"This is the real Sichuan cuisine. Compared with Boss Chu's Sichuan cuisine, the Yokohama Chinese cuisine restaurant is not at the same level.

"You're crazy, you're comparing an ordinary chef with Boss Chu, what do you think?"

"It's a good thing that Boss Chu likes to set up stalls, otherwise how would we have the opportunity to eat such delicacies?"

"Hiss~~ It's fragrant and spicy, it's simply irresistible, thank you Boss Chu for your generosity."

"Just this Big Magic Panda Tofu, I can eat three bowls of rice!"

"If it weren't for the fact that rice is only limited to three bowls, how the hell can I eat a bowl!"

"Come on, Boss Chu doesn't charge for the rice here, how dare you open your mouth and order ten bowls?"

"Wait, I read that right, why is the principal here?"

"Fuck~ Really~~ It seems like she hasn't shown up in school for a long time, right?"

"Haha~ The head of the academy who has always been a master but never sees the tail, can hardly resist the temptation of fast food truck food!"

"What? This petite and lovely girl is the principal of our school? Is there a mistake?"

"Hush, shut up! The head of the academy hates people calling her little~~"

"But, she is really small!"

The first batch of guests have already started tasting the Big Magic Panda Tofu.

Naturally, it is full of praise, Chu Feng's cuisine never disappoints.

I heard someone talking about Yokohama Chinese Restaurant 287.

If I remember correctly, the head chef seems to be Hōjō Miyoko's father.

Someone actually compares his cooking with the other's.

Chu Feng couldn't help being a little funny.

As for the rice limit.

It is also reasonable.

Food trucks already provide free rice.

There are many warriors in the Love Earth Symbiosis Academy.

People who practice martial arts in general.

The appetite is much stronger than ordinary people.

Although I didn't choose gongmi today, it's still pretty good.

Boss Chu, who has always been frugal, doesn't want to lose too much money.

at the moment~

It seems that because of someone's arrival.

The crowd in line was in an uproar.

Chu Feng followed everyone's gaze.

I saw a dark blue girl with short hair.

He is in a black tuxedo, with a flat body, and his visual height does not exceed 1.5 meters.

Is this guy the dean of the Land of Love Symbiosis Academy?

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

After all, this character does not seem to have appeared in the animation.

Hirakawa girl and Ying Lili have a fight.


She looks even smaller.

If no one reminds.

Chu Feng thought that the other party was still a junior high school student.

Just when he was looking at the dean.

Shino Fujibayashi was also looking at Chu Feng.

She has also heard a little about this mysterious chef who is now famous in Tokyo's high society.

It's just that she is usually busy with affairs, and there is no intersection between the two, so she didn't pay too much attention to it.

I heard that the food here is amazing, and the owner of the fast food truck is also very strong, even killing Bucky Wuzi in a flash.

seeing is believing.

A ninja raised as a Narugami clan.

Fujibayashi Shono would not easily believe such rumors.

And the so-called food?

She has been subjected to cruel training since she was a child, so she has little interest in it.


Since her owner told her not to miss the dishes of the fast food truck.

So Fujibayashi Shono came, passed the crowd in line, and came directly to the window.

On the way, he glanced at the tofu among the black baixiang on the dining table.

The seductive fragrance also made the dean frown slightly.

Be a ninja.

First of all, we must obey the word "forbearance".

Can't stand all kinds of temptations in the world.

Not qualified to be a qualified ninja at all.

Watching the students enjoying the delicious food with intoxicated faces.

Fujibayashi Shono felt a little disgusted instinctively.

A ninja handed down from the Edo period.

Always follow the five principles of food, fragrance, medicine, qi, and body.

Because they often haunt tree branches and roofs, in order to better hide their bodies, ninjas have extremely strict requirements on 'food'.

The three meals a day are mainly vegetarian such as black rice, oats, tofu, and konjac, and the taste is extremely light.

Therefore, Fujibayashi Shono has always been anti-(agdf) ordinary people who are easily addicted to delicious food.


Today the fast food truck sells all tofu, which fits her recipe.

Those hollow dark purple eyes stared straight at the man in the window.

have to admit~

The newly promoted super chef's appearance conforms to the aesthetics of most women.


Fujibayashi Shouno remained expressionless, and his empty eyes remained unchanged.

She doesn't like men, and it doesn't matter how handsome she is.

"A serving of Big Magic Panda Tofu."

A cold voice sounded, Fujibayashi Shono began to order food.

The voice just fell!

Saeko Busujima and Zanzhan Tianyu, who were at the table closest to the fast food truck, had strange expressions on their faces.

Others don't know.

But as a member of the gourmet group.

But they know Chu Feng's rules.

Food trucks are not allowed to jump in line!

The dream of Sanyumemi in the private Hundred Kao Academy is a lesson from the past.

To remind friends~

Momokichi Luoli still mentioned this unlucky guy emphatically in the group.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan put down his chopsticks, and stared at the woman in front of the window with great interest.

She had no impression of the dean.

I only remember meeting once when I was in school, but I didn't even remember the other person's appearance.

However, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan is still very happy to see the nominal ruler of the academy suffer.

Saeko Busujima and Oniwalun opened their mouths slightly, as if they wanted to remind each other...

Perhaps most of the first graders don't know Fujibayashi Shono.

But the seniors are fairly familiar with each other.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Chu Feng just glanced at Fujibayashi Xiangno lightly, and said a little politely: "Please queue up to order."

The tone was very flat, as if standing in front of him was just an ordinary diner.


Fujibayashi Shono finally showed a trace of expression on that deserted face.

He looked a little dazed, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

The other party actually asked her to line up?

Did I make a mistake?

Fujibayashi Shono, who quickly reacted, looked sullen.

"Are you sure you want me to line up?"

Fujibayashi Shono couldn't believe his ears, and confirmed again.

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Chu Feng nodded seriously: "Yes, this is the rule here. If you want to eat, you have to obey the rules."

After receiving a definite answer again, Shino Fujibayashi was a little bit dumbfounded, and even raised his voice abruptly.

"I am the dean of this school, on my site, you actually asked me to line up?"

"What about the head of the academy? Isn't it the most basic quality to wait in line for meals? Can you make an exception?"

Chu Feng looked into the other party's deep purple eyes, and continued: "Also, as the head of a school, shouldn't you take the lead and set an example?"

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