A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 232】Gourmet Meeting, Azami Nakiri And Saiba Chaoyang!

Foodie World, Pinewood!

Forest of Dangerous Fronts, the headquarters of the food club.

There were only four people sitting on the dining table full of rare animal meat.

first place,

It was an old man with a black hat and white beard and hair.

Not only the beard and hair are thick, but even the brows are white.

This person is the chief chef of the food club...


while the other three,

It is the head chef Kuro Dammit, Bourne Reiss and Karyu.

Clow Dammit was still wearing a tall chef's hat, chewing strangely colored worms in his mouth.

Bourne Reiss is tall and tall, with an insect on his head, it is unknown whether it is a living thing or a decoration.

Karyu is wearing sunglasses and a pointed hat that looks like a bee tail on his head. The shape is a bit nondescript.

Except for the chairman, the four top executives of the food club rarely get together.

Every time they gather together, it means that something extraordinary has happened.

There was a trace of surprise on the fairly normal face under the pointed hat of Kaliu.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Chief chef Doles, is Gu Linbaqi really dead?"

until now~

Caroline still couldn't believe it.

Although Gu Linbaqi is only the deputy chief chef, his strength is not weak.

Compared with their chief chefs, their cooking skills are just a little worse.

That kind of people..…….…

He died without knowing why.

It was beyond everyone's expectations.

Dolles nodded slowly, and said solemnly: "Yesterday they lost contact with the headquarters. Bourne Reiss personally went to the Ice Continent [and finally found the body of Chuanlin Electric Shock in the Ice Kang."

Karyu and Kuro Dammit looked at the burly man together.

Bourne Reiss seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit dignified, and half-jokingly said: "I think, after the fantasy creature kills someone, it shouldn't bury people in the ice, right?"

"It's not funny at all."

An arc was drawn at the corner of Karyu's mouth.

If it wasn't for the presence of the chief chef, he would probably have laughed out loud.

Kuro Dammit glanced at the two heartless colleagues, and said sharply: "Now is not the time to joke, from the wounds on the corpses brought back, it is not difficult to see that the enemy is very strong and almost instantly killed Gu Linbaqi. Who of you can do it?"

Karyu and Bern Reiss were silent for a moment.

Ask yourself!

None of them have this strength.

"So, who the hell killed Schillingbach?"

After pondering for a while, Kaliu spoke again, with a much more serious expression than before.

Obviously, he has realized the seriousness of the matter.

"I don't know."

Kuro Dammit shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "There has been a change in the space gate, and now there are space cracks everywhere in the world, and the expansion speed of the explorable range in the food world is also accelerating sharply."

"Now not only in the Ice Continent, but also in the Forest of Weifeng, there are many people who have strayed into the food world.

They used to have fixed explorable areas in the gourmet world.

While knowing that these areas are expanding every moment.

But it is not like the speed visible to the naked eye now.

The scope of the food industry has expanded,

The types of fantasy ingredients are gradually increasing.

It should have been a good thing,

But now it has made the high-level leaders from all walks of life feel overwhelmed.

After all~

The unexpected change did not give anyone time to prepare.

The three deputy chief chefs nodded together and did not express any opinions.

Anyway, it wasn't them who died, so there was nothing to worry about.

Most of the people who are willing to join the food club come for dreamy ingredients.

They just want to enhance their gourmet cells, and they don't care about the rest.

Dolles wasn't counting on the selfish bunch either.

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "Gu Linbaqi's death is irreversible, and the only thing we can do now is to clean up the miscellaneous fish in the Forest of Dangerous Fronts. No outsiders are allowed to exist in the food club headquarters!"

Kaliu pouted, and suddenly asked, "What about the thick soup of the century?"

"The soup of the century is gone, and only the corpses of three icefield dragons are left at the scene."

It was Berne Reiss who answered him.

Kaliu's eyes widened immediately [Zhang Jing said: "The king-headed ice dragons are all dead? Who is so fierce?"

"I don't know, anyway, there is not a single drop of century soup left!"

Bourne Reiss shrugged, and the insect's wings flapped twice.

The three deputy chefs were depressed for a while, they had been salivating for the century thick soup.

Vigorously tearing off a piece of meat from the beast's leg, Dolles mused: "I will report this to the president, and you will inform the heads of the six major branches to let them pay attention to the current world's trends, whether anyone has century soup. "

In fact, Dolles was also very depressed.

The recent gourmet fairs are really unlucky.

First, Bukiwoz, the head of the fifth branch, died,

Now the deputy chef Gu Linbaqi is also dead,

The century soup that I have been looking for has also been found first...

Nothing went well anyway.

Dolles shook his head, his white beard and hair were calm and automatic, and decided to leave these matters to the president.

In a villa on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Nakiri Ji, with her back hair combed back, sat gracefully on the sofa with her legs up and her toes bouncing from time to time.

Cai Bo Chaoyang sat opposite him, and he took off the red scarf with a faint smile on his face.

"News came from the headquarters that Gu Linbaqi died."

Nakiri Thistle tapped the armrest of the sofa with her fingers, and said calmly.

"`"Heh~ There is a vacancy for the position of assistant chef, don't you plan to fight for it?"

Caibo Chaoyang laughed, not seeming surprised at all.

"We have only entered the food fair for a short time, and if we suddenly rise to a high position, we will be pulled down sooner or later."

Nakiri calmed down, and then changed the topic: "What's more, my goal is not to be a mere deputy chef."

After staring at the man in front of him for a long time, Cai Bo Chaoyang said with a chuckle, "Your ambition is indeed more than that, but the position of chief chef or chief chef is not so easy to compete for."

"What's more...you can't even settle a mere Nakiri family now!"

Caibo Chaoyang's sharp words pointed directly at Nakiri Ji's weakness.

But this man still looked leisurely, as if he was not moved at all.

"Who would have thought that the old man hooked up with that Chu Feng?"

"Until I find out his origin, I will not act rashly!"

Nakiri Thistle spoke slowly, as if completely lifeless.

When he didn't provoke the other party, Bo Chaoyang suddenly felt bored, and changed the subject:

"However, those people from the Food Club are really trash. They are so close to the Ice Continent. After searching for so many years, they still haven't found the Century Soup, and now they have been taken away by others... You say, kill the Gu Forest Could it be that Chu Feng is the one who Bach took the ingredients from?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, he glanced at the young man opposite him.

Nakiri Ji shook his head and said, "Don't worry about common sense anymore, you are not his opponent yet."

He is well aware of Cai Bo Chaoyang's enthusiasm for Chu Xin.

The food demon awakened by the other party is like this, and seems to be full of greed for it.

"Heh~ You can rest assured about this, I will not take risks easily, I will only slowly look for suitable opportunities, and you don't want to give up choosing a group, do you?"

"Of course, what belongs to me will be taken back sooner or later... Shin"

The two villains who eat halberds talk with eloquence.

It seems that everyone is looking forward to the upcoming era of gourmet food.

It's just that the two of them didn't know that they had the same blood. .

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