A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 663 As long as I’m not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed (please subscribe to this 10,

There is no doubt that life in the huge cyberpunk city on the ninth level of Baator Hell made Dailin feel unprecedented excitement and excitement.

Because everything here is full of freshness for him.

Various races that have never been seen before, all kinds of strange products, unheard of professions, and arcane magic, divine magic and spell-like abilities can be seen everywhere...

You must know that in the human world of Azeroth, although magic is not a rare thing, it is absolutely impossible to appear frequently in the daily lives of civilians.

But here, any roadside vendor can use some simple magic tricks to create gorgeous visual effects to attract customers.

Those alien creatures, including demons, have many innate spell-like abilities.

Occasionally, efreets can be seen selling the wish-making spells they can grant to mortals.

Some creatures with very powerful regenerative abilities will dig out some of their own organs that can be used as spellcasting materials and sell them to mages and warlocks.

As for recreational drugs and meat skin businesses, they are all over the streets.

In short, in the huge cyberpunk city, it seems that everything can be traded as long as it is "voluntary", and there is no need to worry about the constraints of ethics and morals.

To be precise, there is no so-called moral restraint here at all, and you can just follow the principle that there is no prohibition by law.

This has led to the birth of a large number of gray industrial chains in some unclear areas.

Large monopoly consortiums, gangs, killers and mercenary forces are intertwined, forming part of a huge urban ecology.

Fire Rescue Squad was born out of a desperate need for safety among those with money in the industry.

For those who have been living in the gray area for a long time, many of them will even choose to replace their original flesh and blood hands and feet with stronger and more powerful shimmering oil mechanical prostheses in order to strengthen their own strength. Others will undergo genetic modification to become humanoid. monster.

There are also a lot of people who can see through invisible units and have electronic eyes with automatic tracking and exploration functions by gouging out one eye and transplanting it.

Even the most conservative people will inevitably equip themselves with some equipment that can improve their combat effectiveness as long as they are doing the job of licking blood from the edge of a knife.

After roughly understanding the situation in the giant cyberpunk city and having a hearty battle with Evelin, Dai Lin decisively chose to accept the woman's invitation to become her partner, mainly engaged in reception and escort work.

Because he knew that people like himself, who were full of restlessness in their bones, could not truly live a peaceful life like ordinary people.

But what the former legendary naval commander of the Alliance didn't know was how huge a chain reaction his death had triggered in Azeroth.

Especially after Gianna learned the news of her father's death, her whole body was instantly overwhelmed by a huge wave of sadness, anger and hatred, and she even fell into a brief coma for several hours.

At this moment, she was almost in the same state as when Theramore was blown up in the original timeline.

Not only did her long golden hair, which was originally as beautiful as brocade, appear to have a lot of white strands, but there was no trace of innocence and cheerfulness in her eyes anymore, only hatred for the orcs, especially Warchief Thrall.

You must know that before this incident happened, Jaina still had a certain sympathy for the orcs and felt that they should be given a chance to change their ways.

But now, she just felt that all orcs must die.

"Oh - look at it, child. I believe your father would not want to see his daughter become like this." Kane Bloodhoof sighed helplessly and comforted in a low voice.

The tauren chief did not understand why the wise and calm Thrall suddenly made such a crazy move.

Doesn't he understand how bad the situation of the orcs is now, and doesn't he know that the night elves and the Alliance are planning to send troops together to make the orcs pay for the crimes they committed?

At this time, killing Dai Lin, the commander of the Kul Tiran navy and the hero of the alliance, would not only intensify conflicts and accumulate more hatred, but it would not do any good at all in resolving the crisis.

Even if Dailin took the initiative to find trouble and blocked Azshara's coastline to prevent the orcs from fishing, the tribe should choose to be patient as much as possible, or choose to capture him alive for negotiation and negotiation.

"Thank you for your concern and kindness, Chief. But now I want to be alone."

When she said these words, Jaina's face was extremely pale, and her whole body was exuding a biting chill. This was a sign that the frost magic was about to explode due to the violent emotional fluctuations.

