Did not stay long in the Godslayer world.

Chu Feng brought Tian Yu Zhan Zhan, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo and Qing Nu back to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The dragon berries in the backyard are still the same, and it seems to be a little more lush in a short period of time.

After arranging a place for Qingnv, Chu Feng went straight back to his room.

The revenge has been avenged, and she is also full of curiosity about another world.

After only staying in the room for a while, I visited the restaurant on the first floor with Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, and then the two went shopping together, having a great time.

Chu Feng did not interfere with this. Although Qingnv didn't have a physical body, as long as she wanted to, she would look no different from a real person, and mortals would not be able to see the difference in her.

Boss Chu is currently studying the divinity that has just been devoured.

Alexander's powers are divided into five categories.

[Electric Light and Flint]: The power of the fallen angel 'Lemiel' who is in charge of thunder and illusion, the ultra-high-speed movement technique that entangles lightning, accompanied by the signs of sparks walking, enters the world of unparalleled speed, and has the lightness of a cat motor nerves. It has a wide range of applications, such as speed control, creating clones and flying, making others in a state of super speed, making the body lighter than paper, covering breath, and super speed without sound or shadow.

[Goddess of Nemesis]: The power of Erinyes, the three goddesses of revenge in ancient Greek mythology, summons the three goddesses of revenge to form a field of revenge, and returns all attacks and curses to the attacker. It's not a simple rebound, but a multiplied return of the hit damage.

[Queen without Face]: The power of the legendary half-human, half-snake goddess Meluxin summons Meluxin herself as a mermaid queen as a familiar. The upper body is a red-haired woman with white bird wings, and the lower body is It has a body of a snake and a figure with fins on its tail. It throws water spears to fight, and it can easily smash steel.

[Greedy Magic Ball]: The power of the behemoth Behemoth creates a black sphere with a diameter of 20 to 30 meters, which attracts and binds the opponent. Under the terrible attraction like a black hole, even a god is not easy to break free.

[Maze of Chaos]: The power of Minos, the god of the earth and the labyrinth, creates a huge maze in the ground and buildings to pull the opponent in. The sky and the sea can also be used as objects, and change into the forest of confusion and magic according to the unfolding terrain. When constructing a labyrinth on the ground, such as the sea area, it is necessary to know the surrounding terrain in advance.

Alexander's power was very practical.

Almost all the advantages of the mage warlock.

speed, call, trap, microphone

These methods alone are enough to make Alexander invincible most of the time.

If he hadn't encountered an ancient god who was inherently restraining him, even if he faced Woban, Luo Hao and the like head-on, he wouldn't necessarily lose.

It is a pity that he met Chu Feng, a man who does not belong to the world of godslayers.

Regardless of mental power, physical strength, or own skills...

Chu Feng is all ahead of Alexander.

And at this time~

The divinity of the ancient gods is devouring and dismantling the five powers of Alexander.

At the same time~

Chu Feng also discovered that the disassembled powers are gradually merging with his own skills.

A bit similar to Limulu's great sage, but the fusion speed is obviously far faster than that slime.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling welled up in his heart, and Chu Feng could even clearly feel the improvement of his divinity.

it won't take a moment~

Chu Feng casually clicked on the personal interface.

【Name】: Chu Feng

【Age】: 21 years old

【Praise number】: 18888/100000

[Comprehensive index]: 18500 (average of ordinary people is 10)

[Chef Level]: Dragon Level

[Chef's Heart]: Peace is the most precious, a grand road, no phases of all beings (Phantom Heart, Gourmet Regeneration)

[Food Skills]: Meals on the plate, Shura's liquid

[Kitchen utensils]: Eternal Spirit Knife, Zhuanlong Pot, Jade Dragon Pot, Mosheng Bronze Ware, Garou Luo Knife, Seven Star Knife of Pojun

[Points]: 302,000

[Skills]: Divine Taste, Divine Vision, Chinese Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Knife Skill, Fire Skill, Cooking...

[Secret Skills]: Divine Walking Step, Holy Sword Excalibur, Devil's Eye of Immediate Death, Do not kill without drawing the sword, 100% empty-handed sword, super-S sacrificial halo, immortal golden body, ancient god's whisper, holy light, time The law, the dream of yellow beams, the labyrinth of greed...

[Recipe]: Concubine Xiao, Shenglong Dumplings, Magical Mapo Tofu, Golden Egg Fried Rice, Unifying Six Kingdoms Fried Noodles...

In fact, Boss Chu has not paid attention to the personal interface for a long time.

Strength and culinary skills have reached the level they are today.

The value of the personal interface is irrelevant.

Take today's top combat power as an example.

Chu Feng, whose composite index (Qianqianhao) is close to 20,000, is already at the ceiling of this world, an invincible existence.

And since the number of positive reviews exceeds 10,000 and the multi-dimensional store model is opened, the next upgrade requires 100,000 positive reviews, and there is a long way to go.

In contrast, Chu Feng paid more attention to the fusion of skills.

Lightning and Flint are integrated into Divine Walking, Nemesis and Faceless Queen are integrated into Super S Sacrifice Halo, and Greedy Magic Ball and Chaos Maze are kneaded together to form a Greedy Labyrinth with two power characteristics.

There is no doubt that Chu Feng's original divine skills have been strengthened, and their power performance is even better than before.

Nodding in satisfaction, closing the personal interface, Boss Chu decided to cook a table of sumptuous dishes for the evening.

Well, let's celebrate!.

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