A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 644 The Principal’s Bizarre Adventure (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Damn it! This place is less than 30 kilometers away from Sellon. How come there are so many goblins? Doesn't it mean that the place ruled by Ms. Selul Anji is safe?"

Looking at the carriage destroyed by the fireball technique, a middle-aged man who looked to be about forty years old and slightly fat was cursing through gritted teeth while turning around and running back crazily, with a pained expression on his fat face.

Judging from his attire, he should be the leader or owner of this caravan.

Losing a carriage and its cargo would cost it at least hundreds or even thousands of gold coins.

If it is something of high value such as silk, spices, magic items, etc., this number will expand several times.

This is unmitigated bad news for any businessman.

However, in Faerûn, a world full of monsters, bandits, cults, and evil dragons, anyone who wants to go out for business must be mentally prepared to face various crises.

Therefore, although the merchant felt distressed when a carriage was set alight by the fireball spell, he did not order the surrounding mercenaries and employees to put out the fire and rescue the goods.

the reason is simple!

He cares more about his own life than the loss of money.

The top priority right now is not to reduce losses, but to ensure that the caravan can survive the goblin raid.

Especially the opponent also has a caster who can release the three-ring fireball technique.

This is an extremely terrifying and deadly threat to most teams without the ability to cast spells.

"Please, Sambia is currently fighting a civil war, how can there be an absolutely safe place.

Nobles and warlords in many places have begun to bribe and hire monsters such as orcs, gnolls, goblins, and ogres.

What's more, they will allow these guys to plunder towns and slaughter serfs who have been abandoned by their masters.

Maybe these goblins were funded by the nobles and wealthy merchants in the north to deliberately disrupt the trade routes.

In comparison, Ms. Seluer Anji's place is already pretty good.

At least she wouldn't just find any reason to confiscate merchants' goods, let alone those greedy officials and thieves' guilds who would exploit them at all levels.

If I were to vote for one person to be the King of Sambia, I would definitely vote for Ms. Selul Anji. "

A male warrior wearing chain mail next to the obese businessman rolled his eyes angrily, and raised his shield to help the former block the inferior arrows shot by the goblin.

Although every one of the guys who are still making a living in this country are vultures, they feed on war, killing and death, and occasionally act as bandits when necessary.

But this doesn't mean that they don't want a safe and stable place to settle their families, or to have a way out for themselves.

Therefore, compared to the oligarchs in the north who have long torn off their hypocritical masks and shown their cold and cruel side, the south of Sambia, which implements a high degree of centralization and dictatorship, is safer and more prosperous.

After all, Selul Anji is also one of Zuo Si's followers, so he will naturally receive some overt and covert funding from the West Coast Empire.

Moreover, with the Kingdom of Cormyr at its back, the sea routes are still open, allowing for various trade activities.

Both food and tax are guaranteed to a certain extent.

Although the life of civilians is not considered wealthy, at least the two basic survival requirements of safety and filling their stomachs are guaranteed.

This is why the northern oligarchs have executed large-scale executions of escaped serfs and slaves more than once, but they still cannot stop the countless fleeing lower-class people.

They really couldn't survive under the rule of northern oligarchs and warlords.

Many, even whole families, were packaged and sold to the red-robed mage in Sere and the slave merchants of Zhentil Castle, just in exchange for the most scarce food.

Because of the last food war launched by Zuo Si, the northern region of Sambia still has not recovered from the huge damage to the production structure even after such a long time.

On the contrary, because Seluer Anji in the south adopted a dictatorial rule, he confiscated a large amount of land from wealthy merchants and nobles and distributed it to serfs, forcing them to plant corresponding crops in accordance with the government's requirements, ensuring the most basic food, vegetables, and fruits. and meat supplies.

As a businessman who dared to take huge risks from the north of Sambia to come to the south to do business, Fatty certainly knew that what the mercenary captain beside him said was absolutely correct, but he still couldn't help complaining: "When signing the contract, we can It was agreed that you should ensure the safety of the caravan, but now a carriage has been burned down. You must kill that damn goblin spellcaster as soon as possible, otherwise I will lose money on this business if there is another fireball."