Although the aura she exudes is extremely cold and terrifying, her appearance feels even more beautiful and moving.

Especially affected by frost magic, the bloodless pale skin appears as crystal clear as glass, like a lifelike ice sculpture.

Seeing this situation, Kane Bloodhoof could not continue to persuade him. He could only turn around and leave with heavy steps, and he even closed the door very considerately.

As soon as he left, Jaina turned her gaze to the dark corner of the room and asked in a slightly decadent voice: "Sos, are you there? I need you now more than ever."


Zuo Si's phantom suddenly descended from the sky and appeared in this room where the temperature was extremely low and even frozen in some places.

I saw that he first looked up and down at the state of this "filial daughter" at the moment, and then asked calmly: "Are you still feeling sad and angry about the death of your father Dai Lin at the hands of the orcs?"

"Shouldn't it be right?"

Jaina clenched her fists with both hands and took a deep breath before asking.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly and explained: "No, I mean you don't actually need to be so sad.

Because this is Dai Lin's own choice.

He had long been fed up with the torture caused by the loss of his son, and longed to be freed from this cycle of hatred.

What's more, death means to him the ability to put down all heavy burdens and start over. "

"New beginning?"

Jaina obviously didn't understand the meaning of these words, and her eyebrows suddenly knitted together.

"That's right.

Remember the posthumous promise I made to all my believers?

Including your father, the souls of all those who died in that battle have now arrived in the country I rule and started a new life in another way.

So death is sometimes not a bad thing.

Especially when he can no longer get happiness from life and is left with only pain and suffering.

If you wish, I can show you a little bit about Dai Lin's state in another world.

However, this is only for a glance, and no conversation or communication can be carried out.

Because it is not a good thing for the dead to reconnect with their living relatives and friends. "

After saying that, Zuo Si looked into Jaina's eyes and waited for the other party to give a clear answer.

Because it means a choice related to the ownership of the soul.

Once Jaina chooses to watch, it means that her soul will inevitably become Zuo Si's property.

After all, after witnessing the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the huge cyberpunk city on the ninth level of hell, it is difficult for anyone to refuse to live in such a place after death.

Not to mention there are relatives there waiting for him to be reunited.

But if Jaina can resist looking at it, then she may be able to resist this huge temptation and even achieve immortality through powerful magical power in the future.

"Show me."

After being silent for a long time, Jaina finally chose to find out.

On the one hand, he has a strong curiosity about the world after death, and on the other hand, he really wants to know his father's condition.

Although in the original timeline, she was too naive to believe Thrall's peace promise on behalf of the orcs, and ultimately betrayed her father.

And for a long time afterwards, I believed that this was a sacrifice for the overall situation, until a loud bang from Theramore completely shattered all false illusions.

But this does not mean that the relationship and relationship between father and daughter are not good.

You must know that Jaina took half of Kul Tiras' ships across the Endless Sea without notifying her father.

From this alone, we can see how much Dai Lin trusts and dotes on her daughter.

But the funny thing is that Jaina believed in Thrall so much, but in exchange, Thrall gave up his job in advance, and passed the position of warchief of the tribe to the bloodthirsty and belligerent Garrosh, which led to a series of conflicts and even wars. intensified.

And Thrall just watched helplessly as his successors continued to provoke wars, turning close allies who once stood by him at critical moments and saved the tribe into unrelenting enemies.

After the tragedy happened, Jaina vowed to destroy Orgrimmar as revenge, and then he remembered to stop it.

This is also the reason why many people have never liked or even quite dislike Thrall.

Not only does he like to play double standards (he pretended not to know when Theramore was bombed, and then came out after Orgrimmar was flooded to emphasize that Garrosh, as the warchief, cannot represent the Horde, why did he go there earlier), but he is also insidious. He cunningly deceived the young and ignorant Gianna to serve as the leader. Afterwards, he still failed to fulfill the promise given and directly abdicated to evade responsibility.

