"How can it be?"

Kuro Dammit, who was hiding in the dark far away, couldn't help but turn pale with shock when he saw this scene.

The three tigers who were full of vitality had nothing to do with Chu Feng.

This made him wonder who the other party was in his previous life?

As the head chef of the food club.

Kro dammit is not like the other two.

He had awakened the memory of his past life a long time ago.

But it's the same as the three tigers.

No matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't think of an answer.

Starkin had no memory of his previous life.

This thing is more metaphysical.

It is not that the stronger the strength, the easier it is to awaken.

It's just a high probability.

"The president has tried his best, but he still can't help Boss Chu?"

Starkin was equally shocked.

After all, he and the three tigers are inextricably linked, the two often spar, and he is also very familiar with the three tigers' moves.

No matter meteorite explosion or hunger bomb, they are both extremely destructive moves, and the speed is extremely fast, Starkin can't guarantee that 29 can avoid the dense energy bombs every time.


Chu Feng, who was in the center of the battlefield, seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

It seems that each step has calculated the impact point of the energy bullet in advance, just take a light step, and then calmly dodge the attack.

If it goes on like this, there will be no way for the tiger to bring down the people.

But when I think of Chu Feng's defensive power.

Starkin sighed: "The president is going to lose."

Can't hit the opponent.

Even if you hit it, you can't break it~defense.

That's a fart.

Starkin seemed to have seen the final result.


Crow Dammit beside him exclaimed again.

"He disappeared!"


Starkin's eyes widened.

Subconsciously look to the sky.


A familiar figure suddenly appeared.


Starkin shuddered.

Only then did he recall the scene when Bucky Wuzi was instantly killed.


Long time no see Chu Feng.

He had forgotten that the other party could do this trick.

"No, the president is in danger!"

Starkin's face was solemn, and he dashed towards the center of the battlefield.

"Idiot! Hurry to die!"

Kuro Dammit cursed in a low voice, turned around and ran towards the outside of the island.

People in the gourmet club have never said that they advance and retreat together.

Regardless of whether the victim is a subordinate or a leader, as long as they have a premonition that the enemy is beyond their own response range, the people in the food party will definitely run faster than anyone else.

A person like Starkin who wants to save the president regardless of life and death belongs to the rare breed of the gourmet club, so he has never been welcomed.

Besides, Kuro Dammit doesn't think he is a member of the food club from the bottom of his heart, so if he doesn't run away at this time, he will die.

Looking back at the other side, Chu Feng started his divine walk and appeared directly behind the three tigers, holding a branch in his hand.

Don't cut to death, don't draw your sword!

Chu Feng obviously intends to sacrifice this big killer.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a knife in hand, or a branch.


The other party's behavior of snatching food has already aroused the killing intent of Boss Chu.

Under normal circumstances, Chu Feng is more kind and "believes that peace is the most important thing.

But if you really provoke him, whoever you are, cut him off first.

So what about the president of the gourmet club, he can be killed!


Just when Chu Feng was about to launch the 'Don't kill, don't draw the sword'.

Sanhu's body disintegrated automatically, splitting into countless atoms.

at the same time.

In Chu Feng's perception, the whole world is filled with the aura of the three tigers, and there is no way to lock on it, and there is no way to distinguish the consciousness of the three tigers.

It is indeed a weapon of causality that is almost unsolvable.

But it must draw its knife at a clear target in order to kill the opponent.

But when the three tigers split into countless atoms and scattered on all the surrounding matter, Chu Feng was unable to lock the target.

After all, you can only use it once a day if you don't kill or draw your sword. Even if you cut off some atoms, there are still countless "three tigers".


The surrounding atmosphere about the three tigers began to dissipate.

Obviously escaped.

This guy's perception of danger is crazy.

He hasn't activated his magical skills yet.

The opponent disarmed without hesitation, and then fled.

To be honest, this was the first time that Chu Feng met such an astute person.


"Can you escape?"

Chu Feng sneered.

He didn't believe that Sanhu could maintain this atomic state for a long time.

Any secret technique that is only used to save one's life will more or less have to pay a price.

The branch in his hand turned into powder, and Boss Chu was going to wait five minutes before looking for 260 Sanhu.

He has recorded the breath of the other party, no matter where the three tigers fled, they can find it with a quick step.

"Will... President?"

Stakin, who was sprinting with all his might, sprinted to a sudden stop, and almost bumped into a big tree that 'survived'.

He never thought that the lonely three tigers would run away.

Opened his mouth slightly.

Starkin was a little speechless.

If he knew Sanhu could escape by himself, why did he rush over in such a hurry?

However, if he could go back to a few seconds ago, Starkin would still make the same choice without hesitation.

He is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, and the three tigers have saved his life.

Even knowing that there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he has no hesitation.

"Stagin, long time no see."

When he landed slowly, he saw an acquaintance, and Chu Feng raised his hand to say hello.

"Uh... Boss Chu!"

Starkin was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, seriously, he and Sanhu are in the same group.

Just now, his president did the thing of robbing the opponent's ingredients, and was beaten by the opponent and fled. .

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