"Shut up! Are you still thinking about the goods at this time? Open your eyes and take a good look at how many goblins are here."

The mercenary captain unceremoniously pushed the businessman to the ground to prevent him from being hit by flying arrows and javelins, and then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Samuel! Get the hell out of that guy who can cast fireballs!" The goblin spellcaster! Let him do it again and all our commission this time will be ruined!"

"Boss, are you kidding me? Look at the shield-wielding guards around him. My arrows can't go in at all. What's more, he must be blessed with mage armor and protective arrows."

An archer hiding behind the carriage stabbed to death a goblin who came up for a sneak attack with the dagger he carried. His leather armor was covered with stinky blood, and he didn't dare to stick his head out at all.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows how "terrifying" the goblins' archery skills are.

It is estimated that even they themselves do not know where the arrows they shoot will fly. It is almost as good as the Brownian motion bombs launched by a large country in South Asia.

Are you afraid of arrows whose flight paths are completely unpredictable?

What's more, those rusty, blackened, and plaque-covered arrowheads are likely to have tetanus and other horrific "enchantment" effects.

Some people were stabbed by goblin arrows or spears. As a result, they started to have fever a few hours later, causing the wounds to become red, swollen and ulcerated, until they died painfully.

Curing this terrible symptom requires at least a three-ring magic or a bottle of disease-treating potion, which is simply not something that low-level adventurers and mercenaries can afford.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't let goblin casters continue to release fireballs, right? If this guy does it again, we can't expect to get the rest of the commission. Maybe we can escape alive. question."

The mercenary captain was obviously a little anxious. He stared at the goblin who had just cast the fireball spell and was groping for spell-casting materials in his pocket. All the nerves in his body were tense.

You must know that the team he leads is not an elite team. Except for himself, who is a mere LV3 warrior, the others do not even have professional ranks at all. At best, they can only be regarded as militiamen with a small amount of training.

If they relied on fortifications to fight, they might be able to repel goblins and kobolds that were several times or even ten times their number.

But there is no advantage at all in this kind of surprise battle.

The most important thing is that there are too many goblins, two to three hundred people.

"If it doesn't work out, just retreat. Save your life first. Anyway, these goblins must have come here to rob the goods. They shouldn't pursue them too far after getting what they want."

An old man who looked about thirty years old expressed his opinion.

After all, the commission for escorting the caravan this time was not high, and it was only three to five gold coins at most if it were divided among each person. How could you spend such a small amount of money?

When the businessman heard this, he immediately got up and screamed: "No! No! You can't do this! I will go bankrupt! And this is not what the contract says!"

"Idiot! Who cares about the contract at this time?"

The old fritter curled his lips disdainfully.

You must know that thirty years old can be considered a "longevity" in the mercenary industry, which has a very high mortality rate.

Most young people who rush in and want to make a name for themselves and make a career usually don't even survive the first four months to half a year before dying in a battle.

Therefore, guys like this who have been working for several years without dying have their own code of conduct and way of survival. They know when to fight hard and when to run away.

But now that the situation is clear, it's time to run away.

As for the credibility problem caused by abandoning the employer at a critical moment, the worst case scenario is that the team will change its name or be disbanded and reorganized in place to start over.

Only by ensuring your own survival can you continue to make money and enjoy wine and women.

It must be said that the words of the veteran immediately made the members of the mercenary team excited.

The captain stared at his employer with a frightening glare in his eyes, clearly intending to kill and silence him.

As long as the businessman is killed and the money he carries is taken away, he can naturally leave Sambia and live happily elsewhere for a while.

Anyway, the entire Faerûn continent is not peaceful at the moment.

Whether it is the revival of the northern elf kingdom Cormanthor, or the battle between Shade City and Zhentil Keep, which claims to be the successor of Netheril, or the sudden emergence of a large number of monsters in the Kingdom of Cormyr, and the sudden appearance of Muir in the east of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars. In the war between the Holland Empire and Unser, experienced mercenary groups are being recruited everywhere.

The only thing that is relatively peaceful is the West Coast Empire and the surrounding radiation range established through trade alliances.

