
The sun was setting.

The afterglow of dusk shines into Maple Leaf Pavilion through the window.

Add a touch of gold to a quaint dining room.

Chu Feng is busy in the kitchen.

Erina and Kikuchi Sono were also helping inside.

Said to help.

In fact, the proportion of stealing teachers is a little heavier.

Although Erina has passed the examination of a special chef.

But here at Chu Feng, there is still a lot to learn.

"Chu Feng, what do you use to make Feilong Soup?"

Erina asked while handling the auxiliary materials.

The wine-red eyes were extraordinarily bright under the light, full of curiosity.

"Concave Pterosaur!"

"Level 4 ingredients?"

Kikuchi Sonoka, who had a perfect body and a beautiful curve outlined by the tight chef's uniform, was slightly taken aback.

Feeling a little surprised.

It's not that Pterosaurs are not suitable for making soup. 810

It's just that Boss Chu uses level 4 ingredients, which seems to be a bit cheap.

Before the two of them could ask, Chu Feng said with a smile: "The level of ingredients doesn't mean anything, and there is no distinction between high and low. When cooking, there are only ingredients that are most suitable for a certain dish."

Erina wondered: "According to what you said, I am suitable for making Feilong soup with a concave jaw? It can't be because both of them have a dragon character?"

Chu Feng couldn't help laughing: "Am I that vulgar? Go and read the "Gourmet Illustrated Book" seriously first!"

Erina put down the Eternal Soul Knife, washed her hands and dried them, and went to the small table in the corner of the kitchen to pick up the book with a light gray cover on it.

Food Guide!

The book that Chu Feng snatched from the gourmet club.

Most of the known fantasy ingredients are recorded in it.

【Name】: Concave jaw pterosaur

【Capture level】:4

[Habitat]: mountainous areas, cliffs (cjfi) [body length]: 5m

【Height】: 3m

【Weight】: 1.5t

[Price]: 100g/9000 yen

[Introduction]: The pterosaurs living in mountain areas and cliff caves are called "concave-jawed pterosaurs" because of their sunken jaws.

But the unique name is contrary to the reality, and it has become a premium ingredient at a wholesale price of 60,000 yen per kilogram.

Except for the meat, bones and tongue can be boiled into a very thick and mellow soup without any condiments, and the soup maintains the original taste.

Therefore, the soup made from the bones of the concave jaw "Ognatha ramen" has also won high popularity among ramen families who are picky about their tongues.

Quickly find content about "Concave Pterosaur".

Erina read it carefully.

But I didn't find any records above that are suitable for making Feilong soup?

Seemingly seeing her confusion, Chu Feng explained while exchanging for the Copterosaurus, "Flying Dragon Soup is a famous dish in Heilong Province. Its raw material is to remove the hair and internal organs of hazel chicken, and then cook it in high broth."

"This dish doesn't need any condiments, what is needed is to ensure the original taste. Hazel chicken is delicious and nutritious, suitable for nourishing soup, and it has the same effect as the bone and tongue of Copterosaurus."

"Just because of this?" Erina blinked her eyes for a moment, then rolled her eyes, feeling that Chu Feng was completely debating.

In fact, dreamy ingredients are suitable for making soup, and there are not a few ingredients that can be used to make Feilong soup. The concave jaw dragon is just a raw material.

Chu Feng smiled and did not explain. Some things can only be understood after they are eaten.

Kikuchi Sonoka didn't delve into this topic.

Her knowledge of Chinese cuisine is far less than Erina's.

Now I can only hear it as a surprise.

After a pause, she asked curiously, "What about the main course? What are you going to do?"

"Stir-fried shrimp with Longjing tea, braised bamboo shoots in oil, crystal trotters, stewed lion's head with crab powder, stewed chicken with yellow mud..."

The names of the dishes spit out from Chu Feng's mouth one by one, Erina and Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo salivated.

Not only because they have never eaten many dishes, but also because today these dishes will come from Chu Feng's people.

Boss Chu has become more and more lazy recently, and it is not an easy task to try his new dishes.

I met him in a good mood today, and everyone is so oral.

More importantly, tonight's dishes are all made with dreamy ingredients.

Erina and Kikuchi Sono were busy in the kitchen.

Yukihira Sōma and Hisaga Teruki were washing dishes in the corner.

From time to time, his wandering eyes drifted towards the direction of the kitchen counter.

As for Yoshino Yuuki and Ryoko Sakaki, newcomers who just joined Maple Leaf Pavilion.

At this time, I am not eligible to participate in the kitchen.

Cleaning the table, sweeping the floor and handling the dishes is their main job now.

Tianyu Zhanzhan and Miyano Akemi were lying on the dining table bored, staring straight at the busy figure in the kitchen, as if they could never tire of watching it, and gradually became a little crazy.

Hui Yuanai and Kang Na looked at the two nympho women in a speechless manner, not knowing what ecstasy soup Chu Feng had poured into them recently.

Although they admit that Boss Chu is very good-looking, seeing each other every day will always make her feel tired. Anyway, the two little guys are basically immune to Jin Feng's handsomeness now.

The time of waiting for delicious food always passes very slowly, especially when the aroma constantly coming out of the kitchen arouses everyone's greed, and their throats are unconsciously throbbing.


When everyone was jumping back and forth between the two emotions of anticipation and suffering.

The first course is served. .

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