A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 661: The Reincarnation of Hatred (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Late at night, on a small island not far from the coast of Azshara.

Dailin, the fleet commander of Kul Tiras, is gathering here with a group of captains, officers, and sailors.

In the open space near the beach, you can see densely lit bonfires, and people sitting around the bonfires eating, drinking, and chatting. From time to time, rude curses and laughter can be heard.

Apparently, they were resting here for the night after a day of patrolling along the coastline.

Although the hammock in the cabin is not impossible to sleep in, the dark, depressing space filled with various indescribable smells is obviously far less comfortable than camping on open land.

What's more, the body will definitely not be able to bear eating those pickled things while sailing at sea for a long time.

At this time, it is particularly important to go ashore and get some fresh meat, vegetables and fruits to improve your diet.

Therefore, Dai Lin would dock the fleet near the bay of the island every night, and let his men take turns to go ashore to relax and rest, so as to alleviate the mental and psychological impact of long years of boring sea life.

Of course, the most important reason why he dared to do this was that the orcs did not have any decent sea and air power at all.

Those low-quality fishing boats that looked like bathtubs, as well as airships hired from goblins, have all sunk to the bottom of the sea and become a paradise for fish.

The entire Azshara coastline is now completely in the hands of the Kul Tiras naval fleet.

Unless the enemy can grow wings and fly over, the wide sea is the best barrier.

At this moment, the alliance's most legendary fleet commander was sitting next to a huge bonfire, chewing on roasted seabirds shot by his men with muskets, and drinking his favorite liquor, his eyes filled with revenge. of pleasure.

Ever since his eldest son died in the hands of the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan, it had been a long time since he could feel that he was still a living person, rather than a numb walking corpse.

Especially when I saw those savage and bloodthirsty green-skinned monsters, after witnessing the death of their relatives and children, standing like crazy on the beach and furious at the battleships they could never reach, and then being blown up one by one by the naval guns. The sky full of minced meat made Dai Lin realize for the first time that orcs also have feelings, and they can also produce strong negative emotions such as pain and despair.

This discovery undoubtedly made him excited and ecstatic.

After all, the act of revenge itself is a kind of irrational and pure venting.

The more painful and desperate the retaliated party appears in this process, the more the avengers will gain satisfaction from it, and then feel in their hearts that fairness and justice have been upheld.

If the other party simply chooses to lie down without any reaction, the avenger will not only not be psychologically satisfied, but may feel boring and empty, or even give up on revenge halfway.

In short, the orc's reaction further stimulated Dai Lin.

At this moment, the legendary commander of the Alliance Navy had a huge appetite. He had just finished chewing a whole roasted seabird and threw the bones into the bonfire.

Although he is already quite old, his face and forehead are covered with the vicissitudes of time, and he even has a lot of gray hair, but his eyes are still as sharp as an osprey.

The strong muscles and thick joints of his body prove that he is still a formidable and powerful warrior.

Among them, a magic scimitar and two powerful revolvers customized by dwarf engineers are hung on the waist, allowing it not only to fight in close combat, but also to carry out long-range attacks.

Especially for the traditional project in naval battles - jumping gangs to seize ships, short guns like this can often play a huge role.

A single salvo after docking can kill or injure more than a quarter or more of the enemies gathered on the deck.

This can be seen from the fact that basically every sailor and soldier in the entire Kul Tiran fleet is wearing at least one short gun.

This is the result of the spread of revolvers that can be fired multiple times.

Prior to this, many people would even choose to equip more than four flintlock pistols in order to gain an advantage in gang-hopping battles, so that they could be drawn out at any time and fired at nearby opponents.

After filling her stomach, Dai Lin raised the wine bottle and drank all the remaining wine. Then she asked the adjutant beside her with a smile: "My friend, do you think those orcs relied solely on hunting and hunting after losing all their fishing boats? How long will food grown and collected last?”

The latter lowered his head and thought for a moment, then quickly replied: "I don't think it will exceed a month at most.