As long as the war continues, they will never have to worry about food.

The businessman undoubtedly noticed the changes in these mercenaries, and he was immediately sweating profusely with fear, and every piece of fat on his body was trembling uncontrollably: "Don't... don't kill me! I swear in the name of the goddess of wealth that I will kill you when I arrive in Ser I will give you double the reward after Lun! No, not double but three or four times.”

"Sorry, Mr. Employer, it's too late. I feel now that instead of working hard to earn that pitiful commission, it would be better to just kill the money you got."

While he was talking, the mercenary captain smiled ferociously and swung the leaf hammer in his hand, intending to open the businessman's head.

Anyway, some goblins took the blame, and he wasn't worried about anyone accidentally finding him.

Even if the brainless paladin tried his best to find out the truth, the entire mercenary team had already left Sambia's sphere of influence.


Looking at the hammer above his head reflecting the dazzling silver light in the sunlight, the businessman's pants instantly became wet, and his face was full of fear and despair.

But at this critical moment, a loud bird call suddenly resounded through the sky, followed by a strange bird covered with fiery red feathers that suddenly flew through space and dived straight towards the position of the goblin caster.

Due to the speed, the surrounding shield-wielding guards had no time to react.

The goblin spellcaster quickly activated a magic pendant and instantly released dazzling magic missiles.

These small light groups composed entirely of force fields hit the strange bird one after another, but they had little effect, only knocking off a few feathers.

The next second...

The red strange bird directly grabbed the goblin caster and flew into the air. When it flew to a height of several hundred meters, it suddenly released its claws.

The latter fell to the ground with a bang and died after a few seconds of free fall.

Obviously, this goblin has not learned or prepared the [Feather Falling Technique], otherwise a falling situation like this would be nothing to a prepared arcane spell caster.

Just when everyone was shocked by this sudden change, Dumbledore finally appeared within their sight.

However, this centenarian man did not use his best magic spell, but activated a very inconspicuous small object, then pulled out the sharp sword hanging from his waist and rushed into the goblins to activate Wushuang. Mowing mode.

Countless goblins were helpless in front of the sharp sword in his hand, and were easily split in half on the spot, with blood and internal organs splattering and staining the ground red.

If Zuo Si were here, he would definitely recognize that the effect surrounding Dumbledore's body at this moment was the strengthening magic promoted by Hermione.

Due to changes in the spellcasting environment, spells on the magical earth simply do not work on the continent of Faerûn.

As a last resort, he could only use magic storage items that were made using part of this world's magic technology. With the help of enhanced magic, he could kill these little monsters that looked no different from bandits and save the humans around the convoy who were under attack. .

After all, the wizards who graduated from Gryffindor House at Hogwarts were all very reckless. Its founder also left a sword, so Dumbledore also learned and practiced swordsmanship when he was young.

Although it has not been used for decades, it is still no problem to bully goblins with the blessing of strengthening magic.

At this moment, the old man with gray hair and beard looked a bit like the "Sword Master of Middle-earth" Gandalf. Everywhere he passed were mutilated corpses, and even the agile goblin dogs couldn't get close.

Wherever the silver sword light flashes, enemies will inevitably fall.

As we all know, goblins have never been a courageous race.

When they witnessed the powerful spellcaster leader falling to death, the tribe's bravest warriors were killed one after another like little chickens. They immediately abandoned the convoy and fled screaming, leaving only a mess everywhere.

“Phew—these little monsters finally ran away.

Otherwise I won't be able to hold on anymore.

This kind of overly fierce battle is really hard for an old man of my age.

It seems that this world is much more wild and dangerous than I imagined.

And I have to find a place where I can learn magic as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome if I encounter more powerful monsters. "

Dumbledore shook off the blood on his sword and muttered something in a low voice.

There is no doubt that his appearance and the rout of the goblins stunned the mercenaries who originally planned to kill their employer.

In particular, the captain who raised the leaf hammer and planned to kill him froze on the spot, while the fat businessman showed an expression of ecstasy, struggled to get up and pounced directly on the old man who saved his life, using extremely fast The lingua franca narrates the situation in an attempt to seek refuge from the other.

