The big storm vortex is actually a spiritual life form, essentially no different from a demon.

According to the rules of the slime world, if a spiritual life body wants to exercise its power in this world, it needs to obtain a physical body first.

In a cave, Fubio is receiving the power of the great storm vortex.


The screams continued to come from the depths of the cave.

The mountains outside the cave shook and the ground shook, as if some kind of power was awakening.

"Tia, this monkey is really easy to deceive, thanks to the fact that I have prepared so many excuses, it is completely useless!"

"Yes, Footman, he really deserves to be the subordinate of the simple-minded Carrion, he is so simple."

"Hey hey~~ How can the devil be so simple? By the way, Tia, is that all we have to do?"

"Yeah, as long as Kleiman wakes up the great storm vortex, let it attack Cai Limu."

"No new entrusted tasks?"

"Well, the mission is over here, but unfortunately the corpses of the low-level dragons that I got for insurance are useless, so let's leave them here.

"Let's go, Tia!"

Footman took out more than a dozen low-level dragon corpses from the storage space and threw them outside the cave, then turned and left decisively.

In a flash, it was three days. 437 The days are fleeting.

Maple Leaf Pavilion is open for business as usual.

But still the same.

Chu Feng cooks only fifty dishes a day.

First come, first served, no waiting.

At other times, the kitchen is taken over by Alice, because the boss is also happy to be free.

Now Alice, who has successfully promoted to a special chef, is equipped with ghost fruit, which is enough to handle the rest of the guests.

As for Chu Feng, he was either soaking in the bath, or watching Milim mess around.

Milim is an energetic guy.

Every day is more like a war.

Sometimes I plow the fields faster than modern cultivators, and sometimes I visit the workshops,

She finds everything about the Federation of Demon Kingdom very novel.

Of course, Maple Leaf Pavilion has become Milim's cafeteria, and three meals a day are settled here.

In addition to enjoying the daily Chu Feng dishes, Alice also cooks.

Anyway, over the years, she has saved a lot of gold coins, and she is not worried about being a courtier at all.

Chu Feng likes such rich women the most, and he is happy to give money.

Zhu Cai went to Maple Leaf Pavilion every now and then.

Mainly to steal the teacher.

Although I can't understand Chu Feng's cooking at all.

But Shuna can also get a glimpse of Alice's tricks.

She loves cooking, so she naturally became Alice's follower, and now she can't care about Rimuru-sama.

For this reason, Slime not only complained in front of Chu Feng once, but his housekeeping minister skipped work all day, and now he is almost becoming an employee of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

To this, Chu Feng just smiled and said nothing, being his employee is much better than being a housekeeping minister.

Zhu Cai is a good seedling to be a chef. Not only does she have the unique skills [Analyser] and [Analysis Appraisal], but she is also extremely sensitive to ingredients. Her proficiency in the five senses makes it easy for her to cook, and she learns quickly .

To be honest, Zhu Cai's culinary talent made Chu Feng want to recruit students.

But the other party is Limuru's family after all, so it's not easy for him to bring it up directly.

Besides, Tangtang Longchu took the initiative to propose such a thing, and it also lost his status a bit.

The days ahead are long, and Boss Chu is not in a hurry.

As more races joined the Demon Kingdom Federation, the population increased significantly, and because of this, the number of people in Guang Gu Feng Yege increased a lot.

As the number of diners increased, more people discovered the 'gift'. Over time, everyone in the whole city knew the magic of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Limulu suddenly discovered that the workers became more diligent, and even began to ask for overtime, just to get more overtime pay.

Powerful monsters (ceab) start to hunt monsters, or look for mineral veins and potions, hoping to exchange for gold coins in turn.

That's right, after learning that going to Maple Leaf Pavilion for dinner would also give them a chance to increase their strength, the monsters became more active, just to save more money and go to Maple Leaf Pavilion for a meal.

After all, the food there is expensive, and the Common monster can only taste it after saving enough money, hoping that the blessing of the goddess of luck will come to him.

Limulu is very happy to see such a healthy development, and is also very grateful to Chu Feng for bringing more enthusiasm to everyone.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Ziyuan ran over in a panic, and said seriously: "Master Limuru, the big storm vortex has been revived, and it is coming towards us."

"Huh? Big Storm Vortex, what is that?"

Limulu had question marks all over his face.

All in all, it’s just a bad thing..."

He said anxiously: "Master Limuru, the big storm vortex is a disaster-level monster, its power is comparable to that of the devil king, but it has no sense at all, it only destroys everything.

To a certain extent, it is more dangerous than the devil king, it is said to be a disaster level, but the danger has already exceeded the disaster level..."

After Shion's explanation, Rimuru finally understood the seriousness of the situation.

This stormy vortex is as strong as the Demon King, but he doesn't have an army under him, so he can only mess around according to his own wishes.

To put it bluntly, it is a monster without wisdom, but its inherent ability [Monster Summoning] can call out a monster called 'Swimming Sky Shark' to wreak havoc.

And now, the Demon Country Federation has become the opponent's target.

Rimuru didn't know why.

But he knew that it was not too late, and he had to prepare for the attack as soon as possible, and evacuate the people in the city who had no relevant combat power.

"By the way, where did Cai Lim go?"

Just after Rimuru gave the order, she turned to ask Benimaru.

He obviously didn't want to let go of this considerable combat power.

That is a big demon vortex comparable to a demon king.

Rimuru doesn't have the confidence to solve it alone.

It would be a disaster if the opponent was allowed to rush into the city and start a massacre.

Benimaru heard the words, smiled wryly and said: "Master Milim, because of Maple Leaf Pavilion."

"Eh~ I forgot, it's already noon now, it's time for lunch."

Rimuru shook her head, and gave up the idea of ​​asking Milim for help.

As long as that guy is on the table, he won't leave until he finishes eating.

It seems that he can only face the big demon vortex alone. .

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