You must know that when Jaina allowed the orcs to enter Theramore, she did not let Thrall and others kill her father.

They just hoped that they could defeat Dai Lin and capture him, and then he would step in to quell the war.

But Thrall knew very well that the hatred between the orcs and Dai Lin could not be resolved at all, so he took advantage of the situation and directly chose to kill him, and then falsely said nonsense like "he is a warrior".

That is to say, Jaina had just experienced the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and all she could think about was how to unite the local forces of Azeroth to fight against the Burning Legion and the Scourge.

Otherwise, just try it with a king like Varian Wrynn whose homeland was destroyed by orcs and countless innocent civilians were massacred.

I'm afraid that he is not going to join forces with Dai Lin to drive out the orcs who have just gained a foothold.

If Thrall had told Jaina from the beginning that the purpose of his trip was to kill Dailin, the latter would definitely have turned against him on the spot and given him a super powerful enhanced version of the Ice Arrow.

So Thrall is essentially a camp leader who is very good at using the kindness and morality of others to achieve his own goals.

During the alliance with Jaina, it was even required that when any ship was attacked by murlocs, naga and pirates, the other party must be nearby to provide support.

Even thinking about it, he knew that he just wanted to use Theramore's powerful navy to escort the tribe's ships.

Theramore, which inherited part of the Kul Tiran fleet, still needed the support of the orcs who didn't even know whether they had shipbuilding capabilities at the time?

What a joke!

This is just an excuse made up to take advantage of the situation.

Thrall has never been a good person, but because he received human education and grew up, he is more civilized than most of the savage, bloodthirsty and cruel orcs.

But now, due to Zuo Si's intervention, Thrall has not been able to successfully bring the orcs ashore, let alone have the opportunity to fight side by side with Jaina to establish a so-called "friendship". Naturally, it is impossible to come close to taking advantage of this extremely naive and politically naive library. Princess of Altiras.

Now with Dai Lin's death, the future relationship between the two may only be filled with deep hatred that cannot be resolved.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a trace of unnoticeable amusement. He quickly used his authority to find Dai Lin's location on the ninth floor of Baator Hell, and then used magical illusions to find Dai Lin's current location. The environment and actions are instantly projected.

The next second...

Two naked men and women suddenly appeared out of thin air, hugging each other tightly and engaging in extremely fierce physical combat.

Among them, the man knew without asking that it was Dai Lin who had been dead for some time, and the woman was his close partner and lover.

The two guys obviously had some scars left during the fight, and even a few wounds were bleeding. They would show pain expressions from time to time during the strenuous exercise, but the strong stimulation would soon turn into mental excitement.

There is no doubt that this scene instantly dumbfounded Jaina, and a blush of shyness and embarrassment quickly appeared on her originally crystal clear pale face.

You must know that the intimacy between her and Alsace has never been so intense.

Furthermore, the princess of Kul Tiras could not believe in her dreams that her father, who usually had a stern and solemn expression, actually had such a wild and indulgent side.

No wonder my mother always said privately that her husband was a charming heartthrob when he was young.

Before, Gianna always thought that her mother said this because of her love for her father.

But now, looking at the strange beauty with a satisfied face in the projection, she suddenly realized that her mother might be right.

"Ahem... I think we may have disturbed you at the wrong time."

Zuo Si coughed violently in embarrassment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

He obviously didn't expect Dai Lin to be so fierce. He had already adapted to life in the huge cyberpunk city just a few days after arriving in Baator Hell.

Especially when it comes to venting desires and pleasure.

Moreover, it is not difficult to tell from the weapons and equipment placed on the cabinet nearby and the serious injuries that this guy's job is definitely not the kind of office worker who works from nine to five every day.

But Jaina bit her lower lip and responded: "No, I think this situation best shows my father's life in the afterlife. And... they seem to be ending soon."

"Well, if that's what you want, I'll grant it."

Zuo Si immediately stopped the action of ending the projection.

It has to be said that watching an action movie with a young woman with whom he is far from a close relationship is definitely the first time in his colorful life experience.

