Nameless island.

The battle between Kusanagi Godou and Marquis Vauban continued.

In fact, it's just the latter's unilateral play.

Kusanagi Godou, who had just seized the theocratic power of Veleslana.

There is no way to fully exert the power of the ten incarnations.

The Marquis of Vauban was not in a hurry either.

Summoning only part of the wolves exhausted Kusanagi Godou's bull.

Greedy Wolves!

The first power that the Marquis of Vauban usurped from Apollo Lyceus, the sun god of wolves in Greek mythology.

The sacred beast of the God of Apollo, the 'Beast of Darkness and the Earth', and the demon wolf with the color of dark rat body hair are used as familiars to summon without limit and manipulate power at will.

An individual wolf does not have the ability of a beast, but it has a sharp nose, a camel that is comparable to a horse, and the agility that can chase a car.

If it wasn't for someone with great knight-level strength, they would have fallen into a hard fight, and the wolves also had an army combat capability comparable to that of a cavalry command.

It was as if an endless pack of wolves were sprinting towards Kusanagi Godou's incarnation.

The sharp teeth and the shimmering claws continuously tore apart Kusanagi Godou's incarnation.

Erika waited for the opportunity to swim, while resisting the magic wolf that occasionally rushed towards her, while looking for a chance to rescue Mariya Yuri.

But the witches are all closely watched by the servants of death, and Mariya Yuri is also the focus of attention.

As the witch with the most powerful natural witch power, the Marquis of Vauban could not let her go easily.

High above the sky, in the wind and snow.

The young girl watched carefully the formations arranged by the witches, and said in a positive tone: "It is indeed the God-leading formation. Although it is slightly different from the Eastern formation, it is generally the same."

After hesitating for a while, she continued: "I plan to summon three gods at once, this guy is simply crazy, are you sure you don't want to stop him now?"

The latter sentence was obviously addressed to Chu Feng.

"That's right, when he completes the ceremony, there are so many gods, it will be a bit troublesome to kill."

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

It's not about worrying about too many enemies.

It's just that it's troublesome to kill.

After the supplementary explanation by the young girl.

Now Chu Feng already knows the principle of the god-leading formation.

If you do not specify the object to call.

Then you only need to arrange the most basic formation and sacrifice the life and witch power of the witch.

The success rate is not high, and it is impossible to determine who is attracted.

Another method is to find the holy relic of a certain god, and use the holy relic as a medium to forcibly summon the corresponding god.

Similarly, this method also requires witches to pay a heavy price.

This is also the reason why the Marquis of Vauban has to go all over the world to find the witch every time.

Mariya Yuri was lucky enough to survive last time, he was extremely lucky.

The wolves that besieged Kusanagi Godou paused.

The Marquis of Vauban suddenly noticed a familiar aura.

The scent of the disobedient god.

"Interesting, it managed to escape my detection.

The Marquis of Vauban looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

Before landing on the island, he had inspected the entire island to make sure that no other people or gods existed.

However, now another god of disobedience descended from the sky, as if everything was as planned.

Alexander narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Which god is it?"

Vauban shook his head: "It's a little strange, like the smell of gods in the east.

"Eastern gods, what are you doing here?"

Duny muttered something in a low voice, feeling that things were getting more and more complicated.

...seeking flowers 0


The Marquis Vauban's eyelids twitched.

He didn't know why.

I always feel that there is a great terror in the slowly falling wind and snow.

At the same time, Kusanagi Godou also stopped sprinting, standing back to back with Erica.

The two looked dignified, and they both looked at the sudden blizzard in puzzlement.

The snowflakes drifted away, revealing the figures of a man and three women.

Two ordinary women, an oriental god, and a...

The eyes of the kings instantly fell on Chu Feng.

It's not that I can see anything extraordinary from him.

It's the standing posture of four people.

Obviously this man is the main one.

"Who are you?"

The Marquis of Vauban looked solemn and his eyes were gloomy.

"A passing traveler."

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

Perhaps the young man in front of him felt a little mysterious.

The Marquis of Vauban did not choose to do it immediately.

Instead, he asked, "Your Excellency suddenly appeared, why?"

Chu Feng: "Look for someone."

Vauban: "Who are you looking for?"

Chu Feng: "The one who hunts down the gods of China."


The old Marquis was stunned at first.

Then it feels kind of innocent.

He understood the purpose of the other party.

The co-author is to avenge the gods who were lured and killed in the east.

But that matter is none of his business.

The Marquis of Vauban felt a little wronged.

At the same time very puzzled.

Staring blankly at the young girl who followed behind the mysterious man like a maid.

Vauban felt that his worldview had been greatly impacted.

When will humans and Gods of Disobedience still have this kind of relationship?

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