It is a pity that Dumbledore did not understand the common language of Faerûn at all, and he did not know that the middle-aged fat man in front of him said a lot of things he wanted to express.

However, judging from the expressions of the mercenaries and the nervous reactions of both parties, it seems that internal conflicts broke out due to unknown reasons.

Because he didn't understand the situation, the old man couldn't make a judgment. He could only use gestures and movements to signal both sides not to conflict.

He did not realize at all that the biggest difference between Faerûn and the Magic Earth was that there were real gods here.

Therefore, those who believe in evil gods will not feel any guilt when killing people. Instead, they will think that they are practicing their teachings. Even if they are caught and killed, it will be a supreme honor.

Therefore, most of the devout followers of the evil god are a group of lunatics who are not afraid of death.

Law and order have no deterrent effect on them.

Anyone with some religious knowledge knows that the soul of a believer after death will be taken away to obtain eternal life in the kingdom of gods.

In the end, thanks to the mediation of the Hogwarts Sword Master who did not understand the language, the merchants and mercenaries calmed down at least and did not continue the fierce quarreling or even cursing, but they only maintained a superficial peace.

They had obviously realized that this powerful old man was most likely from another dimension.

This is so common in Faerûn, where travelers are everywhere, that it is not worth making a fuss about.

The businessman's plan was to first arrive at the nearest city, Serron, under the protection of Dumbledore, and then report the mercenaries' intention to murder their employer to the local law enforcement authorities.

The mercenaries were thinking of finding an opportunity to kill the fat man on the last thirty roads.

If they couldn't, they should run away before entering the city, otherwise they would be caught and hanged.

Under the surging undercurrent, the seemingly distant caravan quickly buried the dead, packed up the goods, and set off again.

But Dumbledore obviously didn't care about this. He was observing everything around him through his wise eyes, and then judged the general situation of the world and the overall level of civilization.

It didn't take long for him to realize from the weapons, armor, clothes, shoes and the dazzling array of goods on the carriages of the caravan members that the world might be in a state similar to that of the earth in the fourteenth century.

But the living standards of civilians are relatively better. Unlike the scrawny serfs in the Middle Ages, most people's physical condition and nutritional intake are pretty good.

The cargo even included exquisite glassware, pottery, herbs, weapons, armor, spices, and translucent spider silk clothing embroidered with beautiful patterns.

It was not until close to the 18th or 19th century that products like this became widely available on the planet.

The most important thing is that the old man didn't find many things related to magic in the convoy, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Fortunately, the destination of the caravan must be to sell the goods. As long as you follow these locals, you can go to the town, so Dumbledore patiently followed the convoy and moved forward slowly.

After about a few hours, it started to get dark, and the team stopped in a relatively empty place on the roadside and started cutting wood to make a fire for cooking.

Although it was already very close to the city of Serron, according to the fat businessman's idea, it was best to go through the city gate in one go and stay in a hotel in a safe city.

But the problem is that most cities in Faerûn will close their city gates at night to prevent enemies or monsters from using the cover of night to rush in and cause damage.

This means that even if the caravan arrives at Sellon, the defenders will not open the door to them. Instead, they will have to spend the night outside the city wall and wait for dawn before the city gate opens before they can enter.

Since they were destined to be unable to enter the city tonight, the fat businessman naturally had no need to urge the team to rush on a dangerous night.

After a while, the driver and the crew in the caravan lit a bonfire, set up the iron pot and started cooking soup.

As for the meat, it is basically air-dried sausage or pickled bacon and fish.

Add some dried mushrooms, onions, cabbage, carrots, and finally sprinkle with some thickened bread crumbs and cheese, and a pot of thick soup with Sambian flavor is ready.

In order to please his savior, the fat businessman personally filled a large bowl for Dumbledore and cut a large piece of white flour that was not very hard.


Dumbledore nodded and took the food with a smile, followed the example of others, soaked the bread in the soup, then put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Hmm - it tastes pretty good.

He commented from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, this so-called "good" is only for British people who have lived in food deserts for many years.

If it were Zuo Silai, he would definitely regard this pot of random stew as dark cuisine.

