A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 662 Welcome to the ninth level of Baator Hell, rookie (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscri

For most outsiders who arrive at the ninth level of Baator Hell for the first time, the first reaction is often to be overwhelmed and confused.

Because it's so big here.

High-rise buildings, often hundreds of meters tall, line both sides of the wide streets.

Colorful neon signs, magic projections that can look real, and large electronic advertising screens create an extremely dazzling scene, even reaching a very serious level of light pollution.

The main road is an astonishing eighty meters wide, and there are all kinds of vehicles running on it.

Among them, there are animal power from various animals, and there are also vehicles or mechanical structures driven by magic. However, the largest number are mechanical vehicles powered by burning oil, and rail public transportation systems that rely on huge power networks to operate. .

In addition, there are various magic ships, aircraft and creatures of all sizes with the ability to fly in the sky, and underground there is a subway as intricate as a spider web.

Because the road is too wide, it is obviously impossible to rely on traffic lights and other signs to facilitate pedestrians' passage.

Because any direct crossing of the road will cause terrible traffic jams.

So a large number of overpasses and underpasses became the only option.

And these places with terrible human traffic will naturally attract businessmen.

As a result, all kinds of strange shops naturally lined up along both sides of the passages and bridges.

Coupled with the public portals scattered across hundreds of important hubs in the city, as well as the private portals established with permission, the entire giant cyberpunk city becomes extremely three-dimensional and complex.

Although everything appears to be orderly under Hell's strong lawful tendency, even the flying units in the air are moving according to a certain height and trajectory, and there is no such thing as random flying.

Even local devils who want to fly and use teleportation magic must learn complex traffic rules at their own expense and obtain the corresponding licenses.

Otherwise, no one is allowed to fly or teleport freely within the city limits.

There is no way, who made the number of residents here reach an unimaginable level.

If they are allowed to fly and teleport randomly, the probability of serious accidents will definitely not be low, and it may even cause a chain reaction.

For example, if a dragon and a magic ship collide in mid-air and fall directly to the ground, there will definitely be casualties in the area hit.

If you happen to be in the middle of a downtown road, the vehicles will inevitably collide, and it will take a while just to deal with the scene.

What's even worse is that the traffic jam caused by the accident can last for more than ten kilometers in just a few minutes.

What's more, it is impossible for a lawful devil to allow the place he rules to be as messy as the enemy devil.

Standing in the middle of endless high-rise buildings, Dai Lin, who had just walked out of her small apartment, had already completed the transition from shock to numbness. She was stuffing free delicious food into her mouth and couldn't help but lament. : "Well, I think I may need some time to adapt to the world after death. Because compared to Azeroth, this place is too prosperous and advanced. And I have to find a way to find those who die with me. captains, officers and sailors."

Undoubtedly, due to the delay of queuing up again, by the time he received his ID card and entered the city, the people in front of him had long since disappeared.

At the beginning, Dai Lin thought that everyone would live in the same city and would meet again sooner or later, so she didn't take it seriously.

But he soon realized that the scale of the giant cyberpunk city was completely different from the Lordaeron, Stormwind City, Ironforge, Silvermoon City, and Boralus that he had previously understood.

What kind of fucking city is this? It's comparable to a super empire or even an entire continent.

Even taking the high-speed subway from one side to the other will take at least forty days.

What's even more terrible is that the city is still expanding and building day and night.

Most residents never have the opportunity to experience the city in its entirety and usually only move within a few hundred kilometers of their residence.

As for population…

Dai Lin didn't dare to count the dense series of zeros behind it.

Anyway, trying to accurately find two to three hundred people in a place like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The only thing that makes him feel lucky is that life and enjoyment here are much better than before. It also seems to be very safe. There should be no danger... right?

Just when Dai Lin stuffed the last burrito with large pieces of fried meat, vegetables and sauce into her mouth and was about to move around with satisfaction, she suddenly felt a beautiful woman covered in blood holding a staff. Jumped out of a fourth-floor window of one of the buildings.



