"The navy is finally finished, and now I can finally eat the magical food that the captain said..."

"It's not that I, Jack, are afraid of that silver-haired navy, it's just that Captain Bonnie told us that we must never cause trouble in Maple Leaf Pavilion."

"Keep your voice down, be polite, don't disturb Boss Chu's cooking, and don't scare the waitress..."

"Sure enough, as Captain Bonnie said, the stuff here is really delicious.

"My strength has actually become a little stronger, it's incredible!"

"Hambton! You are such a lucky guy, there is a very low probability that you will meet him..."

The backbone of the Bonnie Pirates gathered in the restaurant.

Well, it's all brought.

After knowing the 'gift' of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Of course, you can't miss the way to improve the strength of your subordinates.

She is someone who sets her sights on the new world.

There is also an urgent need to improve the strength of the subordinates.

One serving is 500,000 Baileys.

Although the price is a bit expensive.

But only a handful of elite backbones.

Bonnie held on for the time being.


This group of guys have been with me in the sea for so long, which one doesn't have a small treasury?

Of course, Bonnie came after all the navy had left, and she didn't want to conflict with the navy yet.

Chu Feng was busy in the kitchen, his movements were neither slow nor slow, and there were only a dozen dishes anyway.

The members of the Bonnie Pirates enjoy the delicious food they have never tasted before, and everyone has an intoxicated expression on their faces.

The cooking level of Pirate World and the gourmet world are not in the same dimension at all.

Take spices as an example, their use of spices is still in the primary stage.

After thousands of years of development in the gourmet world, the use of ingredients and spices has reached the point of nuance.

Coupled with Chu Feng's craftsmanship, the dishes made with common ingredients are also amazed by this group of ignorant pirates.

After the meal, Bonnie paid the bill happily.

For the first "big deal" after coming to One Piece World, Chu Feng gave the other party a rare discount and wiped off the change.

"Huh? There are more people and there are discounts?"

Bonnie's eyes lit up, as if she had caught something.

If there are many people, there will be a discount. Why don't we share the meal cost equally next time when we build a group?

The family is big and the business is big, and the food in Maple Leaf Pavilion is expensive, so she can't last a few times.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng shook his head: "Only this time, I hope you can do me a favor.

"What's busy?"

Bonnie squinted her eyes. She knew there was no such thing as a free lunch.

However, for a guy whose strength is far superior to his own to actually ask her for help, this is definitely not a small favor.

"Don't worry, it's just a small favor, spread the reputation of our shop as much as possible." Chu Feng laughed.

"That's it?" Bonnie was stunned.

If it's just a small matter, just send someone to the Chambord Islands.

Bars, nightclubs, population auctions...

The Chambords Islands have a way to spread the news quickly.

If you are willing to spend money, you can also ask the World Economic News Agency to help report.

Bonnie certainly wouldn't choose the last one.

Morgans, the boss of the World Economic News Agency, is a bastard who asks for a lot of money.

Actively looking for it will only give him a reason for the lion to open his mouth.

Bonnie is a pirate, she has her own way.

Although I have never been to the Chambord Islands, there must be people selling information on that island.

It seems that she has to go to the Chambord Islands in advance. Anyway, she will go to the coating sooner or later. Originally, she wanted to stay in Wangyou Island for a few more days.

But Bonnie dared not refuse the big man's request.

Although Chu Feng looks very kind, but who knows what the consequences will be if he offends the other party?

Therefore, Bonnie happily took on this task.

The Bonnie Pirates are gone.

Take the 'task' given by Chu Feng to the Chambord Islands.

It is estimated that there will be no more guests in the short term.

Chu Feng continues to teach Tadokoro Megumi.

………seeking flowers… 0

Seven days passed in a flash.

As he expected, very few people came during this time.

Even if someone occasionally comes to Wangyou Island by accident, they are still discouraged by the price of the food.

Polusalino did come back, but after eating the food, he didn't get any benefits.

He was not in a hurry, and after enjoying the perfect taste, he rested for a night, and then went to sea again.

Closed for business, Chu Feng returns to the gourmet world with Tadokoro Megumi.

And over there, the sun was just rising the next day.

At this time, all members of Maple Leaf Pavilion gathered in the dining room.

Seeing that the back door opened, everyone came up in a swarm.


"Chu Feng, Xiaohui, welcome back..."

Little Lin Long, Akane Kubo Momo, Miyano Akemi, Alice, Thor......

Familiar faces came into view, and Tadokoro Megumi seemed like a world away.

Although she only left for a short day, she has already been in Pirate World for seven full days.

She spent a long time studying without sleeping and eating, and she felt that a long time had passed.

"Thor, Alice, is there any problem here?" Chu Feng asked.

"No problem, everything is fine!" Alice smiled sweetly.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, with us here, nothing will go wrong.

For a long time, I Zhaoji was blocked by several girls, and it was a bit difficult to say hello.

Originally he was short, so he could only wave his hands at this time, trying to let Chu Feng see him.

Chu Feng gave Kuga Teruki a strange look.

I always feel that the cheap little guy who comes to me automatically is a bit hard-headed.

It's because of you that I don't feel at ease.

After a while of pleasantries, it is necessary to finalize the next training candidate as soon as possible.

After seven days of training, Tadokoro Megumi has developed his own food and successfully promoted to special chef.

Now, Chu Feng needs to bring another person to Pirate World.

In line with the principle of women first.

Candidates will be selected between Xiao Lin Longdan and Qian Kubo Tao. .

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