The practice of braised pork can be described as strange.

It can be roughly divided into twenty or thirty types.

In Dragon Country~

Lushang and Guangzhou areas like to use dried bamboo shoots to roast meat, which is rich in nutrition, crisp and refreshing.

The most famous dish in southern Shonen is Mao's braised pork.

Soy sauce is fired with a small amount of sugar, golden in color, sweet but not greasy.

In addition, there are Dongpo Pork, Pork with Pickled Vegetables, Su-style Braised Pork, etc.………

Ever since I met Chu Feng~

Erina and Alice made up a lot of Longguo cuisine.

It is natural to know the common practice of this dish.

Look at the seasoning prepared by the other party.

They can roughly simulate the entire production process in their minds.

Rock sugar, light soy sauce, cooking wine, star anise, ginger...  


Boss Chu is really planning to use the most common way to make braised pork.

Erina and Alice exchanged glances.

They all feel worthless for the 'flesh of precious stones'.

But this food originally belonged to Chu Feng, and they ate and drank and learned their crafts, so they knew they were not qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

The Yongling knife cuts crystal-like pieces of meat, the fat gravy is clearly visible, and the tempting aroma quickly permeates the kitchen.

Pieces of red, orange, and 06 gem flesh exude a faint light, just like priceless gems.

In fact, this kind of food can also be eaten raw, and it has the same strong taste as pork ribs.

However, Chu Feng does not have the habit of raw food, and always likes cooked food.

Cut into pieces, blanch, drain...  

The practice of braised pork is very simple.

But Erina and Alice took it very seriously.

"Repeatedly using alternating hot and cold methods to blanch the water is to lock the gravy and increase the texture of the meat.

"Thirty seconds as a cycle, is there any special purpose?"

When Chu Feng started blanching the meat, Alice had already pulled out her mobile phone to time the time.

Each time the meat is boiled on high heat and rinsed in cold water, the time is not too long, exactly 30 seconds.

Learning crafts, Nakiri Alice is so strict!

When the meat was drained, Chu Feng turned around and said with a smile: "It's not intentional, it's just a personal habit.

This is a big truth, blanching is just to lock in the gravy, but it is not so particular.

Put oil in the pan, stir-fry the cinnamon, bay leaves and star anise until fragrant, and finally add the meat pieces and stir-fry together.

Stir-fry the meat of the gem until both sides are slightly yellow, pour in rock sugar and light soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, add sliced ​​ginger and dates, simmer on low heat, and collect the juice on high heat.

Erina and Alice didn't cooperate throughout the whole process, because Chu Feng's speed is too fast and the production process is too simple, so they are not needed at all.

it won't take a moment~

The unique aroma of braised pork came out of the pot, which almost made the two sisters bleed out again.

Alice swallowed her saliva, and quickly changed the subject: "What dishes do you want to cook? Can't there be only one dish of braised pork?"

"Well, let's make tomato scrambled eggs first, Kang Na likes to eat this."

Chu Feng beat two eggs and mixed them well, then asked Alice to chop the tomatoes, and gave Erina a few colorful 'flowers'.

Erina didn't even see clearly where Chu Feng pulled out these strange flowers, which were slightly bigger than an adult's palm.

"what is this flower?"

Pupils shrank suddenly, Erina saw the extraordinaryness of this ingredient, but she had never seen it before.

There is no such dreamy ingredient in the gourmet illustrated book compiled by IGO.

Glancing at the blond girl lightly, Chu Feng smiled and said, "Heh~ this is not a plant~~"


Erina was a little dazed, and her expression gradually became weird.

This ingredient has five layers of 'pink, green, blue, red, and yellow', just like flowers of five colors overlapping each other.

Although the shape is a bit strange, it is a kind of plant no matter how you look at it.

Gathering her mind, Erina asked curiously, "It's not a plant, so what is it?"

Chu Feng explained casually: "The chihuahua fish, a fish and beast that inhabits the deep sea, tastes like potato chips, which is just right for appetizers.


Not only Erina was stunned.

Even Alice, who was cutting tomatoes, looked dazed.

Such a big flower, you tell me it's a fish?


Some creatures in the culinary world are really weird looking.

There are fish that look like flowers, which seem to be normal.

The two shook their heads secretly, no longer entangled with this issue.

Erina held the needle and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly hesitated and said, "Well, what should I do?"

She has never cooked this kind of ingredients before, and it was the first time she saw it today, so she didn't know how to start.

"Cutting sashimi, you should be able to do it, right?"

Chu Feng said helplessly.

He did not forget to give Erina a weird look.

That means it seems to say...

Needle thousand flower fish is suitable for slicing at first glance, can't you guess it?

Princess Tōtsuki doesn't seem too smart either.


Erina understood Boss Chu's eyes in no time, and then felt depressed for a while.

Never seen dreamy ingredients, who can instantly think of its method, really everyone is as perverted as you?

Erina complained secretly, but she was in a surprisingly good mood, and began to process the ingredients with her head down.

Sashimi is her specialty, and she is not afraid to cook ingredients that she has never seen before.

And the other party's ability to hand over the dream ingredients to her is obviously a great trust.

At this moment, Alice, who had finished cutting the tomatoes, looked at Erina enviously.

To be precise, 937 was staring at the thousand flower fish on the chopping board.

Dream food, and it has never appeared on the market, and she really wants to serve the people.

It's a pity that Chu Feng has already handed over this work to Erina, and there is no room for her to intervene at all.

"Boss Chu, what level of ingredients are these?"

At this moment, the unwilling Alice turned into a curious baby.

"Level five!"

"Why isn't it on the IGO illustrated book?"

"Maybe it has never been discovered by anyone. It usually hides in the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters. It will jump out of the water only when it is stimulated. It is a rare deep-sea delicacy."

"Ah, since no one found out, how did Boss Chu get it?"

"Well, it's a secret!"

Chu Feng said with a serious face, and then laughed himself.

You can't tell the other party that it was redeemed from the point mall, right?

If he knew what Erina was thinking now, he would be even more dumbfounded.

What kind of trust is this?

The needle thousand flower fish is not expensive, 1 point in the point mall can be exchanged for one.

Try replacing it with gem meat, rainbow fruit and other ingredients.

Boss Chu will definitely not hand it over to the two sisters easily.

There is no reason~

Afraid of spoiling good ingredients.

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