With the sound of broken glass, the woman fell directly from a height of more than ten meters at an extremely fast speed.

With the physical fitness of ordinary people, there is a high probability that a person will break his leg if he falls from such a height.

But the other party was obviously prepared. When he was only one meter away from the hard stone road, he instantly released a spell.

Then her body was like a light feather, her falling speed suddenly slowed down, and she finally landed firmly on her feet.

Since the landing point was less than three meters away, Dai Lin could clearly see the other party's breathtakingly beautiful face, as well as the pride and cunning revealed in his eyes.

Although she was covered in blood, there was no trace of panic or fear in this woman.

"No! She jumped! Chase! Don't let this damn little bitch get away!"

A yugoloth poked his head out of a shattered window, snarling at his men like a madman.

In the blink of an eye, two strong tiefling men over two meters tall jumped down from above.

However, they did not use spells, but relied on pure physical strength to withstand the huge reaction force. After landing, they immediately waved their weapons to attack.

One of them used a double-edged giant axe, so when it was swung, it immediately produced strong airflow, so Dai Lin had to retreat quickly to dodge, otherwise if he was hit, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

The weapon used by the other person was a whip covered with thorns.

The blood stains and wounds on the woman's body were probably caused by this thing.

Weapons like these are usually used not for quick kills, but for better restraint and torture.

Faced with the siege of the two men, the woman not only did not show any timidity, but also very skillfully completed a six-ring protection magic [Repulsion Technique].


The powerful magical power caused the two tiefling warriors to retreat uncontrollably. They tried several times but could not get closer.

Just as she was about to turn around and continue running away, another of the Yugoroth demon's men had already leaped over her head, directly blocking the only way out.

Moreover, a demon elf mage also rushed over, his fingertips flashing with dazzling arcane aura, and he would release deadly spells at any time.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, a sinister and cold smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Yugroth demon. He grinned and revealed his sharp fangs and threatened fiercely: "Evelin! If you are wise, hand over your things! Otherwise, I guarantee that you will never be beaten today." There’s no way you’re going to get out of here alive.”

"Oh? Are you sure?"

The woman called Evelin raised her chin slightly and put on an air of arrogance, without any trace of the panic that would come with being at the end of the road.

"Of course! I've asked about it a long time ago. You have always been alone and never cooperated with any individual or force. This means that you don't have any helpers."

The yugoloth demon subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, his fierce eyes like a jackal staring at its prey.

Evelin responded with a contemptuous smile: "Yes, it is true that I live alone and never cooperate with any force. But you seem to have overlooked one point, that is, how do I survive crisis after crisis safely? "

The moment he heard these words, the expression of the Yggoloth demon suddenly changed, and he asked in a slightly trembling voice: "You...are you a customer of Fireline Rescue?"

Eveli laughed and replied: "Hahahaha!

Congratulations on your guess.

Not only am I a FireWire client, but I am one of the highest caliber.

If nothing else, they should be on their way now.

I just have to hold on a little longer and the rescue team will be here.

It’s not certain who will be able to leave alive by then. "

"Boss, if what she said is true, we will be in big trouble."

The demon elf mage clearly showed his timidity.

Not only him, but also several members had similar reactions.

Because although the name "Fireline Rescue" makes people feel like they are doing rescue work, in fact they are the most powerful and terrifying mercenary organization in the ninth level of Baator Hell.

Every member has at least a professional level of LV10, relevant professional knowledge and experience, and is truly the best among the best.

And each team is equipped with at least one divine spellcaster such as a priest or a druid to provide customers with various medical services at any time, including treatment, lifting curses, removing diseases, clearing negative levels, etc.

Even if the client is accidentally killed by the enemy, he can immediately get up.

In addition, the team will also have an arcane spellcasting profession such as a mage or warlock, a beholder, mind flayer, devil, demon and other otherworldly creature with powerful natural spell-like abilities, and a person who is good at stealth. thieves, rangers, and bards, and finally pure combatants such as warriors, barbarians, and weapon masters.

