A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 643 Gaze into the Void (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Ha ha ha ha!

see it?

Sad mortal!

This is the Holy Light Naaru that you believe in!

A monster that feeds on hope, justice and kindness!

Why do you think they want to spread their faith throughout the universe?

Because only through these things can the Naaru gain strength to maintain their form filled with light and warmth.

Once the energy is exhausted, these creatures will immediately reveal their most terrifying side and become a channel connecting the Shadow Void, which is the entropy demon you see at the moment.

There is never any selflessness and justice in this universe,

Some are just collisions and confrontations between light and darkness.

And where there is light, there will inevitably be dark shadows. The brighter something looks, the more terrifying darkness will be born inside it. "

While Kil'jaeden laughed and taunted the soldiers of the Holy Light Legion who had survived, he waved his hand and turned the remaining Naaru who had exhausted their energy into entropy demons, completely ignoring the ones held in his hands. Zera screamed in agony and despair.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of Light can no longer emit that sweet tone through Tangram's body.

Because she could feel that the faith of the soldiers under her command was collapsing, and the original good qualities such as hope, courage, and perseverance had all turned into strong negative emotions such as shock, anger, and disappointment.

Everyone felt that they had been fooled and deceived.

Many paladins who originally exuded golden light were quickly dimming.

There is no doubt that these people's belief in the Holy Light has turned into contempt.

Obviously, this was exactly what Kil'jaeden wanted.

He even ordered to prohibit the demons of the Burning Legion from slaughtering these mortals, but allowed some of them to board a dilapidated small battleship and escape from the planet.

As explained in "Things the Light Will Not Tell You" written by Orlist, the famous shadow priest of Azeroth, the Holy Light and the Naaru are far from being as selfless and majestic as many people imagine, but secretly hide Many unknown secrets.

The Deceiver has been studying these Light Jigsaw Puzzles for a long time, and even captured a fellow named Lula when Velen and the draenei escaped.

By constantly twisting, torturing, and corrupting Leura, the Burning Legion had long known the secrets the Naaru had been trying to hide, and also figured out their close connection with the Shadow Void.

Therefore, as long as Kil'jaeden is willing, he can twist and transform any Holy Light Naaru into a Shadow Naaru at any time, or even completely become a node connected to the Shadow Void - an Entropy Demon.

When he discovered this, he suspected for a long time that Naaru was actually created by the forces of the void just like the ancient gods.

Among them, the goal of the Ancient God is to corrupt the star soul and obtain a powerful fighter in the physical universe who can compete with Titan.

The Naaru is an attempt to bring the Lord of the Void to come.

As long as these jigsaw puzzles continue to preach in the physical universe and allow more mortals to focus positive emotions such as hope and courage on themselves, the power of the Holy Light will become more powerful.

When they exceed a certain critical point, they will cause a collapse of energy and space after exhausting their own holy light energy, thereby breaking the boundary between the physical universe and the shadow void.

At that time, the Lord of the Void will be able to penetrate his will and power with the help of the huge entropy demon formed by this node.

But it's a pity that no Naaru has been so powerful so far.

Even Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, is no exception.

Because as long as the number of mortals who believe in the Holy Light on any planet exceeds a certain level, the Burning Legion will immediately come and destroy it mercilessly.

When it comes to combating the erosion of the physical universe by void forces, the dark titans Sargeras and Kil'jaeden have never been merciless, and for this reason they have not hesitated to completely destroy planets that were originally prosperous one after another.

Countless species and civilizations died silently in the vast universe during this process.

If the Titan Pantheon led by Aman'Thul originally adopted a strategy similar to using a swatter to swat flies in a room full of breakable glass objects when dealing with demons and void forces, then Sargeras adopted a direct Load up the bomb and blow up the whole house.

Seeing all her kind being transformed into entropy demons of the dark side in the face of the deceiver's powerful and terrifying magical power, Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, finally gave up her struggle completely, just like a walking zombie who had lost all hope and was waiting for death.

The dazzling golden holy light on her body also continued to become dim because of this, and even became dyed with some kind of dark purple filled with darkness and nothingness.

