A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 278】Now, Let's Talk About A Multi-Billion Business!

There are only a dozen guests in total today.

Even if everyone eats slowly.

It didn't take long either.

Not long after~

Sonoko Suzuki, Yumiko Miura and others left one after another.

Kawashima Rei pointed the camera at the window again.

Let netizens understand once again what is the value of a fairy face.

Only then did I go down the mountain contentedly.

Diners at the top of the mountain.

Now only Momokichi Ruri and others are left.

I ate the three fresh wontons so happily that there was not even soup left.

Qi Luoli breathed out elegantly, with an expression of enjoyment.

There was a touch of rosiness on her already gorgeous face, and she was obviously very satisfied with today's cooking.

"Tell me, is there anything I can do for you?"

Delicious obviously didn't destroy Qi Luoli's sanity, she still remembered Chu Feng's words when she first came here.

"A multi-billion business, do you want to do it?"

Chu Feng laughed.

The slightly narrowed eyes immediately aroused Qi Luoli's interest.

"Oh? Billions?"

Put your arms around your chest.

Qi Luoli's voice suddenly raised a little.

I don't think the other party is joking at all.

Although I heard that there are always men telling girls that they want to talk about hundreds of millions of business as a joke.

But she knows it.

Boss Chu, a straight man of steel.

It is estimated that it is possible not to know this thread.

He said 053's business?

Definitely worth billions.

"What business is so profitable?"

Qi Luoli was a little curious, and Amber's beautiful eyes stared straight at the man in the food truck.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Maple leaf gold coins, can your family eat them?"

Qi Luoli was slightly taken aback.

A trace of surprise flashed in Lilixiang's eyes.

Igarashi Qinghua blurted out subconsciously: "Is the maple leaf gold coin stolen from Italy in your hand?"

The three of them had different expressions.

Except Igarashi.

The Momo sisters were quite calm.

A few billion is not a big number for the Taogu family.

At most, it is equivalent to the income of Hundred Kao Academy for one year.


Qi Luoli, with her legs crossed, laughed, gracefully brushed off the fallen leaves on her legs, and said calmly:

"No wonder the group of idiots in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department haven't found the maple leaf gold coins until now, so you took them away."

Li Lixiang nodded and said in agreement: "Well, since it fell into Mr. Chu's hands, it's normal for them to find no clues."

Who says they have no clues?

When Chu Feng heard this, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

At the beginning, he called the police himself, and there were always smart people who connected the matter to him.

It's just that no one in the Metropolitan Police Department dared to investigate him because of his status as a super chef.

Sometimes Chu Feng can't help but think that IGO's star certification is somewhat useful.

Qi Luoli didn't bother with this question.

The Hundred Clans never put the Metropolitan Police Department in their eyes.

Among the members of the neon political circles, there are also people from their family.

"Mr. Chu, don't underestimate our Taogu family. It's just a maple leaf gold coin. Buyers can be found at any time.

"How? Fifteen thousand maple leaf gold coins, do you plan to sell them all?"

This little matter can't trouble Qi Luoli at all.

Chu Feng was a little surprised, he still underestimated the energy of the woman in front of him.

A little embarrassed, he said in a daze: "Only sell 12,000 pieces, and keep the rest for collection.

Of course Chu Feng would not forget Thor's preference, and reserved a part for her specially.

It's just that if there is less of this thing, it can still be called a collection, and if there is too much, it doesn't make much sense.

"According to the current price on the black market, 12,000 pieces, the total value should be around 3.6 billion yen."

Igarashi Qinghua is a very competent clerk, and now he is considered to be Qi Luoli's direct descendant, so he naturally has the authority to enter the dark net.

Soon she found information about the maple leaf gold coins, and quickly calculated the total price.

"Only 3.6 billion?"

“Not expensive!”

"I want this batch of gold coins!"

Qi Luoli is indeed the young patriarch of the Taogu family.

Billions of things are bought as soon as they are said, without blinking an eye.

Li Lixiang glanced at Qi Luoli, instantly understood the other's eyes, and then took out a black card.

The two sisters seem to trust Chu Feng very much, and they are ready to pay without seeing the real thing, and they don't even ask for a counter-offer.


To be honest, Boss Chu was a little moved at the moment.

Although he knew it was because of cooking and cooking.

But it can't stand the trust of the other party.

"Wait, you'd better look at the stuff first, and I don't count (agei) selling it at the highest price on the black market."

Chu Feng smiled lightly, and instead of taking the black card immediately, he nodded towards Thor.

Three hundred and one maple leaf gold coins.

In fact, it is a high price speculated on the black market.

The real price fluctuates greatly.

Be a stranger~

Chu Feng must have pretended not to know.

Whether the other party loses money or not is none of his business.

But Kirori is no stranger.

After all, he is an old acquaintance.

Boss Chu can't do anything unintentional.


A dark opening appeared beside Thor.

Since Chu Feng asked her to take out the gold coins on the spot, there was no cognitive barrier set up.


Everyone stared dumbfounded at the crack in the space that continuously spewed out gold coins.

"Space magic?"

"Dimensional Pocket?"

Lilixiang and Igarashi exclaimed.

The former had a low voice, and subconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth.

Igarashi Qinghua's expression was a bit exaggerated, and he froze in place.

Growing up so big, she has never seen such a magical scene.

Does space magic really exist?

So, with the extra-dimensional pockets, can you all find a box for gold coins?

After the shock, Igarashi suddenly had the urge to complain.

Still with a steady posture, Qi Luoli spoke out Igarashi's innermost feelings.

"Mr. Chu, is it difficult to find a wooden box to pack it in?"

Qi Luoli's tone was a little helpless, more than 10,000 gold coins, when will it be picked up.

Thor opened the space crack, and Kiroli was no exception.

She has seen Chu Feng's 'teleportation' before. Isn't it normal for a waiter in a fast food truck to know space magic?

Only Igarashi Qinghua, who had never seen the world, would make such a fuss.

Glancing at the other party lightly, Qi Luoli didn't mean to blame at all.

After all, her clerk is just the heir of a fishery company, so it's normal for her to have long hair but short knowledge.

Erina was also expressionless. After her eyelids twitched a few times, she quickly regained her composure.

Fast food trucks can travel through space, is there anything more magical than this?

Ms. Nakiri said that no matter what she encounters now, it is difficult to shock her.

Facing Qi Luoli's complaints, Chu Feng smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you pick them up one by one."

As soon as the voice fell, he was seen taking out a bag from the trunk.

With one move with one hand, the gold coins on the ground are like obedient field soldiers.

They floated up one after another, and got into the pockets in an orderly manner.

This wave of operations left Igarashi Qinghua dumbfounded again.

It feels like what she has seen and heard today is more amazing than the sum of her entire life.

After fastening the bag and handing it to Qi Luoli, Chu Feng said:

"I'll charge you three billion, and no counter-offer is allowed, otherwise I won't sell it.

It was rare for Boss Chu to be generous.

Anyway, it's all for nothing.

It doesn't matter if it's cheaper.

Now he is no longer the little white who didn't understand anything.

The 500 million reward was offered last time.

The commission paid by Qi Luoli is not cheap.

Chu Feng only realized it later.

Now, just treat it as a favor. .

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