Because when they robbed Alliance ships from the Eastern Continent and crossed the Endless Sea to Kalimdor, they didn't have much food reserves.

It is estimated that after landing, they relied on hunting and robbing to obtain supplies.

This means that before settling down, the orcs were always in a state of running out of food at any time.

Although they later settled in Azshara and used the rich hunting grounds and fishing resources to obtain sufficient food, it did not last long.

It is quite difficult to last for a month after the coastline is blocked.

After all, compared to fishing, the food available for hunting is too limited.

As for the output of farming, it needs enough time to settle to remain stable.

And the orcs don't have that much time at all. "

"In other words, in a month at most, we can enjoy these beasts killing each other, right?"

While saying this, Dai Lin casually smashed the empty wine bottle onto the rocks in the distance, making a loud sound of broken glass.

"Yes, sir. Then we will be able to complete divine revenge for your son and the innocent civilians who died tragically at the hands of the orcs, and make these damn bastards disappear from our world forever."

The adjutant replied in the affirmative in a decisive tone.

Obviously, the reason why the Kul Tiras fleet has not chosen to land so far is not because they are afraid of a head-on battle with the orcs, but because they are waiting for the enemy to erupt in large-scale civil strife due to lack of food.

Until then, it would be the best time for them to go ashore and drive all the orcs away.

As a leader who has participated in two orc wars, Dai Lin knows how terrifying these violent monsters from the world of Draenor are on the front battlefield, so she will never take risks with these experienced naval officers. .

Because the navy in the era of sailing battleships had the highest technical content, required the longest time to train and cultivate, and was also the most expensive among all arms of the same era.

It takes at least several years or even more than ten years for Kul Tiras to cultivate an excellent sailor and ship commander.

During this period, they have to learn a large number of highly professional skills and knowledge, and sail with the ship as trainees to fight against pirates, naga, fishmen, sea monsters and other enemies.

A little carelessness can lead to death.

Therefore, every sailor and officer with sufficient experience is the most valuable asset.

As long as these people remain, the sea power of Kul Tiras will never decline.

Letting them fight the orcs is basically equivalent to exchanging high-level technicians for assembly line workers. It is simply a crime.

Dai Lin obviously knew this very well, so throughout his life, the battles were basically completed at sea.

Very few would choose to go ashore to fight the enemy desperately.

Even in landing operations, they often avoid the enemy's main force and use the speed of the fleet to attack the long coastline, making the opponent more and more tired as they continue to put out fires.

The decisive blow will not be launched until the target reveals its fatal weakness.

So even though Dai Lin's inner hatred for the orcs had already turned into some kind of strong paranoia, she did not lose her mind because of it.

Quite the opposite!

The closer he was to the goal of completely destroying the orcs, the more calm and cautious his brain became, fearing that his recklessness and impulsiveness would ruin a good situation.

Just as the naval commander squinted his eyes and stared at the calm sea in the distance and the ships docked in the bay, silently thinking about what strategies and actions to take next to further oppress the enemy, suddenly in the woods behind him There was a cry of terror, followed by many sailors and officers sitting around the campfire standing up and drawing swords or pistols.

Since the sky was completely dark at this time, it was impossible to see what was going on in the woods. I could only vaguely hear someone screaming, and there seemed to be a faint sound of fighting.

At first, Dai Lin thought he was being attacked by sporadic beasts, murlocs or naga, and didn't take it too seriously.

After all, it is so common for similar situations to occur on such an uninhabited desert island, and it is not worth making a fuss about.

Officers are quick to respond and organize people to neutralize the threat.

But after just a few minutes, he realized something was wrong.

Because everyone who enters the forest never comes out again.

The nearest bonfires were empty, and at least a hundred people had just mysteriously disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Dai Lin is, she understands that this is definitely not a sporadic accident, but a 100% premeditated attack.

So without saying a word, he immediately pulled out his beloved scimitar and led people straight towards the woods.

When he got a little closer, he immediately smelled a faint smell of blood.