Kil'jaeden, who was good at discerning the most vulnerable side of others' hearts, undoubtedly noticed this. He immediately grinned and sarcastically said in a slightly mocking tone: "Tell me, Zera, the hope you have been instilling in those miserable mortals. What about courage? What about perseverance and the spirit of never giving up?

Or is this all a lie fabricated by you Naaru to confuse those mortals? "

You know, from the moment Velen betrayed the entire eredar and fled with his followers, I vowed to make you naaru who are hiding behind your back pay the price.

Now I will turn you all into entropy demons to hunt down your own kind, as well as those draenei who believe in the teachings of the Holy Light.

I'm looking forward to seeing Velen's expression when he sees Naaru like this.

Holy light?



I will make Viren realize what a wrong decision he made.

I want him to shed tears of regret and crawl in front of me, crying, begging me to forgive his betrayal. "

When saying these words, the deceiver's tone revealed a strong obsession, and the hand holding Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, also began to release powerful shadow energy, intending to turn the leader of the Holy Light Legion into a Become a monster that destroys and devours everything.

And with these entropic demons, he can send them to other planets to consume each other with the Demon Legion and New Phyrexia. It is best to bring these outsiders into direct conflict with the Shadow Void.

Anyway, the Burning Legion is now at a comprehensive disadvantage. The more forces that are involved, the better. The more forces they have, the better they can fish in troubled waters.

But when the shadow energy and the holy light energy were fiercely confronting each other, Zella's golden fragment located at the core of Tangram's body suddenly burst out with an extremely dazzling bright light, dispelling the shadow energy that had invaded his body in an instant.

Not only that, she was also increasing the speed and frequency of energy release, making it clear that she was going to self-destruct.

Kil'jaeden undoubtedly noticed this, and greatly strengthened the output of shadow energy with a grin.

He would not let the Mother of Holy Light have any chance to commit suicide or escape.

Seeing that the light on Zela's body was gradually suppressed, and finally turned into a small flame that could be extinguished at any time, inevitably transforming in the direction of the entropy demon, a voice suddenly sounded behind the deceiver.

"Isn't it a little too wasteful for you to do this?

You must know that this is one of the oldest Naaru, entrusted with the faith and expectations of countless people, and is the most ideal material for making light-forged weapons and armor.

Although it is quite good to transform into an Entropy Demon, it can make a good quality Shadow Artifact.

But I think Holy Light is better.

Because anything that contains huge shadow energy will exude an uncomfortable aura, and it looks dark and unattractive from a distance. "


Kil'jaeden turned around suddenly, only to see a figure that made his scalp tingle.


Calls himself the God of Contract!

Invaders from another universe!

The strongest enemy the Burning Legion has encountered since its inception!

"Hi! Nice to meet you, dear Kil'jaeden the Deceiver. Even though it's our first meeting, I think we both already know each other quite well, don't we?"

Zuo Si said hello with a smile.

The reason why he appears here is entirely because of the violent space and energy collapse formed in the physical universe when the Naaru were transformed into entropy demons.

For a planeswalker who can clearly perceive energy changes, this process is as bright and conspicuous as a torch suddenly lit in a dark room.

Driven by curiosity, I rushed over to take a look at what was going on.

Unexpectedly, we happened to catch a good show.

Obviously, Zuo Si has never had a good impression of this group of Naaru, who are full of doubts in terms of motivation and existence, and firmly believes that there must be a shocking conspiracy hidden behind the Holy Light Tangram, just like the Dread Lord is Like the spies from the Shadowlands.

In his eyes, the best destination for these guys who have some kind of terrifying persistence and fanaticism for preaching is to be made into various light-forged artifacts, such as the famous Ashbringer.

In particular, the Heart of Holy Light, which is the core of Naaru's external form, feels like a channel and node connecting the source of energy.

Therefore, any weapon made with it can release amazing energy.

However, this energy source is not fixed, but will change according to the user's tendency.

This is why the Ashbringer exudes the power of Holy Light in the hands of the Paladin, which is comparable to Frostmourne, while in the hands of the Death Knight, it emits the power of shadow and death.

