One Piece World, Chambord Islands.

"Hey~ Have you heard? There is a magical restaurant on Wangyou Island!"

"Wangyou Island? What is that place?"

"A thousand nautical miles from the Chambord Islands, it's amazing..."

"Hey, hey, you really didn't lie to Laozi? The food there can really improve your strength?"

"Based on our relationship, can I lie to you? To tell you the truth, many people have already benefited there."

"Porusalino knows, right? Do you know why this general has suddenly become diligent recently?"

"Could it be..."

"That's right! Maple Leaf Pavilion's food is very expensive. I heard that a dish costs hundreds of thousands of Baileys. General Huang Yuan is also short of money..."

Not long after the Bonnie Pirates arrived in Chambord Islands.

A rumor about Wangyou Island and Maple Leaf Pavilion spread quietly on the island during the "840".

Bonnie spent a million Baileys to let those who sell information spread it as quickly as possible.

After all, the change that Chu Feng gave her was more than this amount of money, so Bonnie naturally had to do her best to complete the 'task'.

The result was very good. In just one day, the entire bottom of the Chambord Islands was discussing this unbelievable thing.

Can you become stronger by eating!?

Although it sounds a bit mysterious.

But here, it is a world with magical items such as devil fruits.

Even if there is some kind of ability that can magically change the cooking, everyone doesn't think it's strange.

Feel free...Although it is nonsense, Chu Feng is a little surprised by the acceptance of people in this world.

Maple Leaf Pavilion's reputation spread faster than it took him to set up a stall at the beginning.

Naval Headquarters, Marlin Vandeau.

Warring States also received the news immediately, even before the news spread, he already knew it.

Then, the Navy Headquarters held an emergency meeting again.

The news was brought back by Karp.

Cap's adjutant to be precise.

As for this naval hero, even though he was sitting in the meeting room, he still ate the senbei nonchalantly.

What happened to the power-enhancing food?

Just a little improvement, it's not as fast as a set of high-intensity training, there's nothing to be nervous about.

Karp, who knew the content of the meeting in advance, disagreed.

"The matter of Wangyou Island and Maple Leaf Pavilion has become an uproar. According to intelligence analysis, it should be deliberately done by the Bonnie Pirates."

Zhan Guo looked serious, knocking on the table while talking.

"Marshal Warring States is a bit too fussy, right? Cooking to improve strength? Is such a thing really possible?"

Sakaski curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

Warring States' face is still serious: "This matter has been confirmed by Karp, although the probability is very low and the increase rate is not large, it is a fact.

"Since the increase is not large, there is nothing to worry about."

Sakalski still shook his head, feeling cautious when this session was soaring.

Warring States ignored Sakaski, who sang against him, and continued: "If the strength of pirates increases on a large scale, it will not be a good thing for us."

Sakaski was tongue-tied. Although he didn't like those Common pirates, he couldn't stand the crowd. He couldn't kill all the pirates by himself.

At this time, the crane spoke.

"Don't worry about that kind of thing for the time being, isn't the food in this place very expensive? It's impossible for Common Pirates to patronize for a long time, and even getting a 'gift' is a low probability....

"The only thing I am worried about now is that after this news spreads, if it is confirmed to be true, it is estimated that all bottom pirates will fall into crazy plundering, just to go to Maple Leaf Pavilion for a meal.

Crane hit the nail on the head and pointed out the crux of the problem.

Warring States Silence!

Sakaski was also silent.

He only thought that the appearance of Maple Leaf Pavilion would definitely cause a wave of turmoil.

But it ignores that the pirates at the bottom can risk everything in order to become stronger.

Which of the big pirates galloping across the ocean is not from the bottom.

Once there is a shortcut to quickly become stronger, all bottom pirates will be crazy about it.

For a while, Sakaski couldn't help but frowned.

"Karp, how strong is the boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion?"

After a long time, Warring States spoke again.

"It is estimated to be very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to open a store openly.

Garp shook his head, then dropped a senbei into his mouth.

What he said was the truth, and the two hadn't fought each other, so they could only rely on their intuition to guess.


Seeing Karp who was completely unstressed, Sengoku took a deep breath. The navy was unable to win peace because there were so many unreliable guys.

"Contact Polusalino, I need a final confirmation."

Ignoring everyone, Zhan Guo signaled his assistant to connect to the phone bug.

The phone bug is the most famous specialty in the pirate world, a kind of bug that grows naturally and looks like a snail...

There are spots or stripes on the body or a solid color all over the body. There is a walkie-talkie or a button on the top of the shell.

Soon, the phone bug on Huangyuan's side was connected.

"Moses, is Boom...haha obediently go back with me to receive the bounty..."

There were bursts of roaring from the phone bug, followed by Polusalino's familiar laughter.


Receive a bounty?

Cooperating with Huang Yuan, he really thinks of himself as a bounty hunter!

The corner of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched involuntarily, and his face became very ugly.


Why is this name so familiar?

"If we guessed wrong, it should be Urgi, the captain of the Pirates of the Broken Monk, Polusalino, who went to hunt him down..."

The first person to speak was Crane.

Sakaski said: "One of the supernovas that popped up recently, because he is a Sky Islander with wings on his back, we sent people a few times to catch him, but since Polusalino made a move, That guy can't get away."

"Tsk~ A reward of 100 million Baileys, Borusalino is planning to wipe out our arsenal~~"

Karp was looking at the information about Urki found by the assistant to the marshal.

"Porusalino, stop what you're doing for now, and now I'm asking you, is the cuisine in Maple Leaf Pavilion really as rumored?"

Warring States rubbed 0.1's temples, suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, and his tone was very severe.

"Hula, the marshal's voice is so scary, don't be so serious, I'm busy with business..."

"Business? Catching pirates for bounty? Thanks to you, the wool came to me. I'm telling you once again that hunting pirates is the duty of the Navy, and there is no reward."

"Don't, don't, don't... My Lord Marshal... Even if you don't get all the bounty, at least you will give half of it. I'm so hardworking..."

"Let's talk about this later, and answer my question first!"

"Okay, has Boss Chu's reputation spread already? Improve your strength? Of course it's true, my ability has improved a lot!"

Polusalino hung up quickly, he should be busy catching Urqui.

The Warring States period is once again heartbroken, this navy is really hard to lead. .

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