A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 289】Toraharu Narugami And Shino Fujibayashi, The Strong Can Make The Rules!

A word of caution.

What Chu Feng said was justified.

The students who love to live together are stunned.


That's their headmaster.

Although usually there seems to be no sense of existence ~.

Although it has always been the five swords in the world-in charge of the academy.

But Fujibayashi Shono~

Anyway, it is also the top manager in name.

Is Boss Chu so disrespectful?

Can't even cut in line?

Everyone present was speechless.

But think carefully~

It seems that what the other party said is reasonable, and there seems to be nothing wrong.

No matter what you do, queuing is the most basic quality.

The behavior of jumping indiscriminately is indeed a bit shameful.


Ever feel like something's not quite right?

Under the influence of certain rules, most people subconsciously ignore them.

Love Land Symbiosis Academy is Fujibayashi Shono's territory, and Chu Feng is just an outsider.


Food trucks don't just steal the show.

Chu Feng even earnestly educated the principal here.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan, Busujima Saeko and Tian Tian Wu Jian's will is firm, and their perception is not bad.

Immediately, they sensed something was wrong, and all showed dumbfounding expressions.

Chu Feng was indeed that boss Chu.

Usually, rules are taken very seriously.

It doesn't matter who the other party is, and they are not soft-spoken when they are angry.


Fujibayashi Xiangnai was so stunned that he had nothing to say, and his deserted face turned blue and white.

The ups and downs of her flat chest showed how excited she was, but she was speechless.

After all, she is the head of the school who loves the land and coexists, so she should really set an example.


Fujibayashi Shono was a little dumbfounded.

At this moment, everyone froze in place.

Having grown up so big, she has never been so angry.

But facing the students present.

Fujibayashi Shono did not dare to have any overreaction.

It was a bit hard to get off at one point.

Neither staying nor leaving.

Do you really have to be obedient and queue up at the back?

After all, she is also a nominal head of the school, she can't afford to lose this person.

Tightening the hand holding the bamboo scabbard, Fujibayashi Shono subconsciously wanted to make a move.


A familiar voice suddenly rang in my ears.

"Go to line up."

The person who came was Mingshen Huchun in white and black skirt.

She is shorter than Fujibayashi Shono.

They didn't even look at each other when they spoke.

Instead, he stared straight at the man in the food truck.

"Master~Miss Narugami?"

Fujibayashi Shono had just opened his mouth when he suddenly remembered that the other party hadn't planned to disclose his identity, so he quickly changed his words.

Mingshen Huchun glanced at her indifferently, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he turned around and walked towards the back row without saying anything.

Looking at the petite back of the blond girl.

There was an intriguing smile on Chu Feng's face.

The identity of the blonde girl.

Boss Chu knew it all.

When I was in the ice hell.

He sensed the presence of the other party.

It's just that Merisman talks business with him alone.

The other three groups did not show up.



The dean of the school who loves the land seems to have a little too much respect for Mingshen Huchun.

Although the other party concealed it very well.

But in Chu Feng's eyes.

The change of expression and eyes is too blunt.

Busujima Saeko, Tianyu Zhanzhan and others who were closest to the two.

He was also keenly aware of something wrong with Fujibayashi Shono, and immediately frowned slightly.

"Wu Shen Hu Chun? What is she doing here?"

"The dean's attitude towards her is also a bit weird?"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Busujima Saeko spoke at the same time, with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

The two are no strangers to the strongest genius of the Naruto clan of the ancient martial arts family.

At the ancient martial arts exchange conference, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan even fought with the opponent.

In the end, relying on his strong body, Tianyu Zhan Zhan was slightly better.

But she was always skeptical.

The other party did not exert their full strength at the exchange conference.

At the same time~

Inaba Tsukiya also kept staring at Narugami Koharu's back.

For this half-sister, she has complicated feelings.

The two sisters have not met much since they were young, and their relationship is not close, and it can even be said that they are strangers.

But Tsukiyo Inaba has always been envious of Koharu Narugami who has a healthy body, and the other party's martial arts talent is not weaker than her.

Yaowan has a lot of self-displaying swordsmanship moves.

She is the holder of 'Flash' and 'Extreme Speed'.

Mingshen Huchun mastered the most lethal 'Xunlei' and 'Thunder'.

Moreover, he has already defeated his mother and forcibly seized the title of "Second Fan".

The Naruto family has always determined their strength by their numbers.

From strong to weak from one to seven.

Shono Fujibayashi, the principal of the school who loves the earth and lives together.

And only got the 'Three Fans'.

From this we can see~

Naruto Tiger Haru is really strong!

Inaba Tsukiyo had known for a long time that Fujibayashi Shono had a connection with Narugami Koharu.

But now it seems~

The relationship between the two is extraordinary.

0......seeking flowers......

Full of doubts, Fujibayashi Shono followed to the back of the line.

Withdrawing in front of everyone made her feel a little dissatisfied.

But what puzzled her even more.

Why is my lady so polite to the food truck owner?

Although Wushen Huchun didn't say a word, obeying the other party's rules has already shown her attitude.

you know~

This rare genius in the Naruto family is actually more proud than anyone else.

Except for her father Mingshen Zhongsheng, she has never given in to anyone.

a long time.

Shono Fujibayashi, who was puzzled, couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Miss, why?"


Mingshen Huchun laughed lightly, and said lightly: "The strong can make rules, but he has such strength!"

Passing through the long queue, his blood-red eyes always stayed on Chu Feng.

Mingshen Huchun didn't feel that obediently queuing up was a matter of losing face.


Fujibayashi Shone was stunned, and then retorted: "Although the super chef has undergone the transformation of gourmet cells, his physical strength is comparable to that of our warriors, but how much strength can they exert when they are not familiar with martial arts? How can he be stronger than the Patriarch? sharp?"

She was going to say, 'Is he better than Miss'?

But on second thought.....

Super chefs know food skills, and their combat power is quite impressive.

"Wu Shen Zhong Sheng? Just him?"

The blond girl suddenly laughed, her tone full of sarcasm.

In private, she didn't have any affection for the so-called 'father', and even called him by his first name.

"The strength of Wushen Zhongsheng is at best equal to that of a fantasy creature of level 20 or 30."

After a pause, Mingshen Huchun looked at the blond maid walking between the dining tables, and continued: "Did you see the waiter in the fast food truck? Can you see her strength?"

Fujibayashi Shono turned his head to look, feeling a faint threat.

But now that Thor's breath is completely restrained, she can see through it.

"That Miss Thor has the power to crush ice dragons!"

Mingshen Huchun said with a smile that was not a smile, with a hint of awe in his tone.


"Ice Dragon?"

"A fantasy creature at level 55?"

Fujibayashi Shono's voice was in vain, and his eyes were wide open.

this moment~

She didn't believe her ears a little bit, and even wondered if she heard it wrong.

Miss Narugami is talking about the Icefield Dragon with capture level 55, right?

How could an existence of that level be crushed by others?

Picture: Narugami Tiger Haru and Fujibayashi Shone Spoon!.

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