Especially when the male protagonist is the other person’s father.

Fortunately, Zuo Si had already understood the shameless essence of "as long as I am not embarrassed, you will be the one who is embarrassed."

So he not only acted very calmly, but also admired the changes in the expression on Gianna's face with great interest, which made the latter obviously a little emotional and even wanted to get into bed and hide.

But the problem is that this request was made by Gianna, and she is also very curious about what kind of state her father is in now, so she can only hold back her shyness and annoyance and continue to stare at the unsightly scene in front of her.

It took a full ten minutes for the battle to finally come to an end.

The two exhausted men and women obviously didn't realize that they were live broadcasting. They hugged and kissed without any image. Then they went into the bathroom to wash off the sweat and other unknown liquids on their bodies. When they came out, they had already put on their clothes. Bathrobe.

I saw Evelin first smoothing her wet hair with a charming movement, and then took out a heavy bag of gold coins directly from the leather bag on the bedside table and threw it to Dai Lin.

After catching it, the latter opened it and took a look, and asked with surprise: "Why are there so many this time?"

"Of course it's to reward your recent performance. It's been a long time since a man has made me feel so satisfied."

After saying that, Evelin winked and deliberately bit the end of the slender tail behind her with her teeth.

This move instantly caused Dai Lin, who had just turned off the engine, to react again.

But he did not immediately assist with the actual action, but half-jokingly joked: "Although I am very happy that you said this, the money should be enough for you to go to the best service place in the city and call ten strong and handsome men. .So please tell me what happened to this money, otherwise I won’t accept it.”

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be quite principled.

But don’t worry, you deserve your share.

Do you remember the last time I was hunted down?

Now the employer who hired me has confirmed that they received what they wanted.

Not only did he generously cash out the reward in full, but he also added an additional bonus. "

When she mentioned this matter, a proud look suddenly appeared on Evelin's face.

Because this incident has greatly increased her reputation in the industry, many employers have begun to take the initiative to increase the price of employment.

"I see. Then I will accept it without mercy."

Realizing that she deserved her share, Dai Lin immediately put it in an inconspicuous old rucksack with peace of mind.

He obviously already knew that if he wanted to do something in this city, he would definitely not be able to do it without money.

"What are you going to do with the money?"

Evelin's eyes flashed with curiosity.

Dai Lin replied without thinking: "Of course we are going to buy some necessary weapons, equipment and transportation.

I have already spotted several items in the shops near my residence that can be of great help in battle, but I just couldn't afford them because I didn't have the money before.

Now that I have some change, I naturally want to do some shopping.

And I also plan to buy a scooter for transportation.

Because the feeling of speed is simply awesome, and you can’t stop just after trying it once. "

"Oh? Are you actually buying weapons and equipment? I thought you would go to those entertainment venues to vent your anger first. You know, few people can refuse the various temptations provided by this city."

Evelin was obviously very surprised.

After all, in her impression, most warriors were under the influence of hormones far beyond those of ordinary people, making it difficult for them to maintain restraint in terms of diet and lust.

Generally speaking, after getting paid, the first thing to do is to spend money and go to those luxurious entertainment venues to enjoy.

Only a very small number of people who are smart and rational enough will choose to maintain and update weapons and equipment first and make longer-term plans.

"Buying weapons and equipment now is just for better enjoyment in the future. After all, it is easier to work if you have someone who can take advantage of it, right?" Dai Lin explained with a smile.

And he had another reason that he didn't say, that is, since there is a free one now, why bother spending money?

"well said!

I am now more and more convinced that you can definitely make a name for yourself in this city.

I hope our cooperation can continue like this.

You must know that it is not easy to find a principled and reliable partner these days. "

Evelin was obviously very satisfied with the behavior of her new lover, and immediately stepped forward to give him a passionate kiss, then quickly got dressed and left the room alone.

Dai Lin lay on the bed and rested for a while, then left the room and went to the bustling street.