Especially throwing bread crumbs and cheese into the soup, he would not accept it under any circumstances, let alone take a sip.

After eating his share, Dumbledore sat in front of the campfire with his back against the wheel of the carriage and looked up at the stars.

Through the completely different positions of the stars in the sky and on the earth, he could finally be 100% sure that he had left his hometown and was in a completely unknown world.

The long-lost excitement and anticipation filled his brain, causing the old man not to feel sleepy at all.

In order to prevent the mercenaries from plotting against him, the fat businessman brought a bottle of fine wine to Dumbledore after dinner to get close to him.

After the two of them finished the bottle of wine, talking to each other in different languages, the businessman lay down on the ground next to him and pretended to fall asleep.

He knew very well that as long as he spent this last night safely, he would be completely out of danger.

So even though I was very tired and sleepy, I still didn't dare to really fall asleep, but forced myself to stay alert.

On the other side, the mercenaries also realized that tonight was the last chance to take action, so they made a ruthless plan to lure the old man away first, then kill their employer without stopping, steal all the money from him, and run away.

Soon, the thief in the team who was good at moving forward disappeared into the darkness, quietly took out a piece of something wrapped in layers of parchment, and threw it into the middle of the horses and livestock that were eating feed.


The horses, cows and other animals responsible for pulling the cart, which were very quiet a second ago, immediately let out uneasy roars, and at the same time, they began to struggle and scurry around as if they were frightened.

This undoubtedly caused the resting coachmen, merchants and clerks to not care about anything else, and all got up to appease the animals. The whole camp suddenly became a mess.

Even Dumbledore had to join in the pursuit of the livestock, and even sent the Phoenix Fawkes to fly high above the mountains to see where the horses that had run away were hiding.

"Hehe! It's really two gold coins per pack of dragon dung. The effect is really immediate."

The thief raised his lips and revealed a sinister smile.

Obviously, what he just threw was nothing else, but dragon excrement that could have a huge deterrent effect on other beasts.

Many adventurers like to buy a pack of dry supplies when heading into the wild.

As long as it is opened and placed around when camping and resting, generally speaking, no wild beasts or other animals will come close to it.

If this thing is thrown next to livestock, the timid horses will be frightened and go crazy, causing a huge commotion.

And this is exactly what the mercenaries want to achieve.

While everyone was busy chasing horses in the night, a dozen mercenaries quickly grabbed the lone businessman and covered the middle-aged fat man's mouth and nose, preventing him from making even a single utterance. cry for help.

After about a few minutes, they quietly left the camp and came to a river six or seven hundred meters away.

The leader of the team smiled ferociously and said to the businessman: "Dear Mr. Employer, do you think you can escape from us with that mysterious old man? Stop daydreaming! No one can save you today!"

"woo woo woo woo……"

The middle-aged fat man was obviously terrified and used all his strength to break free from the restraints of the other two mercenaries behind him.

But unfortunately, he was just an ordinary person and had not received any warrior or spell-casting training. No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail. He could only watch the leaf hammer raised high and smashed down on his head.

Just when blood was about to splatter, a rope suddenly flew from a distance and tied the mercenary captain from head to toe at lightning speed. The whole person fell straight in a strange posture. Fall to the ground.

Then Dumbledore's figure slowly walked out from behind a tree, sighing gloomily.

"Oh - I really didn't expect that I would encounter this situation on my first day in this world. Although I don't know what the grudges are between you, but isn't it a bit too much to murder a businessman like this?"

"What is he saying?"

A mercenary glanced at the captain who was bound by a magic rope, his face full of nervousness and alertness.

After all, just a few hours ago, he witnessed the terrifying scene of the other party mowing grass in the middle of a large group of goblins.

"Damn it! Don't ask me how I know. But I think it's best for us to spread out and run away. That way we'll have a greater chance of survival."

The other mercenary was also frightened and subconsciously began to retreat slowly.

"Asshole! Don't run! What will I do if you run away?"

The mercenary captain, who was tied up with magic ropes, showed unconcealable anxiety in his eyes.

It's a pity that no one wants to care about his life or death now.

