Akakenu's view of justice is absolute justice, thorough justice.

This actually stems from his absolute self-confidence.

In fact, the strength of the three generals of the navy is evenly matched.

What played a decisive role was Sakalski's confidence in his own ideas.

He has an absolute standard of justice in his mind, or the standard of affairs.

In layman's terms, it means believing that one's own concept is absolutely correct, so one has always been adhering to this concept in doing things.

Sakalski's concept and character complement each other, the more confident he is, the more absolute he is, and the more absolute he is, the more confident he is.

It may sound a bit convoluted, but this is Chu Feng's most intuitive impression of the character Akainu after reading the original work.

Therefore, Sakalski has always been controversial.

Chu Feng is also too lazy to comment on the good and evil of this character, as long as he doesn't provoke him, everything is easy to talk about.

Facing Sakalski's upright solicitation, he only slightly raised the corners of his mouth and shook his head slowly.

Join the Navy?

He has no habit of being a dog to the Tianlong people.

He didn't speak, but his attitude was very clear.

Sakalski had already seen his determination, and the contempt when the corners of his mouth curled up.

The Commodore seems to be a dispensable role in the eyes of the other party.

Chi Guoguo's contempt was completely undisguised.

Sakaski was a little sullen, and he definitely wanted to show off to the ignorant kid in front of him.

"Boy, I'll ask you again, do you agree or not?"

Sakaska stood up, and the cloak of justice slowly raised back, automatically without wind.

Smiling and shaking his head, Daifeng really doesn't understand Akainu's concept of justice.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, and he never thought about trying to understand.

Because, Sakaski has already done it.

"Scorching River Spitfire!"

A huge lava fist attack made of lava came out brazenly.

Because he wanted to get Chu Feng, Sakalski didn't try his best.

But the fire-breathing is already a common move of his, and its power is much stronger than that of the ghost dog.

Once Sakaski makes a shot, he ignores everything around him, which is still his style.

Whether it is Maple Leaf Pavilion or Xiao Lin Longdan, he doesn't pay attention to them all, and it doesn't matter if they exist.

The important thing is...to defeat Chu Feng.


What happened next was completely beyond Sakalski's expectations.

I saw that Chu Feng simply ignored the surging heat waves and scorching magma.

It's just a (cecj) fist sticking out, and slowly swinging a punch out of thin air.

In an instant, Sakaski's scalp tingled, and an extremely dangerous signal spread throughout his body.

Having experienced many battles, he instantly sensed that something was wrong.


Before he could react.

The huge lava fist completely disintegrated before Chu Feng's light punch, as if it had never appeared before.

The red-haired woman standing next to him was also unharmed, not even raising the hem of her clothes.

Sakaski was terrified, the magma fruit ability was fully activated, and [Meteor Volcano] came out brazenly.

Meteorites that looked like huge fists fell like meteors all over the sky.

But the strange thing is.....

The seemingly ferocious 'meteorite' did not cause any harm to the ordinary restaurant.

It was as if the entire Maple Leaf Pavilion and the people in the restaurant were automatically immune to all harm.

Immediately afterwards~

Sakaski's entire face suddenly changed color, and his eyes bulged like copper bells.

An unmatched huge impact suddenly exploded in his chest.

It was Chu Feng's understated punch just now.

In fact, when Sakarski Octavia realized something was wrong, he had already been completely elementalized.

But, no use!

After being elementalized, the body that shouldn't have been hurt, but at this moment condensed and received a punch firmly.

Sakalski couldn't understand.

The opponent's attack has no arrogance.

It stands to reason that you can't hurt yourself at all.

But the truth is...

Sakaski flew backwards towards the door, and before he even had time to utter a scream, his body had already fallen down the mountain.

Admiral Akainu couldn't even receive Chu Feng's punch.

Little Lin Long looked at Sakaski who disappeared from sight in a speechless manner.

I always feel that there is something wrong with this guy's brain.

Who is not good to offend, and actually ran to provoke Boss Chu?

I wonder if Boss Chu hates other people obstructing his business?

Although I don't know how strong Chu Feng is.

But based on my past experience.

No one can go a round in his hands anyway.

If so, he must be playing with you.

Sakaski came to Maple Leaf Pavilion to find trouble, which was just a small episode for Chu Feng and Xiao Lin Longdan.

After all, one of them focuses on doing business, and the other just wants to learn more about cooking.

As for the follow-up troubles, Chu Tian didn't care at all.

I believe that with the lessons learned from Akainu, no one will make trouble again in a short time.

Far away, by the sea.

With a bang.

A body with a chest pierced fell on the deck of the warship.

The corpse's face was completely distorted.

You can vaguely see the panic before death from above.

As if with infinite shock and fear.

"Lord Sakaski..."


The first officer and the staff officer exclaimed, and after carefully seeing the face and clothing of the corpse, their bodies began to tremble.

Admiral Akainu——is dead!?

Looking at the soundless and even deformed corpse, the first officer and the staff officer couldn't believe their eyes.

How long has it been since Mr. Sakaski landed on the island? In less than half an hour, he turned into a corpse and flew over from the mountain...

Such a result has completely exceeded the imagination of the two of them.

"Start the boat, sail the boat, and return to the Navy headquarters immediately..."

"Phone bug, where's the phone bug? Contact Marshal Warring States immediately......

The movement just now has attracted the attention of the soldiers.

More and more navies are coming towards the deck.

The first officer and the staff hurriedly put away Sakalski's body.

The news of the general's demise cannot be released for the time being.

At least, not from their ship.

'Oh my God, what kind of monster lives on this island that can kill an admiral?'

'If the other party rushes over with red eyes, the people on their entire ship probably won't be enough for the other party to tear them apart......

The chief mate and the staff officer looked at each other, and rushed to the captain's room in fear, commanding the warship to flee.

However, the two of them didn't know that the scene of Akainu's death had already been photographed by a passing newspaper bird.

This kind of albatross-like newspaper delivery bird can not only deliver newspapers, but also occasionally act as a guest reporter. .

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