A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

[Chapter 247] Conan: Did Chu Feng Take The Maple Leaf Gold Coin?

Outside the abandoned three-story building by the embankment.

Several police cars parked in the open space one after another.

A group of elementary school students got out of the car excitedly under the leadership of Mu Mu Shisan.

Kojima Motota walked ahead with his head held high.

Following him were Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, Conan Edogawa and Sota Hori.

Finally, it was Dr. Ali who came together as a guardian.

The three idiots of Didan and the god of death are primary school students.

The Boy Detectives are back online.

However, it is slightly different from the original.

Because of Kang Na's intrusion.

As a result, Yoshida Ayumi missed the throne of Didan Sansha.

It was replaced by Sota Hori, the younger brother of Kyoko Hori.

"Conan, the treasure in that treasure picture is really the 15,000 maple leaf gold coins that were robbed?"

This is the third time Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko has asked.

The police officer had been looking for them since dinner.

He felt that things had exceeded his imagination.

I thought that the 'treasure' was something that was not very valuable.

After all, the treasure map was only picked up by Yuan Tai in the art gallery.

Who knew the situation would change suddenly.

It turned out to be a maple leaf gold coin worth 4.5 billion yen.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya didn't know how other friends would react when they found out.

Anyway, he was almost paralyzed with fright.

Glancing at the timid Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, Conan nodded and said:

"Officer Megure has already confirmed it, and the word 'oro' is drawn on the picture. In Italian, oro means money, gold or wealth."

"Conan still understands Italian?"

Kojima Motota, who was walking in the front, turned his head suddenly, his tone was extremely surprised, and then he became depressed.

"It's a pity, we were the ones who cracked the secret of the treasure map, but the treasure still has to be taken away by the police officer Uncle, and I wanted to use the money inside to buy Ultraman's toys.

Kojima Motota shook his head in frustration, his tone resentful.

Conan rolled the eyes of the dead fish, and heheed a little speechlessly.

A treasure worth 4.5 billion, do you think that even if the Metropolitan Police Department does not intervene, a group of children can eat it?

And with such a large amount of money, the first thing you think of is the Ultraman model?

Sure enough~

Children's minds are always so novel.


Conan didn't expect that what Yuantai picked up at random was actually a map with maple leaf gold coins hidden.

At first he thought it was a piece of graffiti, but he didn't take it seriously.

But after going to clothing stores, cafes and Tokyo Tower one after another.

He is 100% sure that this picture is real.

Miwako Sato and Ren Saburo Shiratori were on both sides of a group of children to prevent possible danger.

Hearing Conan's words, Miwako Sato was suddenly a little curious, and replied:

"Little brother, are you so sure that things must be hidden here? What if you guess wrong?"

The voice just fell.

Mumu Shisan and Shiratori Ren Sanlang also looked over.

In fact, they don't really believe a child's words.

But after getting the 'treasure map'.

The entire Metropolitan Police Department is fully operational.

Gather all human power.

It is unanimously inferred that the banks of the Chijingta River embankment are the best places to hide treasures.

Do a blanket search anyway.

Let's take a look at what these little guys said first.

What if he got it right?

It also saves a lot of trouble.

at least~~

Mu Mu Thirteen thought so.

The Italian government has put pressure on Neon.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is also under a lot of pressure.

Everyone wants to find the stolen maple leaf gold coins in Italy as soon as possible.

"This is not a guess, but a formal reasoning~"!"

Conan held up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, completely forgetting that he looked like a brat now.

"Tino Cabana wants to take the gold coins for himself, but he doesn't want his companions to find out."

"And in Tokyo, where he is unfamiliar, it is absolutely impossible for him to mark it with words or maps."

"Only by drawing a treasure map that he understands what it means, can he be completely relieved..."

"It is estimated that Tino Cabana also came to Tokyo Tower at night and found that the nearby neon lights would form a special pattern, so he drew this treasure map and buried the things at the corresponding place of the tower."

Conan's very stinky long-winded essay.

In the end, I was going to say the classic "The scheming frog keeps touching your stomach".

But Dr. A Li didn't give him this chance, so he kept coughing.

Conan's smug expression stopped abruptly.

Then I saw everyone looking at me strangely.

"Kid Conan, did you come up with all these yourself?"

Baima Rensanlang looked at the little guy wearing glasses in front of him in disbelief.

Suddenly, I felt that my IQ was not as good as that of a primary school student.