An officer seemed to have discovered something, and quickly rushed to the middle of the bushes and pulled out a body from inside.


Everyone present involuntarily showed expressions of surprise and fear.

Because this corpse did not show any signs of being cut or stabbed by weapons, nor was it bitten or eaten by wild beasts. There were only two holes in the carotid artery in the neck, and the skin on the body could not be seen. He looked extremely pale and without a trace of blood.

After carefully examining the wound, the officer raised his head and said with a slightly trembling voice: "He died after being sucked out of blood by some kind of monster!"

"What? This is impossible! I have been wandering on the sea for so many years, and I have never heard of any beast or monster that only sucks blood but does not eat meat!" Another middle-aged man dressed as a captain retorted sharply.

"Idiot! Just because you don't know doesn't mean you don't! Look at this body. Isn't that obvious enough?"

The officer glared at the other person angrily.

Because he knew that the captain was not so much refuting himself as he was using this method to conceal the fear in his heart.

After all, the wild and primitive continent of Kalimdor is really strange to humans. It is full of unknowns, mysteries and dangers everywhere.

Especially in Azshara, which was the center of the first Well of Eternity explosion, you can see everywhere the magnificent ruins created by the upper elves through arcane magic, as well as the unknown animals and plants that mutated due to the impact of huge magical energy.

Not long ago, when the fleet first arrived in this sea area, it encountered giants that suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea, and multi-headed monsters with several heads.

If it hadn't been for the latest models of naval guns, several ships would have been severely damaged in the battle.

In addition, most people who have been sailing at sea for many years are somewhat superstitious. When encountering something they have never seen or cannot understand, their first subconscious reaction is to refuse to believe it.

"Damn it! So what should we do now? Go into the forest and search to see if anyone survives?"

Another captain stood up, with a solemn expression on his face.

Among the sailors who had just entered the forest and did not return, there were several people on his ship.

Seeing his subordinates looking at each other in confusion and not knowing what to do, Dai Lin didn't even say a word of nonsense. She simply said "Follow me" and then took the lead into the dense forest on the island.

Perhaps inspired by the bravery and fearlessness of the fleet's supreme commander, other officers and captains joined in.

After a while, a team of two to three hundred people was organized to find out what exactly attacked the camp, and to see if the missing survivors could be rescued.

But they didn't know that their every move was clearly visible to the blood-red eyes lurking in the darkness.

About ten minutes later, in a hidden cave in the forest, a blood orc knelt on one knee and reported: "Great Chief, those humans entered the forest regardless of what you expected. What's next? Is it time to catch them all in one fell swoop?"

"Don't worry, wait for them to go deeper. Remember, we only have one chance. Once we fail, it means that all our efforts will be in vain. So no matter what, we must capture Daelin Proudmoore or kill him. die."

Thrall said as he put on the dry black plate armor again.

Not far from him, several human corpses that had been drained of blood could be clearly seen.

You don't need to ask to know that in order to prevent being discovered, this group of orcs completely swam from the coastline of Azshara to the desert island.

This is not only a challenge to the physical limit, but also a gamble and adventure.

Once you encounter a sea giant, a multi-headed monster, a murloc, a naga or other ferocious marine creatures, the result will inevitably be heavy casualties or even the annihilation of the entire army.

But Thrall obviously has no choice and can only devote all his energy to this military adventure.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, at least we arrived at the island without any danger.

Moreover, a considerable number of human captives were captured and feasted through trapping, and now seven or eighty-eight of them have recovered.

There is no doubt that this approach has obviously deviated from his original concept of reaching reconciliation with mankind, and is rushing in another completely opposite direction.

Especially if the news about blood orcs feeding on humans spreads, it will inevitably cause an uproar, and the reputation will most likely become even more stinky than the trolls.

After all, trolls are native creatures after all, and their civilization history is as long as the entire Azeroth. They have also made huge sacrifices to protect the world.

But what about the orcs?

