A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 240】Rules Of Fast Food Trucks, You Are Not Allowed To Jump In Line And Change Seats!

Among the remaining members of the student union, Huang Yiyue was the first to rush to the cafeteria.

Looking at the long queue that was about to line up to the entrance of the cafeteria, he couldn't help frowning.

With so many people, when will it be her turn?

Members of the student council are usually pampered at school.

Just trying to find a random 'livestock' to jump in line.

Huang Yiyue retracted the foot she had just stepped out.

She suddenly remembered that her father had talked about the food truck at home.

It is rumored that this boss Chu who likes to set up a stall has his own set of rules.

Once violated, it will be pulled into the blacklist.

Huang Yiyue is not sure, is jumping in line considered a violation?

After a moment of hesitation.

Huang Yiyue still chose to be at the end of the line.

Even if you can't buy crayfish this time, it doesn't matter.

It's better than not being able to eat food from the fast food truck in the future.

The super chef who is willing to condescend to set up a stall in the world......

Chu Feng is the only one.

If he is blacklisted by "Three Three Three", the loss outweighs the gain.

Mazuki Tianfeng, who was wearing glasses, arrived second.

He glanced at Huang Yiyue who was obediently queuing up.

The student union accountant stopped suddenly.

Although her family background is not as good as Huang Yiyue's, her understanding of Chu Feng is limited to some rumors.

But as the only male member of the student union, Dousheng Tianfeng's IQ is definitely not low.

Huang Yiyue, who was usually arrogant and arrogant, suddenly turned into a good girl, which really made people suspicious.

Dou Shengtian Feng hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the crowd in line, and finally walked behind Huang Yiyue.

"Huh? Tomouda-senpai?"

A trace of suspicion flashed in Huang Yiyue's eyes, as if she didn't expect the other party to be so honest.

Dousheng Tian Feng smiled slightly, looking gentle and refined, and said casually: "Yi Yue is very good today, it seems that you have heard the rumors about the fast food truck."

Huang Yiyue nodded slowly, and said with a smile: "So senior Dou Shengtian also knows? I guessed right, Boss Chu probably doesn't like customers who jump in line.

Raising his hand to hold his glasses on the bridge of his nose, Dou Sheng Tian Feng suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's right. As the representatives of Hundred Flowers, our student union cadres should lead by example, and we must not take the lead in breaking other people's rules."

Dou Shengtian Feng secretly rejoiced for his decision just now.

If you don't know why, run to jump in line.

Maybe you won't be able to taste the special chef's dishes.

After all, according to the rumors in the upper circles.

Chu Feng's cooking also has some special effects.

It would be a pity if you missed it.

Dousheng Tian Feng didn't know before that there is a rule that fast food trucks are not allowed to jump in line.

of course~

smart as him~

It is also impossible to think that these are just Huang Yiyue's guesses.

at this time.

A girl with pink twintails walked into the cafeteria with graceful steps.

The red uniform and gray plaid skirt set off the exquisite figure.

The hip-length pink long hair shows the vitality of the girl.

Dreamed of Miyumemi.

A second-year student at the private Hundred Kao Academy.

A member of the publicity committee of the student union, and also the biggest idol in the school.

Yumemi walked into the cafeteria with long legs.

Naturally, I saw Huang Yiyue and Dousheng Tian Feng obediently queuing up.

She pouted lightly without any trace, pretending that she didn't see the two of them, and walked straight ahead.

I heard that the food trucks only set up stalls for two hours.

It's almost one o'clock now.

Still in line at this time.

Can I still eat a shrimp hair at the end?

Yumemi just had to show a smile.

The livestock in the front row will definitely give up their seats obediently.

Only fools will line up at the back.

Dreaming of Sanyou Meimei is very sure of this.

Although I don't understand what happened to the two student union members today.

But she didn't make any sarcasm, she just pretended to ignore it.

Dousheng Tian Feng has a high reputation in the school.

She doesn't want to offend the other party if it is not necessary.

"Yumami! Yumemi is here!"

"Really, what a lovely and charming Yumemi!"

"Come here, Yumemi, just stand in front of me."

"Come to my place, the ones in the back quickly step back."

When I dreamed that Sanyou Meimi appeared in front of the fast food truck.

The eyes of a group of boys suddenly lit up,

As if seeing a pack of wolves with little sheep,

One by one, they scrambled to signal Yumemi to jump in line.

Just think of being able to line up with your idol.

They screamed excitedly

This obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the girls behind.

Some even whispered.

"Aren't idols amazing? Is it amazing to be cute and act cute? A bunch of disgusting otaku!"

"That's right, we've been waiting in line for so long, why let her jump in line?"

"Hush~ Keep your voice down, she's a member of the student union, the hottest idol in the school!"

"Yeah, I don't want to be targeted by her, let alone get revenge by those disgusting otaku."

"Recognize it, who will let others act coquettishly..."

After being annoyed for a while, remembering her identity as a 'kitten', the angry girls died down...

Then they heard Yumemi look at the second man in line, even her pupils turned into the shape of stars.

"Do you really want me to stand here? Thank you so much, Yumemi is looking forward to the food from the food truck.

The soft but still charming voice made the two fat houses excited.

"Of course, as long as Yumemi asks, we are willing to do anything."

Seeing idols up close, one of them was already incoherent with excitement.

At the same time, it also takes advantage of the fat body to lean back and leave a space in front.

Yumemi smiled sweetly.

Getting ready to stand in line.

An indifferent voice sounded at this time.

"In my place, you are not allowed to jump in line!"

It was Chu Feng who spoke.

He didn't talk about jumping in line here.

"Ah? Are you not allowed to jump in line? I'm so sorry, Yumemi didn't know there was such a rule."

Dreaming that Miyomi was not angry, but her smile was still sweet.

Then she turned her head to look at the fat boy next to her, and asked a little embarrassedly:

"You, can you give up your seat to Yumemi? Although it is a bit abrupt, Yumemi is really in a hurry, because there will be a concert later!"

The soft voice coupled with the innocent expression on his face immediately made the man lose his way, and hurriedly walked out of the team.

The beautiful girl idol was about to take a step, and Chu Feng's voice sounded again.

"Changing positions is also not acceptable!"

The same indifferent voice made Mengmeng Sanyumei frowned 3.1 this time.

The stars in the pupils disappeared in an instant, and those eyes were fixed on Chu Feng.

If she didn't know the identity of the other party, she would want to curse now.

It's just to set up a stall, where are there so many rules?

This is not allowed, and that is not allowed, you are setting up a fart booth?

Yumemi was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Because she is well aware of the horror of brain-dead fans.

Those guys go nuts and don't care if you're a master chef or not.

His eyes narrowed slightly, dreaming of Miyumemi immediately put on a pitiful look.

"Can't you be more flexible? Yumemi really wants to eat your food as soon as possible."

Such a lovely and pitiful look.

It immediately made the hearts of the boys around him ache.

Suddenly there was an urge to verbally criticize Chu Feng.

Picture: Dreaming of Sanyou Memi!.

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