As one of them yelled one, two, three, all the mercenaries present began to turn around and run away, disappearing into the vast night in three to five seconds.

Seeing this, Dumbledore smiled bitterly and shook his head, not bothering to chase after him, intending to untie the merchant.

But before he could reach out his hand, a scream suddenly came from the woods by the river.


Followed by the second, third, fourth...

After a while, the creepy dense woods made a rustling sound in the evening breeze, and then a huge creature covered with green scales finally appeared.

A slender body of more than seventeen meters, huge and strong wings, two bright emerald eyes like gems, thick limbs and claws, and a tail covered with spikes, all of these characteristics prove that This is a very dangerous green dragon in Faerûn.

A fire dragon from this world?

Dumbledore's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

If he retains all his spell-casting abilities, he certainly won't be afraid of a mere dragon.

But the problem is that due to the sudden change in the spell-casting environment, he simply cannot wave his wand to cast various powerful spells to manipulate his opponents at the palm of his hand like before.

Just when the old man began to recall the knowledge about dragons in his mind and planned to outwit the fire dragon, the green dragon suddenly began to chant a spell to bless himself with a spell, and then opened his mouth with a standard old London Zhengmi Ziqi accent. Greeting in English: "Hello, interesting mortal from another dimension."

"You can speak? And you speak English?"

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face.

Because on the magical earth, fire dragons have no intelligence at all, they are just ferocious beasts.

The only function is to provide wizards with various materials.

Especially dragon blood, which is used in many magic potions and alchemy.

The green dragon sneered and asked: "Why, don't dragons in the world you were born in speak? As for language, I'm just using a magic called tongues to automatically convert dragon language into words you can understand. It’s not that I learned the language.”

"Magic? That's it."

Dumbledore instantly realized how huge the gap between the dragons of Faerûn and the dragons of Magical Earth was.

Wisdom alone can throw away those fire dragons who completely succumb to instinct by dozens of streets.

Not to mention that the other party is also suspected of having very powerful spell-casting abilities.

Thinking of this, he immediately became interested and continued to ask: "Are all the dragons in this world like you? Not only do they have the same wisdom as humans, but they can also cast various spells?

If you don't mind, could you tell me what magic in this world is like?

What is its principle?

Ever since I came to this world, I have been vaguely aware of a kind of energy permeating the air around me.

Just don't know how exactly to use it. "

Obviously, Albus Dumbledore is a typical person with a very strong desire to find a job.

He later gave many people the appearance of having no desires and desires. In fact, this was because he had mastered almost all the secrets of the magical world, as well as black magic that ordinary wizards would never come into contact with throughout their lives.

Of all the evil spells that Voldemort is good at, Dumbledore can release more powerful and enhanced versions at any time if he is willing.

Therefore, having no desire or seeking does not mean that he has no desire for knowledge, but that there is not much knowledge and secrets for him to continue to study and explore.

But at this moment, the suppressed desire for knowledge swept through his body like a volcanic eruption with the appearance of this green dragon.




This different magical world is undoubtedly the great adventure that the old man has been looking forward to.

Although the green dragon's eyes revealed a kind of terrifying malice, he didn't care at all.

After all, how could a person who was not afraid of death be afraid of a mere evil dragon?

"I can answer all the questions you ask. But what do you want in exchange? You know that knowledge is never cheap, especially knowledge related to magic."

The green dragon raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a playful smile.

In fact, the goblins who robbed the caravan were his servants, and he planned to take advantage of the Sambian civil war to engage in robbery as a side business to increase his property.

But I thought that I encountered such an interesting thing.

Compared to other greedy evil dragons, the green dragon can be said to be relatively indifferent to money.

They prefer to collect some treasures that they think are valuable rather than piles of gold, silver, currency and gems.

"What do you want in exchange?"

Dumbledore probed cautiously.

Through observation, he found that the dragon had very obvious blood stains on its teeth and lips.

This also means that those mercenaries who fled into the woods just now were probably brutally eaten by the other party.

"It's very simple. Anything of value can be used as a bargaining chip in exchange, even you yourself."