"How will you be here?"

Kil'jaeden immediately threw away Zera, the Mother of Light, in his hand and put on a state of full alert.

Because from the fact that Argus no longer provides energy to the Burning Legion, he already knows that the enemy in front of him has at least the same level of power as the Titan.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat or even kill Argus the Destroyer.

"Relax, I don't mean any harm, at least not yet. Sorry, excuse me for a moment."

Zuo Si raised his hand very casually to signal the other party to calm down.

The next second...

He instantly teleported in front of Zera who had regained his freedom. He picked up the tyrant gauntlet that had been upgraded for several rounds and smashed Naaru into flying pieces with a bang. Then he firmly grasped the most critical Holy Light. Heart.

Destroying one of the most powerful and ancient naaru so easily undoubtedly made the Deceiver and the entire Burning Legion on the battlefield feel the power of the enemy at close range.

You know, even Kil'jaeden himself had to put in a lot of effort to destroy Zera.

But now, Zuo Si easily shattered it with just one punch, which was definitely enough to prove that he had power that rivaled the Titans to some extent.

In the next few minutes, Zuo Si took out the apology sent by Yinhun City as if there was no one around. The magic-strengthened [Storm Star] sword directly embedded the Heart of Holy Light into it.


The sword, which was originally just emitting dazzling thunder and lightning, burst into golden light, as if there was a ball of liquid energy flowing on the surface of the sword.

Even those silver-white lightnings were coated with a layer of golden sacred energy.

But this is not the end.

Zuo Si, who never liked waste, raised his other hand to cast a spell, collecting the Naaru fragments scattered around, condensing them together, repeatedly compressing and tempering them, and finally turned them into a small piece of golden crystal.

Finally, the crystal was integrated into the sword body of [Storm Star], turning it from an ordinary long sword into a two-handed giant sword.

I saw him raising the sword and waving it lightly towards the evil battleship in the sky.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A ball of dazzling golden lightning instantly enveloped the fleet above them.

More than a hundred battleships exploded on the spot under this blow, turning into green-colored fireballs and falling from the sky.

Many demons with a considerable amount of shadow energy stored in their bodies were torn apart in an instant, without even a chance to escape from the ship.

"That's right! From today on, you can change your name to Golden Storm. Although it is the weakest weapon among the weapons that are often used, it is indeed quite efficient when used to clear out miscellaneous soldiers."

Zuo Si fiddled with the golden holy sword in his hand and showed a satisfied smile.

Ever since he gave Elspeth the holy sword that he repeatedly upgraded and built based on the Holy Avenger, Casmir, he has been lacking a weapon to restrain evil and the undead.

But now this small shortcoming has been made up for.

Before the demons of the Burning Legion were shocked that the powerful Mother of Holy Light Zera was killed and made into a weapon in just a few minutes, Zuo Si immediately turned his attention to the Yunalu on the ground. The transformed entropy demon.

The Entropy Demon, which looks like a giant void walker, also noticed this and immediately made a creepy sound, which was like a low roar full of warning and a bit similar to the sound of an energy storm smashing something. At the same time, it released Shoots out a black shadow ray that can steal energy from the target.

"Is this the power from the Shadow Void? It's still far behind compared to the Ancient Gods."

Zuo Si released another ability of the Golden Storm Sword, and in less than a tenth of a second, he created a holy light shield similar to the Holy Shield, blocking all void rays.

Want to extract energy from a powerful planeswalker whose spark level has been raised to nearly LV40?

What a joke!

He has always been the only one who draws out other people's energy, and has never been drawn out by others.

After intercepting these void rays, Zuo Si teleported directly to the Entropy Demon over a short distance, and very boldly inserted one of them into the opponent's black hole-like body, instantly activating the power of the Planeswalker Spark.

You don't need to ask to know that he is trying to use the connection between the Entropy Demon and the Shadow Void to seize the energy of the dark side of the universe, and at the same time figure out what Naaru hides behind his transformation into the Entropy Demon.

In a blink of an eye!