To sum it up simply, it is a high-end version of the enhanced combat team, which is enough to cope with various complex and dangerous situations.

Generally speaking, as long as a team is dispatched, it can be worthy of those legendary heroes who saved a certain city or a certain country in the material plane.

But there are at least hundreds of such teams in the "Fireline Rescue" organization, dedicated to providing the most critical and urgent rescue services to those customers who can afford big bucks.

If one team can't solve it, send two, three or even more.

No one knows where Fireline Rescue recruited so many people, and how it obtained the business license.

But what is certain is that within the scope of the huge cyberpunk city, the force they possess exceeds that of any other unofficial organization.

There is nothing more terrifying and despairing than chasing someone and suddenly discovering that they are a high-level client of "Fireline Rescue".

Because these guys will directly eliminate all targets that they think are threats in order to ensure the safety of their customers.

In other words, even if the yugoloth demon in front of him lets Evelin leave completely and swears not to pursue her anymore, there is a high probability that he will be killed by the arriving fire rescue team.

"What are we going to do now? Our employer has not disclosed this information to us before!"

The demon elf mage asked nervously while looking around with vigilance.

"Oh shit!

I knew there must be something wrong with such a high reward.

But now it's too late for us to retreat.

Stop talking nonsense and capture her before the fireline rescue team arrives.

At least there will be a bargaining chip then. "

Having said that, the yugoloth demon took the lead in entering the spell-casting concentration state, and it only took a few seconds to complete the spell at hand, directly dispelling the opponent's repulsion spell.

When the two tiefling warriors saw this, they rushed forward and continued to besiege Evelin without saying a word. Even the guys blocking the way back joined the battle group.

Because everyone knows that if they cannot capture this woman before the fireline rescue team arrives, the results will be catastrophic.

Only by capturing him can we have a chance to negotiate.

There is no doubt that it is obviously very difficult for one person to withstand the siege of four or five people at the same time.

Especially if there are two spellcasters on the opposing team.

So in less than a minute, Evelin was in danger of being forced.

Not only did he have several more scars on his body caused by being whipped with thorn whips, but the originally white and delicate skin on his back also turned dark under the burning of a certain flame spell, exuding a strong smell of barbecue.

Seeing that she might not be able to hold on until the arrival of the fireline rescue team, this brave woman suddenly noticed Dai Lin standing nearby and watching. She immediately looked at the enemy's attack gap and looked at this person who looked forty or fifty years old but was still full of charm. The old man winked.

"Hey! Honey, you look like a good warrior. Can you do me a little favor?"


As a melon-eater, Dai Lin pointed to her nose in confusion.

Although I have been watching the show for a long time and am very interested in the magic and martial arts used by both sides in the battle, after all, I am just here for the first time and I still don’t understand the situation yet.

But Evelin obviously no longer cared about so much, and said with a straightforward temptation: “As long as you help delay for a few minutes, I guarantee that not only can I give you a large sum of money as a reward afterwards, but I can also provide you with some special services in private. As a thank you.”

When she said the last few words, she deliberately pulled up the mage's robe, revealing a long white thigh at the side slit. The implication was self-evident.

As an old sailor who has been wandering at sea for many years, Dai Lin has never had much self-control in terms of female sex. He even had an illegitimate daughter with a high elf female mage in Quel'Thalas, so after seeing this After the scene, my heart suddenly changed.

After all, he is dead now and no longer needs to abide by the marriage vows he made while alive.

The most important thing is that he really wants to try whether his function can still be used.

What's more, the legendary naval commander of Kul Tiras has never been a lonely person, and is full of desire for adventure and excitement.

Just when he was about to agree, the yugoloth demon suddenly shouted to his tiefling warriors: "You! Kill that guy for me! Don't let him get involved and cause trouble!"


After the latter responded, he immediately turned around and struck Dai Lin hard with his axe.

Obviously, Evelin's little trick of dragging people into the water was successful.

