A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 248】 Senzaemon's Request, Miss Also Wants To Set Up A Stall!

Sakura Apartments.

Chu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to Conan's situation.

Anyway, with that guy's mind.

It will be a matter of time to find the abandoned building.

What would the other party think?

Chu Feng didn't care at all.

He didn't even bother calling the police.

The Metropolitan Police Department will soon be able to find his mobile phone information.

But Boss Chu believed it.

In the end, even if Mu Mu Shisan guessed something, he probably wouldn't report it.

If you don't tell the truth, smart people will not ask for trouble.

Had an early dinner.

I simply made some home-cooked dishes such as mapo tofu and shredded pork with green peppers.

After enjoying a delicious meal, Thor and Connor nestled on the sofa to watch TV, while Chu Feng checked the system interface.

During this period of time, his personal interface has undergone tremendous changes, and various statistics have improved significantly.

It's a pity that it is not so easy to improve your culinary skills.

Because according to the evaluation standard of the system, one must have at least one god-level skill in order to be promoted to Chef Lin.

【Name】: Chu Feng

【Age】:20 years old

【Praise number】: 2580/5000

[Comprehensive index]: 5200 (average of ordinary people is 10)

[Chef Level]: Special

[Chef Heart]: Peace is the most important thing

[Food Skills]: Meals on the plate

[Kitchen Utensils]: Yongling Knife (Perfect), Zhuanlong Pot (Perfect), Seven Star Knife of Pojun (Perfect)


[Skills]: God's Vision, Chinese Cuisine, Game Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Basic Theory, Knife Skills, White Tables, Cooking, Spicy, God's Taste, Desserts, Carving, Painting, Writing, Medical Skills, Gambling Skills... . . . (Only show top skills!)

[Secret Skills]: 100% bare-handed and white blade (God-level), Do not kill or draw the sword (God-level), Holy Sword Excalibur (God-level), Immediate Death Demon Eye (God-level), Divine Walking Step (God-level), Call of the Sun 570 Inhalation Techniques (Dragon Level), Holy Blessing (Dragon Level), Dragon Slayer Profound Art·Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade (Dragon Level), Bull and Green Dragon Slash (Lin Level).……………

[Recipes]: Concubine Xiao, Shenglong Dumplings, Zhenhun Noodles, Stir-Fried Pork Slices, Magical Mapo Tofu, Unified Six Kingdoms Fried Noodles, Golden Egg Fried Rice, Golden Section Siu Mai, Galaxy Noodles...(Only show more than seven stars! )

Haven't checked the personal interface for a long time.

Chu Feng didn't even realize that his medical skills had reached the top level without knowing it.

The last time I exchanged for the dragon pot, I spent all my points.

But after this period of time, I persisted in setting up a stall.

He accumulated more than 30,000 points.

But there is one thing that makes him more depressed.

The next good review reward.

It actually needs 5,000 good reviews.

The business of setting up stalls in Mihua Town and Baikao Academy in the last two times was very hot, but now they have only accumulated half of them.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help laughing, feeling a little greedy.

Anyway, the current level of cooking is sufficient, so there is no need to worry too much.

Turn off the system interface, and was about to accompany Thor and the others to watch TV for a while, when the doorbell rang.

"Could it be Gabriel who came to eat again?"

Thor straightened up, speaking uncertainly.

"I'm not sure, maybe that girl used the money to recharge the game again."

Chu Feng walked towards the door while talking.

They don't like to use spiritual force in daily life.

What fun is life if you know everything in advance.

If Gabriel wanted to come for a meal, she would return disappointed today.

Chu Feng didn't cook many dishes for dinner.

The two dragon maidens had eaten everything.

open the door.

The people standing outside were completely beyond Chu Feng's expectations.

Nakiri Senzaemon!

‘What is the old man from the Nakiri family doing here?’

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and Chu Feng was a little dazed.


Senzaemon, who was standing outside the door, had already said, "Boss Chu, I am so disturbed by your sudden visit.

'Since you know you will disturb others, why are you here?"

Chu Feng complained secretly, but still asked with a smile: "Mr. Nakiri is here tonight, what's the matter?"

Senzaemon's expression became a little embarrassed, he glanced at the corner of the corridor, then looked at Chu Feng and said: "Actually, the old man is here today for my two granddaughters."

Now Chu Feng was even more confused.

What happened to Erina and Alice?

If there is anything that cannot be discussed on the phone, Senzaemon must be brought out.

The mental power was released, and he glanced at the corner of the corridor.

Sure enough~

A blonde girl and a white-haired girl are leaning against the wall.

Sneaking his head out, he watched Senzaemon intently.

At this time, the faces of the two girls in Nakiri's family were full of tension.

"Since you two have something to ask for, why don't you come out to this old man!"

While talking, Senzaemon gave the two girls an angry look.