Not only are they invaders from another world and have committed numerous unforgivable crimes, but they are also minions controlled by the Burning Legion.

If you add the item of cannibalism, it can basically be regarded as a full stack of negative BUFFs.

It is estimated that the only one who can compete with them is the mortal enemy of all life, the Scourge commanded by the Lich King.

But there is no way.

At present, the orcs have been forced into a blind corner and have reached a critical moment of life and death.

Only by giving up some unnecessary things in exchange for the right to survive can we barely survive.

So Sal is equivalent to choosing the latter between ideal and reality.

After going through a series of inner struggles, he finally chose to abandon the moral bottom line he had always adhered to.

At this moment, the young warchief's eyes were glowing with a frightening red light, and his body no longer had the slightest aura that was incompatible with traditional orcs. Instead, he became more violent than most of his compatriots.

Even those who opposed him in the past had to admit that he was worthy of the status of tribal chief.

Time flies, and an hour passes quickly.

Induced by the clues deliberately left by the orcs, the team led by Dai Lin quickly passed through the dense forest and entered a dead valley.

Anyone with a little bit of military experience knows what it means to rush into a place like this, let alone a commander with outstanding military achievements.

So as expected, he ordered to stop, picked up the telescope and looked around carefully.

Unfortunately, the light of the torch obviously couldn't shine too far, so in the end I just looked lonely.

"Sir, do you want me to take a few people in first to test it out?"

The adjutant stood up at this critical moment and took the initiative to take on extremely dangerous tasks.

But before Dai Lin had time to answer, a spear suddenly flew over from an unknown place without any warning, and inserted into the former's body with a pop.

The sharp metal front end not only penetrated the chest, but also nailed the entire person to the ground.

Blood spurted out from the wound, and it was obvious that his heart was completely broken.

"No!!!! Pastor! Pastor, come here! He needs to be rescued!"

Dai Lin rushed over like crazy and tried to block the bleeding wound with her hands.

Unfortunately, before the priest in the team could get closer, more javelins were thrown one after another from unknown places.

The poor priest ran less than ten meters when he was stabbed by a javelin and fell to the ground dead.

There were at least twenty or thirty people with him.

"Enemy attack! We are under attack! Disperse and find cover!"

A captain finally reacted and shouted loudly to his companions around him.

Unfortunately, it's obviously too late.

I saw hundreds of tall and strong orc warriors rushing out of the darkness, rushing into the crowd at lightning speed and killing them.

In just one encounter, more than forty people were chopped to the ground.

The former's advantages in strength and physique are fully reflected.

Because the equipment of the sailors and soldiers of the Kul Tiran fleet is basically designed for naval battles, they have neither heavy and sturdy armor nor shields that can withstand violent impacts, so they will inevitably be at an absolute disadvantage once they are approached by the orcs.

Normally, they would form an array and rely on muskets and artillery to kill enemies from a distance.

But now this situation was a surprise attack. Many people were killed with sharp blades before they even had time to draw out their muskets, let alone being lined up to shoot.

Seeing these subordinates who had been following him for many years die one after another, Dai Lin completely fell into madness. He pulled out a special revolver, pointed it at the head of a blood orc and pulled the trigger.


As the gunpowder was activated, an orange-red flame flashed in the sight of the people around him, and the target's head exploded like a watermelon dropped to the ground, with blood, brains and skull torn apart.

There is no doubt that this bullet is definitely not as simple as an ordinary kinetic energy impact, but triggers a secondary explosion at the moment of impact.

In other words, the super bullet in the magazine, which is several times larger than a thumb, is actually designed according to the structure of a high-explosive artillery shell.

Rather than a pistol, it would be more appropriate to call it a hand cannon.

No flesh and blood body has any resistance in front of this thing.

Unless a hit on the limbs may result in disability, any hit anywhere on the body's torso will inevitably end in death.

"Go to hell! Dirty green beast!"

