The 100 students ranked by Shangnakin will be recognized as domestic animals by the student union and will be treated cruelly and differently in the academy.

People who are reduced to the cafeteria to eat basically have nothing in their pockets.

Even if they had money, they sent it to the gambling table.

A group of students with tags around their necks entered the cafeteria.

It was as if a group of 'cattle' waiting to be fed flocked to the trough.

This scene~

Unspeakably weird.

But among them~

There are two girls who are different.

Among them was a young girl with long black eyes and straight red pupils, like a gentle lady, with a dignified manner every step of the way.

The other has golden double ponytails, a handsome face, slender legs, and is full of vitality from top to bottom.

Even if the two wore kitten cards, they were out of tune with the people around them.

far away,

Chu Feng recognized their identities.

Snake Mengzi, known as the pinnacle of Yan Yi,

And Saotome Mea Ari, who is full of personality.

"Yali, there is an extra food truck in the cafeteria?"

"It's really strange that the student union actually allows outsiders to enter the campus?"

"The 20,000-jin crayfish looks very interesting, do you want to try it?"

"Stop making trouble, you who lost to livestock, still have money to eat such expensive things?"

"Haha~~ Who said I have no money?"

Snake Mengzi laughed, reached into his clothes, and quickly took out five 'Fuzawa Yukichi'.

Saotome's eyes widened immediately, and she said in amazement, "Why do you still have money?"

"I have expected to lose this kind of thing, so naturally I have to keep a hand!"

Snake Mengzi proudly raised her neck, and her whole body outlined a perfect curve.

Seeing the complacent look on the other side, Saotome snorted coldly and turned her head to the other side in dissatisfaction.

In fact, the two are not friends, but enemies to be precise.

After all, Saotome Mea Ari, who is the head of the class, was unfortunately reduced to a domestic animal just because she lost to the snake Kumenko.

The reason why the two of them walked together was just to report to the group temporarily to keep warm.

After all~

Life is tough for livestock.


Saotome can't understand Snake Ghoumeko at all.

This crazy woman doesn't seem to care about being a domestic animal at all.

Even if you are bullied, you can run around happily on campus.

It seemed that no matter what happened, it could bring her different degrees of pleasure.


A lunatic who lives purely for gambling!

This is Saotome Mea Ari's evaluation of Snake Gu Mengzi in her heart.

"How about it? Let's have a meal?"

Snake Yumeko lightly bumped Saotome's shoulder.

The soft voice is like a demagogic demon in hell.

Saotome was a little moved.

When I was a 'noble', I was used to eating good food.

The food in the cafeteria is really hard to swallow.

But now she has no money, no money

"your treat?"

Saotome stared at the "Fukuzawa Yukichi" and asked tentatively.

In fact, she wants to know more, how much money does this new transfer student in front of her hide in private?

Unexpectedly, Snake Mengzi waved his hand nonchalantly, and said with a smile, "Ann, since it's my proposal, I will definitely not forget you~~"

While talking, the black long straight girl walked directly to the fast food truck.

"....…Wait for me!"

Saotome came to her senses and hurriedly chased after her.

Someone treats guests, and they don't eat for nothing.

What's more, it was because of this transfer student that she was reduced to here.

Now that I can kill a meal, I don't suffer anyway.

The two quickly came to the window.

Then I saw steaming crayfish in three large buckets.

The fast food truck cabinet has a permanent fresh-keeping function, and the space and time inside are completely static.

The crayfish were put in immediately after they were cooked and came out still piping hot.

Haven't started frying yet.

Snake Kumenko and Saotome Meyari already smelled a very fragrant smell.

When cooking crayfish at home.

Chu Feng added spices such as fennel, star anise, and angelica dahurica, and the ingredients have an attractive fragrance.

Looking at the bright red crayfish soaked in hot water.

Snake Mengzi's eyes lit up, and he paid politely: "Boss, two catties of crayfish!"

"Please wait!"

Facing the girl with the pinnacle of beauty, Chu Feng smiled politely.

Two big colander crayfish, poured into the oil pan without weighing.

Chu Feng was very sure, the amount was exactly two catties, no more, no less.

Saotome looked around the food truck, and said a little dissatisfied: "You don't even have a table and chairs when you come out to do business?"

0...seeking flowers...

Standing in front of the bucket, Thor glanced at the blond ponytails, pointed to the row of blue tables and chairs not far away, and said, "There are a lot of seats over there."

"Miss Ben doesn't want to sit and eat with them."

Saotome Mea Ari curled her lips.

I have just fallen from heaven to the mortal world, and some people think that they have not changed.

She would rather eat on the roof than sit with the livestock.


The sound of frying crayfish gradually sounded.

Chu Feng looked back at Thor, and said softly: "Raise the dark board, Qi Luoli should be coming soon."

Only then did Thor get out of the food truck, went around to the window, raised the dark board, and took out five plastic stools.


"Huh? This place can actually be used as a seat?"

Snake Mengzi took his seat slowly, his blood-red eyes never leaving the sizzling oil pan.

At this time, the deep-fried oily red crayfish has exuded a tempting aroma of shrimp, which keeps rushing towards us.

Saotome sat down next to the snake Kumenko, then tilted her head and asked curiously: "You don't know the student council president?"

Just now she clearly heard the other party say the name 'Momokuchi Luoli'.

Chu Feng had already started frying for the second time, and casually replied: "Qi Luoli, she is a regular customer of the fast food truck.

The other party called the president's name again.

Saotome was secretly startled.

You must know that it is in the private Hundred Kao Academy.

The president's name is a taboo.

No one dared to call him by his first name.

no matter who sees her.

Everyone should respectfully call out "Master President".

Not only because she is the strongest gambling master in the academy.

It is even more because of his iron-blooded ruthlessness and Lei Li's methods.

Momokuchi Ruri, the former president, was defeated.

It only took two short years.

Turn the Academy into her exclusive territory.

It also implemented a class system and a livestock system.

She is undoubtedly the queen of the private Hundred Kao Academy.

Just ask, who dares to call the king by his name directly.

Smell the fresh fragrance that hits the face.

Look at the handsome fast food truck owner.

Saotome couldn't help but start to speculate about the origin of the other party.

Could it be that he is Momokichi Rori's friend?

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