A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 297】The Dragon Angels And Demons Gather Together!

Although the dragon family is invited to eat, the portion of the meal should not be too small.

But if he really wanted to keep the quality and quantity, Chu Feng would have to be exhausted to death.

So he planned to cook ten dishes, each with a slightly larger portion.

When cooking braised pork, the first thing Chu Feng cooks is tomato scrambled eggs.

Saute the softened tomatoes and add the eggs.

The red gravy is wrapped in the golden yellow egg liquid.

The two merged naturally in an instant.

I just added a little salt and sugar, and the juice was collected directly on high heat.

It seems perfunctory~

Alice and Erina can feel each other's intentions.

It can be seen from Boss Chu's serious expression.


It is roasted whole pig and fish-flavored eggplant.

There is nothing to say about the roast whole pig.

Food trucks have sold this type of cuisine before.

The ready-made roasted whole pork is directly heated and moistened again, sprinkled with a little seasoning, and the color and aroma are immediately squeezed.

worth mentioning~

Chu Feng roasted meat out of thin air.

A flame suddenly appeared in midair.

Erina and Alice were stunned again.

The latter even said that he had seen the real 'magic'.

but this~

It's just a way of using the 'Sun Breathing Method'.

Fish-flavored eggplant is also a home-cooked dish.

A special delicacy with a long history, and it is the best among vegetarian dishes.

In Dragon Country~

Even if you can't make a fish flavor.

But braised eggplant~

Basically, every household has someone who can do it.

When Chu Feng started making this dish.

Erina and Alice were surprised to find that......

The other side thickens the proportion of ingredients.

Simply perfect.

Thickening is used in most dishes.

This is the basics of the basics!

The Nakiri sisters are naturally well versed in this.

Otherwise, it will not be able to make a satisfactory taste.


At this moment, they suddenly had a feeling.

Compared with Chu Feng's skill that I should be proud of...

It's like a four or five-year-old girl challenging an adult.

How limp and feeble, and how ridiculous.

Erina and Alice looked at each other, and continued to stare at the frying pan.

This moment is like a sponge, absorbing as much as you can understand.

Erina was extremely grateful.

When I met Chu Feng for the first time, I didn't take the initiative to challenge him.


It will definitely lose miserably, and maybe it will cause serious psychological shadow.

Only after seeing the cooking skills of the man in front of him with his own eyes, can he know how comprehensive he is.

Handling ingredients, fire control, cooking skills....

Chu Feng has almost no shortcomings, and everything is amazing.

The faintly audible conversation in the living room did not disturb Chu Feng in the kitchen.

Lukoya and Elma are curious about what dishes will be served tonight.

But with the only remaining self-consciousness as guests, they are embarrassed to go to the kitchen again.

This is definitely a great pain for Eluma, who is a foodie, and she feels like sitting on pins and needles on the sofa.

Thor seems to know the opponent's temper very well.

Sitting on the armrest of the sofa with his legs crossed, his hands pressed Erma's shoulders from time to time to prevent this guy from sneaking into the kitchen without paying attention.

at this moment~

Kang Na, who was carrying a small pink schoolbag, opened the door, and immediately saw the Dragon Clan gathered in the living room.


"Lukya, Fafnir, Elma, why are you here?"

Kang Na's sapphire-like eyes lit up immediately, and a rare smile appeared on her face.

Lukoya looked at the white-haired little Loli with a smile, and suddenly hugged him into his arms, and said while rubbing:

"Knowing that the lovely Kanna-chan is here, sister Lukya will of course come to visit you!"

The huge body almost didn't suffocate Kang Na to death.

Xiao Nizi struggled for a long time before escaping from the opponent's arms.

"How many times have I said, don't be like this as soon as you meet..."

Kangna's rare red face turned pale at the plump Dragon Lady, and she said angrily: "Lukya is still the same as before, she is old enough to be Kanna's grandma, and she even calls herself

‘Sister.....… shameless!”

Perhaps because of meeting acquaintances, little Loli talked a lot today.


She stared straight at Elma again, with slightly unfriendly eyes.

"What are you doing here? Want to trouble Lord Thor?"

Connor knows a little bit about the conflict between Thor and Elma.

"Tch, I'm not in the mood to trouble her, I just came here to see how she gets along with humans? By the way, do you want to go back with me?"

Elma spat with her head held high, and said Tsundere's words in a casual tone.

"go back?"

Kang Na gave the short-haired woman a weird look, then sneered and said, "Don't dream, Mr. Thor won't go back. I don't know how happy we are with Chu Feng!"

Thor also looked at Elma strangely.

For such a long time just now, the other party didn't seem to mention this matter.


Facing the stares of the two dragon girls, one big and one small.

Elma's expression suddenly became awkward.

He stammered and said, "I~I am bored over there by myself~~"


"Just want Master Thor to go back and accompany you?"

"You think it's beautiful!"

"I tell you, we will never go back in our lifetime!"

Kanna ruthlessly exposes Erma's fantasies.

Actually trying to snatch Lord Thor away, go ahead and make your dream come true.

Connor, who once had a strange feeling for Thor, instantly understood Elma's mind.

But for her~

In this world only Chu Feng can share with her dear Lord Thor.

As for other dragons, roll as far as you can!

Kang Na crossed her waist and stared at Erma ferociously, like a madman protecting his wife.

Seeing that Elma, who had finally calmed down, had a tendency to go berserk again.

Thor smiled and rubbed Connor's little head.

"Go and call Gabriel and Wei Nai over.

The main reason was that he was afraid that Kang Na would suffer, so he deliberately sent the girl away.

Thor is well aware of Elma's strength, which is comparable to her.

Not long after~

Gabriel with dead fish eyes, and Wei Nai who was trembling a little also came to Chu Feng's house.

Gabriel, who was also Tsundere in her heart, just greeted Lu (good) Keya and the others casually, and sat down at the dinner table on her own.

The sofa was already full, an apartment itself is not that big.

Now only the dining table is the most suitable, and you can wait for the meal directly.

Ever since getting acquainted with Chu Feng.

Gabriel took this place as if it was her own home.

The attitude is called casual.

Wei Nai timidly greeted everyone.

Only then did he reach Gabriel's side with blunt hands and claws.

At the same time, he looked at each other with complicated eyes.

this moment~

Wei Nai admires the big-hearted Gabriel very much.

After all~

The house is full of legendary and terrifying giant dragons.

One, two, three, four, five...

In the face of five giant dragons, it is estimated that only Gabriel can act as if nothing had happened.

Even if her older sister, naive Gaelle White, is here, she probably won't be able to remain calm.

Wei Nai shivered, feeling like a little sheep surrounded by five fierce beasts. .

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