A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

[Chapter 614] World News News, The Shock Of The Warring States Period!

World Economic News Press.

Morgans got a call.

"What? Akainu is dead? Are you sure? It's that Sakasky?"

Morgans' voice was full of shock and disbelief.


High admiral.

just die?

I always feel like my subordinates are joking with me.

But the phone bug with a unique pattern in front of him is his special phone bug.

If there is nothing particularly urgent, it will not sound at all at ordinary times-.

Moreover, the reporter who reported the news was the reporter who followed him first, so there was absolutely no way to deceive him.

Morgans' fat face was already full of shock, which was immediately replaced by ecstasy.

The fall of the admiral was big news to him.

If done properly, the prestige of the News of the World newspaper will reach an unprecedented level.

And this news will definitely cause a storm in this sea.

"Wangyou Island! Maple Leaf Pavilion! Chu Feng! Kill Akainu with one move!..."

"Contact the news department immediately, find the person with the best writing skills, and write me some news that is enough to shock the world. I have already thought of the title...

"Who is the mysterious boss on the uninhabited island?"

"Shock! Cooking can improve strength? Is it true or not?"

"The navy corpse that fell from the sky, who is he?"

"One hit kills! How strong is the mysterious boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion on Wangyou Island?"

Morgans deserves to be a journalist.

After a brief shock, he immediately regained the unique sense of smell of journalists and brought out many attractive titles beyond this era.

"Haha, this time, I believe it will shock many people's jaws."

Morgans turned off the phone bug and couldn't help laughing.

the other side.

Akainu's warship returned to Marin Fando as quickly as possible.

Sengoku was the first to learn of Akainu's death, and he was in a bad mood.

Sakaski has only been out at sea for a long time, and it has been less than a day since he was fully loaded, and now the corpses are almost shipped back.

Wangyou Island is not far from Marin Fando, and at the speed of the Navy's largest export ship, it can be reached in three hours.

The time it takes to line up for a round trip, that is to say, from Sakaskeden to death, is less than an hour?

The moment Zhan Guo received the call, he stayed in place, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

That's Red Dog, one of the top naval forces.

Let alone running away now, how could you not even persist for an hour?

How strong is the owner of the restaurant on Wangyou Island?

Warring States is very clear.

From the conflict between the two to the end of the battle, it must have been much less than an hour.

Otherwise, with Sakaski's strength, if he can fight with the opponent for a period of time, he won't be unable to escape.

Therefore, the most reasonable guess is that Sakaski was defeated in a very short period of time, even to the point where he had no time to escape.

Zhan Guo forced himself to calm down, his falcon-like eyes narrowed into a line, and his heart couldn't help but tremble violently.


If you guess speechlessly, then the owner of the mysterious restaurant is unfathomable.

Sengoku is confident that he can defeat Akainu.

But it can't be that easy.

What's more, the other party is also a natural devil fruit ability user.

If he wanted to kill Sakaski, he would have to pay a certain price, and it would take a lot of time.

It is absolutely impossible to end the battle in a short time like the other party.

The face of the Warring States period sank like water.

It is definitely an extremely wrong decision to realize that you agree to test the depth of the other party.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to regret, and we can only hold an emergency meeting again.


Crane, Garp, and the yellow monkey who had received the forced notice to return to the Navy headquarters, all looked at the Warring States with a confused face after knowing the result.

"No, what exactly did Sakaski go to do to let Boss Chu kill him?"

Polusalino was a little confused.

That Boss Chu, who seems harmless to humans and animals, is so decisive?

The general Wei Quan, who kept a straight face all day long, died just like that?

Polusalino couldn't accept the news.

...asking for flowers...

It's not that he has a good relationship with Sakalski.

Although both of them are in the same period of the navy, they are both disciples of the iron fist.

But due to their diametrically opposite personalities, the two have never been able to play together.

By contrast~

The yellow monkey and the green pheasant have a lot in common.


He and Sakaski had worked together for many years, and the sudden loss of the other party made him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

But he also knew that most of this matter could not be blamed on Chu Feng.

If you just ran to eat honestly, it would be too late for the other party to welcome you, so how could you kill the guests.

Well, it must have been the Weiyan guy who ran to do it on purpose.

Karp's thinking is similar to Polusalino's.

Although I don't have much contact with Chu Feng.

But he felt that the other party was not a bloodthirsty person.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the water-sinking Sengoku, Garp said in a deep voice.

Now is not the time to ask why.

When the general is dead, an explanation must be given to the entire navy.

Warring States remained silent, and seemed to have no idea what to do.

At this time, the crane said: "It's impossible to head-to-head with the opponent. Even if the demon-slaying order is issued, the number of warships alone can't hurt the opponent. With the strength of everyone here, I believe there is a way to deal with the demon-slaying order?"

Garp nodded slightly, Polusalino rolled his eyes, and everyone was waiting for Crane to continue.

"The existence of the general can be easily killed, unless the entire navy is dispatched, it may be possible to eliminate the opponent by relying on the sea of ​​​​people, but if we do this... how many people can we survive?"

Crane looked dignified, unprecedented dignified.

Originally, she didn't pay much attention to the mysterious person who appeared suddenly.

After all, the other party is just a cook, even if Karp thinks it is dangerous, it is probably not much better.

But now it seems that people who can easily kill the general are rare in the whole world.

And now they don't know at all whether the opponent's strength limit is just like what it shows.

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