"Ahh~~ Wu Lei'an, I feel that this place is getting more and more dangerous, let's go out first and then talk about it.

Wu Fengshui's voice was a little crying when he got rid of a bug that could only spray green flames.

It's hard to imagine, the best sniper of the Wu clan

The female gunman who has always killed without batting an eye was forced to do this.

It can be seen how terrifying the hell iceberg is.

"What are you afraid of? The perfect ingredient is right in front of you, and I can already smell it."

"Believe me, as long as we eat that thing, our strength will increase rapidly!"

Wu Lei'an's voice was powerful and powerful, and he didn't tremble even when he was running violently.

Wu Jialou rolled his eyes wildly, although his sense of smell was not as keen as that of Wu Lei'an.

But as she got deeper, she also began to smell that indescribable deliciousness.

Natural ingredients!

And it’s a dream food of high quality!

"Fuck your mother, even if there are level 100 fantasy ingredients ahead, we still have to live to enjoy them?"

"Who knows what dangers there are in this damned place?"

"What if I meet a powerful gourmet hunter?"

Wu Fengshui's voice was trembling, with a hint of crying, and he whispered behind Hao.

She didn't even dare to speak too loudly inside this iceberg where strange creatures could emerge at any time.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can improve your strength, everything else doesn't matter. Haven't we experienced a lot of life and death in these years?"

Wu Lei'an continued to run wildly with an indifferent tone.

Wu Fengshui and Wu Jialou Luo looked helpless, but they could only follow.

In an extremely dangerous environment, if you leave rashly, you will die faster.

Chu Feng and his group didn't know.

People from IGO and the Wu brothers and sisters also came to Hell Iceberg.

It is impossible for them to perceive the situation several miles behind them at any time.

"In front is the habitat of the ice dragon."

Yujiro Fanma, who was walking at the forefront, stopped and his expression became solemn.

Level 55 fantasy creatures are even more difficult to deal with than him.

After all~

He is not the three 'monsters' behind him.

"Icefield Dragon? I really want to see it, it should be stronger than Frost Dragon..

Thor laughed and said with great interest.

"After all, it is a level 55 ingredient, so I don't know how it tastes?"

Connor also looked very interested.

Standing between the two dragon girls, Chu Feng shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it, the meat is too hard and has no edible value."

"Huh? You can't make it into a gourmet food either?"

Thorton showed an expression of 'I don't believe it'.

She knows exactly how strong Chu Feng's culinary skills are.

Of course Chu Feng is very happy that his girlfriend trusts him so much.


"I'm not a god, and I can't make delicious food if I can't eat it.

Shaking his head and laughing, maybe he was influenced by Chu Feng.

The two dragon ladies seem to have had a great misunderstanding about 'cooking'.

It seems that anything in the world can be made into delicious food.

Hear the conversation of the three.

The corner of Fanma Yujiro's mouth twitched again.

He couldn't remember how many times he made the same move today.

Anyway, all the way down.

It doesn't matter if you encounter a level 20 or level 30 creature.

Blonde Maid and Violent Loli both kill each other.

He didn't even have a chance to make up the knife.

Only this group of guys dared to talk freely in the extremely dangerous hell iceberg, as if they were traveling with the whole family.

I have seen Thor and Kang Na take action with my own eyes.

Yujiro Fanma still couldn't figure out the opponent's limit.

That kind of strength and speed has far exceeded the limit of human beings.

And from the beginning to the end, Chu Feng was walking quietly in the courtyard, and never made a move.


Yujiro Fanma sighed.

Thinking of the world calling him 'the strongest creature on the surface'

Now facing Chu Feng three people.

He was too embarrassed to mention the title.


A loud roar interrupted Yujiro Fanma's emotion.


A huge creature landed directly in front of him.

It is white all over and over eighty meters long.

A pair of fierce eyes flashed with a fierce red light.

Its limbs don't have claws with three fronts and one rear like other creatures.

Instead, a single claw supports the huge body at the front and back.

Gently flapping the huge fleshy wings on the back can pull up a strong hurricane.

Ice Dragon!

Catch level 55!

Fortunately, this cave has a huge space.

The height is more than 100 meters.

Otherwise it is really difficult to accommodate its huge size.

In front of it, Chu Feng and the others looked like four little ants.

"This guy, leave it to me to deal with it!"

Yujiro Fanma volunteered.

Obviously, Thor's previous "doubt" has not been forgotten.

Go it alone!

He can't lose to the ice dragon.

Facing the fierce big guy.

Yujiro Fanma is full of energy this time.

With a good face, he urgently needs a battle to prove himself.


The little ones in front of them didn't react when they saw him.

The ice dragon seemed to have been greatly humiliated.

Open your bloody mouth wide.

A little beam of light in the middle is condensing.

"Dragon's breath is coming!"

Yujiro Fanma let out a low growl.

The moment the breath hit.

He rolled over to the other side.

"call out!"

Fanma Yujiro just avoided the dangerous dragon's breath.

Turn around and look.


The blond maid slowly raised a hand.

I didn't see any extra actions from the other party.

The breath of the ice dragon seemed to hit an invisible wall.

In an instant, it turned into a small iceberg and fell heavily to the ground.

Yujiro Fanma was speechless for a moment.

If (may the money be good) that's not the case~

The deadly attack of the ice dragon was in front of this group of guys.

It's as useless as a child hitting an adult with a water gun.

"Big lizard, your opponent is me!"

Yujiro Fanma let out a low growl, his legs bounced off the ground, and his huge fist hit the Icefield Dragon's jaw hard.

The dragon's head turned upwards, and even the front legs supporting the body were several meters off the ground.

Chu Feng pulled Thor back several tens of meters, admiring the performance of Yujiro Fanma.

After getting along for a short time, he knew that the other party was a person with strong self-esteem.


Fanma Yujiro's strength is not weak.


Chu Feng's current comprehensive value has surpassed the other party.

But without using any tricks.

There is still no sure victory over Yujiro Fanma.

This feeling arose when he saw each other again.

Chu Feng also wanted to experience real fighting skills. .

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