She didn't expect Dai Lin to agree to help her, but simply used him as cannon fodder.

If this really capable guy can survive the attacks of these enemies, he can certainly fulfill his promise and even develop into a long-term partner or even lover.

But if you don't have strength, then your death will be in vain. It's good to buy yourself a few seconds of breathing space.

Facts have proved that that sentence is correct. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will use her own advantages to deceive and calculate.

Seeing that the bright ax was about to chop down her neck, Dai Lin dared not hesitate for even half a second. She immediately turned sideways and slashed the sharp ax close to her nose and chest, and immediately shouted : "If you ask me to help, you should provide a weapon at least. How can I fight with my bare hands?"

While talking, he successfully avoided the opponent's fierce attacks one after another.

Of course, this is mainly due to the heavy weight of the double-edged axe. As a result, the attack methods are basically straight forward, and it is almost impossible to change tricks midway.

In addition, Dai Lin has been drifting at sea all year round and is used to the shaking environment on the deck. Her colleagues are very good at fencing with enemies without using shields. Both her steps and movements are different from those who are used to fighting on stable ground. People are completely different.

The tiefling warrior was obviously not used to this weird action, so he was unable to defeat him with his bare hands in a short period of time, and instead was punched several times in the face.

"Here! Go on!"

Realizing that this stranger might be a master, Evelin immediately pulled out the long dagger she carried and threw it over.

Dai Lin instantly passed under the tiefling's crotch, firmly caught the handle of the dagger, felt the length and weight for a moment, and then said with a sinister smile: "Boy! You just had a great time chopping me, didn't you? Now it's my turn to teach you a lesson."

"Bah! Don't be complacent, I have mastered your movements. Next I will use this ax to split you in half from the middle."

The tiefling spat out a mouthful of bloody spit, with a fierce and bloodthirsty glint in his eyes.

Obviously, being hit in the face several times by a bare-handed man made him particularly annoyed.

Although these bruises may not even be considered minor injuries, they are really embarrassing.

"What are you waiting for there? Come here quickly!"

Dai Lin raised her fingers provocatively.


The tiefling warrior was undoubtedly completely irritated. All the muscles in his body tensed up instantly, and then he burst out with huge force. He was like a running bull and ran straight into it.

"Hahahaha! Well done!"

Dai Lin burst into excited laughter.

Because he originally thought that the world after death would be very dull and boring, and he would just have fun and dawdle all day long. He never expected that he would encounter such exciting things.

Compared to a comfortable life, this is what he really wants.

In a blink of an eye!

When the tiefling warrior rushed forward and swung the ax across, Dai Lin suddenly jumped up and let the ax pass under his feet. Then, before his opponent could stop the huge inertia of the weapon, he raised his hand in mid-air. The long dagger inside inserted into the opponent's jaw.


This blow penetrated directly through the brain, killing the tiefling warrior on the spot. He couldn't even let out a scream before being hit to the ground by the huge inertia of the axe.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

They never expected that a heavily armored warrior would die in such an insulting and ironic way, and they couldn't believe that Dai Lin dared to make such an outrageous attack in battle. .

You must know that in traditional warrior training, the first rule is that unless you have the ability to fly, it is best not to let your feet leave the ground casually.

That means that for a second or two after you take off, you are completely a target floating in the air and unable to move.

Once used by an experienced enemy, it will 100% be severely injured or even killed.

Therefore, the more experienced and cautious a warrior is, the less likely he is to use abilities such as jumping.

But Dai Lin is obviously different.

When he was fighting gangs on the ship, jumping was one of the most frequently used techniques.

As a result, there was a cognitive difference between the two, which resulted in his unexpected attack method directly killing the opponent who might have been able to defeat him even if he had to exhaust his energy.

"Ah! My dear! You really gave me a huge surprise! Now...I'm starting to look forward to the little stories that will happen between you and me in a warm and comfortable room after everything is done."

Evelin's eyes were shining and she blew a kiss to Dai Lin.