"Chu ~ Chu Feng∼∼"

"Hello, Boss Chu!"

Erina and Alice came out a little embarrassed.

The former lowered his head and whispered softly, his voice was like a mosquito.

Alice, on the other hand, with her hands behind her back, bowed her body slightly to greet Chu Feng, her perfect curve was ready to emerge.

"... Hello!"

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and responded casually, which was regarded as a greeting.

But now Chu Feng is even more confused, why are the two eldest ladies of the Nakiri family looking for him?

Listening to what Senzaemon meant, it seemed that Erina and Alice both asked him.

Could it be that the eldest lady, who has no worries about food and clothing, still has problems that cannot be solved?

Chu Feng instinctively wanted to refuse, he has never liked trouble.

But considering that Tōtsuki is still a cooperative relationship, it seems a bit blunt to directly refuse.

"Please come in."

Recently, the mentality has changed a lot, but Chu Feng did not turn away the guests.

Senzaemon took Erina and Alice into the room, and nodded towards Thor and Connor.

"You are Boss Chu's younger sister, Kang Na, right? What a cute little guy!"

Alice is a familiar person, she just wanted to touch Connor's head.

But how can anyone touch Doragon's head?

Not everyone (agab) is Chu Feng!

Kang Na shot like lightning.

He slapped Alice's outstretched hand away.

There was a brief silence in the living room.

The white-haired girl was suddenly a little embarrassed.

"Ha~ My sister is more afraid of strangers~~"

Chu Feng made a haha, and made a perfunctory casually, without any intention of blaming Kang Na.

Senzaemon stared at the white-haired Loli with a little startle.

He didn't see clearly the speed of the opponent's attack just now.


This little Loli in front of me is terrifyingly strong!

Senzaemon was quick to judge.

Sure enough~

The people around Boss Chu are not simple.

Several people sat down on the sofa.

Knowing that Chu Feng doesn't like to be long-winded, Senzaemon cut to the chase and said, "Actually, I came to see Boss Chu today because of the field practice."


Chu Feng remembered this episode, but forgot some details.

Tōtsuki Gakuen has always had a "field practice" system.

First-year students in the advanced department will be sent out to various restaurants for a practicum lesson plan.

They range from high-end restaurants to food manufacturers and may even be sent to public institutions

This is an important course for first-year students to experience the actual combat atmosphere in advance.

Many students during field placements.

Usually the outstanding ones will be favored by the shop where they practice.

After graduating, it is logical to work in that store.

Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly brought up the Tōtsuki Gakuen class.

The old man wouldn't want Erina and Alice to come to me for an internship, would he?

It's not hard to guess, Chu Feng's expression gradually became strange.

don't make trouble!

The interior space of a fast food truck is small, and there is no room for two people.

And the eldest lady of Nakiri's family set up a stall with her, isn't she afraid of being laughed at when she speaks out?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng shook his head and said: "Please forgive me, Erina and Alice are not suitable for setting up a stall.

"Who says we're not suitable?"

Erina curled her lips and muttered softly.

However, she also put away her petty temper when she asked for help from others.

Alice also nodded in agreement: "Boss Chu, let us have a try."

Alice clasped her hands in front of her chest, putting on a pathetic look.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and ignored the two girls.

Senzaemon didn't seem surprised by his reaction, and asked with a smile, "Why?"

Since Chu Feng gave a reason, it means that there is still a chance to fight for it.

"Isn't that obvious? Because they've never had this experience."

Maybe they are concerned about the face of Senzaemon and others.

Or maybe the two have a little partnership.

Chu Feng did not refuse so simply.

Also considering whether to agree to the other party's request.

Senzaemon couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this: "So it's because of this. Boss Chu doesn't have to worry. The field practice is for them to accumulate practical experience. If they don't know how to learn, please give them a chance."

As a leading figure in the neon cuisine world, Shizaemon has not asked others so humbly for a long time.

But for the sake of his precious granddaughter, he kept his figure very low at this time.

Of course, Chu Feng's strength and cooking skills are also worthy of him.

In fact, even if his granddaughter didn't ask him, Senzaemon still wanted to take the initiative to ask what Chu Feng meant.

After all, learning from a special chef is of great help to the growth of Erina and Alice.


Senzaemon's sincere tone made Chu Feng a little stunned, and felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Looking at the expressions on Erina and Alice's faces, they obviously want to practice with him.

Boss Chu was a little soft-hearted and couldn't bear to refuse the other party.

After all~

Who can say no to two beautiful girls.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with agreeing to the other party's request.

With one or two more helpers, Chu Feng is also happy to be at leisure.

"It's impossible to let both of them intern with me, right?"

Chu Feng quickly raised his only concern.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to take an apprentice occasionally.

However, the fast food truck has limited space and cannot accommodate these two girls at the same time. .

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