A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 674】Tor's Father, Emperor Yan Finally Came?

"Wow! Crystal trotters!?"

An excited voice sounded.

Seems a little familiar.

Chu Feng in the kitchen looked out.


The owner of the voice is the useless angel.

"Gabriel, you are a dog, you come here when you smell it?"

Chu Feng shook his head, not surprised by Jia Baili's sudden visit.

At most, I am curious about when the other party's god walking is so accurate~.

Behind Gabriel, Wei Nai, Gail, Erma and Lukoa are also there.

Well, they are all tenants of Sakura Apartments.

Ever since Gabriel's older sister came, she became obsessed with the delicacies of the world, and started working as a human diplomat. During this time, she has been living with Gabriel.

And Elma and Lukya rented Chu Feng's house, and now they have integrated into the lives of ordinary people.

The former became a company employee and engaged in program development, while the latter joined a gym and became a fitness instructor.

This group of tenants came over suddenly, and they were still walking like crazy, what happened?

Chu Feng didn't care about their recklessness.

After all, everyone is so familiar.

He also didn't turn on the automatic defense function of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

And I believe that if there is no urgent matter, the mature and stable Lukoa will not allow Gabriel to do this.

Just as he was about to ask, he found several women staring at the only dish on the table.

Shaking his head and laughing, Chu Feng took back the question he wanted to ask in time, and said, "Since you're here, let's wait a little longer and talk about it when we have something to eat.

It's already open for business at noon today, and there won't be any guests coming in the evening, so let's hold a family reunion.

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't blame him for coming uninvited, Jia Baili immediately smiled, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The long-lost free food did make her a little excited.

Elma and the others took their seats one after another.

Lukya, full of maternal love, calmly looked at Chu Feng who was busy in the kitchen, and suddenly said, "Where is Thor? Why didn't you see her?"

"She has gone to the branch store, and she can't leave for the time being." Chu Feng smiled.

"Boss Chu, have you opened a branch?" Jia Baili was confused.

Recently, she was busy with part-time work, so she came to Maple Leaf Pavilion less often. She didn't know how many branches Chu Feng had opened.

Wei Nai nodded slowly: "No wonder you have a lot of people here, are they all new employees?"

Erina pouted: "I'm not his employee!"

How could the proud queen, the commander-in-chief of Tōtsuki, help others to work.

Although what she is doing now is no different from a shop assistant.

"Thor isn't here? That's fine!"

Lukoya nodded slightly, seemingly relieved.

It seems that Thor's absence is a good thing.

'Is it about Thor?"

While cooking, Chu Feng was thinking about the purpose of Lukya and the others.

Since the matter has something to do with Thor, wouldn't his father-in-law finally come?

Chu Feng was a little absent-minded, and in the end he just didn't want to think too much, and listen to what Lukya has to say later.

"Fried shrimp, braised bamboo shoots in oil, stewed chicken..."

Every time a dish was served, the name of the dish popped out of Gabriel's mouth.

Although some of the names are wrong, they are roughly right about the main material.

"What day is it today? Boss Chu wants to show off his skills?"

Gabriel was surprised.

These things, usually may not be able to eat.

Moreover, she didn't know the names of many dishes, so even if she saved enough money to come over for a meal, she wouldn't be able to order them.

Smelling the rich aroma and feeling the energy coming from the dinner plate, Gabriel and the others looked at each other, knowing that today was a lucky day.

The dishes are all made of dreamy ingredients. Isn’t this delicious food?

…… Ask for flowers…………

A table of sumptuous dishes was finished, and after Chu Feng sat down, everyone picked up their chopsticks.

"Tell me, is it Thor's father?"

Chu Feng doesn't like to beat around the bush.

"Let me just say, as long as Thor is mentioned, Boss Chu will definitely be able to guess it.

Elma glanced at Lukoya with a smile on her lips.

Thor was discovered by her father to fall in love with humans, and she was delighted to hear it, but she also gloated a little at the same time.

Why did Thor beat her into the ground seven or eight times back then, even sinking the island, and now thinking about it, she still has a dull headache.

Lukya stared at Chu Feng blankly.

After a long time, she nodded slightly and said: "The fact is just as you imagined, Emperor Yan finally came.

"As one of the oldest dragons, you shouldn't be so worried?"

Chu Feng expressed the doubts in his heart.

Lukya is the oldest dragon family.

A body of strength is not covered.

Although it has been fully integrated into human life now.

But the strength will not be sealed.

Even if he loses to Emperor Yan Yan, he shouldn't be sad.

And Chu Feng has no doubts.

The opponent is roughly aware of his strength.

Even if Emperor Yan finally came in person, there was nothing he and Maple Leaf Pavilion could do.


Although in the original book, because Emperor Yan finally opposed Thor and Xiaolin being together, he once went out of the people.

But it was more because of the concept of gender, which made the old concept of Emperor Yan unable to accept it for a while.

He, Chu Feng, is a serious man, the old father-in-law shouldn't be shouting and beating him as soon as he comes up, right?

Um, probably.

Chu Feng was not sure either.

Seeing that Lukya was slightly silent, and there seemed to be something unspeakable, Chu Feng continued to ask: "Or, is there something wrong with your world, or with the Emperor Yan?".

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