The huge and twisted body of the Entropy Demon began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a black hole the size of a fist, and a tentacle made entirely of shadow energy extending from the black hole. .

What's this?

Zuo Si grabbed the energy tentacles that were frantically trying to break free and showed a confused expression.

The moment he tried to pull out the tentacles, another entropy demon suddenly whispered like crazy in a low and hoarse voice: "I order you to let go of it... That is not something you can touch..."

"Oh, really?"

Zuo Si let out a disdainful laugh, and then yanked outward with force.


This tentacle composed entirely of energy broke instantly, and a terrifying shadow energy impact spurted out from the channel formed by the Entropy Demon.

Vaguely, the brains of all the surrounding creatures felt signals of severe pain coming from somewhere on their bodies.

Even though it didn't really exist, it still resonated strongly, and it even hurt a thousand or ten thousand times more than being injured.

The kid whose strength was at the bottom of the Burning Legion even had his whole head exploded and died on the spot.

The entropy demons also quickly gathered together and merged into a super huge void channel after screaming in this life.

Through the dark and deep connection, you can vaguely see a pair of eyes shining with dark purple light.

It did not reveal any emotions of anger, hatred, or hostility. Instead, it was filled with a void and nothingness that could not be described in words, staring at the physical universe on the other side.

Lowering his head and glancing at the small section of broken tentacle in his hand, Zuo Si pursed his lips and asked in a slightly playful tone: "So you are the Lord of the Void, the enemy who scares even Sargeras? You and these people who use Saint What does the Naaru of light energy have to do with it?"

"We will meet again soon..."

The owner of the eyes said these words through some kind of telepathy and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

And those entropy demons that merged together turned into an even bigger entropy demon, roaring and rushing forward like wild beasts, trying to devour the enemies in front of them.

Because this node connecting the Shadow Void is so huge, even the Burning Legion, which frequently uses shadow magic, feels strong fear.

You must know that the essence of shadow energy is devouring and voiding, and it is the energy that seizes other attributes.

Therefore, those who are hit by shadow magic do not have their bodies or souls destroyed, but the energy necessary to maintain life is sucked dry.

This means that the essence of shadow magic is to establish a connection between the target and the shadow void.

The larger the connection points, the higher the efficiency and speed of absorption, and the faster the enemy will naturally die.

According to the huge crack inside the super giant entropy demon in front of us, even Kil'jaeden would be sucked into it, let alone other demons.

But Zuo Si, who was facing the Entropy Demon, just smiled indifferently and recited a spell to the tentacle half condensed by shadow energy in his hand.


The entire tentacle immediately continued to expand as if it had come alive, eventually forming a cane about two meters in length.

The moment the stick was formed, the tentacles that were still squirming instantly solidified and transformed into a very hard material. At the same time, a large, pale yellow eyeball that kept rotating suddenly opened at the top.

Zuo Si quickly raised his cane and pointed one end of his eyeball at the entropy demon who had rushed forward.

In less than a second, the huge entropy demon was sucked into the eyes by some invisible force, and the cane, which was originally black, began to emit a dark purple light, and was also shrouded in a layer of mist. of shadow energy.

Through these dim lights, you can vaguely see the patterns and symbols on the surface of the cane that were formed when Naaru exhausted his energy and fell into darkness.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si relied on his rich magical knowledge and the unique power of a planeswalker, as well as the quasi-divine power possessed by the big devil, to seal all the entropy demons in this cane and create it into a shadow. Magical artifact.

Anyone who holds this cane will receive huge power blessings. Even just an ordinary shadow arrow can produce a power as terrifying as a nuclear weapon. It can easily drain all the energy of a country or even a continent, leaving countless Billions of lives died in an instant.

The whole process will not be painful at all, and most people will not even realize that they are dead.

The drawback is that anyone holding this staff is effectively trapped in the Shadow Void.

If the strength is not strong enough and the will is not strong enough, it will be easy to be corrupted, or even be completely crazy by the spiritual bewitchment and become a puppet controlled by the ancient gods and the Lord of the Void.

All in all, this is a powerful and dangerous weapon.

