A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 239】Business Is Booming, Even If You Collect Money, You Have To Share It!

Is the young patriarch of the high-cold gang actually so narrow-minded?

To be honest, Chu Feng was really surprised.

Originally it was just an ordinary polite remark, but after eating his food, Qi Luoli still didn't forget it.

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, ~ Chu Feng chose to ignore it.

Anyway, it's not his woman, so there's no need to coax her.

Boss Chu is not that dog-licking dog Igarashi Qinghua.


Momokichi Luoli was also very surprised by her reaction just now.

Usually even if there is any dissatisfaction in her heart, she will not complain incompetently.

Incompetence and fury are just the performance of the weak.

Under normal circumstances, whoever offends her will avenge her on the spot, and will not wait until tomorrow.

slightly stupefied~

Qi Luoli can only attribute it to her helplessness towards Chu Feng.

A super chef like Chu Feng with super strength.

Even the elders of the Baixie family did not dare to offend easily.

But Chu Feng guessed a thing or two.

Under the influence of "peace is the most precious".

Momokichi Luoli's soft side deep in her heart was activated, and she made such a gesture subconsciously.

The three members of the student union did not continue to order food after all.

Igarashi Qinghua was obviously not full.

But Momokichi Rori is ready to leave.

As the opponent's dog, she naturally followed him every step of the way.

The somewhat familiar Snake Mengzi asked Chu Feng for his contact information.

The dragon maid once again entered the role of the palace.

Happy to pull the two Yan Yi masters into the gourmet group.

Snake Kumenko and Saotome Meyari left contentedly.

They never thought before that there would be a day when they were almost blown up by crayfish.

I saw that the front of the window was empty.

The students who had been staying in the cafeteria quickly flocked in.

This group of students who were being treated so horribly had been resisting the alluring fragrance just now.

At this time, the big boss Qi Luoli left, how could she bear it.

for a while~

There was a long queue ahead of the food truck.

The uncles and aunts who were ordering vegetables at the cafeteria window were stunned in shock.

Although it has long been expected that the business of fast food trucks must be very hot.

But when I actually saw this scene, I was still extremely shocked.

Not only that~

Many students who heard the news kept pouring into the cafeteria.

Looking at the emptiness in front of the window.

Even though they have worked in the cafeteria for so many years, they have never seen such a scene.

Does the cooking of a special chef really have such a long history?

Most of the people who work in the canteen are ordinary people.

Maybe I have never eaten star cuisine in my life.

I don't understand the preciousness of special food at all.

An aunt suddenly turned her head to look at her colleague next to her, and said hesitantly, "Why don't we try it too?"

"Are you crazy? Twenty thousand a catty! It's enough to cover our wages for a week."

"Special cuisine, maybe we can only taste this once in our life!"

"You're right, do we have a partnership?"

"Yeah~ let's do this~~"

The aunt who asked her colleague's eyes lit up.

He dropped the spoon, untied his apron, and ran to the back of the line.

Other staff members overheard the conversation between the two.

Those who are interested in crayfish immediately put down their work.

Find people with a good relationship and buy a copy to try.

A catty is not much, and it is still eaten by two or three people.

But if you eat it together with the shell, everyone can eat a lot.

When the canteen manager came out after changing out of his suit, he saw only a row of empty windows.

"Damn it, do you want to be such a thug, Laozi just turned his back, and you all ran to line up?"

The manager of the cafeteria was speechless for a while, but he did not blame this group of employees. He was well aware of the charm of special food.

"Phew~ It's really incomparably delicious, no wonder Yali doesn't even let go of the shell.

"The Q-bomb shrimp is spicy and soft, and it's like dancing on the tip of the tongue when you eat it."

"It's just a very ordinary crayfish, why can it be so delicious?"

"Because he's a super chef!"

"Yes, only special chefs can turn decay into magic, and make ordinary ingredients into ultimate delicacy."

The students who got the dishes first gathered around the blue dining table.

As soon as I took two bites, I couldn't help but burst into admiration.

Can't blame them for talking too much, just because the crayfish is too perfect.

People who were still in line gradually became anxious when they heard the praises around them and smelled the tempting aroma of shrimp.

"Why is it so slow? It won't be so long that we don't have it?"

"It is indeed a worrying issue, and there are still many people ahead.

0...seeking flowers...

"Wait, Master Chu is only one person, and it will take time to do it."

"Just now I called and asked a friend who had eaten in a fast food truck. Master Chu only set up a stall for two hours a day."

"Damn it! The food truck came at twelve o'clock, let's see how much time is left?"

"It's twelve forty-five, and there's an hour and five minutes left!"

"Fortunately, we moved fast, it should be our turn..."

The crowd in line was equally lively.

Everyone stared straight ahead.

One by one, they were afraid that they would be able to arrange themselves, but the ingredients were gone.

If it's really that unlucky, they probably cry to death.

After all, this is a delicacy cooked by a special chef.

"A super chef? A food truck in a cafeteria?"

an activity room.

A girl with short yellow hair who was playing poker, her blue eyes lit up suddenly, and her tone seemed extraordinarily excited.

She is Huang Yiyue from the first grade Chinese class.

The daughter of the president of a well-known neon toy factory.

I have heard rumors of fast food trucks more than once.

My father recently spent a lot of money trying to inquire about the whereabouts of the food truck, but got nothing.

Huang Yiyue didn't expect her luck to be so good.

They actually ran into each other to set up a stall at the private Hundred Kao Academy.

Quickly put away the thoughts of playing.

The short-haired girl finished the game within half a minute and trotted towards the cafeteria.

Traditional Culture Research Institute.

A woman with long black eyes and narrow eyes muttered to herself when she heard the report from her subordinates:

"Is it a mysterious fast food truck? Well, let me see if the special chef's dishes are as delicious as the legends!"

The narrow-eyed woman stood up slowly, with a ladylike attitude.

She is Yuriko Nishitoin who defeated Saotome Mea Ari by Desen.

At the same time~

Student Union Accountant Dou Shengtian Feng,

Beautification Committee Chairman Sheng Zhima,

School idol dreams of Miyumemi,

Huang Quanyue Luna, who is petite in a cute sweater...

The members of the student union who got the news all rushed to the cafeteria.

For this group of students, special cuisine is simply a rare opportunity. .

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