A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 670】Suppression Of Divinity, Whispers Of Ancient Gods!

Stupid fruit on the tree.

At this moment the Marquis of Vauban was at a loss.

Anyway, lived for so long.

He had never seen a God of Disobedience who got along so 'harmoniously' with humans.

Looking at the appearance of the oriental deity, the only thing missing is the word "servant" engraved on his forehead.

But in the impression of Vauban and others, most of the Gods of Disobedience are rebellious, violent and irritable.

It's really rare to see a god as gentle and elegant as Qingnu.

Naturally, they didn't know that when the young girl first arrived, she had a violent temper.

Only with Chu Feng's strength can he firmly suppress her, otherwise, she would be happier than anyone else.

The Marquis of Vauban looked sullenly and looked Chu Feng up and down, but he couldn't figure out the origin of the other party.

At least in his hundreds of years of memory, there has never been such a character.

"Four six three", but it is not easy for a human being who can completely obey the god of disobedience.

'Could it be that those who used [God's Call] to hunt and kill gods in the East some time ago are our priority?

At this moment, the Marquis of Vauban couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

But how can the other party be so sure that he even came here specially?

Of course he didn't know, and Chu Feng didn't know who killed Wu Gang.

It's just that he, Woban, is the oldest existence among the godslayers, and his strength is also the strongest. If he doesn't look for him first, who will he look for?

If the Marquis of Vauban knew what Chu Feng was thinking, he would be even more depressed.

"Friend, we don't have you here to find someone, leave quickly, we still have important things to do."

Owing to Chu Feng's mystery, Woban did not choose to act.

Doni and Kusanagi Godou looked at each other across the air.

The latter seems to want to take the opportunity to rescue Wan Li Gu Yuri.

But Duny gave him a calm look.

Alexander and John stared at Chu Feng and his party.

a disobedient god,

It's not enough to make them feel scruples.

But the young man in front of me,

But it made the divinity in their bodies tremble slightly.

That's right!


The godslayer kills the gods.

And because of the calculation, he took away the power of the gods.

There are divinities of varying strengths within the body.

And at this time~

The divinity within them was trembling.

It was as if he had encountered a more advanced and terrifying existence.

Did not care about the attitude of several people.

He also ignored the words of the Marquis of Vauban.

Chu Feng just chuckled lightly: "Don't chase people away in a hurry, I only have one question."





The three kings standing side by side were speechless again.

The other party, is it too disrespectful to them?

Faced with three kings at the same time, how dare you question us?

The Marquis of Vauban was a little sullen.

There is an urge to test the opponent.

But he hadn't waited for him to make a move.

The young man opposite had already spoken again.

"Please tell me, who killed Wu Gang?"

Chu Feng asked sincerely.

It's as casual as if asking passers-by if they had breakfast today.

The young girl who had been standing behind him was bewildered.


Are mortals asking questions like this now?

If the murderer who killed his brother was really among these people, how could the other party admit it?

tell the truth~

Not only young girls are confused.

Vauban and others also felt incomprehensible.

but soon~

A mysterious and mysterious feeling grew in their hearts...


A very ancient divinity!

Far older than all their known gods.

When the faint ripples are wrinkled like the surface of the swaying water.

Their minds seemed to fall into an unfathomable dark abyss, and countless deeper black worlds and suns revolved in this vast abyss, like the ultimate chaos.

Whisper of the ancient gods is not just a skill.

It represents a kind of divinity, the supreme divinity!

Chu Feng only discovered it recently.

This thing has a suppressive effect on most divinities.

In other words~

In terms of divinity, the godslayer, who can only be regarded as half a bucket of water, faced the "whispers of the ancient gods", it can be said that he was hit by a high-dimensional attack, and he was powerless to resist...

"It's not me, I've been in the beautiful country before!"

John was the first to bear the feeling of 'speaking the truth' in his heart.

Followed by Donnie: "That has nothing to do with me."

The eyes of the two were dull, as if their consciousness had been manipulated by ~, they naturally spoke the truth.

Young girl: (⊙_⊙)?

Fairy Jiangshuang from Guanghan Palace was completely dumbfounded.

It seemed impossible to believe that things were going so smoothly.

Subconsciously pinched his arm hard.

The corners of his mouth twitched twice.

The pain in her arm made her realize clearly that this was not a dream.

So what exactly is this power?

Can it actually affect the consciousness of the godslayer?

He stared straight at Chu Feng's back.

Now she just felt that the man in front of her was getting more and more mysterious.

The Marquis of Vauban was still resisting the indefensible divinity.

He can clearly realize the existence of the other party.

He also knew that the other party was constantly attacking his mind.

But it can't be stopped no matter what method is used.

That's right!

It is simply unstoppable.

this moment~

The Marquis of Vauban 2.1 is like a drowning child, who can only gradually sink in the deep and dark lake, as if completely thrown into the embrace of darkness, telling him the secrets in his heart.

His forehead was covered with sweat stains, and the proud Marquis of Vauban hadn't sweated for a long time.

Now he is like a weather-beaten old man, his face is haggard and miserable.


The sound of broken heartstrings sounded in my mind.

In the end, he still couldn't resist the whispers of the ancient gods.

"That thing, I have no sleep!"

Vauban's voice seemed to have softened a little.

Like a general who has suffered a defeat, he has been exhausted.

And at this time~

The gazes of Chu Feng and others naturally fell on the last godslayer.

Alexander Gascoigne!.

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