well of Eternity to build a portal at any time. But you'd better move faster, Archimonde can't It’ll give us too much time.”

"Leave this to me. I have some experience in studying portals."

Gianna volunteered to take on the job.

Soon, with the assistance of a group of Dalaran mages led by her, it didn't take long for the space to be torn apart to form a huge rift.

Before anyone else could react to what was happening, the huge aerial gunship took the lead and slowly squeezed over.

Followed by planes driven by dwarves or gnomes, and tanks that made a rumbling noise when moving, filed out, with artillery and soldiers following at the end.

Just as these elite veterans were being placed on the first line of defense one after another, a voice suddenly echoed over Mount Hyjal.

"Listen to me, night elf, the time for settling the accounts has come. I will destroy you with my own hands to wash away the shame of failure ten thousand years ago. This time there will not be so many wild demigods coming to cause trouble."

"Oh - damn! The demon has begun to lead the undead of the Scourge to attack!"

Jaina looked down at the vast army of undead and demons pouring towards the top of the mountain, dumbfounded.

There are a lot of Dreadlords, Pit Lords, Doomguards, Liches and Death Knights alone.

The menacing sight is enough to make anyone feel numb.

Without him, there are simply too many.

You must know that Kalimdor is the main battlefield of the ancient war, with countless bones buried there.

The Scourge Legion sent small groups of troops to frantically dig graves and resurrect corpses and skeletons. Now they can be said to be strong and strong.

Coupled with the cunning demon commander, even the night elves can't get any advantage.

Jaina didn't care about arranging the soldiers who were arriving one after another. She took the lead in using teleportation magic to return to the base, and ordered everyone to do their best to strengthen the city walls and gates to prepare for this fierce battle.

The final battle of the Third War officially begins at this moment...

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