If you want to use it, you must be prepared for a mental confrontation with the staring eyes in the dark void.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this.

Because the one who should be scared in this confrontation is not him, but the Lord of the Void who is trapped in the Shadow Void and cannot get out at all.

Compared with the dark void that connects the infinite space of the entire multiverse, the pitiful danger of the Shadow Void is nothing to mention.

If necessary, Zuo Si wouldn't mind signing a contract with Emrakul at all.

Then send the only Eldrazi Titan with a self-concept derived from the hive consciousness, so that the Lord of the Void can taste what true despair is.

Thinking of this, he gently waved the cane named [Void Gaze].

In an instant, a huge shadow energy storm swept across the entire battlefield in the great plain below.

Countless demons of the Burning Legion were completely turned into nothingness under this blow, leaving not even the remains of their corpses.

As for Kil'jaeden on the side, he watched the entire show and did not make any aggressive move at all.

Because of Archimonde's demise and the sudden loss of contact with Argus, he understood that he could never be a match for the terrifying enemy in front of him.

The only thing that can be done now is to send a distress signal and wait for the arrival of the Dark Titan Sargeras.

Otherwise, any offensive or provocative action may have disastrous consequences.

You must know that Argus now does not have unlimited energy to resurrect all eredar, including Kil'jaeden, after death.

"Are you waiting for your master?"

Zuo Si asked the fraudster with a half-smile.

"Don't think that you can win this war by taking down Argus.

Sargeras, the Great Lord of the Legions, possesses power beyond your imagination.

Back then, he single-handedly attempted to destroy all members of the Titan Pantheon.

So as long as Lord Sargeras takes action, everything will be fine immediately. "

Kil'jaeden did not hesitate to move out his immediate boss, hoping to use the Dark Titan's name and record to scare the other party.

But Zuo Si couldn't help laughing immediately after hearing these remarks, and joked while laughing: "So you put all your hopes on the master you are loyal to, and you no longer have any means to turn defeat into victory. ?

But unfortunately, I have already met Sargeras.

If nothing else, he should be hiding in some unknown place now to repair his broken body.

After all, the power of Tong Zhao is no joke.

Even Sargeras, the most powerful Titan, would be unable to survive even one shot.

So don't expect him to arrive in time. "


Have you met Lord Sargeras?

And also hit him hard?

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

No one in the universe can defeat the great Dark Titan! "

Kil'jaeden first showed an expression of disbelief, and then began to roar hysterically, refusing to believe the authenticity of these words.

"Haha, facts speak louder than words. After you go back, you can contact your master for verification. I even doubt whether he still has the courage to appear in front of me..."

Before Zuo Si could finish his words, a huge fiery red figure suddenly covered the sky of the planet beneath his feet.

Then the red giant roared in an angry voice: "You said I don't have the courage to appear in front of you?

How arrogant!

Do you think that a mere explosion of energy beyond the limit can defeat me?

Now that you don't have that powerful artifact, I want to see what other methods you have to escape from my hands. "

Seeing the Lord of the Legion appear, Kil'jaeden suddenly became extremely excited and raised his head to admire the majestic figure of the Dark Titan.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

Because in the past, Sargeras' body was covered with many cracks that revealed the light of fire, but they were all the result of the overflow of huge evil energy.

But now the number of these divisions has increased at least ten times, and they are densely packed in every corner from head to toe.

In some places, the metal shell has even completely fallen off, and high-temperature evil flames comparable to the core of a star burst out from the inside.

Just being close will greatly affect the climate of the planet beneath your feet, and even cause large areas of land to dry up and become desertified in a very short period of time.

Is the Dark Titan really hurt?

And he was still seriously injured!

Kil'jaeden's expression suddenly changed when he noticed this.

"Oh? He is indeed the former defender of the Pantheon, the bravest and most powerful warrior among all the Titans. He actually dared to show up again after suffering such terrible injuries. But who told you that there is only one with the same sign? of?"

Zuo Si gently threw up the card in his hand, and it instantly turned into a broken bowl emitting golden light in mid-air.