Dai Lin, who fell into a rage, was undoubtedly a very terrifying warrior. He first blocked the attack of another blood orc with a scimitar, and then the other hand holding a gun directly pressed against the opponent's chin, grinning and buckled again. Pull the trigger.

Without any surprise, this unlucky guy also followed in the footsteps of the former, and his head exploded on the spot.

In just a few seconds, seven or eight blood orcs fell at the feet of the Kul Tiran naval commander.

Most of them had their heads smashed with pistols or their hearts exploded instantly, and only one had his head chopped off with a machete.

Obviously, even the blood orcs with strong recovery capabilities would not be immune to wounds like this, which were all fatal in one blow.

After seeing how brave their leaders were, the rest of the human race began to use gunpowder weapons including firearms and grenades in close combat, regardless of the possibility of accidentally injuring friendly forces.

Especially those guys who have a blood feud with the orcs, they will even pull the fuse of the bomb before dying, jump directly to hug an enemy and refuse to let go, until the bomb makes a loud bang and blows both of them into pieces. Broken corpses.

The tragic scene even shocked and stunned the orcs, who were always fearless of death.

Because in their inherent impression, once human soldiers are disrupted by their close proximity, they usually cannot last long before collapsing.

But these guys in front of me are completely opposite.

After experiencing the chaos of the initial raid, not only did they not collapse, but they became more courageous as they fought, and even before they died, they had to drag someone with them to be buried with them.

The naked hatred in his eyes before he died made many orc warriors who pride themselves on being fearless feel fearful for the first time.

It was not any ordinary hostility or hatred at all, but the madness to drive out the entire race of orcs, no matter how high the price was.

They didn't understand or understand why they had left the eastern continent and settled in the primitive and desolate Kalimdor, but these humans were still chasing after them.

However, the power of will and hatred cannot reverse the disadvantage in strength.

After paying a certain amount of casualties, the orcs finally completed the annihilation of this human army.

Except for a few seriously injured officers, Dai Lin was the only one who could resist, but that was all.

Because he was facing none other than Varok Saurfang.

Obviously, it is impossible for Dailin, who is already old and weak, to defeat Saurfang, who is in his prime.

From the moment the latter joined the fight, he was constantly suppressed.

"Surrender, human. You are a brave warrior, and we are willing to give you the minimum respect." Saurfang stared at the panting old man in front of him and said.

But Dai Lin obviously didn't appreciate it, and spat directly in response: "Bah! Stop dreaming! I would rather die in battle than surrender to you filthy beasts!"

"Filthy beast?"

Saurfang frowned subconsciously after hearing this contemptuous and insulting title.

"That's right! You have stained this beautiful world like cancer and thick sores. What I want to do is to completely destroy you and ensure that there is no longer a living orc in Azeroth."

When saying these words, Dai Lin completely released the anger and hatred that had accumulated in her heart for many years, and did not care about her own life or death at all.

The intense and twisted hatred that rushed towards him was like a thorn, instantly piercing Saurfang's heart.

As one of the few orcs who has truly reflected, he is undoubtedly very aware of what the tribe has done in the past, as well as the general hatred that humans have after suffering huge casualties.

In his opinion, the best way to resolve this hatred is to stay away from humans and let time slowly heal everything.

Perhaps it won't take more than a few generations for the past hatred to be slowly forgotten, and reconciliation and coexistence finally achieved.

This is why Saurfang is willing to support Thrall across the Great Sea.

But what he never expected was that someone, driven by hatred, would take huge risks and chase across the sea to Kalimdor, just to completely destroy all the orcs.

Apart from this, the other party has no other requirements, let alone any interests.

You must know that before participating in this action, Saurfang and many orc warriors also had anger and hatred in their hearts.

Because the Kul Tiran fleet killed quite a lot of civilians, women, and children when they blocked the coastline and bombarded them indiscriminately.

He vowed to make the other party pay for it.

But now when they realized that these humans were seeking revenge for what the orcs had done, their anger and hatred quickly turned into deep shock.

Hatred is like a fateful cycle, constantly alternating between humans and orcs. Once it starts, it will never end.