A cunning glint flashed in the green dragon's eyes, and he lay on the ground in a slightly lazy posture to reduce the threat he posed.

Dumbledore quickly glanced at the items he carried with him, and finally took off a ring that could store spells from his hand and threw it away.

"Here, I think this should be enough in exchange for getting the answers to the three questions just now."

The green dragon instantly released a mage's hand to catch the ring steadily, and then placed it in the palm of his hand for identification.

It took about a minute before he commented: "A magic storage ring that uses some unknown technology?

Judging from the quality, it should be able to store five levels of spells, which is barely a good magic item.

Well, just answering some basic questions is enough. "

"Then start quickly, I can't wait."

Dumbledore urged, stroking the thick white beard on his chin.

Even when he was the principal of Hogwarts, he always gave people a sense of orderliness, calmness and calmness.

But in fact, when he was young, this man was an out-and-out angry young man with a violent temper. He even wanted to overthrow the existing order in the magic world through armed riots.

"No problem, let's start with the first question."

While playing with the magic storage ring, the green dragon began to tell about the birth and several changes of the magic network on the planet Toril, as well as the principles of arcane magic, and the general situation of this world.

"You mean that almost all spells in this world must be released through the magic network controlled by the goddess of magic?"

Dumbledore only felt that the heart in his chest that had been silent for many years began to beat violently.

Because he knew that there was not only more profound and powerful magic in this world, but also a god who controlled all magic.

The Grand Arcanist of Netheril could even usurp the authority belonging to the gods through magic, leading to the fall of the most powerful first-generation magic goddess.

The lost ancient magical civilization!

A god who is so high above that he can grant magical powers to mortal believers!

Demons, demons, angels and countless otherworldly creatures from the outer planes!

A dragon with wisdom and powerful spellcasting abilities!

The giants and elves who established a glorious civilization!

Such a shocking and wonderful world instantly inspired the old man's thirst for knowledge and desire for adventure.

Sitting in the principal's office to discipline all kinds of naughty students every day, and arguing with the school board and the Ministry of Magic, this is the life he yearns for.

The green dragon obviously noticed the reaction of this interesting human being, and nodded meaningfully: "That's right. In principle, all spells need to be released through the magic network. However, there are still very few exceptions. If you want to know this part Information, you need to pay additional chips.”

Dumbledore responded regretfully: "Let's forget it. I don't have a few magic items left in exchange for you. Last question, do you know Soth?"


The moment he heard the name, the green dragon suddenly stood up from the ground, exuding terrifying dragon power. He narrowed his eyes and asked: "Could the Soss you mentioned refer to the West Coast Empire?" The chosen one of the Emperor and the Goddess of Magic, right?”

"Emperor? Chosen people?"

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment.

Although he had long known that Zuo Si's identity in this world was definitely not simple.

But he never expected it to be so outrageous.

Through the conversation with the green dragon just now, the old man has learned what it means to be chosen, especially the chosen one by the goddess of magic.

They themselves are the nodes of the magic network, and they hold part of the power to control the magic network instead of the goddess.

No spellcaster would want to face the chosen one of the goddess of magic.

Because in front of the silver fire, most spells cannot even take effect normally.

"Damn it! You don't have any special relationship with Soth, do you?"

The green dragon was obviously aware of the seriousness of the problem, and his tone revealed unconcealable tension and fear.

"Maybe you won't believe it. I was the principal of a magic school he once attended."

As Dumbledore blurted out these words, the green dragon stood motionless as if he had been petrified.

After about a few minutes, he suddenly threw the ring in his hand like a hot potato like crazy, then spread his wings and wanted to fly away, quickly leaving this old man with an extremely dangerous identity.

Green Dragon simply couldn't imagine how Zuo Si would deal with him if he knew about this matter.

You must know that two dragon kings in Faerun have died directly or indirectly in Zuo Si's hands.

Moreover, any dragon that dares to cause trouble within the West Coast Empire, or attacks airships and ships loaded with valuable cargo, will inevitably die.

But just as he took off, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air.

Then a lich wearing a robe and exuding a biting chill appeared out of thin air and blocked the way without politeness.

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