"Me too!"

The latter looked at this woman who exuded an aura of danger and temptation from her feet, legs, buttocks, waist, chest, neck, and finally her face with the eyes of a standard pervert.

And he noticed that there seemed to be a slender tail hidden in the other party's robe with slits on the side.

There is no doubt that Evelin's figure and face are quite satisfactory to the legendary naval commander.

Especially the tail, which adds a different kind of emotion out of thin air.

Coupled with his cunning and dangerous character, he immediately aroused the male desire to conquer in his heart.

Moreover, the dead bodies on the ground and the blood gushing from the wounds also made him question his current true state.

Because judging from the dead state of the corpse, it should be a living life, not an incorporeal soul.

While sailing around, Dai Lin once saw souls who were trapped in a shipwreck and could not be freed. The state of these ghosts was completely different from her own.

He felt that the current state was not so much a soul as a body reshaped by some indescribable force.

This also means that one can also be killed.

And the second death will mean the complete disappearance of body and soul.

If you are an ordinary person, you will naturally cherish everything that is hard-won, try to stay away from danger and find a way to live safely forever.

But Dai Lin's reaction was quite the opposite.

He felt that since the great God had given him a second life, he should not live up to it. Instead, he should continue the adventure he loved most during his lifetime and enjoy the excitement and trembling brought by the brush with death.

"Asshole! How dare you kill my people!"

The yugoloth demon was obviously about to go crazy. He raised his hand and unleashed an instant lightning spell.

Due to the speed, Dai Lin had no time to dodge. He immediately stopped the thick electric beam from passing through his chest, and his whole body was violently pulled out uncontrollably.

Although he was different from other reincarnated souls in that he had completely retained the memories of his life, the reshaped body was obviously not as good as the original body, so the severe pain and numbness made him kneel on the ground with a plop and open his mouth. Desperately trying to breathe.

On the other side, the demon elf mage successfully caught Evelin's gap and successfully hit the three-ring necromantic magic [Exhaustion Ray].

After being attacked, the woman felt that her body was extremely heavy. Even the wooden staff in her hand seemed to be made of lead. As a result, her reaction speed was several times slower. The thief who attacked from behind stabbed her directly with a dagger. After entering the lower back, a kidney was destroyed on the spot, and black blood flowed out from the wound.

Obviously, the dagger was quenched with poison, and it was also a deadly poison with a magical curse.

After only a second or two, her mind began to drift into a trance, and a large number of hallucinations appeared in front of her eyes that were difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Damn! It was almost!"

Evelin bit her lower lip hard until it bled to force herself to stay awake, then activated a Stoneskin scroll and pressed her back against the wall.

The yugoloth demon was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted to his men: "Come on! Don't be afraid! She can't survive!"

Upon hearing this, the tiefling warrior holding a long whip immediately rushed forward, swung the whip and knocked the dangerous staff out of the woman's hand.

Just when he was about to take the opponent's neck further and capture him, he suddenly noticed that the light was suddenly blocked by something.

Out of a subconscious first reaction, everyone in the room raised their heads and looked up, and saw a glimmering oil aircraft unique to the ninth level.

Before he could realize what was happening, a circle of thick and long cans suddenly began to rotate and make a harsh buzzing sound.

The next second...

Dazzling firelight spurted out of the jar!

The poor tiefling warrior was shot hundreds of times in less than a second, and his entire body exploded into a cloud of blood and meat paste at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Evelin, who was the closest, was basically dyed red all over her body.

But instead of seeing fear or nausea, she quickly relaxed and braced herself, laughing and scolding: "You bastards are here. I thought I might have to answer this time."

"Haha! Sorry, there was a little accident on the way so I was delayed for a few minutes.

But don't worry, you are our highest-level VIP customer, and you can enjoy the resurrection service even if you die.

Even if no body parts can be found, the headquarters will prepare a wish-making spell.

Of course, all this is for an additional fee.