He also looked at that picture for a long time.

But no matter how you look at it, it's just a bunch of inexplicable patterns.

Miwako Sato was also surprised.

I always feel that Conan is not like a child.

It's a monster in the body of a child.

Such a logical reasoning.....

It's impossible for elementary school students to do it.

There was already a light of worship in Hori Sota's eyes, and he praised: "Conan is so powerful, he seems to know everything.

Kojima Motota nodded again and again: "Yes, you really deserve to be an official member of our boy detective team."


Conan finally reacted.

He looked at a group of people around him staring at him like monsters.

My heart felt a little nervous, and I quickly waved my hands to explain: "How can I know everything, I was just imitating Sherlock Holmes, it's always played like this in TV dramas......

"Huh? It turned out to be a parody of a TV series. I was really scared to death just now. I thought Conan was a shrunken adult."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, who had been silent all this time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But this remark scared Conan half to death.

"Ah, why do you have such a strange idea.

Conan tried his best to make his tone appear normal, so that no one except Dr. A Li could see the clue.

"Huh? Haven't you seen that "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" movie? It's a good movie!"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's answer was completely beyond Conan's expectations.


How can you use such a natural tone to connect two irrelevant things together?

Conan gave the little kid in front of him a weird look, feeling that he still couldn't understand the brain circuit of elementary school students.

Although Mu Mushisan, Shiratori Ren Saburo and others were amazed by Conan's intelligence, they didn't take it seriously.

No matter how strange the other party is, he is just a young lady.

The group quickly came to the third floor and found the suitcase in the compartment.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang did his part and dragged the box with one hand.

It didn't drag the first time, which was a bit embarrassing.

Shiratori Ren Saburo scratched his head.

With both hands, he dragged the suitcase out.

There was also a 'clang bang bang' sound on the way.

Kojima Motota was the first to shout: "Conan's guess is right, the treasure is indeed hidden here!"

Although he won't get any benefits, the feeling of finding the treasure still makes him excited.

Conan laughed dryly, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the police officers, he dare not say a word now.

Mu Mu Shisan also laughed, and found the Maple Leaf gold coin in time, which greatly relieved the pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department.

Without saying anything, he signaled Baima Ren Sanlang to open the box quickly.


A box of pebbles with different colors and patterns was presented in front of everyone.

Conan: (⊙_⊙)?

Twilight Thirteen: (000)...

Everyone: (000)......

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Dr. A Li rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

He believed in Conan's judgment.

This little guy is really easy to get carried away sometimes.

But in reasoning, there are really few mistakes.

"What's going on? Did someone take the gold coins in advance?"

Said Miwako Sato angrily.

She now believed in Conan's guess.

This must be where the gold coins are hidden.

but now~

Instead, it was replaced by a box of pebbles.

Mu Mu Thirteen was silent.

But his face has become extremely ashen.

He could even imagine his boss roaring.

Staring at the box full of cobblestones, Conan fell into thought.

long time~

Seems to think of something.

He said, "Officer Mumu, how did you catch the gang of robbers?"

Tino Cabana's accomplices were still wanted in the news in the morning, but they were arrested in the afternoon.

When did the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department become so efficient (with good money)?

No maple leaf gold coins were found, so Mu Mu Shisan lost interest.

But thinking that it was thanks to Conan and the others that they could find this place, they still answered seriously:

"Actually, it's all thanks to Mr. Chu. He was the one who called the police after subduing the robber trio. Mr. Chu, you are really an enthusiastic citizen!"

When Chu Feng called the police, he didn't intend to hide his identity. He still used his own mobile phone, which could be easily found by Mu Mushisan.

"It's him?"

Conan cried out in surprise, and then remembered the encounter with Chu Feng in the afternoon.

Could it be that the robber trio was following them at that time, and was later discovered by Chu Feng, who then caught each other?

After all, these two things are so coincidental, it's no wonder he thinks of them together.

Based on this, continue to reason...

If Chu Feng gets the news of the Maple Leaf gold coins from the robber trio, will he have evil thoughts?

After all, that bad chef who likes to sell expensive dishes seems to be greedy for money.

The expression on Conan's face gradually changed, and he faintly felt that he had guessed the truth.

Will the maple leaf gold coin be in Chu Feng's hands now?

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but get a headache.

Even if he guessed the truth, he didn't want to provoke that man.

As for the Metropolitan Police Department?

Give me a break.

They have no right to investigate Grand Chef at all. .

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