A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 233】Private Hundred Kao Academy, Spicy Chilli Salt Crayfish!

【Congratulations on your new recipe: Chilli and Salt Crawfish (Samsung)】

【Today’s stall location: Canteen in District B of Private Hundred Kao Academy】

[Today's stall time: 12:00]

"Private Hundred Flower King Academy?"

"You want me to set up a stall at the Gambling Ghost School?"

Wake up early in the morning to see the system update prompt.

The first thing that Chu Feng thought of was the sisters with long silver hair.

But spicy and salty crayfish?

"Forget it, I haven't sold it anyway, so let's make it today!"

Although you can customize the dishes.

Chu Feng did not choose again.

What not to do?

The lobster is also delicious!

"So, what price should we order?"

The first thing Chu Feng does after waking up is to think about pricing.

Spicy chilli salt crayfish is not considered a high-end cuisine.

Even if there is a system blessing, it is only Samsung.

Pricing is too expensive.

Seems a bit unreasonable.

But if it's cheaper...

He is also a special chef.

"Forget it, just sell it for 20,000 yen a catty, which is only 1,000 yen in Jackie Chan currency, which is not too expensive."

Chu Feng muttered to himself, happily making a decision.

Thor, who transformed into a 220 and changed into a maid outfit, asked curiously: "Selling crayfish today?"


"I want to eat too!"

"Let's talk about it after setting up the stall. Let's eat the devil snake in the morning."

"Are you eating snakes again? You just ate them last night!"

"The meat is so tender that it won't taste good after a long time."

"Well~ okay~~"

Thor blinked his eyes.

What is not to eat?

Anyway Chu Feng made stuff.

Anything is delicious.

[At twelve o'clock at noon, private Hundred Kao Academy, chilli salt crayfish!]

Feel free to post a message in the gourmet group.

Chu Feng began to prepare today's ingredients.

As for Erina's private message...

Boss Chu, who was tired from overwork last night, didn't pay attention at all.

Saeko Famous Sword: Hundred Kao Gakuen? If I remember correctly, Kirari is the student council president over there」?

Gourmet expert: Well, that’s right! Chu Feng is going to set up a stall in a school where gambling is prevalent today?

Momokuchi Luoli: Ha~ Mr. Chu finally remembered that our school set up a stall?

Tian Tian Xiaohui: I heard that Baihuawang Academy is a noble school, and outsiders should not be allowed to enter (agai), it seems that I can't taste Boss Chu's new dishes today...

Yoshino Yuuki: Xiaohui wake up, we have class today!

Saeko Famous Sword: I really envy Qi Luoli, and I really want to know what the crayfish tastes like with spicy pepper and salt.

Fallen Gabriel: Isn't the name of the dish clearly written? It's spicy and salty and peppery!

Famous Sword Ryu Saeko:  ………

Gourmet expert: Jia Baili, we are not blind, Saeko just wants to know what Chu Feng's crayfish taste like.

Momokichi Luoli: Don't worry, after I taste it, I will definitely tell everyone!

Gourmet expert: 00)...

Tian Tian Xiaohui: (O_O)?

Yoshino Yuuki: Kirari-senpai is going too far, do you think you want to eat your heart?

Momokichi Luoli: Haha~ Anyway, you don’t have that kind of luck today~~

It's eleven fifty at noon.

A dark blue fast food truck slowly drove into the private Hundred Kao Academy.

All the way unimpeded.

The staff in the security room even offered to help him lift the door.

Area B canteen.

Chu Feng drove the food truck in grandiosely.

Choose a random place to park against the wall.

Thor quickly opened the window on one side.

The cafeteria of Hundred Kao Academy is huge.

Rows of blue tables and chairs.

Like a neat wave.

Rarely did Thor not remove the table and chair from the trunk.

Instead, he helped Chu Feng take care of the crayfish in the fast food truck.

When the two are at home,

All ingredients have been cleaned and cooked.

There is a dragon pot,

It is convenient to cook food.

Thor nestled under the kitchen counter,

Constantly pull out piles of crayfish from the cabinet,

Didn't stop until three vats were filled.

Food trucks have limited space,

Only three vats can be placed at most.

There are many windows for ordering food in the cafeteria.

It was nearly twelve o'clock.

Every window stands an aunt or uncle holding a spoon.

"What's going on? Did the academy add a fast food service? Why didn't the council notify us?"

"It doesn't look like it, the guy in the food truck is so young, and the girl is also very handsome..."

"I don't know what they plan to sell? The group of 'nobles' in the academy are not easy to serve."

"Who says it's not? It's estimated that only the group of 'domestic animals' will eat fast food!"

The uncle and aunt in the cafeteria are full of spirits, and they can chat even if the windows are far away.

In the private Hundred Flowers Academy, some aspects of management are extremely loose.

For example, go to class!

For this school that advocates gambling, class is the most boring thing.

As long as there are coins in their pockets, the students would rather spend their time in the 'casino'.

It's completely different from other schools.

The activity room of Hundred Kao Academy is a casino.

You only need to pay the rent to the Student Union on time every month.

Students are free to use classrooms and activity rooms.

Here as long as there is money.

Even the teacher's office can be used casually.

This school has been established for 122 years and has a traditional status.

Many children of those in power in business and politics are studying there.

In this school, no one will recognize mere grades or athletic excellence.

After all, for them who are destined to 'dominate the crowd' in the future.

The most important thing is strategy and mind reading, as well as the decisive power at critical moments.

Gambling can cultivate these experiences comprehensively.

Gambling is the most popular activity in the private Hundred Kao Academy.

And under the management of the student union, a class system of differential treatment is produced through gambling.

People with strong gambling skills will be admired, and those with weak gambling skills will be targeted for persecution.

Students who are in debt due to gambling end up in the hands of the student union.

When the student union thinks that the indebted person is unable to repay huge sums of money.

The life plan table they made will be sent to the debtor.

Pay back by manipulating the life of the debtor.


This is a wonderful school.

But there is no doubt~

The 'nobles' here are very rich.

"Huh? Why is there an extra food truck in the cafeteria?"

"Spicy chili salt crayfish? Damn! Twenty thousand yen per catty?"

"Why don't you rob? Most robberies are not as quick as this!"

"The owner of the fast food truck is probably sick. Who would come to the cafeteria to eat such expensive things?"

"That's right, those nobles seldom come to the cafeteria, and we can't afford to be reduced to livestock."

The first to enter the cafeteria was a group of students with tags around their necks.

The male is Pochi and the female is Xiaohua, representing dogs and cats respectively.

For those who lose to livestock, the cafeteria is their place to eat. .

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