After all, only by living can we enjoy everything this great city has to offer us, right? "

With a relaxed tone, a heavily armed lust demon took the lead from the aircraft, spread out its black wings and swooped down, and directly slashed the yugoloth demon's neck with the sword in his hand at lightning speed.

In an instant, the latter's head and neck separated, and then the headless body fell straight to the ground.

But this is not the end.

I saw the lust demon take out a weapon from his waist that was almost the same as his height and as thick as an arm, aimed directly at the assassin who wanted to turn around and escape, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

boom! ! ! ! !

I saw a cone-shaped solid ejected from the tube, and during the flight, two electronic mechanical eyes with red light sprouted from the front end, and it laughed hysterically like a madman.

"Ahahaha! The target has been locked! Little cutie, you can't run away. Come on, let me give you a warm hug of 5,000 degrees Celsius."


The running assassin obviously recognized this weapon and understood that his stealth skills were of no use at all at this time. His eyes revealed fear and despair.

In just the blink of an eye, he was caught up, followed by a violent explosion.

The terrifying high-temperature flames directly enveloped everything within a ten-meter radius around him and his body.

After all this disappeared, everyone saw that the assassin had almost completely disappeared, leaving only a few black carbides remaining in place.

As for the demon elf mage, he recognized the situation early and chose to surrender rather than resist and be killed.

From appearance to end, it only took less than thirteen seconds.

The Fire Rescue Team once again proved their worth with their strength.

The priest in the team immediately stepped forward to detoxify and treat the patient. The whole process was so smooth and smooth that one could feel the beauty of efficiency.

"Let's go. I'll take you back to the headquarters first. It's safer there."

The desire demon helped Evelin up and walked towards the entrance of the aircraft.

But before he had taken a few steps, the latter stopped and pointed at Dai Lin, who was electrocuted to the point of unconsciousness, and said, "Wait! Take him with you too. If it weren't for this guy's help, I might not be able to wait for you to arrive."

"Are you sure? You must know that he is not our customer, so all services will be charged separately."

The desire demon raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked.

She obviously couldn't believe that this woman who was a loner and never cooperated with others would actually spend a large amount of money on a strange man for the first time.

After all, in this huge cyberpunk city where money is everything, nothing is truly free.

If there is, then the price it has secretly marked must be suffocatingly high.

"Fireline Rescue" specializes in providing emergency rescue services to those rich and powerful people to earn a lot of commissions. The medical treatment alone is thirty times the price of ordinary magic and medicine.

Yes, you heard that right, thirty times.

Because this is different from going to the temple to receive ordinary medical services, but saving the lives of clients in crisis, and the situations and levels of danger that need to be faced are also different.

Evelin obviously hesitated, but finally nodded: “Yes, I’m sure, bring this man with you.

I think he was definitely not an ordinary person during his lifetime.

Otherwise, most souls will often have a period of adaptation after they have just completed their reincarnation.

But he seems to have completely retained all the fighting skills and memories he had during his lifetime. "

"So this is considered a venture capital investment? Or are you attracted to him and ready to develop an intimate relationship with him?" The Demon of Desire teased with a smile.

"Hmph! Why, are you jealous?"

Evelin rolled her eyes angrily.

From the way they spoke, it was easy to tell that the two of them were already very familiar with each other.

"No, I just want to remind you to be careful. After all, your actions this time have angered many big shots."

After saying this, Yumo quickly told the other members of the team to take them away and retreat.

As a member of the devil, she could immediately identify the mark in Dai Lin's soul that belonged to the Prince of Hell Zuo Si, so it was clear that this was a soul that was targeted by the top devils and must have some special use.

But the problem is that she doesn't dare to say it explicitly for fear of ruining the lord's secret plan, so she can only give implicit hints in disguise.

After all, there are not many big customers who are so stable and never default on their fees.

If possible, the desire demon hopes that Evelin can live as long as possible.

In this way, a group of people quickly entered the interior of the aircraft, then took off and started flying according to the designated aerial route given on the electronic screen.

