Looking at the devastated and densely packed craters.

Starkin, who was already reticent, was speechless for a while.

Now he really didn't know what to say.

He rushed to rescue the president with a passion.

The other party didn't know how to run away by himself.

What is this called?

Fortunately, Chu Feng did not mention this matter.

Of course, he knew the purpose of Starkin's visit, but there was no need to point it out.

After all, Starkin is not a bad person, and he can barely be regarded as his regular customer.

Boss Chu has always been kind to regular customers.

After a long time, it seemed that the dull atmosphere was more depressing, and finally Starkin said: "Well, our president...

"Preparing to find him."

The answer is very honest, Chu Feng generally does not deceive acquaintances.


Boss Chu, it's hard for me to talk to you when you say that!

Starkin felt that the man in front of him was even worse at chatting than himself.

One sentence can kill the world.

Although he didn't know how Chu Feng would find the three tigers whose whereabouts were uncertain.

However, Sturgeon could hear an inexplicable confidence in his tone.

Thinking that the three tigers had saved his life, Stakin gritted his teeth and quickly organized his words.

"Boss Chu, forgive me for taking the liberty, can you please hold your hand high and let our president go?"

Stakin obviously seldom asks for help, his tone is relatively blunt, and at the same time he shows an embarrassed expression.

Chu Feng was dumbfounded.

Although vaguely guessed Starkin's intentions.

But he was a little surprised when the other party said it so directly.


Just as Chu Feng wanted to refuse, Stakin spoke again.

"Before the food fair, I found a fantasy creature above level 200 in the cloud continent in the northwest, and I would like to give you the information I know.

Obviously, Starkin also knew that his request was presumptuous, and he was going to trade information.

"Above level two hundred?" Chu Feng was slightly stunned: "Since you have already found a fantasy creature of the same level as the Thunder King Snake [Wang Hu, is that guy sick? You are still here to grab my spoils?"

You know, there is more than one creature on Thunder Island alone that exceeds level 200.

When Chu Feng fought against the Thunder King Snake, at least three fantasy creatures of the same level revealed their aura.

The Sanhu guy left the others to hunt and kill, and ran to grab his own stuff, did he think he was a bully?

Seeing a trace of displeasure flashing in Chu Feng's eyes, Stakin smiled wryly and said, "President...the Thunder King Snake should be of special use to him, right?"

In fact, Starkin is not sure, after all, he has not awakened the memory of his previous life and does not know the existence of the Gourmet Ghost Lord.

Although he knew that his request was rude, the pleading look in his eyes was very serious, and he just looked at Chu Feng without saying a word, as if he was waiting for the other party's reply.


I sighed in my heart.

Looking at Starkin's serious look.

The anger in Chu Feng's heart also subsided a little.

After all, a few brief contacts.

His impression of Starkin is still very good.

Moreover, Sanhu is really in a hurry, God knows what this guy can do.

The three tigers in the original work can turn the entire human world into a wasteland.

Although his current strength has been greatly reduced, there is no guarantee that there will be any radical secret techniques, which will cause a tragedy in the world.

Furthermore, Chu Feng was not sure about killing the other party completely. If the other party continued to "fight with soldiers", chasing and killing the three tigers would be a waste of time.

"Okay, but please tell that guy not to provoke me again, and next time, he won't be so lucky."

He glanced at Starkin lightly.

Chu Feng was a little envious of that guy Sanhu.

Can have such a loyal.

It's not in vain for him to recreate the gastronomy.

Although this organization is basically full of 25-year-olds and those who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

After receiving Chu Feng's reply, Stakin happily informed him about the Cloud Continent.

It was a new continent that had just appeared, in the northwest of the Angura Forest, surrounded by thick fog.

The Gourmet Club was the first to discover this new continent, and sent many people in, but except for those at the level of branch ministers who escaped by chance, no one was spared "all buried in that weird place.

Later, the Gourmet Association sent experts to investigate one after another. According to the known information, the Cloud Continent is full of clouds and mist, the recognition is very low, and the plants grow extremely fast, including dream creatures.

At least the masters of the gourmet club have never seen creatures with a size of more than ten meters on that continent, but many long fantasy creatures that resemble human animals have a capture level of more than five soldiers.

According to the research of the captured creatures by the scientific department, it was found that these guys all have one thing in common (the king's), the growth age is extremely unstable, most of them are very short, and there is even a hundred-level saber-toothed tiger, which is only three years old.

This discovery made the food society have a strong interest in this continent, and even the well-informed Sanhu didn't know what was going on.

It's a pity that his heart is concerned with the Thunder King Snake on Thunder Island, and he plans to hunt it down before going to the Cloud Continent.

Who would have thought that being cut off by Chu Feng would end up being seriously injured and running away.

In order to save the lives of the three tigers, Stakin could only tell Chu Feng the most important exploration area of ​​the Food Club.

As for the food club who are still exploring the Cloud Continent, what will happen when they meet Chu Feng?

Starkin can't care so much now.

Anyway, in the whole gourmet meeting, he was only at Ping Sanhu.

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