A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 235】Snake Mengzi Who Eats Shrimp Without Peeling Its Shell

"So in the eyes of Mr. Chu, am I just a customer of the fast food truck?"

An elegant voice sounded in front of the window,

The conspicuous double braid hairstyle immediately caught Chu Feng's eyes.

"Yes, sir?"

Yari Saotome suddenly turned her head, her voice trembling subconsciously.

She has been in school for two years, and she is very clear about the horror of this silver-haired man.

Snake Mengzi turned her head slightly, and seeing Momochi Luoli, who was wearing a red school uniform and black silk and wrapped her long legs, immediately smiled and said, "President Momo, you are here too."

Momokichi Luoli glanced at the tall, straight black girl sitting in front of the window.

The eyes were a little complicated, but he didn't say much, and sat directly beside Snake Gumengzi.

behind it.

Followed by the masked Taogu Lilixiang and Igarashi Qinghua.

There were only five seats in front of the fast food truck, which happened to be taken up by these guys.

The appearance of Momokichi Luoli immediately caused a "Zero Twenty" sensation among nearby students.

No one thought of it.

Distinguished members of the student union actually came to the cafeteria.

"The chairman actually came to the cafeteria to eat fast food?"

"There are also the vice president and the clerk!"

"Who is the owner of this dining car?"

"Looks like he knows him very well?"

"How delicious is the crayfish that the president and the others can put down to eat?"

"I remember, he is Chu Feng, the youngest super chef in history?"

"It's him? That super chef with stall addiction?"

"You don't want to die? Rumor has it that even the gourmet party dare not provoke him!"

"Shut up, special cooks are not to be insulted!"

"No wonder the president came here in a hurry just after twelve o'clock..."

"I really want to eat the food of a special chef...

"Twenty thousand a catty, it's a pity that I lost all the money in the morning."

"Thinking about it now, the special chef's dishes only sell for 20,000 yuan, which is not expensive at all!"

"Why don't we go to the student union to borrow some money?"

"Hiss~ Borrowing money from the student union? The interest rate can scare people to death!"

"Anyway, if you have a lot of debt, you will be overwhelmed, but if you have a lot of money, you will not be afraid of itching.

Even if you become a domestic animal in the private Hundred Kao Academy.

This group of students is also the children of powerful people from all walks of life.

Although it is impossible for everyone to pay attention to the culinary world.

But someone always recognized Chu Feng's identity.

A super chef who drives a food truck all day long.

It is estimated that there is only this master in the world.

for a while.

The news spread instantly.

Almost everyone in the cafeteria knew about it.

Many people who were preparing to cook left in a hurry.

It should be to go to the student union to borrow money.

In two years, it has become a student union similar to the Jidao organization, and of course it has loan services.

As long as there is a need, anyone can borrow money from the student union at any time, but the interest is ridiculously high.


Igarashi Qinghua frowned, stood up in an instant and yelled, his face was a little unsightly.

The chairman is eating here, but he still dares to make noise?


The cafeteria fell silent for a moment.

From this we can see~

The Student Council has absolute authority over the entire academy.

Momokuchi Luoli glanced at Igarashi Qinghua with satisfaction.

She also doesn't like to be too loud during meals.

Those green eyes stared at the fried crayfish.

There is a layer of oil on the bright red shrimp shell.

The tempting aroma of shrimp hits the face.

Simply mouth watering.

"Can I eat it?"

Although the arrival of the student council members surprised Saotome Yari.

But now her focus is always on the food in front of her.

Snake Mengzi also looked forward to it.

Looking at the dishes that seemed to be finished.

There was a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Fingers on chin.

Snake Mengzi tilted his head and said, "Ah, why doesn't it taste spicy?"

Saotome Mea Ari was also a little puzzled.

"Because the cooking is not finished yet."

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

The group of guys in front of them seemed to have never eaten spicy crayfish.


He starts to heat the oil.

There is not much oil in the pot, only a little.

Sprinkle a little rock pepper,

A few quick stir-fries,

Grab a handful of chopped dried chili and throw it into the pot.

Make spicy and salty crayfish.

Dried chili shreds should not be fried for too long.

Over time.

The chili shreds will zoom and affect the appearance.


The extreme spicy taste burst into everyone's nose.

Snake Kumenko, Saotome and the others even coughed because of the peppery smell.

Most of the dishes in Neon are relatively light.

They rarely experience this spicy taste.

"so spicy!"

Saotome frowned slightly, as if Ping was not used to heavy tastes.

Snake Mengzi was very interested, and subconsciously licked his lips.

As long as she has never experienced a feeling before, she can be excited...

Momokichi, Luoli and the three looked unchanged.

Not intimidated by the spiciness at all.

Because the person cooking in front of me...

It's Chu Feng!

No matter what this man does, it is extremely delicious.

As long as you have eaten the food of the fast food truck, you will not doubt this.

Crayfish fried twice.

Give it a quick stir fry.

Time is short.

Probably only half a minute.


Two plates of oily dishes were placed in front of Snake Kumenko and Saotome Meiyari.

The back of each crayfish is cracked by frying and sautéing.

The oily red shrimp is mixed with the green salt pepper and black red chili shreds, exuding a particularly attractive spicy taste.

This dish is full of flavor and color.

Just looking at it whets the appetite.

Yari Saotome seems to have forgotten that she doesn't like spicy food.

Both eyes stared straight at the dish in front of him.

Throat throbbed twice, and just as he was about to strike, he found that Snake Gu Mengzi had already started eating.


A crisp voice rang in my ears.

Saotome was taken aback.

This guy eats shrimp without peeling the shell?

Saotome was completely taken aback.

"How do you eat it? The crayfish need to be shelled?"

He gave Snake Gu Mengzi a contemptuous look.

Saotome Mea Ari was a little ashamed for her.

It is common sense to peel off the shell when eating shrimp!!!


The crisp voice sounded again.

Seeing Mengzi Snake with a cute and confused expression on his face, he asked curiously, "Ah~ why do you want to peel off the shell? It's such a pity to throw away such a fragrant and brittle shell!"

Saying this, Saotome couldn't answer at all.

Snake Gu Mengzi chewed the food in his mouth.

A look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on Qiao's face.

Do you really think she is so stupid that she doesn't know this kind of common sense?

But such a fragrant thing, what a pity to peel it off.

Anyway, the fried shrimp shells are not inedible.

That crunchy feeling is not only refreshing, but also delicious!

Another crayfish was stuffed into his mouth.

Kaba Kaba~~

It smells so good!

Snake Mengzi's blood-red eyes completely narrowed.

The intoxicated expression on his face gradually became exaggerated.

With a slightly flushed pretty face,

The satisfied look is exactly the same as in the anime. .

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