Upon seeing this, Sargeras's flaming pupils suddenly dilated, and he subconsciously raised the huge flaming sword in front of him, his eyes full of nervousness and alertness.

As the saying goes, if you are bitten by a snake in one year, you will be afraid of well ropes in ten years.

He had just experienced the feeling of the same omen not long ago, and he had absolutely no doubt that this thing had the power to kill him.

It doesn't take much. If there is another explosion with the same power as before, the body will begin to collapse uncontrollably.

But Sargeras did not turn around and run away immediately. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you deliberately trying to scare me with fakes? How can there be more than one artifact with such power!"

"You'll know if it's a fake if you try it. But the question is, are you sure you want to try it? You know, once this thing starts charging, there's no way to stop it."

As he spoke, Zuo Si poured some energy into the bowl in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the broken bowl began to shine with dazzling light, exactly the same as before the same sign explosion.

Does Sargeras dare to gamble his life with a possibility that is only one-tenth or even lower?

The answer is obviously impossible, and I don’t dare to gamble.

Because Zuo Si was not an empty threat, but actually demonstrated the terrifying power of a simultaneous explosion.

You must know that a huge annihilation black hole has been formed centered on the completely destroyed star system, with a radius of tens of thousands of light years.

Similarly, Zuo Si did not dare to push the Dark Titan too hard.

The reason is very simple. The omen in his hand is just a low-quality fake that he tried to copy in private based on the knowledge and information he collected from the Karos Cave.

Only when it's charged it looks similar to the real Tong Zhao, but its power is nowhere near the same.

Whenever the energy is gathered to a certain level, it will explode beyond its endurance limit.

At best, it can only explode a planet for fun, or blow a hole in a creature like Titan.

It is far different from the genuine Tongzhao which can gather energy infinitely.

Therefore, the current situation could not be more aptly described as "beating a wolf with a hemp pole."

Sargeras was afraid of the power of the omen and did not dare to take action, while Zuo Si was holding a fake to scare people.

The two faced each other like this for several minutes. Finally, the former couldn't help but break the silence and asked: "What exactly do you want to do?"

“I want to restructure the order of this universe.

But out of respect for you and the Legion's strength, I think we can split the entire physical universe in two.

Half of it is ruled by the Burning Legion, and the other half is ruled by me.

That way we can have a truce and be in peace with each other.

And you can also take action to deal with those clowns who take advantage of the situation. What do you think? "

Zuo Si politely put forward a seemingly tempting "dividing the world into two" proposal.

Through this period of war, he has understood the size and scope of the physical universe, and understands that it is simply impossible to completely devour and occupy it with the strength he currently possesses.

What's more, without Tong Zhao as a trump card, if you want to defeat Sargeras, the strongest man in the universe, one-on-one, the success rate may not exceed 50%.

Zuo Si, who has always been cautious, usually only chooses to take action when the success rate exceeds 90%.

Therefore, he still needs time to prepare, digest the results of the victory, and transform them into strength.

The most important thing is that in the universe where Azeroth is located, the Burning Legion is not the only force.


Sargeras was obviously moved.

Because he needs time to recuperate, and even more time to create a new energy source for the Burning Legion.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, armistice. Let's draw a line with the planet Azeroth as the center of the universe. Half of it belongs to you, and the other side belongs to me."

"What about Azeroth? Who does it belong to?" Sargeras asked calmly.

“It doesn’t belong to either side, it’s a place that is up for grabs.

I will not close the open Legion portal on Mount Hyjal, but will keep it open.

As long as you have the ability, you can try to grab it at any time.

But the ugly words are ahead. I will not turn a blind eye to the Burning Legion's little actions just because of this armistice agreement.

At that time, we will each rely on our abilities to see who can get the strongest star soul that is still in the process of being gestated. "

After saying that, Zuo Si suddenly transformed into the form of a big devil and expanded to almost the same size as the Dark Titan, standing in the universe and slowly stretched out his right hand.

"make a deal!"

Sargeras also stretched out his right hand and held it tightly.

