At this moment Lin Wei felt a little flustered.

He really didn't expect that the leader, who had always been indifferent to the Holy Sect of the Five Hells, would suddenly think of himself, and even directly asked to see him by name.

From this we can see the status of the so-called guests in Luo Hao's mind.

Facing the indifferent Luo Hao, Lin Wei leaned over and trembled, speaking incoherently.

In fact~

When Lu Yinghua arranged the evening meal, he highly praised the guests he entertained, especially in terms of cooking skills, even though he had never eaten the dishes made by Chu Feng.


It didn't stop him from flattering Boss Chu.

After all, this master is a distinguished guest of his master.

I don't know if it's good or not, but I just pick good words and praise it.

In case of inappropriate wording by myself, and it happened to reach the ears of the master, another severe beating would be inevitable.

It is naturally impossible for Lu Yinghua, who has rich experience, to make such a low-level mistake.

However, the excessive praise from outsiders made the chefs on the mountain dissatisfied.

Especially Lin Wei was a little bit unconvinced.

When he went up the mountain 60 years ago, he was already a famous chef all over the world.

These years, he has been honing his culinary skills on the mountain, and Lin Wei thought to himself that no one can compare to him, at least in terms of oriental cuisine.

A chef who has never heard of the name, somehow deceived the leader and Chief Lu, dare to claim to be a good cook?

Lin Wei wanted to try the opponent's level.

As an old man of the Holy Cult of the Five Prisons.

Lin Wei didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

It's just adding some emotions to the cooking, which is a bit of a show off.

But I never expected that the leader was alarmed.

Logically speaking, Luo Hao shouldn't be able to taste it, right?

Lin Wei secretly glanced at Chu Feng subconsciously.

for sure!

This person must have seen through his mind.

Lin Wei secretly paid, this young man has something.

At this moment, Luo Hao's voice sounded beside his ears.

"Get up, what age is it now, don't just kneel~~.

Is it me who wants to kneel?

Who in the entire forum dare not kneel when they see you?

Luo Hao has accumulated prestige in the holy religion of the five prisons for a long time.

In the eyes of the believers, it is even more like a god.

Although Lin Wei's age ranks among the top five among the five prison holy religions.

But in front of Luo Hao, he is as obedient as a child now.

Lin Wei stood up quickly, only then did he have the time to seriously look at the man sitting next to Luo Hao.

He is a very handsome young man, and he looks very calm, but his strength cannot be seen.

Although Lin Wei knew some martial arts, he spent most of his time cooking after going up the mountain, and his strength was about the same as that of ordinary congregants, so naturally he couldn't tell how deep Chu Feng was.

On the other hand, Chu Feng stared at Lin Wei with interest.

You must know that Lin Chef is rare even in the gourmet world. Although I don't know the level of cooking in the Godslayer World, it is definitely not as good as my own.

But the old man in front of him was able to comprehend the heart of cooking by his own research, and stepped into the realm of Linchu with one foot. This talent is a bit strong.

As for the little ingredients the other party added to the cooking, Chu Feng didn't take it to heart at all.

A top chef, who doesn't have a little arrogance, Dugu Qiubai is so lonely that only one eagle will accompany him for life.

"Don't worry, I asked Master Luo to call you over, just to meet the creator of this dish. y

Seeing that Lin Wei was still a little nervous, Chu Feng smiled and said, "This dish combines fragrance, crispness, refreshingness, tenderness, and smoothness perfectly. A rooster that weighs about 1.6 kilograms during the New Year's Eve is simply delicious for cooking this white chicken." It couldn't be more suitable, although the dipping sauce is nothing new, but the whole dish and your culinary heart will complement each other."

"Chef heart?"

What is this?

Lin Wei was dumbfounded.

He began to hear Chu Feng's comments on his cooking, and he nodded secretly. The other party really has some skills, and he can even tell the weight of the ingredients.

But when he heard the back, he was a little confused.

Kitchen heart?

Never heard of it!

but soon~

Lin Wei reacted.

The other party deserves to be the artistic conception that you blend into the cooking.

It turns out that this thing is called a kitchen heart, right?

Needless to say, z is very apt,

Integrating one's own emotions and culinary concepts into dishes is not the heart of cooking.

this moment~

Lin Wei finally started to face Chu Feng squarely.

No longer because the other party is Luo Hao's distinguished guest.

It's because of the other party's understanding of cooking.

He didn't know if Chu Feng took the word 'chuxin'.

Anyway, I've never heard of such a term before.

His understanding of the heart of the kitchen is all based on his own groping.

It has been very lucky to have made it this far.

And the other party can see through the ingredients not only at a glance.

What's more (better) is that he seems to know the realm of cooking very well.

Lin Wei pondered for a few seconds, and said politely: "||Dare to ask, what is so special about this chef's heart?"

In fact, he didn't know what he wanted to ask.

After studying alone for many years, the doubts in his heart have piled up like a mountain.

How to divide the realm of kitchen skills?

After the fusion of artistic conception and cuisine, what should be the next step?

What stage are you in right now?

With too many questions, Lin Wei has been feeling very confused.

Sometimes it's just like learning, the more you know, the more questions you have.

He knew he was in a bottleneck period.

But in this world where there is no subdivision of the realm of cooking skills.

Lin Wei had no choice but to study hard and meditate alone. .

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