Through his vision, Jaina finally saw a corner of the huge cyberpunk city. She was dazzled by the towering skyscrapers, colorful neon lights, electronic screens and magic projection billboards.

Especially the extremely fast and constant flow of vehicles and aircraft on the road gave her a strong sense of unreality as she had never seen such a fast vehicle before.

But Dai Lin was obviously used to it. She quickly walked into a shop selling vehicles, bargained with the seller and bought a motorcycle with wide tires and a streamlined design.

After about a few minutes, he rode up with the free windshield and started racing along the spacious road at a high speed with the roar of the engine. His hair was blown back.

Due to the speed, Jaina saw that the scenery on both sides of the road was blurry.

As for why you don’t wear a helmet, of course it’s useless even if you do.

Because the driving speed of the motorcycles here basically reaches more than 150 kilometers per hour.

Under the strong inertia generated by this speed, even wearing a full-body anti-pressure protective suit, let alone a helmet, is of no use.

It is better to rely on this kind of protection than to rely on your own body to be strong and resistant.

At least for a demon of the level of the Needle Demon, even if it hits a wall at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, it will be seriously injured at best, and it will not really die at all.

Therefore, anyone who dares to ride a scooter must either have enough confidence in their own vitality and physical strength, or have set up a trigger spell to teleport away directly when in danger, or simply pursue this kind of brush with death every day. stimulation.

Dai Lin obviously belongs to the third type.

He rode his car at high speed for about forty minutes, and finally stopped at a shop with a sign of guns and swords crossed in front of a shield and went in.

After saying hello to the store owner, I started walking along the shelves to pick out what I needed.

When he came out, he was already fully armed.

Except for a large scimitar with frost enchantment effect, all the others are various types of long guns and short cannons, as well as grenades and bombs with different effects.

After purchasing weapons and equipment, Dai Lin went to a store just a few steps away from her apartment to have a sumptuous meal, then went to the Grand Arena to watch today's racing and dueling performances, and finally reluctantly He returned to the apartment and lay down to rest.

When the legendary naval commander let out a deafening snore, Zuo Si canceled the magic projection and asked with a half-smile: "How is it? You should understand what I just said now, right?"

Jaina nodded slightly with a self-deprecating smile: "Yes, I understand.

Seeing my father's current state, I feel that he has been freed from pain and torture.

Because since his brother died in the battle, he has never smiled in front of his family, and he is immersed in hatred of the orcs every day and cannot extricate himself.

But death apparently made him let go of everything and embrace a new life.

To be honest, I even felt a little envious after seeing all this.

If the world after death is really so beautiful, what is the meaning of living? "

Zuo Si replied meaningfully: "Life is life, and it has no special meaning in my opinion.

If we have to find an answer, it depends on everyone's position and values.

Some people believe that the pursuit and mastery of power is the entire meaning of life.

Therefore, the most extreme exceptions do not even love money, are not lustful, and do not seek benefits for their families and future generations. They live a boring life like an ascetic every day, just to be able to firmly hold power in their own hands until death comes. Even when I was there, I still refused to let go.

Some people believe that the pursuit of knowledge and truth is the meaning of life.

Because this is the only channel to reveal the laws and mysteries of all things.

Others pursue wealth, beauty, strength, fairness, justice, balance, etc.

No matter whether others approve it or not, as long as it makes sense to you, there is no need to get too entangled.

Also, when I show you these pictures, I don’t want you to become negative about life.

Just the opposite!

There is huge untapped potential in your soul. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si stretched out his finger and poked the heart of Jaina's chest.


A thoughtful expression appeared on Jaina's face, followed by a slight sigh.

"Well - maybe you are right, I really shouldn't be so negative.

Also, thank you for showing life after my father's death.

This makes me feel better, at least I don't feel sad anymore.

If you don't mind, can you allow me to become your believer and go to that world after death?

This way I can be reunited with my father. "

"Of course no problem. It would be an honor to have the faith and soul of a beautiful lady like you."

Zuo Si politely took the other person's hand and kissed the back of the hand that was crystal clear and piercingly cold.