After all, there are always some people who have lost too much and will go crazy and be eager to use all means to get revenge on the other party.

And those victims who have lost relatives and friends due to retaliation will also intensify their behavior driven by hatred and retaliate again.

Just when Saurfang was stunned and didn't know what to say, he suddenly felt a big hand pressing on his shoulder from behind.

He turned around quickly and saw Sal with a heavy face.

"The Great Chief..."

"I know what you are thinking, and I understand what this reincarnation of hatred means, but this is not an issue that should be considered now. We must survive first, and then we can be qualified to talk about the future."

After that, Thrall walked directly to Daelin, held the weapon in his hand tightly and asked: "Daelin Proudmoore, do you have any last words to say?"

"Hahahaha! Last words? That kind of thing doesn't matter anyway. Because I know that Jaina will take revenge on me soon. I will wait for you in another world!"

Dai Lin grinned wildly and laughed wildly, her laughter full of madness and relief.

"Farewell, Daelin Proudmoore."

Thrall suddenly raised his weapon and completed the execution of the legendary naval commander cleanly. The entire process took less than a tenth of a second and there was no hesitation at all.

Looking at the body lying in a pool of blood, he couldn't help but let out a long breath and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "I have made a choice to survive the current crisis.

The next thing to face is the serious consequences of killing the naval commander of Kul Tiras.

Not only Jaina, but also the Alliance and Night Elf allies behind her.

This is much scarier than the coastline being blocked.

I really don't know how long I can last in this gamble. "

"Chief, are you okay?"

Saurfang asked with concern.

Thrall smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a little unsure about the alliance's reaction after Dai Lin's death. You know, our current situation is not good, it can even be said to be quite bad."

"In that case, why don't you find some allies?

For example, those ogres who came to Azeroth from their hometown with us.

From what I've heard, they seem to be widely spread across Kalimdor.

If we can find a way to recruit some of them, we should be able to become a very good combat force.

In addition, I think those greedy goblins can also be exploited.

As long as they can bring enough benefits, they don't care about their camp or position.

What's more, for us who can't trade with other races at all, those gold, silver, gems and the like are of no use at all. "

Saurfang made several suggestions in one breath.

Unlike most people's impressions of just a powerful warrior and charismatic military commander, he is actually one of the few orcs who relies on his brains to make a living.

As early as the invasion war, he drank the blood of demons and participated in the initial invasion war as a member of the old tribe, and won everyone's recognition for his outstanding performance.

Later, as the chief's adjutant, he helped the tribe's senior leaders make suggestions and formulate various strategies and tactics.

Before Gul'dan launched his famous backstab, the battle plan he formulated could be said to have never failed.


Inspired, Sal's eyes flashed with surprise, and many ideas quickly popped up in his mind.

After all, the continent of Kalimdor is not just a race of night elves. There are also centaurs, quilboars, ogres, goblins, giants, trolls and other forces that can be attracted and exploited.

If they can be won over to the tribe, then there is no need to worry about the shortage of troops.

What's more, he can also use the power of the blood orcs to transform the other party's top management and make them loyal to him forever.

Thinking of this, Sal felt as if he had suddenly opened the door to a new world, and the previous tension and anxiety were instantly swept away.

He didn't realize at all that this was exactly what Zuo Si expected to see.

Nowadays, the tribe that only has the orcs and the Darkspear tribe trolls is too weak to hold up the banner of "villain".

But if some other races can be brought in, the situation will be different.

In particular, the large number of centaurs are basically equivalent to moving natural disasters in Kalimdor.

Basically, wherever they appear, it often means that the local native creatures will be annihilated.

Moreover, both orcs and centaurs belong to the typical nomadic tribe cultural circle, and the alliance between the two parties is a perfect match.

Just when Thrall was thinking about which aspect to start from, Dailin's dead soul had already passed through the portal and reached the ninth level of Baator Hell under the pull of some kind of force.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he found several of his men who had died in the previous battle in the dense flow of people with no end in sight.

