A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 226】Yukihira JōIchirō Who Lost His Kitchen Heart

"Boss Chu is amazing!"

Isshiki Satoshi couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

Even in the face of Eishi Tsukasa, the first seat of Elite Ten.

He never acted like this either.

As the heir of 'Xi Yise'.

He has this proud capital.

Even if Eishi Tsukasa is better than him now.

Isshiki Satoshi is also confident to catch up.


Now he refuses to obey anyone but Chu Feng.

Erina nodded secretly without any trace.

Cuisine by Chu Feng.

The most incredible thing is that...

Knowing what ingredients he used,

You can also guess the ratio between ingredients and seasonings.

But others just can't make it.

Food truck stuff.

Except occasionally complicated.

Most are pretty straightforward.

This group of people usually try to reproduce.

But in any case it can't be perfect.


Sometimes it can't even reach the other party's 10.6% or 20%.

This is also what Erina admires the most.

I am not afraid that you will steal the teacher, but I am afraid that you will not learn.

"Hmm~ Sure enough, Boss Chu's food is the best!"

Tadokoro Megumi smiled sweetly, put down his chopsticks and continued: "I haven't thanked you in person yet, thanks to you, I can get a good ranking this time."

Chu Feng smiled and said, "You're welcome, it's just your luck."

Ouhuang's luck is indeed a bit incredible.

Tadokoro Megumi seldom comes home empty-handed when he visits a food truck.

"Hey~ Xiaohui has also learned Versailles now? It turns out that the first place in the autumn selection is just a good ranking in your heart?"

Little Lin Long laughed and complained.

In their autumn selection, she only got the second place, and she was unhappy because of it for a long time.

The first place is no suspense, it is now the first seat of Tōtsuki, Eishi Tsukasa!

Tadokoro Megumi lowered his head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "No, I was just lucky, and the cooking made by Yukihira was also very good..."

Chu Feng in front of the kitchen counter nodded slightly.

Yaowang's "Secret Sauce Beef" is indeed very creative.

Then, he asked curiously, "Why didn't Yukihira Sōma come?"

At least half of the people who shouted in the group to come to eat noodles at noon in the morning have not come.

Simply cheating his feelings.

At this time, Sehui finally spoke

"Sōma answered the phone in the morning and hurried back, as if Senior Bo had just returned.

"Jōichirō has returned home?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

That guy was away from abroad and suddenly called Yukihira Sōma back, what happened?

I just wanted to shake my head~

He doesn't like to meddle anyway.

I saw Yukihira and his son walking towards this side.

Sure enough, this person couldn't tell.

Just said he will come.


Why does Yukihira Jōichirō look so sluggish?

As if hollowed out.


The medicine king's father, the dead tree blooms in spring, and the iron tree blooms?

Chu Feng was not without malicious speculation.

After all, in this strange world of comprehensive comics, it is not surprising that anything happens.

"Jaibo Uncle!"

Erina got up and said hello.

She has always looked up to Yukihira Jōichirō.

"Erina is here too, long time no see.

Jōichirō nodded this way, only smiling a little forcedly.

Erina suddenly felt something was wrong.

Jōichirō used to stay at Nakiri's house for a while.

It was because of the other party's cooking that she was able to recover from the shadow of her childhood and rekindle her interest in food.

but now~

The other party has completely lost the high spirits of the past.

Although the appearance has not changed.

But it seems to have lost his soul.

'What happened to Jaepo Uncle?"

Erina frowned.

But seeing that the other party didn't mean to talk.

It's not easy for her to ask too much.

Just at this time Yukihira Sōma came to order.

Seemingly seeing what Erina was thinking, she slowly shook her head.

Chu Feng didn't ask anything after receiving the two cards of 'Fu Ze Yu Ji'.

As long as the guests' private affairs have nothing to do with him, they generally don't bother to participate.

Turn on the fire, pour oil, and fry noodles.

The alluring fragrance gradually rises.

Isshiki Satoshi and Kuga Teruji also clearly saw that Yukihira and his son were in a bad mood.

The two finished their fried noodles in a hurry and did not stay any longer.

For a long time, I ate two servings according to the rules, and I kept rubbing my stomach when I left.

He slightly overestimated his appetite.

"What a 'Unified Six Kingdoms Fried Noodles'!"

As soon as he started eating, Jōichirō subconsciously admired it, and his spirit seemed to have improved a lot.

"Let me just say, no matter what unpleasant things happen, as long as you eat Boss Chu's food, everything will be fine."

While chewing, Yukihira Sōma said heartlessly: "Three kinds of meat, sea, land and air, and three kinds of vegetables in different seasons, this idea is absolutely amazing!"

Although there is no tongue of God, Yukihira Sōma's taste is not bad after mixing in the kitchen all year round.

After chewing carefully, he quickly guessed which ingredients Chu Feng used.

Unfortunately, Yukihira Sōma couldn't do it.

The first step of making noodles is not difficult, just find a way to pour the sauce into the noodles.

The difficulty lies in keeping the sauce from leaking out while stir frying.

After all~

Even ramen noodles made of high-gluten flour cannot withstand the stir-frying in boiling oil.

If you don't pay attention, the noodles that are filled with 453 sauce can easily break.

Yukihira Sōma muttered to himself, frowning, puzzled.

"Now that you know how powerful a super chef is, you still have a lot to learn, don't think it's so great to be ranked second."

Feeling the peaceful taste in the cooking, Jōichirō's mood improved a lot.

Yukihira Sōma curled his lips and said: "You still have the nerve to say that I lost the food halberd and lost the kitchen heart? Work harder and wake up again. Is there any need to be so depressed?"

"How can you say it so lightly, you really think that the heart of the chef is a Chinese cabbage, and you can understand it if you want to understand it? Forget it, you will understand in the future..."

Jōichirō patted his son on the shoulder and said earnestly.

But Erina was not calm when she heard this, and stood up directly from her seat.

"What? Caibo Uncle lost his heart for cooking?"

this moment~

The eldest lady of the Nakiri family.

I even wondered if there was something wrong with my ears.

Xiao Lin Longdan and Akane Kubomomo looked at each other.

The former said in disbelief: "Chu Xin, can you still lose it?"

"Probably, it shouldn't be possible...

Akane Kubomomo was stunned.

The heart of cooking 'grows' in people, how can it be possible to throw it away, are you kidding?

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