Jaina seemed to be stimulated by something, and she couldn't help but shudder, and at the same time, she felt some strange emotions in her heart.

Combined with the exciting action dramas they had watched together before, she thought it was the budding love caused by her subconscious desire, and hurriedly said thank you to cover it up.

As everyone knows, Zuo Si's hand-kissing ceremony actually marked his soul.

That kind of indescribable throbbing is actually the natural awe, worship and obedience of the devil who has obtained ownership of his own soul.

And this situation will intensify as time goes by, until it completely turns into a slave who obeys orders.

"What are you going to do next? Attack the orcs to avenge your father?" Zuo Si asked casually.

Since he had obtained the other party's soul, he was obviously in a particularly comfortable mood at the moment.

Gianna replied without hesitation: "That's right.

Thrall and his Horde must pay for killing my father.

It won't be long before I join the coalition and march toward Azshara to honor my father with the blood of the orcs.

By the way, let them understand what it means to be stained with the blood of the Proudmoore family. "

"Very well, then let's do it.

If you can bring Thrall's head back, I'll give you some special rewards.

Finally, I wish you a good dream today,

You must know that long-term rest is a taboo for a mage.

Good night, daughter of the sea. "

With that said, Zuo Si bent down and kissed Jaina on the forehead, and then quickly turned into bubbles that filled the sky and disappeared without a trace.

The latter closed his eyes and seemed to be reminiscing about something. After a while, he opened them again. He walked straight to the window and opened it, letting the night wind blow to support his white nightgown and face. The biting frost energy has disappeared, and the pale face has gradually returned to rosy.

After about ten minutes, she closed the window again, picked up the doll placed on the bedside like a little girl, got into bed, and entered her dream.

It was easy to tell from the slightly raised corners of her mouth that she must have had a pretty good dream.

At the same time, in the far north of Northrend, Arthas and Kel'Thuzad had just arrived at the Icecrown Glacier, the location of the Frozen Throne.

However, what they never expected was that they were not received by the Lich King himself, but by representatives of the Devil Legion stationed here.

"Are you Arthas and Kel'Thuzad?"

The Hell Fiend rubbed his chin and stared at the two high-level undead in front of him with interest.

"Yes, we are."

Kel'Thuzad, as always, showed that those who understand the current situation are the best.

One of his greatest strengths is that he never bites the bullet and holds on when the situation is unfavorable to his own side. Instead, he bows his head when he should, and surrenders when he should.

In comparison, the arrogant Alsace was much inferior, with the word "dissatisfaction" written all over his pale, dead face.

However, he also knew that the current situation was much more serious than imagined, so he remained silent from beginning to end, instead of using his eloquence of sarcastic remarks that could drive people to death.

It's a pity that the most dutiful son of Lordaeron doesn't know that all the devils in hell are masters of observing words and emotions.

Especially when promoted to the level of Hell Fiend, everyone has basically gone through cruel screening and elimination.

Not to mention the hard conditions such as strength, intelligence and emotional intelligence, it is impossible to climb up if there is even a little bit of luck.

Therefore, the Hell Fiend has long seen Arthas's mental state, and also knows that the reason why Kel'Thuzad behaved so humbly is actually secretly planning to kill or even expel him, and regain control of the Frozen Throne. right.

But he didn't care at all.

What a joke!

You must know that there are thousands of hell legions stationed on Mount Hyjal, and even the lord Soss to whom he is loyal is also on this planet.

Not to mention a small Death Knight plus a Lich, even the entire Scourge Legion together wouldn't be enough to fill the gap.

Therefore, the Hell Fiend was not afraid of any small tricks from the other side, and declared bluntly: "From today on, you belong to my subordinates. Clean up immediately, and I will lead you to participate in a glorious bloody battle later."

"bloody battle?"

Kel'Thuzad suddenly had a bad premonition and subconsciously raised his head to look at the tall and muscular red devil.

"Yes. It was the largest and longest war in our universe, and it was a manifestation of the opposition between the forces of order and chaos. Believe me, you will enjoy the bloody battle."

