A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 216】The Igo Came, And The Wu Brothers And Sisters Broke In!

"One punch kills instantly, the death time does not exceed fifteen minutes, only the most essential parts are taken away?"

"It seems that the person who killed the demon snake didn't care about the leftover meat at all."

A woman of about twenty-four or five years old, with short blonde hair and healthy wheat-colored skin, looked extremely dignified.

"Merisman, you can't make a mistake, right? This is a demon snake, who was instantly killed by a punch?"

The blue-haired man with three scratches on his left cheek said in surprise.

"Aru, how many times have you told me that you want to call me Master Merisco?"

The woman with bright short blonde hair gave Alu a dissatisfied look.

There is still a little bit of sneer on the standard melon seed face.

There is also a charming mole on the edge of bright red lips.

That black tights.

It also fully outlines her explosive figure.

"Ha~~ We are about the same age, if I call you that, doesn't it make you look old?"

Alu let out a haha.

He is not an IGO member, of course he will not meet Merisman's request.


Looking at the demon big snake with a broken head and missing a piece of meat in front of him.

His face also gradually became dignified.

Demon Orochi!

Catch Level 21!06

Kill such a fantasy creature with one punch.

Even if the firepower of autophagy is fully activated.

Aru couldn't do it even if he asked himself.

"It seems that a very powerful guy has come to Ice Hell~~"

"Ah, Aru, what if we run into 'him'?"

Xiao Song, who was short in stature, suddenly became nervous.

He is just an eight-star chef with almost no combat experience.

"Don't worry, I will protect you when the time comes!"

Alu patted Komatsu on the shoulder.

That being said.

But he has nothing in mind.

When Merisman saw the nervous Xiaosong, he gave Ah Lu an angry look.

If it wasn't for this guy insisting on carrying this burden, otherwise he wouldn't have come to Ice Hell.

She would never agree to a powerless eight-star chef joining her team.

He glanced back at the middle-aged man and the blond girl hanging at the end of the line.

Merisman felt sad, and suddenly felt very helpless.

Why do the people invited this time always like to bring oil bottles

The middle-aged man with a square face was wearing a loose kimono with a samurai sword hanging from his waist.

Just standing in place is like a sharp sword.

The blonde middle-length hair girl doesn't look very old.

A pair of scarlet eyes are devoid of any emotion.

At this time, he stared blankly at the corpse of the demon serpent.

What is even more speechless is the girl holding a long knife in her hand.

To actually come to the Ice Hell wearing only a gothic skirt is simply courting death.

Merisman shook his head secretly, too lazy to care about this group of unreliable teammates.

The gastronomic world suddenly changed.

The No. 5 space gate, which had been controlled by the Gourmet Club in the past, expanded rapidly.

This is something that IGO did not expect.

But that's why.

Only Merisman, who is closest to the location of the space mutation, has the opportunity to sneak in here along the gap.

And the master she can contact the fastest.

Only Alu and Narugami Tadakatsu were nearby.

Naruto wins!

Pills show themselves the strongest.

The Patriarch of the Naruto Clan.

Another blonde girl.

It is his daughter Mingshen Huchun.

It is said that he is the strongest genius in the history of the self-discovery of pills.

"Come on, century soup, don't let other people get there first.

With a serious face, Merisman strode into one of the caves.

Alu followed closely behind, followed by Komatsu and Father and daughter Ming.

No one asked how IGO knew the location of Century Soup.

Just like Merisman has a way to get into space gate 5.

People from the Gourmet Club and other organizations also have the ability to sneak into other space doors.


Although each spatial gate has a corresponding fixed coordinate.

But the places adjacent to it may also be in the same area.

For example, the No. 1 space gate of IGO, after entering, is the Balon Islands.

And all the way to the north is the continent of ice.

As the culinary world continues to merge with the real world.

Areas that were originally closed have been gradually opened up.

Gradually break the pattern of the world in the food industry.


This gigantic world will be completely exposed to human beings.

the other side.

A man and two women were also running around in the dark cave.

The man had short hair and a ferocious face, looking like a humanoid monster.

His upper body was bare, and his muscles were like black iron, covered with dense scars.

The other two girls have similar faces, one has long black hair and the other short, they are rare beauties.

The short-haired girl followed the man cautiously with a sniper rifle on her back.

He was clearly in an extremely dangerous place, but he had to speed up his pace.

"Wu Lei'an, you lunatic, why did my mother follow you into this ghostly place?"

Don't mention how depressed Wu Fengshui is.

Originally, the three brothers and sisters were going to participate in the Boxing Contest.

Now I should be standing on the deck of a luxury cruise ship heading to a small island in the Pacific Ocean, enjoying the calm sea breeze.

In fact, Wu Fengshui also enjoyed this kind of treatment for a few minutes.

Unexpectedly, the cracks that suddenly appeared on the sea level aroused Wu Lei'an's curiosity.

This eccentric and impatient guy jumped in directly.

Wu Lei'an.

Even in the Wu clan, it is an abnormal existence.

Not only powerful but also brutal and warlike.

At the same time, it is also the main force of the Wu family to participate in this boxing competition.

Although he was speechless about Wu Lei'an's impulse.

But anyway, he is also Wu Fengshui's big brother.

So in 877, she subconsciously pulled on Wu Jialou and jumped into the 'gap' that suddenly appeared.


The dazed Wu Jialou found himself in the crystal clear iceberg.

Wu Lei'an ran towards the depths of the iceberg with an even more excited face.

"Wu Lei'an, you idiot, one day I will kill you!"

The dagger pierced through a bug that came out of nowhere.

Wu Jialou quickly stepped aside while shouting and cursing.


The injured bugs exploded directly, and the power was no less than that of a small bomb.

If it wasn't for Wu Jialou's quick flash, she could be hurt by this blow.

In fact.

This wasn't the first time she encountered such an explosive bug.

Wu Jialou, who had suffered a lot of trouble, didn't dare to let the Baneling get close at all.

With a disheveled face, she was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, while staring fiercely at Wu Lei'an's back.

Blame this damn guy!

They are the only ones in this dangerous situation.

The strange creatures that might come out of the dark cave at any time have made it difficult for her and Wu Fengshui to resist.

Fortunately, there are no fantasy creatures above level ten yet.

If there are more advanced monsters here.....

Wu Jialou was not sure that he would get out alive.

this moment.

She simply hated her rash cousin.


Picture: Mingshen Huchun, from Short Sword Girl!.

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