A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 225】Once Emperor Ou Comes, There Must Be Benefits!

"Boss Chu, why do you only sell one kind of food these days?"

After enjoying a yakisoba, Inui Hinako rubbed her belly with a little curiosity on her face.

Although she doesn't come here to eat food every day, she always pays attention to the dynamics of the food group.


Boss Chu seems to be getting lazy.

Obviously some time ago, it was three times a day.

Now their group of diners didn't even have a choice.

Chu Feng stood calmly in front of the kitchen counter, and said lightly, "Because of the trouble."

Very simple reason, not so much why.

Inui Hinako: O00)...

Fuyumi Mizuhara:(O_O)?

this reason?

Really powerful!

They were speechless.

After all~

Only those with superb culinary skills are qualified to be willful.

"Eight Eighty-Three" In fact, Kikuchi Sonoko doesn't care about the number of dishes.

Anyway, as long as it is Chu Feng's cooking, she loves to eat it.

It didn't take long for the three women to chat in one play, and the topics were mostly related to cooking.

Chu Feng and Thor didn't care, anyway, there were no guests for the time being.

Such is the business of food trucks.

Anyone who knows Chu Feng will try the food no matter how expensive it is.

People who don't know him basically stay away from him.

A meal of 10,000 yen is too extravagant for ordinary people.

"By the way, why didn't Tsunozaki Taki come?"

Chu Feng remembered that in the morning the tomboy was still clamoring to come.

Inui Hinako with a single ponytail said with a smile: "She, she was supposed to come with us, but Taki Amarillo's logistics had some problems, so she rushed back to the restaurant."

Chu Feng responded, but didn't care, just thought of it suddenly and asked casually.

Enjoying the perfect taste of fried noodles, Mu Jiuzhi Yuan Guo got up and said goodbye, and the soft and waxy voice made people feel like a spring breeze.

The next guest is also a student of Tōtsuki, but has not yet graduated.

Little Lin Long, Erina, Tadokoro Megumi and others have already made an appointment in the morning to come at noon.

The hot food expert and the petite and cute Akakubo Momo sat in front of the window as soon as they came.

The dark board was wiped clean by Thor, but the residual warmth on the stool let them know that the previous group of diners had just left.

"Huh? Who finished eating and left so early?"

Little Lin Long asked boldly, and handed out a Fukuzawa Yukichi

"It's Hinatako and the others."

Thor hands everyone a glass of water.

"I'll go, senior sister, how early did you leave the house?"

Little Lin Long rolled his eyes.

If I remember correctly.

It takes at least two hours by subway from Inui Hinako's fog house.

In order to eat Boss Chu's food, this senior sister who has graduated for ten years is also working hard.

Five minutes later.


"No wonder Senior Sister Gan and the others came so early, this bowl of fried noodles is really amazing."

Little Lin Long, whose face was gradually blushing, narrowed his eyes slightly and let out a contented moan.

The same is true for Akane Kubomomo, who usually seldom leaves her hand, but has already been caught by her on the dark board, holding chopsticks in one hand, and clenched into a small fist with the other hand.

It is estimated that as long as 'Butch' does not fall to the ground.

She was so overwhelmed that she didn't realize it at all.

Compared to already graduated Inui Hinako et al.

Little Lin Long dared that their concentration would be much weaker.

In addition to the gap in cooking level, there is also a lack of social experience.

Even Mu Jiuzhiyuan Guo, who has just graduated for two years.

She is now a 'mature' proprietress.

Know how to manage your emotions.

On the other hand, Dan and others, under the impact of several kinds, seem to be too expensive to become an army.

The sauce is obviously boiled into a paste, but the beef, salmon and quail are clearly distinct.

After tasting it carefully, the fragrance of fish is overflowing.

The fat and wild game sweep across the tip of the tongue, coupled with the freshness and sweetness of the vegetables.....

Let the brains of Xiao Lin Long and others be emptied instantly.

"Delicious!" ×4!

Little Lin Long and Erina and others spoke in unison.

hold back for a long time~

They found out at last.

Only this simple word can really express the feeling at this moment.

"Eat more if you like."

Seeing the four girls wolfing down their food, Chu Feng felt a sense of satisfaction spontaneously.

The main reason is that Ouhuang has issued 'welfare' again...

Boss Chu is in a good mood.

This time the recipients are little Lin Long and Erina.

"Basic cooking +2"×2!

The improvement is not very obvious.

It is estimated that the two saved a month of hard study time.

But Chu Feng is not a charity here.

Every time Tiansuo Ouhuang comes.

He can draw skills more or less.

[Congratulations on winning the knife skill, triggering a hundred times return, knife skill...]

[Congratulations on drawing Chinese and Western dishes, triggering ten times the return, Western dishes...  ]

[Congratulations on winning the Chinese cuisine, triggering 20 times return, Chinese cuisine

It's just that all three of Chu Feng's are top-notch.

Even if there is a slight improvement, it will still be unable to break through.

If you want to reach the god level in one fell swoop, there is still a long way to go.

Erina and the others didn't order more because of Chu Feng's words.

They don't eat much, and a plate of fried noodles is enough to fill them up.

Only little Lin Long, who had a big appetite, took out another 'Fu Ze Yu Ji'.

"No, Senior Sister Gendan, do you still want to eat?"

Jiuga Zhaoji, who was sitting at the table closest to the fast food truck, exclaimed.

Little Lin Long dared to turn his head and waited for him, and said dissatisfiedly, "What? Are you interested?"

"Don't dare, I just want to say that Brother Feng is amazing, this fried noodles is really delicious, it's normal for Senior Sister Gendan to eat two servings..."

Jiuwozhaoji 4.0 instantly counseled in seconds.

He dared not really provoke this 'Tigress'

But with that mouth, sometimes I can't help being cheap.

"Heh~" Little Lin Long snorted softly, "Since Chu Feng's craftsmanship is so good, why don't you order more?"

"Order, I'll order right away!"

Putting on a heartbroken expression, Jiuga Zhaoji hurriedly paid.

Although he is not tall, it is still no problem to eat two plates of fried noodles.

Isshiki Satoshi watched the classmates bickering with a smile, and tasted the delicious food slowly.

This majestic chow mein.

Let him see the majesty of swallowing mountains and rivers.

That period of history has a long history and has been passed down through the ages.

It seems to be really unfolding in front of my eyes.

Truly breathtaking!.

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