The Hell Fiend grinned with a malicious smile.

You don't need to ask to know that he completely regards the Scourge Legion as cannon fodder on the front line of the bloody battle, intending to consume the number of these guys in order to better control them.

Likewise, he was also executing Zuo Si's order, wanting to see what would happen to these high-level undead after they were freed from the influence of the Helm of Command.

To put it simply, it is to forcibly weaken the influence of the death forces on Azeroth, directly bankrupting Warden Zoval's plan, and then forcing Denathrius to come forward to cooperate with him.

As for whether Arthas and Kel'Thuzad could survive the brutal bloody battle on the front line, that was beyond Zuo Si's consideration.

Maybe it would be better to die.

You can just pull out the soul and make some interesting gadgets.

As his understanding of the soul becomes deeper and deeper, coupled with the collection of Titan knowledge and technology, Zuo Si already has powerful enough ability to create things.

If in the past he could only use the ability of the "Creator" profession to shape some mortal objects, now he has the ability to create things such as demigods, evil beings, and ancient evil objects.

The thoughtful Kel'Thuzad undoubtedly realized that he was about to be thrown to the front line as cannon fodder, and he quickly whispered a test: "Can we meet with the Lich King before we leave? You must know what is going on in our minds. It’s been a long time since I heard his voice.”

"There is no need. The Lich King is doing a very important thing. All you have to do is obey the order and take care of your job. Also, you are not allowed to bargain with me in the future."

The Hell Fiend simply rejected the Archlich's request.

The reason is also very simple.

The current Lich King is indeed not suitable for meeting people.

To be precise, the huge ice block had been cut open, and the famous Helm of Command was in Zuo Si's hand.

Ner'zhul's soul was imprisoned in a gem.

"Interesting, really interesting. This thing is much more complicated than I imagined. It was created through the power of some rules."

At this moment, Zuo Si was sitting on the Frozen Throne, looking at the slightly ugly silver metal helmet with interest, and listening to the whispers coming from inside.


"Submit to my will!"

"Your mission is to obey the orders I give you!"

"Kill all living things! Let death spread across Azeroth!"

But unfortunately, these voices that the Lich King couldn't resist had no effect at all on Zuo Si.

Ner'zhul stared at this scene in shock, completely unable to believe that the other party had successfully resisted the powerful master from the world of death without any effort.

"Tell me, old orc, have you ever seen the true owner of this helmet?"

Zuo Si asked bluntly.

"No. I've never seen him, I just hear his voice all the time."

Ner'zhul carefully gave the answer.

This was obviously pretty much what Zuo Si expected.

After all, Ner'zhul was captured by Kil'jaeden directly after tearing apart the world of Draenor and entering the portal. His soul was tortured at the hands of the Burning Legion, and was then sealed and thrown into the ice of the Helm of Dominance. To Azeroth.

He had no chance to go to the Shadow Realm to see the warden.

After confirming this, Zuo Si asked again: "Then do you know the source of your power, and what are the consequences of killing life and constantly transforming undead?"

Ner'zhul thought for a moment, and replied with the same bitter look: "I'm very sorry, I don't know. I just subconsciously want to get more and stronger subordinates to protect myself. You can also see that I am half dead now. How fragile he looks."

“Pfft hahaha!

So you started those so-called plans without knowing anything?

No wonder Gul'dan looked down on you from beginning to end.

I think you are a complete loser and idiot.

This assessment is so apt.

You think you are one of the rare wise men among the orcs, able to give correct guidance to your race.

But in fact, it was because of you that the orcs gradually became the minions of the Burning Legion.

What's even more ridiculous is that after going through so much, you didn't reflect on your mistakes and failures at all and learn from them, and you actually used these powers of unknown origin unscrupulously. "

Zuo Si laughed and humiliated the first-generation Lich King nakedly and unabashedly.

Not only that, he also took out the Skull of Gul'dan that he carried with him, intending to release Gul'dan's soul inside to reminisce about the past.

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