Neat and clean streets.

Flowers of various colors bloom in the gardens on both sides.

The warm and bright sunshine shines on the rows of neat and beautiful houses, everything is so beautiful.

Alvis walked slowly on the street.

She and Su Fia were getting ready to head out of town.

Looking at the passers-by and the smiling monsters who opened the windows in the house.

The two couldn't help feeling that Limuru's ability in construction is really strong.

The Vigorous and rapidly developing Demon Kingdom Federation definitely has the potential to become a great power.

Moreover, the Jula Great Forest is vast in land, sparsely populated and rich in resources, which makes it more developed.

think here~

Alvis can't help admiring Carlyon's foresight, and at the same time admiring her own vision.


At the beginning, I was also a person who strongly agreed with the alliance with the Demon Kingdom Federation.

But thinking of Fubio who left last night.

Alweis sighed silently in her heart.

That muscular idiot couldn't see the potential of the Shang Kingdom Federation.

Let's not talk about the strange slime with unlimited potential, and his subordinates who can compete with the three beast warriors.

Milim and the mysterious Maple Leaf Pavilion, who stayed in the Federation of the Demon Kingdom, already explained a lot of problems.

In fact, Arvesi had already contacted Karion through magic last night, and explained her point of view to him.

But she was still a little uneasy, and decided to set off immediately, and return to Ulasania as soon as possible before Fubio.

Although both she and Su Fia are reluctant to part with the cuisine of Maple Leaf Pavilion, but the future is long, and there will always be a chance to visit again in the future.

Limulu didn't keep Alweis and Su Fia. If he hadn't taken the overall situation into consideration, he wouldn't have been so polite yesterday, and he would have cut his damn Phoebe a long time ago.

As for whether the other party will maliciously slander her after returning home, Limulu said that it is not a big problem, and believes that Beast King Karion is also a smart person and will make a correct judgment.

the other side~

Phoebe walked through the jungle king with two entourages.


Two figures came out from the depths of the dense forest.

"who are you"?"

Phoebe immediately became vigilant.

"I'm so sorry, we are the moderate clown gang, here is the angry clown Footman, she is the weeping clown Tia, nice to meet you, Mrs Phoebe."

The fatter clown said politely and introduced himself casually.

"The Moderate Clown Gang? The house of everything that claims to be able to solve all problems?"

Phoebe frowned.

Clearly know where the Joker comes from.

It's just that this group of self-proclaimed moderates are buying at both ends by using the name and information of Master House, and their reputation is not very good.

There are even rumors that many wars between small countries were instigated by these guys.

"What do you want to do?"

Although Fubio is arrogant and conceited, Alvis judges are full of muscular idiots.

But as one of the three beast warriors, he still had the vigilance he should have, and instantly realized that something was wrong with the two in front of him.

"No, no, Lord Fubio, what should you be doing?"

"What do I want to do?"

Fubio's expression froze, and he suddenly had a feeling that his thoughts were being seen through.

The eyes under the clown's mask seemed to be able to see through everything and reach directly into his heart.

That's right~

He, who has been pissed off in the Federation of the Demon Kingdom, does have some different thoughts at this time.

Seeing this, Footman continued to bewitch: "Yes, you must also feel very humiliated, because you don't trust that slime, that restaurant that suddenly appeared, and Kalyon...

"Oh my God, how could he not believe that Mr. Fubio, who has always been loyal, has established diplomatic relations with a small country that has suddenly risen? It really insults the prestige of Ulasania, and also disappoints the soldiers who have worked hard for the kingdom of beasts all these years... ...."

The whispers of demons echoed in Fubio's ears, and the memories of yesterday emerged in an instant.

"Limuru, Milim, Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng..."

Fubio clenched his fists tightly, and the memory in his mind began to gradually distort.

Originally, he just felt a little angry, but now he felt extremely wronged.

It seemed that great hatred had arisen, and his mind was replaced by angry pictures.

but soon~

The clenched hands dropped, and he sighed, "So what? Demon King Milim, the mysterious shop owner, can I beat him?"

"Ah, ah, then you can become the devil too." Footman continued to induce.

"~I became the devil!" Fubio was shocked.

"That's right, as long as you become the devil king, you will have the strength to be on an equal footing with Milim. At that time, you will also have a greater right to speak in front of Mr. Kalyon. If it is really not possible, Yulasania should change the country leader. , it's not impossible..."

"Heh~ how can it be so easy~~"

Although the consciousness has been a little blurred, completely replaced by anger and hatred.

But Fubio still has a sliver of reason and remembers some common sense.

If it is really so easy for the devil king to achieve it, now the whole world is the master.

"Ah, ah, since you know about us, Wanshiwu, you should know that we specialize in helping people solve their troubles, and of course we have ways to satisfy customers."

Footman patted his chest and said solemnly.

"You guys... really have a way to make me the devil king?"

Fubio's pupils froze suddenly.

No (okay okay) is to trust the other person completely.

It's that his hatred for the Demon Federation is getting stronger and stronger.

With the abnormal agitation and irritability, the eyes are getting redder and redder.

In fact, Fubio didn't know that the crying clown Tia had a special ability [Bewitching].

It can amplify the negative emotions in the other party's heart. The richer and more emotional people are, the easier it is to be affected.

For a single-celled creature with a brain full of muscles like Fubio, this kind of skill is invincible.

After a long time, Fubio raised his head, stared at Futman with blood-red eyes, and said in a low voice: "Then... what should I do?"

Footman glanced at the two attendants behind Fubio, until he heard two crisp bone cracking sounds, he laughed and said:

"Lord Phoebe, please follow us."

As the voice faded, the three walked into the depths of the dense forest. .

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