A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 277】Boss Chu, What About Your Principles And Reserve?

In fact~~

Kirari and the others did not exaggerate.

The taste of the three fresh wontons is really delicious.

Especially when served with clear chicken broth.

The taste is simply excellent and comfortable, and it is really memorable.

Seeing the envious eyes cast by the people around, and the longing eyes...

Qi Luoli suddenly felt very happy, and even a little proud in her heart.

This feeling is even more enjoyable than being sought after by thousands of people in school.

After all~

Let Boss Chu cook dishes that are not on the menu.

Right now it's just her.

Oh, by the way, Thor and Erina don't count.

They were originally employees of the fast food truck, so it is normal to be able to eat other dishes.


Qi Luoli, who has always been prudent, couldn't help but tease Sonoko.

who knows~

Chu Feng's next words left the student council president stunned.

"Sure, two thousand and one bowl."

Chu Feng smiled at Yuanzi, but did not refuse the other party's request.

"Yeah, Boss Chu, Segao!"

Suzuki Sonoko jumped up excitedly, completely ignoring everyone's strange gazes.


Momokichi Luoli's face was full of question marks, and she didn't react for a while.

Did you hear me right just now? Boss Chu, who always pays attention to principles, actually sells dishes that are not on the menu for the first time!?

At this moment, Qi Luoli's face was like a capitalized word "囧", with an extremely weird expression.

"Mr. Chu, what about your principles? What about your kind treatment?"

"Why did Yuanzi want to eat, but you agreed to make it for her without hesitation?"

Qi Luoli directly asked three times.

Now she is indeed extremely curious, and a little anxious.

It's a bit uncomfortable, as if the only privilege was taken away by someone.

And Li Lixiang and Igarashi also stared at Chu Feng intently.

Mao Lilan opened her mouth even more exaggeratedly, it seemed a little unbelievable.

‘Does Boss Chu like Yuanzi?

‘Otherwise how could he easily break his principles?’

Mao Lilan's pure and pleasant face was also full of doubts.

At this moment, Sonoko's dark green eyes seemed to have turned into little stars.

No way~ no way~~

Does Boss Chu really like me?

Otherwise, why would you agree to your request so easily?

What if he confesses to me next?

Am I agreeing?

Or do you agree?

What a headache!


Who told Yuanzi to be so cute and charming, and Boss Chu is also very handsome.

In order not to make the handsome guy sad, I will reluctantly accept his confession!

In just a split second.

Suzuki Sonoko has become a nympho.

Automatically make up enough scenes for a romantic comedy.

But what Chu Feng said next.....

It directly broke Miss Yuanzi's delusion.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that there is a lot of stuffing, and it's a waste to keep it. F

"Since you want to eat it, why not add it to today's menu."


I didn't see Chu Feng making any moves either.

The LCD screens of food trucks have changed.

【Three fresh wontons/2000 yen】

Momokuchi Rori: (000)...

Sonoko Suzuki:(O_O)?

Mao Lilan: …………


Is there such an operation?

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Obviously, they were a little speechless by Chu Feng's operation.

The dishes that Ganqing sells every day can be temporarily added by the other party, depending on the mood.

At this moment, the members of the food group had a better understanding of Boss Chu's waywardness.

This guy's principles are all up to him, and he can change them at any time, which is outrageous to the extreme.

Qi Luoli and the others were speechless for a moment, all staring at Chu Feng with weird eyes.

The latter seemed to be unaware, with a nonchalant attitude, which made the girls itch with anger.

Yumiko Miura and others don't know much about Chu Feng.

However, there are new dishes, and the few people are quite happy.

After eating pancake fruit.

Everyone ordered a wonton again without hesitation.

Not long after~

There was a series of sucking sounds on the top of Mount Fuji.

"This dashi, seems flat is Nagoya chicken?"

"Hmm~ This minced meat is really delicious~~"

"Indeed, the minced meat is simply too fragrant, completely different from the instant wontons I usually eat.

"Sho Tobe, don't insult Boss Chu's cooking with that kind of instant food."

"That's right, you didn't hear them say that Boss Chu is a super chef!"

On an empty hilltop.

The people at the four tables chattered non-stop.

The difference is that~

Miura Yuiko and others were talking with their companions.

And Rei Kawashima~

It is to describe the deliciousness of the three fresh wontons to the audience in the live broadcast room.

This operation~

Let netizens experience the pain that they shouldn't have to bear at this age.

I can't eat without seeing, is there anything more cruel than this in the world?

Especially for foodies, this kind of pain is no less than asking them to die.

Chu Feng ignored the noisy diners.

Finish all wontons.

The daily routine of setting up stalls has basically come to an end.

Selling Sanxian Wonton was originally a whim, and there was no particular reason.

The main reason is that the audience of Douzhier is not large, and today's sales are a bit bleak.

Think here.

Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little regretful about making soy sauce as today's main dish.

If I had known that Sanxian Wonton is so popular, I would have used it from the beginning.

In fact, the main reason is that the location of the stall is not good.

Qi Luoli and Suzuki Sonoko even flew here specially.

There were no more than twenty guests today.

So when Chu Feng specified the main dishes at the beginning, it seemed a bit casual.

The hands were finally free, and while the guests were enjoying the food, Erina couldn't help asking curiously: "When did you prepare the pork, river prawns and mackerel?"

"Well, there are these kinds of ingredients in the fast food truck."

Chu Feng answered seriously.

After gaining Mastery of Deception.

His lying skills are now as good as fire.

The face is not red and the heart (Qian Zhao's) does not jump.

He even believed what he said.

"Nonsense, I checked the cabinet you opened just now, and there are no such ingredients in it."

Erina rolled her eyes.

How stupid she is!

The previous ham.

It was found in the cabinet just now.

The expression on Chu Feng's face froze slightly, and then he said earnestly: "Didn't your grandfather tell you that you are not a qualified employee if you casually inquire about the boss's secrets.

Erina was speechless directly.

The main reason is that she is afraid that the other party will get angry with her grandpa.

After all this internship opportunity...

Or Senzaemon finally begged for it.

He shook his head secretly.

Erina was too lazy to think about such fantastic things.

It should be normal for a fast food truck that can travel through space, and ingredients will automatically appear in the cabinet, right?


Erina found an explanation that she thought was 'reasonable'. .

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