"Now let's talk about what to do?"

Received an affirmative answer from Polusalino, Sengoku frowned deeper, and his tone became more serious.

The seriousness of the situation has exceeded his imagination.

A dish can actually improve one's strength, which would only be regarded as a joke in the past during the Warring States Period.

But now, he had to believe it.

Although Polusalino is not very popular and usually very salty, but the important things are still very reliable, at least he will not deceive himself with such things.

Crane's face was also not good-looking. After all, he never thought that a cook could break the balance of the sea, although the sea has never been calm.

It was the first time for Crane to encounter this kind of thing beyond his understanding, and he still needed time to seriously consider the pros and cons.

Garp continued to eat senbei heartlessly. How dare this old boy in the Warring States period not believe his words, and even asked Polusalino to confirm? Is Laozi's character so bad?

However, after seeing his old friend frowning tightly, Karp still felt that he should say something now.

"There is nothing to worry about. Pirates can go to Maple Leaf Pavilion to eat, and our navy can too!"

The Warring States Period was silent.

Crane was also silent.


The two stared at Garp strangely, making Luffy's grandfather stare at him with horror.

What's wrong?

What did we say wrong?

Cap was at a loss.

long time~

It was still Crane who said, "Karp, our navy doesn't have enough funds."


The navy was short of funds, and they could not afford to send the big star Navy Guang Gu Feng Yege.

Fleets need money to go to sea, and naval training needs money.

A series of battleship repairs, post-war pensions, wages, etc...

It's all about money!

The funding of the Navy headquarters is also stretched.

Five hundred thousand Baileys a dish, not to mention delusional as the navy's standing food, even if they only pay for the navy above the rank of colonel, they can't afford it.

At this moment, Sakasky said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, then recruit him to the Navy headquarters!"

Everyone was stunned, knowing that he was the boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion——Chu Feng!

But recruiting each other?

Can people agree?

It is impossible to think about Bailey who has a large sum of money and does not make any money, so he came to the Navy headquarters to work as a cook.

In view of the understanding of Sakaski's character, Zhan Guo and others quickly thought of the other party's plan.

This guy intends to recruit forcibly.

Cap was speechless.

But for the sake of colleagues, I still remind you.

"Sakaski, I advise you to give up this idea, the owner of that restaurant is not easy to mess with.

Karp has no evidence, just a hunch, and he trusts his hunch very much.

However, Sakarski didn't take it seriously, and said with a sneer: "How strong can a chef be?"

Just as he was about to plead with Zhan Guo, He suddenly said: "Sakaski, I know you want to test the other party, and you won't stop you, but I hope you don't doubt the intuition of a naval hero."

The crane is reminding him to think twice before acting.

Sakaski stared at the crane for a while, nodded solemnly, and then turned to Warring States.

The latter nodded and said: "Go, be careful in everything."

Warring States had to make this decision.

Polusalino was hopeless.

This guy is now only thinking about making money, so it is impossible to test Chu Feng.

Although Sakaski is usually a little impulsive, he is still very serious in his work attitude.

Warring States is also very relieved when the matter is entrusted to him.

The only thing to worry about....

What if the opponent is really strong as Karp said?

But not sure about the reality of the opponent, Warring States couldn't feel at ease at all.

After much deliberation, it's better for the general to be on the safe side.

Even if you are invincible, it shouldn't be a problem to escape, right?

Wangyou Island, Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Chu Feng is teaching little Lin Long gallbladder.

Be the first to patronize your own business.

Chu Feng is still very serious in teaching.

Xiao Lin Long is optimistic and cheerful, with a very pleasing personality, and occasionally makes some nasty jokes, and Chu Feng's teaching is not boring.

After a week of training with Tadokoro Megumi, he already has a wealth of experience, and it doesn't take much effort to teach little Lin Long, just focus on the knowledge points.

Rumors about the Maple Leaf Pavilion have gradually spread in the Chambord Islands.

Occasionally, one or two groups of people come over and leave quickly after eating.

Some people get gifts, but most people are disappointed.

After sharing, there are not many customers in Maple Leaf Pavilion in a day, and basically no useful skills have been brushed.

Chu Feng didn't panic, and waited quietly for Incident 837 to ferment.

As night fell, Sakaski appeared on the island in a military uniform, a military cap, and a cigar in his mouth.

He came alone, without a single subordinate.

If the restaurant owner is really as dangerous as Karp feels.

No matter how many people you bring, they are just cannon fodder.

Standing in front of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Sakaski looked fierce, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes looking at the plaque.

Possessing such a miraculous ability, he didn't know how to serve the navy, but opened a shop to entertain pirates to help the evildoers...

For a long time, Sakalski believes in and implements "absolute justice, and never allows a trace of "evil" to exist.

Therefore, Chu Feng's behavior of enhancing the pirate's strength is absolutely evil in his eyes.

Although he knew very well in his heart that the other party was just opening the door for business and had no reason to choose customers.

But even so, he still secretly labeled Chu Feng as 'helping the evildoers'.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and Sakaski strode into Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Today he wants to see if the other party has real materials?

He Sakaski is here to find fault!.

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