Due to the rule that people always subconsciously want to find familiar people and objects in a strange environment, Dai Lin immediately waved and shouted to the other person.

Unfortunately, this place is too noisy. Even if you are more than ten meters away, you will not be able to hear what the other party is saying.

Ever since, Dai Lin left the queue and started running forward quickly.

But before he could run far away, a little devil who was on patrol immediately dropped from the sky and shouted in a very harsh voice: "Hey! Newcomer! I don't care where you come from, but everyone here must Observe order. Now go back and queue up, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.”

"You...what are you? Also, where is here?"

After staring at the little monster with horns on its head, wings on its back, and a long and pointed tail on the back of its butt for a long time, Dai Lin finally couldn't help but ask the question she was most concerned about.

He clearly remembered the process of his death, so he understood that he was currently in a state of soul.

And since I have been on the ship all year round, I have never heard of the so-called "beautiful afterlife" that the Church of the God of Contract is promoting, so I am completely confused about the situation.

"Ha! Another stupid and ignorant person from the main material plane!"

The little devil showed an expression of disdain for a moment, and then explained in an impatient tone: "Listen up, this is the ninth level of Baator Hell, the most prosperous, lively, and most able to satisfy all desires and enjoyments in the entire universe. The place.

The great Lord Soth is the legal lord of this plane, and is also the most important figure in Hell second only to Asmodeus.

As for me, I am a little devil responsible for maintaining order and preventing people like you from running around without following the rules.

Okay, this is the only answer I can give.

If you want to know more, wait until you get your legal status and go to the city to explore on your own. "

"Lord of Hell? Isn't Soth the God of Contract?"

Dai Lin was stunned.

Because he had already seen countless scary monsters ahead of him that looked like little devils and did not look like good people.

Especially the servant demon who is responsible for registering new souls. The petal-like tentacles on the lower body are really creepy.

However, although these monsters looked scary, they did not show any aggression. Instead, like the officials of Kul Tiras, they strictly followed a certain process.

At most, he may appear very impatient at times.

"The God of Contract?"

The little devil was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of realization.

"Ah! You can understand that this is one of Lord Soth's many titles.

After all, we devils are the most contract-abiding race in the universe.

It makes perfect sense for him to call himself the God of Contracts.

Okay, stop talking nonsense and get in line quickly.

If you can get a legal ID within two hours, you can enter the city and watch a Charming Sisters performance for free.

Believe me, any mortal will never forget that wonderful scene after seeing it once. "

At the end of the sentence, the little devil grinned with a very obscene smile.

Dai Lin, who often hung out with the sailors on the ship, naturally understood the other party's hint instantly. The corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily, and she followed the reincarnation back to the entrance to queue up again.

Although he was not very clear that he was dead and should be in the state of his soul now, when the beautiful woman without clothes appeared in his mind, he still had a very strong physiological reaction, as if he was suddenly back to the age of twenty. Feng Yingdie is at an age where she has left behind a lot of romantic debt, but she still feels that this seems pretty good.

At least the feeling is no different from when I was alive. I can still enjoy wine, food and women.

And this time there is no longer any worries, you can indulge as much as you want and feel the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the endless huge city in the distance.

To be honest, at this moment, Dai Lin not only did not feel sad because of death, but was full of expectations for the future life.

After all, there is no huge cyberpunk city with such advanced technology in Azeroth, nor are there so many seeds and people of all kinds.

With endless expectations, he finally got his legal identity certificate from the servant demon after queuing for a long time.

With this little card, you can get a small apartment of your own for free, enjoy six months of free food supply, and can enter various entertainment venues without tickets.

In short, there is no need to worry about life for a long time.

Dai Lin simply could not imagine how rich this city was that it would give such a great gift to all the souls who had just died and arrived here like herself.

Likewise, he was grateful that he could convert to the faith of the God of Contract in the last moments of his life.

Otherwise, we may be facing a different situation now...

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