After about a few minutes, Dai Lin, who had received treatment, slowly woke up from her semi-coma state.

When he saw the technological devices around him, the heavily armed rescue team, and the spectacular night view of the huge cyberpunk city below the glass window, he was shocked to the point of being speechless.

After a full minute, he looked away and asked in an uncertain tone: "Are we flying in the sky?"

"Yes. The scenery is beautiful, isn't it? If I guessed correctly, you should have been here not long ago, right?" The Desire Demon probed with interest.

"Well, I just came today.

To be honest, as a world of the dead, this place is a bit too colorful.

Although I may have come into contact with less than one ten thousandth of it, I can already feel the vitality.

I think I fell in love with this city. "

Dai Lin made no secret of her excitement and ecstasy.

When the desire demon heard these words, he couldn't help laughing loudly, and while laughing, he danced and cheered: "That's right! Who wouldn't like this city created by the great Lord Soth?

He understands even better than mortals the underlying longings that exist deep within every human being.

So this is both a city of desires and a city of dreams.

You can find everything you want here.

Welcome to the ninth level of Baator Hell, rookie.

I think you should be able to adapt to life here quickly.

After all, not just anyone can kill a heavily armed tiefling warrior with a dagger in one-on-one combat on their first day there.

I can see you have potential.

If you are interested, consider coming to Fireline Rescue for training and becoming one of us. "

"Hey! He's mine! Please don't poach someone in front of me, okay?"

Evelin, who was sitting in the front seat, turned her head sharply and gave the lust demon a fierce look.

But the latter merely responded with a meaningful smile.

There is no doubt that this noisy feeling brings Dai Lin back to the time when she was sailing around on the boat.

He likes this kind of fireworks, and he also likes all kinds of strange beauties of different races here.

For example, the lust demon with black wings and beautiful appearance in front of him made him a little bit ready to move.

However, considering her current situation, Dai Lin decisively chose to shut up and did not get involved in the intrigue between the two women.

Fortunately, neither Desire nor Evelin meant to dwell too much on this topic.

After a while the conversation shifted to work.

"What did you steal this time that actually triggered so many chain reactions?

You must know that people who want to kill you are almost lining up now.

The reason we were delayed when we came was because we encountered another group of guys who wanted to kill you.

If you continue at this intensity, your membership fees will definitely increase. "

The desire demon asked the question that interested him most with great interest.

"Sorry, this is a business secret. I can't disclose it to anyone. Anyway, just remember that no matter how much the security fee increases, I will pay it in full."

After saying that, Evelin subconsciously touched the small magic memory hidden in her chest.

Obviously, this was the thing that caused her death.

As the technological level of Shuoyou continues to rise, various electronic devices have become indispensable necessities in the huge cyberpunk city.

Even mages are accustomed to using memory and mobile terminals as substitutes for spell books, so important data and information will naturally become valuable commodities, thus spawning an industrial chain surrounding this technology.

And Evelin is the gray part of this industry chain.

By stealing high-value data, she has made a name for herself in the city, and many people will pay high prices to hire her to serve them.

But if you do this kind of thing too much, you will inevitably accumulate more and more enemies.

This is why Evelyn pays huge fees to Fire Rescue.

"Okay, then just keep it a secret slowly. I bet you will pay the price for your risky behavior one day."

After saying that, the desire demon ignored Evelin and closed her eyes to rest her mind.

As for Dai Lin, she was staring at the various weapons equipped by the team members throughout the whole process, from high-tech firearms to traditional enchanted swords.

In short, everything here made him feel fresh and curious.

Occasionally, I will look out the window to enjoy the magnificent and dazzling night view of the city.

Especially when passing by the Grand Arena, a purgatory red dragon was dueling. The astonishingly powerful dragon's breath could feel the blazing temperature even from a long distance away.

Dai Lin felt her heartbeat speeding up a lot, wishing she could replace him and complete the feat of slaying the dragon under the spotlight.

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