It can be seen from this action that he has acknowledged that Zuo Si in front of him has the same status and identity as himself.

As some historians say, war is always one of the quickest ways for both sides to learn about each other.

Only when both parties discover the strength of the other will they put aside their arrogance and arrogance and acknowledge the excellence of the other and establish an equal relationship with them.

With Sargeras' arrogance and arrogance, it is absolutely impossible to think highly of Zuo Si before tasting the taste of the same omen initiation.

But now, not only has he admitted it, he's chosen to shake hands as a friendly gesture.

In this way, the two enemies who were still fighting to the death ended the war in the next second and divided the entire physical universe with an armistice agreement.

As for the native life on the divided planet, they don't even have the slightest chance to express their opinions.

But both Zuo Si and Sargeras knew very well that this armistice agreement was only temporary.

After either side resolves its internal problems, the war will soon reignite again.

And this time it will be larger than before, and the winner will permanently become the master of the physical universe.

As for the loser, he will lose everything and become a fate worse than a slave.

After the negotiation, the two sides immediately divided their spheres of influence on the star map.

Zuo Si took his own star map and directly issued new attack directions and orders to the Demon Legion and New Phyrexia. By the way, he used the portal technology procured from the Burning Legion for free and built it in an orderly manner with the Dark Temple in the Outer Realm as the core. A huge portal network.

While he was busy establishing his rule, a visitor from the magical earth suddenly appeared out of thin air in a primitive wilderness of Faerûn.

He looks very old, with long white hair and a beard that hangs down to his belly. He wears a pair of glasses on his eyes, wears a gray robe, and wears a slightly weird hat on his head. hat and holding a small wooden stick about thirty centimeters long in his hand.

A beautiful phoenix was standing on the old man's shoulder and patrolling the surroundings vigilantly.

You don't need to ask to know that this is Albus Dumbledore who made all arrangements for his funeral and decided to have a great adventure before he died.

After all, as the principal of Hogwarts and a very important figure in the wizarding world, if he suddenly disappeared, it would trigger a series of serious consequences.

Therefore, even though he was already eager to give it a try after receiving the invitation letter, he still patiently confirmed the candidate for the next principal while paying close attention to the changes in the world of ordinary people.

It wasn't until it was finally confirmed that the shimmering oil would not lead to the demise of human civilization, nor was it some terrible scourge or conspiracy, that he relaxed and began to fade out of everyone's sight, saying goodbye to his old friends one by one.

Now, he will finally begin to write his legendary life in a new world, enjoying the joy, excitement and enjoyment brought by danger and the unknown.

Looking at the blue sky above his head and the dense forest around him, the old man couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Is this the other world that Soth mentioned to me? It seems to be no different from the earth..."

The words have not yet been spoken!

A piercing scream broke the silence.

Following the direction of the sound, Dumbledore saw a group of short creatures that looked a bit like wizarding goblins and house elves, waving rusty spears and swords and rushing towards the convoy that was driving slowly along the road.

Many humans wearing armor like bodyguards reacted immediately and quickly formed a tight battle formation.

In just half a minute, the two sides collided and started fighting.

Although those little monsters have no advantage in height or strength, they are very numerous, and they are very insidious and cunning, and are good at using the dense grass to hide and launch sneak attacks from behind.

Several human soldiers were seriously injured and fell to the ground under such an attack, and their blood quickly stained the ground red.

Due to the language barrier, Dumbledore had no idea what was going on.

Just when he was hesitating to help those humans, a guy holding a wooden staff and wearing animal skin suddenly emerged from the goblins. He raised his hands and began to chant unfamiliar spells.

After a while, magical energy began to gather in his hands, eventually forming a small flame that looked very inconspicuous.

After the human side observed this situation, they immediately showed panicked expressions, shouted and dispersed, some lying on the ground and some hiding behind the vehicles.

The next second...

The small flame flew out and caused a violent explosion.


The terrifying high-temperature flames directly ignited one of the carriages, and burned the people hiding nearby to charcoal alive.


Dumbledore's eyes shone slightly, and finally he could no longer hold back and walked towards the distant battlefield.

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